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    1. May 10 yrs ago


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Beatrix sighed and rolled her eyes at him some. "Well, thank you for that, " she said, sounding not very thankful at all. She doubted that he would show them on if they asked, and Roger had said that he was friend with the captain so she saw no point in not just going on board and finding the man himself.

So she swept past him, gesturing Roger after her as she went. It took her a moment before she could orientate herself, but she struck out with confidence down a hallway and was right in choosing as she brought them right to the bridge like the mechanic had said the captain was likely to be found.

And sure enough, Will was there in his chair, sitting sideways in it with his long legs over the arm. He was reading over the newspaper, glasses perched on his nose when he looked up at the sound of feet in the bridge. He blinked in a moment of surprise before he folded up the paper and swung his legs back over to stand up. "Well well, long time no see," he said, extending a work roughed hand to Roger with a grin spread wide on his face. "What brings you and this fine lady to my humble ship?"


Rebeca smiled at her some. "No," she said in answer to her question about anyone being hurt. "Nothing damaged aside from the ship some, and someone's pride a little." She sipped at her drink a bit more before she went on. "I was hoping you might be so inclined to come back with me to the Valkyrie. Might be in née of your help. Even if just to carry parts back with me." Though it was obvious that Rebeca was after much more than just the errand running.
☆ Helena ☆
Nox Mission

Helena smiled at Annabeth when she was sure she was alright, adjusting even back into place and double checking her own weapons as she got things situated again. Everything was there except for the one she'd lost in that bastard up above. It she assumed up above. She wasn't entirely sure where they were in relation to where they'd come from. They might have gone sideways she supposed.

She took the knives that Althalus offered begrudgingly. He needn't be such an ass about everything. Not everyone could have as man years of experience as him, yet he seemed to expect her to be just as good. "How are you so certain that's the way out?" She asked as she tucked the knives away into her belt and such, places that would he easy for her to get to. "Because this looks like a maze to me and I haven't fucking clue how to get out."
She'd been on a few airships in her life. Only a few though. So the sight of all of them moored up was awe inspiring. She walked with her eyes focused on the ships, trusting that Roger would make sure that she didn't walk into anyone. Thankfully she made it there without any incident and stood looking at the Valkyrie. She was an old ship. But she was well loved, that was obvious.

When Roger spoke with the other man, she brought her attention over to him at last, looking confused. "I'm sure," Bea replied, not sounding it. People who self boasted of being the best rarely ever were. "Is the captain here, now though?"

The man crossed his arms over his chest, looking behind him for a moment. "He is," he said simply, not stopping them from going aboard, but not being overly welcoming either.


Rebeca murmured her thanks for her drink, taking a sip from it before replying. "Sorta," she shrugged. "He said I could find you here and I decided to come down. A drink sounded good after all." She pulled a little cigarette case out of a pocket on her skirt, pulling a cigarette out of it and laying it open on the bar top with a gesture to Estella that she could have one if she wished.

She didn't light it up right away, but instead held it in her fingers as she looked at the other woman. "That thing you said was a problem, was one. This afternoon. And the fool had the audacity to blame you. Said you must have done something to it because you couldn't have known otherwise."
Beatrix gave Ms. Mortimer a little shrug as she buttoned up her coat. "Dully noted," she said simply. She knew that she wanted her home, but she wasn't certain that she'd be coming back until after the dinner hour was over or not, so she didn't say one way or the other.

She was surprisingly quiet for her, mostly fuming in silence as they walked. There was no point in raging about someone who was truly only trying to look out for her well being. If she wasn't so ridiculous about everything, Bea wouldn't mind so much. Especially with Roger. He'd proven he was a gentleman, that he also only looked out for Bea's well being and that he wasn't after anything immodest with her.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that," she said after a few moments. "I shouldn't have reacted like that."


Rebeca was not at all surprised by the reaction she git when she came into the tavern. That was rather common. She was pretty enough to turn the eye of a few men, buy add in her red hair and suddenly she was very desirable to many. She smiled sweetly at the man who was the quickest to approach her. "Of course I am," she laughed, waving a little at the waitress who did little to discourage her would be suitor.

