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  • Posts: 389 (0.22 / day)
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    1. Meleck 5 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current I read the status bar to laugh and feel old!
1 like
4 yrs ago
Saw the Space Opera advert and started singing, "and these dreams, they all seem empty, like my concious seem to be. I've spent hours, Only lonely..."
4 yrs ago
People confess to me all the time. I’m a faith leader. There is very little the surprises me any more.
4 yrs ago
Was just called a Boomer. Just remember I will retire before you and my music did not have Beber in it.
4 yrs ago
Was just called a Boomer. Just remember I will retire before you and my music did not have Beyer in it!


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This is just my thoughts from a grumpy old gamer. For some of use the “new, more reliable” discord gaming leaves a lot to be desired. The posts tend to be short, fast and without much to them. It is like the difference between having a real relationship and internet porn.

There are different struggles that I see.
First, people are becoming less literate. Facebook, tweets, texting, et al have created a culture where people are rewarded for short posts.
Second, blocking - people have a hard time writing themselves out of character blocks. So we wait and wait for someone else, then we loose interest because our partners are not reliable. So instead of talking to the S.T./G.M. and working through it, we walk away.
Third, Over controlled story arc and free for all, it is a hard balance between these too. An over controlling GM can kilL a story if they are out of sync with their player and player will go crazy if there is not a broad story arc going.
Finally, people are sensing stress with this Covid stuff. More than before and that slows down creativity.

The truth is we have a hard time communicating with each other, discord does help with that. But for some of use more verbose players that character limit stinks.

Day of the Selection
Location: Eastormel Castle, Ironkeep, Ovyadell

Elra relaxed when the doors opened, she hates small enclosed rooms. She relaxed and let go of holding hand with a whispered “Thank you.”

She listened to what people asked their questions. What she wanted to know was the lore of the dagger. Why it was called the Dark Dagger, what powers it had, how it came into being and how it was used. She waited her turn then asked.

On your character sheet in the top left corner is a link. Copy that. Then in your header click the chain button. It will as for the text (name) and the Link (web address).
Try quoting one and you will see the BBcode. There is a way to use a table and add a picture to. I am relearning my bbcode.

Day of the Selection
Location: Eastormel Castle, Ironkeep, Ovyadell

Elra thought about shifting forms to give them room. She also thought that the floor might drop out from underneath them too. She thought of a hundred bats flying in from the sides. She thought of the hundreds of cruel things her master would have done.

The room was getting warmer with their presence and the smell of old leather, of paper and a bit of decay filled her nose. She could smell the urine of rodents that had passes this way. She smelled the people around her scents.

She started to hum an old elven tune that her mother had hummed when she was distracting her children. Elra hummed much better than she sang and some day she would learn the word to the song, if it had words. Maybe the Bard here, knew of it.

Elra was well trained not to touch things that were not hers, though the scrolls and books were a great temptation. This smelled like a trap for that. If you touched things in here you were most likely not trustable. The crowded of people made the temptation greater as you were pushed against things.

A hand accidentally pressed against her and she gently reached down for it. Holding another’s hand brought comfort and she was nervous enough to seek comfort if it was offered. The wolf in her disliked this and it was ready to scratch at the doors. She needed a hand, this was like cage.

She closed her eyes and breathed slowly hoping the lady would come soon.
Hum, time to derail the plot? Lol Don’t try anything. Lol
The mud and water would make it hard for a gossip or thief to spy on them. Wyle-e-Coyot, Super genius. Hoping to get the new dresden book.
Mine last post was just a write something when you can post. ;)

Day of the Selection
Location: Eastormel Castle, Ironkeep, Ovyadell

Elra watched the others with her wolf eyes and keep her senses up. The wolf in her was right about things more than she wanted to admit. She wanted to sniff them and learn their scents.

She also wished the king would offer them some hospitality. Most of them were in wet cloaks and boots tracking mud and dripping water on the floor. Soon the cold would come, then the sickness if it wasn’t tended to. Surely His Grace understood that.

Elra held up a finger for a moment, then cast a cantrip to control the water, she walked around each of them moving her hand to drive the water to the floor. Then with a move all the water and mud got carried to the door.
I like longer posts with hooks and possibilities. :)
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