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    1. Madani 9 yrs ago


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Hearing the words addressed to her, the woman stops. She inspect the appearance of her caller and smiled. "No worries young miss, I'm fine just like this" She said, pushing her chest high to show her confidence. The men behind her seems to be used with this kind of thing and just simply watch over the conversation. "Furthermore, I'm not comfortable with tight clothing" she add. But even though she said that, that outfit of hers sure do not provide any additional protection, hardly qualify as an armor. However the woman still proudly proclaim that she's fine like that.

"My name is Ky. Ask other people about me, I'm sure they will answer you" With attitude of a famous artist, she walk off and her party member quickly follow. Was that just baseless-confidence or she's skillful enough to not rely on actual armor. Regardless whichever it is, her attitude is annoying in general.

Soon after a familiar figure shows up from inside the restaurant. It is the giant armored man, Aian. It appears he have finished his medical treatment just now. "It seems Miss Ky went off already. Too bad, I was hoping to talk with her again" the man said, probably speaking to himself.
As happily as he chew the beef he ordered, Arl also concerned about his friend's "bad" habit. However Arl himself is not man of justice, as long he can get what he want he won't bother anyone. Even so he still impressed of the nasty thief's skill to 'collect' stuff so easily. Taking a quick glance towards the documents the doctor Mirfi had gave them, Arl quickly lost interest. Reading isn't his specialty, in fact he hates it. The only thing he can decently read is map and kid books, simply because it have illustration on them. Arl then tossed the documents towards Iwa who seems to be more suited for this kind of thing.

While all male party member seems to be enjoying their meal, the only female member, Erva, is outside, uninterested in simple free meal. As she waits outside the restaurant, a figure of a masculine woman shows up in front of her. That woman is pretty tall, around 180cm, wearing a light armor and a rather big sword. From the looks of it, she is adventurer just like them. She's accompanied by a group of man who seems to be her party member.

"That was quite big haul!"

Happily cheered one of the man, looking incredibly happy, same goes for other man. The woman in exchange, just lightly smile confidently, seems to be satisfied as well. Their conversation continue as they passing by.

"The newly discovered Zardan cavern is truly like gold mine. Rare monsters roaming around and their remnants are good stuff to sell."

"Indeed, we should thank Aian for finding the place"

"But still, having to order special menu at that restaurant for the information is just..."

"Can't be helped right, he can't go against that married couple"

"Yeah, I wonder why"

"Dunno, from what I heard he--"

The conversation fades away as the group walk further and further.
The event where Rush call everyone around after 2 days of inactivity has became a daily route. Like an alarm telling me it's time to make a post.
Aian later taken to medical room by the lab coat lady. After taking note of everyone's order, Arte bowed and go to the counter, putting on the order to the kitchen. Gin, after expressing his gratitude for taking the request, walk to the second floor, resuming the work he had left earlier. It didn't took long for the food to arrive and Arl happily devour his meal. "Oi, it's here!" Arl happily call Dodger while munching the beef steak he ordered. Compared to other party member, Erva doesn't seem to keen about eating. 'Well, she probably will get better once we go out there' Arl thought.

Several minutes later, the lab coat lady approached them, bringing several sheet of papers. "These are the documents and data you need. It's an easy task, I need you to watch over the area for three nights up in the southern hill, we prepared a small Inn up there specially for this occasion. Just make sure monster to not get close to the field. Show your adventurer ID to the people there and they will prepare your place to stay" After finishing her explanation, the woman walk back into the medical room but then stopped and turned.

"I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Mirfi. If you got wounded or anything, go to my place here, I'll treat you all real good"
The married couple welcomed the adventurers into their proud restaurant. As the adventurers step their feet into the restaurant, they were welcomed by all the waitress inside. After leading them to their seats, one of the waitress hand out the menu. The food listed varies and the prices are considerably low. Apparently the restaurant brought all their ingredients straight from the harvest site nearby thus keeping the prices considerably low and ensure their freshness.

After talking to people on the counter, Arte approached the adventurers. "As I mentioned before it's all free. And also, there is an inn above so if you people are looking a place to stay, we're more than delighted to have you all in" Arte politely informed. Meanwhile, Gin pay no heed to his missing pouch or maybe he just didn't notice that. In the end, he never touched the subject. After deciding it's the right time to start, the manager, Gin straighten his posture and start his explanation.

"Well then, I'll first start with the reason they doing *cough* such thing..."

Just few days ago a young waitress in-training named Mau went missing when she went out on an errant. One of the kid in the town apparently sees her being carried unconscious by a man wearing black robe. Mau is a nice kid who liked by many, and Aian, especially, is very fond of her and take care of her like his own little sister. Hearing that she is kidnapped, he couldn't help but to take action. Since rumor about a bandit clan is famous around the area one of the kid proposed to 'ambush' them.

