Avatar of Mattie_
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    1. Mattie_ 10 yrs ago
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Containing only a bed, desk, chair, and dresser, the room was small and the ceiling a tad low. An overlarge, pitch black curtain hanging securely across the only window ensured only the barest hint of light was admitted. This dim illumination revealed stone walls and a wooden floor -- though one could hardly see the floor due to the piles of clothes strewn across it.

A small lump lay upon the aforementioned bed, outlined by a thick comforter. Two soft, furry ears of a lavender color were all that peeked out above the top of the comforter. An ear twitched once, then twice more, followed by a soft sigh. With both arms, Moira threw back the covers with a dramatic flourish, briefly leaving her arms hanging in the air before they fell back to bump against the headboard, eliciting a clinking sound.

Still blinking the sleep from her eyes, the girl glanced up at the origin of the sound -- a pair of fuzzy handcuffs hanging from the headboard. She smirked, the events of the night before rushing back to her. Mustering her willpower, Moira rolled out of bed, twisting so that her feet found the floor first, followed by a graceful arch of her back as she slowly rose upright.

A head of dark violet hair swayed and settled, reaching down a bare back to hang just over the girl's similarly bare hips. Moira stretched, yawning, before absently picking through the clothes on the floor for a suitable combination of garments. Underclothes, stockings, and a dark purple dress were pulled on one by one until she stood fully dressed in the center of her room, a discarded shirt partially underfoot. With a bit of concentration, Moira urged her newest appendage to fetch her newest posession from atop her desk. With a deft curl and flick, Moira's cat tail sent the Artifact atop the desk into her waiting palms. She fixed the smooth dark leather of the collar around her neck, the the cold metal ring at the front sending pleasant goosebumps down her spine.

Time to start the day~

What is an Artificer?

Artificer: Elemental Mages that draw their powers from the enchanted armors they wear and weapons they wield. These are called “Artifacts” -- equipment forged from the remains of powerful magical flora and fauna at great cost.

You have just received your first Artifact. Congratulations!

As a ward living off of Kingdom taxes for up to the last sixteen years of your life, you’ll need it to pay off all that accumulated debt... Or be forcibly drafted into the Kingdom’s military!

You can’t say you haven’t been prepared, the Orphanage has provided the best education and military training (a moderate amount of) money can provide. (You’ll have to pay for this education as well. Even though the schooling and training was mandatory. It’s almost as if they want you saddled with an impossible debt...)

Like every Ward, you have until your 18th birthday to pay off your debt (and vacate the orphanage). That gives you just under two years, so there’s no time to waste!

What you learned in School


The Elements

Character Creation

About the World

Discord Server Link: discord.gg/nP8HQat

Where did everybody gooo

At least I got to post again
"Maybe Torrens was discovered? I'll go ahead and see what's happening." Narza calls out to Athinar as she slips through the sturdy wooden palisade walls and floats off toward the rising smoke in the midst of the town. Flying high into the sky, she is able to make out columns of smoke rising from a central building in the town, and smaller fires in the vicinity, with small figures streaming out of the center building. If these were the guards that her groups was supposed to assassinate, it wouldn't do to have them spreading out across the city.

The shortest path between two points was a line. Unobstructed by any obstacles, Narza went from street to street and alley to alley, forming thick walls of us to block off the guards. While she seemingly placed the walls at random around the guardhouse, she left the street leading to Athinar's gate clear, with all offshoots sealed off. She hoped that with a street clear, the guards would just flock down that street instead of trying to break down walls.

So how do I do that then?

I can't say I recommend going through Empyrean; The Fire King's Crown. Balothiss doesn't seem nearly fireproof enough. Once he learns a few more spells though, he should come meet Narza. I have a feeling she'll take a liking to him, especially if Balothiss learns some element-neutral spells.
Posted >.<

Feeling pretty guilty about taking so long...

I suppose we still have to wait on Shukra, Umbra, and Kor anyways...
Narza listens with surprising focus as Athinar gives his orders. Typically she would be goofing off in the background, staying invisible so no one could chide her for insubordination, but after the incident just before the crew had left, Narza was considerably more wary of Athinar now. She nods carefully at Athinar as she receives her orders, watching his soul anxiously for any sign of a change. The presence he had briefly shown earlier felt instinctively more dangerous than anything else she'd felt before, save probably the Master himself. Athinar continues speaking without so much as a slight perturbation and Narza relaxes.

She keeps pace behind Athinar easily as they move toward the one of the gates, floating silently and invisibly over the grass. She leaves a few wisps of fog around her body to let the others know where she was roughly. It would be easy enough to spot up close, but impossible to make out from a distance.
Narza cheers at the end of Anthinar's speech, running a hand through Athinar's hair absently. Although Narza wasn't too focused on the success of the plan, she understood that she wouldn't be allowed to indiscriminately kill the townies, meaning that only the priests from the temple would be up for grabs. Luckily, the plan placed her directly at the temple, and even better, they'd be killing the priests as one big group! From Derrik's sly and logical point of view, the plan was also tactically sound, and he had no objections to voice to Narza.

"I like it! I call the souls of everyone that dies though." Narza announces carefully, making sure everyone was clear on that. She glares at Azavarn for good measure, since the guy did funny things with souls that prevented her from eating them.I don't trust his hat, it's too curvy. Narza thinks to herself, narrowing her eyes at the demon.
Finally back home! It's so nice to be back on a computer again. I'll be posting in a moment, although Narza won't really have much to add.

Also, I've come to the sad realization that Narza won't be learning any new magic at the current rate of things. All she's going to be eating are priests and paladins, who use holy magic she can't use anyways.

It'd be nice if there was a Mage Guild Branch in the Regional Capital that could attempt to offer some resistance.
Aside from mages, I suppose Adventurers would be rather formidable as well.

Actually, Adventurers would be more common at these remote towns than heroes since they'd only stop in at nearby towns to resupply, whilst heroes are probably basking in glory in larger towns.
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