Before she could answer further, Estella was there, butting in. She waved at John as she was steered away, laughing a little bit. That she wasn't surprised to see her didn't escape Rebeca any. "I'm used to it," she smiled. "He was at least relatively nice about it. I mean, he kept his hands to himself, that's better than a lot of men, sadly."

She assumed that they'd be there long enough to have a drink. So when they were at the bar, she got the barkeep attention and order herself a mug of ale.
Beatrix sighed heavily as she finshed gathering up her papers and with an armful of it all she headed straight past Ms.Mortimer and out the kitchen door. "It is none of your business," she said simply as she passed the older woman. "You need not know everything about my life." And it wasn't just because she was annoyed at her stepping in like she was doing, but also because despite how obnoxious she could be, she was a a harmless old woman. She didn't need to know and then be put into danger for knowing.

Ms. Mortimer followed after her, dark full skirts russling as she went. "Ms. Brown," she said with a tone that was very motherly. "While you remain under my roof, I am care taker. That means I need to know your comings and goings."

Bea stopped at the foot of the stairs and looked at her evenly through her glasses. "If you must know, I am going on a trip to see some friends. Roger is accompanying me there."

Ms. Mortimer looked as if she had been stabbed in the chest, a thin hand coming up to rest on her sternum in her shock. "Going with a...a... man ? Alone? Out of the question. I forbid it."

"As I've already told you, you are not my mother. Roger is the most upstanding gentlemen I've ever known. I am going, he is coming. And you have no say either way. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to put this away and fetch my coat."

《》 《》

Rebeca smiled at him. "I think I'll go find her, if you don't mind that," she said with a nod of her head. She was sure that he wouldn't mind. "I'm sure I'll see you soon." And with that she gave him a little wave and turned on her heel to head out to find the errant mechanic.

She had been to London a few times over the year, but she would never say that she was overly familiar with the place. It had taken her a few minutes to find the parts shop as it was. And even if the tavern was just down the road, that didn't mean she might not get lost on the way. But not going wouldn't help her learn her way any. Thankfully the place wasn't too terribly hard to find, and she walked into the tavern that was already starting to grow busy, with blue eyes looking around to see if she could spot Estella among the patrons.
Beatrix had been distracted, thinking about what to do, what to pack, and about 80 million other things she needed to think about just then. So she'd not heard Ms. Mortimer come down the steps from her room and down the hall to the kitchen. She turned to look at the older woman, blinking in a little bit of surprise.

“Ms. Mortimer,” she said, trying to cut in as she chided them about him being there. They were in a public room, with all the doors into the room either open or at the very least unlocked and unbarred. It wasn't like they were in a position to get up to anything. And it wasn't like she, including Ms. Mortimer, didn't know him. And it was very obvious that they had done nothing sinister at all.

But finally she'd been ruffled enough by her dousing her optimism with her unfounded dislike of Roger. “If he is going, so am I,” she said with a finality to her tone.

“You most certainly are not,” the old woman said, shaking her head as she came into the room more.

Bea started to gather up the papers without looking back at her. “I am old enough to know how to handle myself. You are not my mother, I will go out with whom I please. It is 1930 Ms. Mortimer, I should hope that we can start moving forward."


Rebeca seemed a little confused when he asked her about the other parts. “No, just this one,” she said with a little shake of her head. She was a little disappointed that it didn't seem like Estella was there just now. She could use her help she was sure.

When the man asked if she was the mechanic she brought her blue eyes back into focus on him and snorted a laugh. “Ah not in the slightest. I'm just being errand girl at the moment. Is Estella not here at the moment? I have a feeling she'd be very helpful at the moment back on the ship."
She stuck her tongue out at him childishly at his teasing. "No, but a few days at least. Got to get things together after all." There was a lot of packing to be done. She didn't know if this would turn into a very long trip, or just a few days jaunt up to Scotland to see an old friend of the family for nothing more than apologies and reminiscing about her father.

"You don't have to rush out to see him right this moment though," She sighed, rubbing at the back of her neck some. Even if she wanted to set things up right away, she didn't really want to send Roger out so soon either. Though it was drawing closer to supper time every minute.

