Avatar of mcpop9
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    1. mcpop9 9 yrs ago


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Do i need one of these things? i guess so. well, this is my bio: hi.

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Elizabeth nodded and stopped for a second. "Pardon me... the suit can get a bit stuff at times." she said, undoing her front zipper and sliding her torso out of the normal suit, tieing the arms around her waist. This left the girl in a grey tank top and the four whiskers protruding form the back of her shirt. "Much better, i'll show you the way." said the woman, gesturing for him to follow her as the girl kicked off the deck and floated up to a hallway, grabbing the railing and flying down it. As the two moved, the captain could see the implants on her back. Soon, they would transition to about two third's earth gravity. comfortable but not too heavy. "Care for eggs and bacon? we had shore leave about two weeks ago and i was able to pick them up. unfortunately... never got a chance to share them with my crew..." said the woman, sighing a bit as he could see she had lost some members as well, probably before she got to this place.
Elizabeth was almost borderline freaking out internally at the sight of the gundam limbs and a head of all things. However, externally, the girl held herself together, the whiskers on her back for anyone to see and take notice of, metal protursions. "Dont look a gift horse in the mouth, as they said back on earth. The gifts are appreciated as to any other info about mobile suits of similar design or energy signatures. Called ahab waves." She added, wanting to see if he could help her further.

"Anyways, do you wish to stay and chat captain? I can get the mess making some food need be so we may talk." Elizabeth hopefully suggested. "Same with the rest of the crew, you people need your strength."

Elizabeth unhooked herself from the AV system and moved through the halls down to the hangar. She flew down from the upper level to join the group on the ground. She seemed to be but a girl herself however, carried herself like an experienced soldier. "Greetings and welcome to the Apollo Burning Star. Deaths of your crew are regretable and the situation has no doubt sullied smooth cooperation between our ships. a discussion would be beneficial. We all wound up here in one way or another and the world seems to be fubar at the moment." she said, holding out a hand for him to shake.
Dani smiled as she began to hit some buttons and send some commands for the system. "come on girls, leaving me out of this? got some kind of fear of god or something?" asked the woman now, smirking as she definitely had some kind of god complex, given the kind of controls she had developed, the woman was in a position to brag. Walking up to the stage, she set a base. "No limits?" suggested the woman.

Jess was thankful for the assistance. "Yeah... that felt good. Most intense feeling i've ever had... if this is professional gunpla battling, i think i'm an addict!" responded the girl, a smile on her face as she held a tissue up to it. "But god, barbatos... you're perfect." said the girl, looking at the remains and already started to snap apart the grazy, mind crazy with the idea of running custom parts for him. However, this was short lived as she noticed the battle system booting. "oh... the staff are gonna fight." she pointed.


Jessica walked up to the field. In her hand was form 1 barbatos, mace in hand. Lack of shoulders, a gauntlet on its side of the left arm. She set the unit down and stretched a bit, placing her base after stretching. “Right, let’s see how badly we can damage you.” she said to her unit, grabbing the command balls with a good bit of vigor.
“Barbatos First form, Jessica, Launch!” she called out, slamming the control balls forwards and launching the unit out of the gate and into space. The unit literally had no other weapons than the mace and it’s limbs. Seemed she had something to prove.

As the barbatos launched nothing was quiet as things stood still suddenly though a large shot was fired as a bazooka fired from a distance. Than as if by one zaku II’s came charging in heat hawks at the ready while two stayed in the back placing supporting fire on the barbatos.

The barbatos was an agile enough machine to allow Jess to roll out of the way of the bazooka shots. “Zaku? That’s it?” she asked, casually batting the zaku with the heat hawks away as the head of the mace was about half a zaku in size and equivalent mass. The torso was wrecked, no doubt about it, and that would count as a pilot kill. She dodged out of the way now and dashed off at the two bazooka wielding zaku’s.

With the destruction of the zaku’s more came at incredible speeds obviously at a better skill level firing the long range rifle at the barbatos while others came in swinging the heat hawks at the barbatos once more. The zaku’s with the long rifle aimed carefully at the exposed inner frame of the suit in question landing a blow on the left shoulder as the one’s with the heat hawks tried aiming for its waist.