"Well, that roughly what happened. My wife and I have been looking for her actually, but we got our hand full with other thing"

Gin lower his head after he finish. However that is no concern for the adventurers. Now that they've arrived to a town, they able to take on get some money through quests from this town Adventurer guild and fill-in their resources. Furthermore, this restaurant is also an Inn so they've pretty much secured place to sleep.

Shortly after, a woman emerge from one of the room. She's wearing a white lab coat and has surgery equipment right on her wrist. Her appearance normally would count as that of a doctor, however in this world, nearly all medical treatment is done by magic making physical treatment mostly unnecessary.

"Oh manager, there you are. I just receive news from the southern hill, it seems monsters start appearing again around the area, hindering our people from delivering our order. And from what I heard from the chef, we're starting to run out of ingredients as well. I suggest we sent Aian to... wait, what happened?"

Noticing the wounded man, the woman couldn't help but to be surprised.

"Well, this is bad. Should I issue a request on the broad?"

By the broad it would be the quest broad where Adventurer take on quests. Since this restaurant also managed Adventurer Guild issues, the broad is set right inside the restaurant. Arl look over other party member. Even if they don't want to help searching from the missing girl, they will still have to take on quests to gather money for their next trip.
"My, how flattering" replied the beautiful waitress to Dodger's words.

However the other party member doesn't seem to be as welcoming as him. It can't be helped, being randomly attacked by group of children and an muscle-idiot, one would expect this is some kind of bad joke. Iwa warned the curious thief to back off and Erva even aimed her bow at them. However, despite of Erva's intimidation, the waitress did not even flinched. She just continue to plaster the business smile of hers. Meanwhile, the silver haired man were taken aback but nothing more than that. Both of their faces were completely clam, despite the danger in front of them. To begin with, do they even count this as a danger?

"Oh, apologies for not introducing myself. My name is Gin, the manager of the place my wife had mentioned" the silver mam, Gin, calmly introduce himself. "I get your worries and concern, but fear not. We're people from the town just beyond this hills" Gin then faced backward, pointing to the direction where the adventurer party were actually going for.

"Wait a second, from the map we got, there aren't any town in this place, only a small village"

Arl finally speak out, taking out of the map they got in the previous town from the carriage. Gin then walk in and casually take a look at the map.

"Oh, about that, actually stuff happened and we do some renovation over the place. We will explain it along the way, please follow us"

Gin then approached the collapsed man, Aian, and slap him several time. After a shake or two, Aian finally woke up, confused of the current situation. After hearing some explanation from Gin, Aian finally stands up and approached the adventurer.

"I'm terribly sorry for my foolish action!!!" Aian shouted, loud. It seems this man don't even know what 'holding back' is. After that Aian approached the carriage and pushed it from behind. "Phew, now this should do it" said the man proudly after single-handedly pushed the carriage over the hole.

"Now then, shall we go"

After telling the kids to return home, Gin then lead they way to the town he mentioned.

After few minutes of walking you will see it. The town of Kastra, surrounded by beautiful green hills and flourish land. Being the main pathway to three nearby kingdoms, it often visited by travelers. This land used to be ruled by the merchant guild, being in full control of all market distribution. However, four years ago, a married couple visited the land and build a restaurant. Soon they joined the merchant guild, but after a mysterious incident all other members of the merchant guild went missing, leaving the husband, Gin, in charge. In the past four years, the land have massively grown. The place that used to be nothing but resting place for travelers now have become a destination to go to.

And being the center of all of it is Demon-Den Restaurant, owned and managed by Gin. Not only function as a place to eat, Demon-Den also operates as the town's Adventurer Guild where adventurers take on quests. Going to left wing area you will find equipment store where you can buy armor, weapons and more for adventurer to prepare themselves for quests. The second floor is an Inn where traveler rests to relieve their fatigue. Not to mention, there's also a doctor here. Seeing so many things in one place would make people wonder, just how can a simple restaurant that run by pair of married couple can achieve such a feat?

"Well then, I'm sure you all have lots of question in mind and we're obliged to answer that. But as apology allow us to serve you all with our menu, all free. Today special is our most praised, Omelet rice!"

The wife, Arte, happily announced.
Rule are meant to be broken... I guess.
<Snipped quote by Madani>

Don't control other people's characters!

Ah, that part. I assume Dodger was in a fighting pose when he said "Give us all yer loot, 'n' we'll let ya off with a warnin' 'ow does that sound?". but then return to normal after he notice the misunderstanding. Sorry about that.
Do any of you have anything in mind about the current story? Like "I want this happen" or "I want to do this" and such. Please say so. It's kinda sad(?) that I'm the only one who decide the whole thing, this is group activity after all.
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