《》 《》

Will had nodded his approval of the current situation. "That will be all, for now," he said, starting to head out of the room with Rebeca in tow when Frederick spoke again.

"I'll go," Rebeca volunteered. "I don't mind."

Will shrugged slightly. "Whatever you like, Becs." Looking back to Frederick he nodded his head saying, "tell her what you need then."

She waited just long enough to get him to write it down for her, which he did begrudgingly, before she was off to fetch the part. And maybe the girl again too.
☆ Helena ☆
Nox Mission

Helena didn’t really have a chance to hear if he’d replied any before the ground was shifting and everything was changing and her and Althalus went tumbling back the way she’d come from, landing heavily on top of someone else. She had of course, barely had time to grab her glasses before things had gone literally sideways, so thankfully they were saved from being broken or lost in the tumble. So she was wearing them when she looked down at the nice face of Annabeth underneath her. Sadly, she wasn’t as soft with the armor on.

“You okay?” she asked, pushing up on her hands some to hover above the other girl. She was fine, just kinda sore from being slid around and such. “Althalus?” she called over her shoulder, looking for the other man, to make sure he was with them still. “Collette?” she went on, looking for the other girl as well.
☆ Helena ☆
Nox Mission

The screeching, was nothing to her. It was scary yes, terrifying even. But she expected it after all. It was a giant spider, it was going to make some noise. She still had to do this right. Helena was distracted in her thought when the arrow whizzed past her, catching on the edge of her hair. She took in a sharp breath and let her eyes go wide as she kept the panic in check at the idea that she could have almost been shot just then. And likely by her own companions. And given that Althalus was right in front of her, it was Annabeth who’d done it behind her. When they got out of here, she was sure to have words with her about nearly taking her head off.

But then words brought her back to and she looked at the slightly glowing form of Althalus a few feet away. “Helena,” she said without being asked for it, her tone holding the slightest hints of annoyance in it. It’d be best he knew her name now. It’d be helpful. Besides, he should have already known her name. They’d been in same caravan for weeks now. He’d just never been bothered to pull his own head out of his ass to ask.

“And somewhat,” she said, taking a few quick steps to him while the beast was relatively not paying direct attention to them. She could hear the others behind. Annabeth and Collette. So there was at least the four of them here. There might be others, further away, not awake yet, hidden behind buildings. “I can use one, not the deadliest of shots, but I can hit a target.” Especially as one as big as that. When she was glancing back over her shoulder, she reached for her ring again, this time tapping it once gently. If these creatures around were used to this shadowed realm, her light would be visible yes, but initially, it’d be too much for them to look at right away. “And I’ve got fire boost too, if needed.”
Bea nodded slightly in her concentration of flipping through to see if she could find that little symbol again. “Vaguely,” she said offhandedly almost. “I don’t recall most of my father’s friends surnames unless they were type to insist being called by them. Most of them, who were any close to my father, asked that I called them uncle and their Christian name”

She looked up at him then, smiling a little bit. “And people move. So it’s the best as we have and as thus, we’ll look into it. Even if we’re wrong and he isn’t the source of the package, he might know something more than we don’t.” Something that wasn’t covered over with nostalgia and the film of youth. “Besides,Glasgow is not that far, especially if we go by air. Even a train wouldn’t be too terrible.”

She stood then, rather suddenly. She knew that there was more to find in the notes and letters and so many other things to go through. But they had something now and she was actually little excited about this now. “Do you happen to have any connections that would be willing to take us up to Lowlands?”

《》 《》

Rebeca felt a flash of anger in her chest. He was trying his damndest to place blame elsewhere. To not admit that he was wrong. Everyone was wrong now and again. And sometimes other people told them so before it could happen. But to accuse Estella of tampering with something, and then to not say it out right, but still accuse Rebeca of lying was not alright.

“How dare you,” she started, stepping forward only one step before Will caught her wrist in his big hand and pulled her back.

“You aren't the captain here, Becs,” he said softly to her, pulling her closer to his side. “She does have a point though. As I'm sure you know, the issue is you not having looked into it. I'm going to let you fix it though.” And all that was, was a promise that he'd be employed through the fix, not necessarily any further.
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