The woman’s eyes were that of a fighter’s, monitoring positions, body language and intentions of those around her. The Zaku’s with the long rifle hit her shoulder, thankfully, the frame material being tougher than the bullet and causing little in the way of true damage. Arm was fully operational. She caught the incoming heat hawk by the handle, ripping it out of the zaku’s hand and proceeding to cut the zaku up with it, swinging the mace at the second one coming in. Jessica proceeded to use the tip of the mace to keep the suit stuck to said weapon. Moving it between herself and the firing zakus, she made a makeshift shield out of it, charging the firing zaku’s in order to stop their harassment.

As if embodying everything a zaku was known for one of the ones with the long rifle charged forward tossing the long rifle aside brandishing its heathawk in a singular charge at the enemy. In it suicidal charge the other one seemingly of more sense withdrew with incredible speed. Before Arriving at a different spot on the side of the barbatos and started to release a multitude of shots at the the exposed left shoulder once more.

Jess growled now, spinning and using the pile driver in the mace head to pierce the nuclear core of the zaku she had as a shield. The girl kicked the zaku off her mace and into the enemy, Boosting away now, the woman let the detonation consume both suits. Boosting towards the retreating suit, the left hand shoulder was showing some signs of wear now. “Fucking hell.” cursed the girl, reaching the rather antique zaku in good time with her even older but better suit. Swinging the mace down, she crushed the backpack and damaged the reactor, flying off from the suit now.

Seemingly watching the fall of the comrades was a zaku in the far back that gleamed red under the stars. Seeing as the others was gone it charged forward weaving in and out of the asteroids around a boa qu. Hefting its long rifle it took careful aim before letting loose three consecutive shots aimed at the head, the shoulder, and the waist section. Before heading back into the asteroid field for minor protection.

Jess seemed to be getting used to these accursed long rifles. Holding the mace sideways, she had some competency blocking the incoming shots, using the massive hunk of metal as a shield. Taking the opportunity to pursue the suit that began attacking her, she pushed into the asteroid field, dancing around them as it seemed like the suit was more home to the adverse conditions instead of the vast openness of space.

Seeing as the suit was out of place per say the red zaku grabbed its bazooka and let loose a veritable barrage of shots emptying it in one go. Before tossing that towards the suit and with careful aim shooting it causing it to explode. Before heading back once more towards a boa qu. Potentially leading it on a wild goose chase.

The woman stopped. She merely moved the gundam into a shadow on an asteroid, hiding it from sight. She decided to sit tight now, keeping her eyes on the scanners.

As things was settling into a quiet state a multiple large beams fired at th4e asteroid field eradicating a large amount of it leaving behind small debris and revealing the hidden suit. With the suit revealed large tentacle like rods swarmed out and grabbed its chainsaw tips heating up as it pulled the barbatos to the rafflesia. The chainsaw tips went to work slowly cutting their way to the inner frame of the leg as a few more popped up and grabbed onto the mace of the barbatos and pulled it away from the suit.

The suit grabbed the tentacle and ripped it off the leg, burning away from the MA as the machine shuddered and shook. “Barbatos seems happy today. Since i can’t exactly run or hide from this, lets see what you have in your most raw form barbatos. Hundreds of years in a basement can’t dull a demon’s soul. Let’s forge something new!” Cried out Jessica. The eyes of barbatos turned red and the control area tinted a blue purple color. The woman began to display martial talents, fighting off the tentacles in hand to hand, but clearly struggling with how high the suit’s performance had become, reacting late to the hyper fast movements. Seemed that someone modeled in the anti MA bonus.
It continued its relentless assault as it tried to assault the gundam something that was being met with equal part success and failure. It landed hits but at times some was destroyed it was being eventually it came to the strategy that it can overwhelm the suit with numbers as more of the tentacles came out easily numberings in the sixties it was obvious to see that it was starting to wear on the suit it could predict but couldn’t react fast enough. It eventually came to the point where it managed to lop the foot of the gundam off.

