Avatar of May
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    1. May 10 yrs ago


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Yeah things are going good, just a lot of work to be done and not enough hours in the day to do it haha
Sorry that took so long. Super busy irl.
Bea stuck her tongue out at him childishly though she laughed still and settled herself down at the table. She let Roger and Rebeca talk and just enjoyed the tea. As she watched them though, she had to push back the little thoughts of what had happened at breakfast, thinking about whether Rebeca and him looked like they would get along well together. But then again, she reassured herself for some reason, it just seemed that Rebeca was the type to get along with pretty much anyone. Just looking at her smile would make anyone want to smile back. It was infectious.

Rebeca shrugged a little and settled herself down as well in one of the other chairs. “It’s been alright,” she sighed. “Took a little jaunt back home for some time, but only a few days really. Things have been...tense other places. Being American is helpful, but at the same time, it’s not uncommon to be snubbed for that too.”


Will sighed heavily as he looked over the state of the room. He was normally such a good judge of people, he didn’t normally make mistakes like this. But his resume looked so nice that he had let the slight nagging he’d felt at the man’s presence slide by. And now he was paying for it. At least, he consoled himself, it had been Roger and not some other paying customer. Roger would understand as he was sure that the girl with him would.

He took off his jacket and started to roll up his sleeves as Estella figured out what it was that she wanted him to do. It took him a moment to get his brain back into the swing of things, but not too long and he was soon enough picking at things that he knew how to fix himself without her telling him to do so. He was glad she was there, as she was smaller than him and could get her hands into places that his big hands wouldn’t fit.

When she seemed done, or done enough, he was sat on the work bench, his own face and hands smudged with grease and dirt, his pants having two dark spots on them from where he’d tried wiping his hands off.

“Good,” he chuckled, smiling at her. “We can stay in Edinburgh a few days and get things patched up then. As long as she’ll make it to Scotland, we’ll be fine.” He stood up, grabbing a relatively clean rag from next to him and handing it to her. “You’re Jewish, yeah?” he asked, his tone clear that he was just curious and didn’t at all mind that she was, or that she was probably from some country that wasn’t playing as nicely with the rest of the world.

Day 3
{One Night in Hell club | 5 - 7 pm }

After Cortes had led her to the back offices, she had settled down in his seat without giving him a chance to object. After he got out the books out of the safe she went through all of them that they had on hand, making notes on her tablet as she did so, in Russian, so even if he was looking at what she was writing, the odds of him knowing what she had put down were limited. There was a lot in here. A lot of numbers, and part of her was kinda upset that she’d let herself indulge so much. She was still more than capable of doing this, but it was sometimes a little struggle to focus her thoughts for longer than about five minutes before she wanted to do something not so number oriented.

But even still, she could tell that these numbers were not fully accurate. Who ever had been fixing them for him wasn’t as smart as they thought they were. They were good for any passing glance. But the look she was taking was more than that. “How’s that list coming?” she asked Cortes, looking at him over the rim of her glasses. He mumbled something she didn’t fully catch as he gave her what she asked for. She couldn’t look at these column of numbers anymore right now.

She hummed thoughtfully, running her finger down the list and thinking back to where things had gone out for pay role. She had feeling that this wasn’t everything and this wasn’t everyone either. But it could also just be her total distrust of Cortes as well. “It might help if you had some sort of entrainment too,” she said, sounding much more like she was thinking outloud, her accent shifting a little more towards her first language. “And maybe some pretty waitresses too. A few krasivyye muzhchiny...” She laughed when her words came back to her and shook her head. “Good looking guys…” she corrected in English.

“Well you look pretty fucked right now,” she said after a second, taking her glasses off and tossing them onto the desk next to her tablet. “Like I’m frankly surprised you’ve managed to keep the power on kind of fucked. How did you let this get so bad? Because this is much more than just not getting customers in the doors. This is like...criminal neglect…”

“It started with one minor complaint that we weren't quick enough to address and things just crumbled. A pretty simple and unlucky case. Also, with Ominar’s ever changing, it's little surprise patrons no longer flock to this place. It's similar to those ancient route sixty-six roads becoming abandon when new and better highways are built.”

