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    1. Madsammy13 10 yrs ago


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as the arena match started the mandalorians started laughing their a opponents as anakin put his helmet on one of their oppenents tried to shoot him but anakin grabed both his lightsabers and started deflecting thier bulets acting as a shield while the others ran u being a destraction anakin used force crush on one of them killing him instantly and then processed to decapitate the other two bounty hunters and then proceed to say thats what we do

"a round of you finest drinks for everyone" he shouted aloud "we are celebreating me and my men killing the most powerful rodian but if you want proof about how powerful we are come face us in the arena in a death match" he mandalorian shouted at that moment there 3 biggest rivals came up to them challengeing them "fine we accept we will fight you right now " he then returned to tell the guy in the corner how to watch arena matchs and where to watch them
"that guy over there looks like is lost lets go talk to him " " hey whats your name " mine is anakin nice helmet" why don't you have a free drink on me" as he goes to get the drink 3 mercs come up to him and try to shoot wich he responds with deflecting the bolts with his lightsaber and klling one of them.
" do you think he will fall for the bait " " I am positive he will anyway lets get some drinks while we wait for him" as he said while he took his helmet off
' hey we know where your from and what your name is so meet me at the cantina and if you don't know where it is look to see where most people go hope to see you soon '
"hey guys found our favourite rodian lets go talk to him about our other little problem " ( the four talked for 5 mins) "thanks for all the information but time for you to die nothing personal just buissness" 'bang' the rodian dead on the floor his blood pouring everywhere. the madalorian just before leaving left a letter on the corpse for crimson sealed with there with insigna
" we need you to find who that guy was that stopped us becoming ledgends but one thing don't talk to him " the mandalorian said and just as they were leaving the cantina some guy spilled their drink on the mandalorian so he took out his lightsaber as a warning and the guy appolgized. the group then left the cantina and went to track that rodian down
"damn it all we have been hit give up the chase boys we will find him later" they flewback to their base for repairs and to find out who the hell that person was from some of their most reliable sources but none them knew who he was or where he came from. " it is as if just appeared out of nowhere.We need to get a spy on this guy at once "the mandalorian said furiosly
" what the hell is that" "hmm" time to use some force lightning on this crazy thing" he shot the force lightning at the dragon and it hit the creatures wing the creature flying away back to its master. the angered Mandalorians chased after it in there ship
The Mandalorians finally got to the vantage point where they could see both the rodian and a human he was talking to as they prepared to open fire. The human spotted them and warned the roidian. the Mandalorians missed. Furiously they shot near the human as a warning telling him they have messed with the wrong people.
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