The barbatos seemed to only get more angry at this. It slashed through the tentacles, coming down with an arm and pushing hard as she could inwards towards the mobile armor, showing little signs of caring about the damage. Grabbing the base of a petal, the gundam began pulling hard and attempted to remove it.
Seeing as it was being attacked by trying to rip its petal off its close up the petals and sped off trying to knock the suit off with quick turns and rolls anything it could do to shake the suit off its petal. Arriving in front of A boa qu it waited stopped than as if on signal the single red zaku started to release a barrage of shots at the barbatos with its long rifle.

The barbatos flipped off the flowerma, moving behind it to avoid the long rifle fire and letting the flower take the shots. Barbatos meanwhile came from behind and delivered a dive kick to the petal, damaging its hinge now. The barbatos spun around and grabbed hold of the edge of the petal, using the boosters, she tore it off and chucked the petal at the red suit now, boosting for defensive evasion.

Seeing as defense didn’t work the rafflesia went onto full frontal attacking it with its tentacles while cornering it for the red zaku could take pot shots with the long rifle. Eventually it managed to get the gundam to the back of aboa qu and quickly went to trapping it in the area with the tentacles while the zaku stood on top of the raflessia and with careful aim took a single shot at the waist joint of the barbatos.

The barbatos was thrown into Aboa qu, seeing the red mobile suit lining up for the shot, she ejected her gauntlet, the piece of metal exploding infront of barbatos into a pink could. She thrust off into an access hatch that was too small for the large MA to chase her into, deciding to get some distance.

With the suit going into a boa qu the red zaku left its former perch and backed away as the raflessia tilted and aimed all of its cannons into a single beam and let loose onto the floating fortress tearing a large hole into it as it started to cause explosions in still intact parts the mobile suit had two choice flee towards the rear and bunker down for the debris or try to escape.

The woman grunted as an explosion took out the remainder of the leg that lost a foot. She decided to be stealthy now as she drifted away with a chunk of base as a shield. Waiting till they were distracted, the suit made a dash for the mace that was left floating. She grabbed it and made a full burn, intending to end the ma.

The rafflessia stood there as it waiting while the zaku was following a patrol pattern in case the mobile suit escape. It wasn’t long before it became clear that it wasn’t there and the rafflessia left in search of the escaped gundam using the tentacles to cut down the debris that was littering the field. All the while the zaku came and stayed close to the it in case a sneak attack was going to happen.

Barbatos dove down on it from the top. It was moving too fast for much to be done as the momentum carried it. The notice would come too late, barbatos dove and impaled the top, the cockpit of the mobile armor. The suit hadn’t cleanly escaped either, the remaining bits the tentacles didnt tear off on the way down were the right arm holding the mace, the torso backpack and head, eye still red as the MA began to end.


Jess was panting hard. Something wasn’t right though. A bloody nose was the first sign of something wrong, second thing was the fact her control booth was purple. A mode rarely seen, but a sign of a safety failsafe. When that disappeared, it was clear something had gone wrong or atleast different, because despite the damage setting, her gunpla was on the ground before her in pieces. Arm, head and torso were all that remained of the barbatos. “Damn…” she said, grabbing him and walking off stage. A medic ran out to greet her and the girl was confused. She didn’t even realize she had a bleed. Wiping it up and a quick lookover, she went back to the table. “Damn intense.."
"Elizabeth Octavius of Gjallerhorn; Captain of Apollo Burning Star, Last Surviving member of the Octavius Family and... Last surviving member of Augustus's Legion, Heir to Gundam Purson." The woman said, sighing as she clearly took no pride in announcing that last bit. It was also clear, wherever she was from, they had a hardon for titles. "Captain, it seems that those scouts you were chasing and your crew fell into the same situation as the rest of us. None of us are here by choice, save for gathering around this ship. I doubt many of your men want to "chum up" and break bread with those who just rolled over you like a gundam over a poor graze, but you have my permission to take a shuttle to my ship. I apologize for the loss of life concerning this misunderstanding, these people were merely defending against attackers. you have my condolences... i know what it's like to lose family." said the woman over the wide comms, allowing herself to sit in silence for the moment, reflecting on the fact a mistake just killed a number of good men.
"oh cool." Jessica said with the Pale rider sitting before her. She watched the battle going on now with great interest, shaking herself free before walking up to Mr. Gunpla. She had observed him and gotten a somewhat general gist of what he was saying prior to heading up there.

"What is up, Fightah Girl!" he said flexing a bit.