She pulled out her cigarettes again, looking longingly at the slim case next to it. But she knew better than to pull that out right then, so the smoke would just have to do. “I’ll make some calls in the morning about having someone come to take a look at how much it’ll cost us to do a remodel. Unless you have some connections there?” She thought she’d asked, but unless the person he knew was actually good, she’d still go with her own.

“I do, but he might be booked. I'll have to check.”

“I’m going to need you to let everyone know that they need to come in early tomorrow for a meeting,” she said through a breath of smoke, lounging back in the car and crossing one leg over the other without care about how the skirt of her dress rode up as she did so. “Even if it’s their day off, they can spare a few minutes for this.”

“Very well, but I believe Nikki might need to make arrangements for her son. What should I tell them if they don't show up?” Cortes asked politely, but there was hint of seeking something to use to his advantage.

Masha pursed her lips and looked at him to try and figure out what he was trying to get out of that statement. “Well she can bring the kid in for a meeting,” she said with a shrug after a moment. “I’m willing to forgive an absence if it’s for good reason. The first time at least. I’m not without mercy. But I’m also not to be taken advantage of.” She gave him a little smile that had edge to it despite the sweetness of it.

She stood then, without much warning and grabbed at her bag, her lit cigarette in her other hand. “I’m done with business for now,” wobbling a little on her feet. “Think it’s time for another drink.”

Day 4
{Emma's apartment| Around 6 am }

Emma had had a surprisingly lovely evening. She’d not expected it to go the way it had, but it had been good. She’d had to go home and check on her little puppy dog, but she’d been good. Going to sleep had been relatively easy for her surprisingly. Killian had been a nice conversation partner and she knew they’d make good friends too.

He’d said he’d be by in the morning to walk with her to school. She knew how to get there herself, she had done it for a few weeks now after all. So she got up when Agatha had head bumped her enough to get her up to go out for a little walk. She pulled on a baggy sweater over her t shirt and shorts she’d worn to bed and took her out on a leash that she didn’t bother to hold because there was no way that she was going to go running off. Especially not on the short walk they were going to do around the apartment complex that they lived in. She was running over the check list of things she was going to need for the day and wondering when it was that Killian was going to show up and if she she put her tea in a travel mug or not.

Agatha started to bark some and Emma perked up out of her groggy thoughts to see who it was that had set off the little pup.

☆ Helena ☆
Nox Mission

Helena had managed to sidestep the dark tentacles that reached for her, just barely. They closed around where her feet had been a few seconds ago, but caught air instead of her boot. She looked away for a second as she heard Drake's cry of pain. “Shit,” she hissed, looking back just in time to see the rest of them reaching for Darell since he’d been the bigger threat to it. “Fuck me.”

Darell’s words reached her as she stumbled backwards, almost losing her footing as she did so. “Well that would have been good to know about two seconds ago,” she shot back. “So time to use some heat then.”

Taking a deep breath, she called up the fire that had been bubbling to get out since she'd been pulled down into this darkness. Control, at least a little, was something she'd learned. And her aim wasn’t too bad either. As the beast stalked towards Darell she shot a few balls of fire at its backside, aiming for the legs so as to slow it down. They seemed to hit well, but she wasn’t certain if that would do all that much to it anyways. Magic or not, she didn’t think these things would be so easy to take down.

Day 3
{One Night in Hell Nightclub| 4 P.M. }

Masha looked at Crotes for a moment before sighing. He was dense. So very dense. And she was already becoming eager to put the fool in his place. “Well, something have potential,” she said simply. “And sometimes, things aren't worth the time. But it isn't really any of your concern which one I think it is.”
She finished off her drink, pushed herself up off the stool that had been her seat for far too long and pulled her bag up do dig through it for a second in search of her glasses case. “Lemme take a look at your books,” she said with no room for negotiation in her tone as she looked at him again. “And if you could write me up an employe list, who they are, what they do, what they get paid, you know. That sort of thing.”

She needed to know what money was coming in, what money was going out and where, and who was actually needed to be around anymore. Or whose paychecks needed to be trimmed. She was sure that the list would not actually be fully accurate, but she could ask Nikki to clear things up if she found anything that was dubious. The other girl might not know everything, but she was more in the loop than Masha was just then.


Day 3
{One Night in Hell Nightclub| 4 P.M. }

She didn’t like being snubbed like that. But she held her tongue, rolled her eyes and went back to her drink, smoke, and pitted conversation.

Masha frowned a little when Darius announced that he was leaving, but she didn't think that it carried much more than disappointment of losing a nice conversation partner. “I'll be sure to keep you informed,” she said with confident smile. And she meant that two fold. She would keep him informed on the club. But she would also be getting in touch with him for less professional reasons. And she was sure he knew that.

“Don't do anything I wouldn't do,” she said with a teasing, kinda sounding tipsy laugh. She wasn't really that tipsy. But she was on her second drink here, let alone the wine from lunch, and her other addictions. So she was not sober. But she was plenty sober enough to deal with Cortes.

Turning to him, she put out the end of her latest cigarette and gave him a smile that was edged with teeth. "Now, let's get started."
“I won’t,” Will said with confidence as Fredricks walked away, not waiting because he didn’t want him to hear or anything like that. He smiled down at Estella at her thanks, shrugging some like it was no big deal. She might not be the perfect fit, but she could get them up in the air today, then getting a ‘more qualified’ mechanic was a worry of another day.

“C’mon,” he said with a heavy sigh after a moment and started into the ship again. “I can help you out getting things back into order. I know some things, just not enough to do it myself all the time. I’m good at taking orders as needed too.” It was what he’d been doing on and off for the last few years anyways, when they had need of it.

Rebeca smiled at Roger over her shoulder. “Oh it's fine, aside from the engine being all over the engine room. But the old girl will be up and soaring soon enough, I'm sure.” She lead them through the ship to a little galley with one table and a hodgepodge of seats around it. She had pointedly not looked at Fredricks as they had passed him and acted like he wasn't even there.

There was a teapot with a cozy on it already on the table as well as a stack of cups and saucers. It was something that was very casual and heavily American in some respects. “I hope my tea is up to your standards,” she said in a joking tone to Bea. “I'm better at coffee, but I understand that's not always a preference with Her Majesty's subject's.”

Bea smiled and laughed some. “As long as it isn't burnt, I'll be fine. I have absentmindedly made some bad cups of tea in my time.”

Rebeca smiled more and set about getting cups set out for them before pouring and then pushing over the milk and sugar for them to make it to their own tastes.

Helena had watched with confusion, only partly hearing Althaus near her talking to basically himself with his own sarcastic comments. But that didn’t last long as her confusion turned to something more like horror for a second before her brain felt like it was being melted. She clasped hands over her ears as she sunk to her knees, trying to block all the noise out.

Gasping and breathing hard, she looked up after a moment, pulling her hands from her head as Althaus spoke again. “No, I thought I’d just throw them away willy nilly while we’re in a literal place of death,” she shot back, pulling them out and tossing a few underhand towards him, knowing he’d likely catch them.

The beasts seemed to surround them the longer that they didn’t move. She looked around her quickly, regaining her feet as fast as she could, but her head still felt a little dizzy from the noise that had shattered her brain. She grabbed at her own knives as she stood, backing away a little from the nearest one, trying to see if she could figure out what it’s little trick was that it was going to use against them. Would it be like the shadow’s above? Would it use them to move along? Did they need more light, or less?

“What do they do?!” she called to Darell. She didn’t like the little shit, but he seemed to be the only one who knew anything about what was going on here. “Aside from the tentacles and the probably bitting.”
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