"I need a barbatos first form and a graze." she said to the male.

he would nod, shoot a finger gun at her and click from the side of his mouth. Coming back with the kits, Mr Gunpla slid them across the table. He dropped his glasses and began to speak. "You know, if-" he got to before the girl interrupted him.

"yes, i know, no, i've done it once, tried that, didn't think of it, 15, i like the colors." she said staring at him.

Mr. Gunpla's jaw hung open with a finger into the air, like asking for a second to say something, however, Jessica walked away back to the table and began to put together the first form barbatos she had picked up.
Listening to the wide range hail going out, the girl gripped the arms of her chair. "You have balls Captain. Attack my ship and crew, waltz up and ask for a cease fire and truce, face to face no less, with the captain of the hornets nest you just kicked and found out you can't handle." Said Elizabeth, leaning back into her chair. She knew she had the upper hand for now, but also had reason to be skeptical of him as he just exposed himself, some sort of an ace hidden up his sleeve incase shit goes south.

"So Captain with no name, why should i accept a truce with you and not just let my crew vent their anger and frustrations on that ship of your's? You give me three reasons i can't counter and i'll give it heavy consideration." she said, cutting the broadcast and only transmitting to the suits she knew were friendly. "Look, even the new guy, watch that ship for any funny business, i don't care if it's a turret rotating or what, just be ready to space this asshole on my word." she sent to her friendlies and then cleared the lines for a reply.
"Fair enough all around." Jessica commented as she was finishing up the pale rider. It was soon all in place as she snapped the final couple of peices together. "They gave us one free suit, i wonder if i can grab another... Speaking of which...." she said, staring up at the main stage of the room. Some guy in an afro seemed to be making his way up there.

Dani smiled and was happy to be in company of good friends again. However, looking over at the stage. "Jesus christ no..." she said and face palmed. "Why did he have to be here... the lab is famous enough and has plenty of funding..." she groaned, putting her face into her palm as the Bearguys tried to comfort her.

"Attention faiters!" he called out in broken engrish. "I am Mr Gunpla! The First Proefeshawnal Gunpla Faitah!" he said, shine on his glasses and the entire outfit seeming to be from a time and era long wished to be forgotten. "I will manage Gunpla Store, SUPAHCEWL!" he said and did a couple of kung fu moves that obviously were ripped from tv. "For all the young laydays out there! and you fellas, you get 3 Gunpla kit.... FOR FREE! Yeaaah!" he calleed out and shoved a fist to the sky. "Building the first. Come get two more!" he shouted before moonwalking off the stage much to many of the Staff's relief.

Dani groaned. "i hate the fact he's our sponsor... i've had him hit on me five times alone today..." she said with a sigh. However, the male walked towards the group of the three standing there and smiled, pointing finger guns at him, he gave a wink they could feel from behind his sunglasses. "Laydays!" he said before walking off as a security guard glared at him.
Jessica smiled. She enjoyed the atmosphere of group building. it was always nice to have people around her interested in the same things she was into. Building up the Pale Rider, the girl would keep following the instructions as she had them memorized. "So, why did we all choose the suits we did. There's tactical and style preferences, but there's always been a link with gunpla for me, where a suit will call out to me, speak to me to want to be piloted and work together. I've found success with these suits i feel drawn to. Why did everyone else choose their suits?" she asked, looking around the table.

Dani meanwhile was enjoying the conversation she was having. "An appropriate A.I. will make use of any suit its given to give even us challenges." Dani said looking around. "As to those gathered in this room... we are the closest humans there are to newtypes. some of the brightest minds on the planet teaching children and some of these children being the kids of champions." she said and placed a hand on Alexis's shoulder for emphasis. "So i will never underestimate an a.i. which can plan twenty steps ahead of me. I remember in our tournament, i went against someone using exclusively graze suits. Grunt suits. The Graze Queen. She gave me a really hard run for my money and i was piloting my Woundwort." she pointed out, taking her hand off and looked around the room, soaking in the same facility she had been in to develop her dive. "Besides, i'm doubly watching my ass when sakuya here makes an a.i. Cheeky girl knows all my tricks!" said the woman laughing full heartedly as she loved the company of her friends.
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