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    1. MenacingEffect 6 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Bagels are strange. They are a bread with a center. They are the Saturn of Bread.


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From the moment he arrived, to now that the journey has been planned. He has always seemed accepting or knowing that someday they or at least he would set out on a journey. Something about his blue sapphire irises who looked past the barrier of Cosmos city without fear or curiosity, but determination as if he knew something was out there waiting for them. Handsome all though in the unusual sense, an oval shaped face and narrow rectangular eyes, they took in the world through an ocular observation not belonging to that of human. More akin to a predator or some ancient beast who sees the world beyond what it is on the surface. Long black hair, the color of raven feathers touches the tip of his tailbone and brushes across thin wings. That when extended reveal beautiful black wings, with wispy feathering tendrils like a bird of paradise.

Age: 16

Species: Old Fae - Sítheach is an old fairy, of the old forest, the ones before the great cities emerged. Well Sith himself is not that old. The Old Fae died out years ago, and the fact one is living in these times is a perplexing circumstance. No one knows what the old fae look like, ancient text describe fae as they are described now of different species and of different clans. Yet, Sith himself appears to be of many species of fairy. Perhaps, the origin of Fae alike. Though none of them would accept him for the way he looks. To the fairies and pixies he’s too large. To humans they mistake him as a demon. To boggarts he’s not woody enough. Down the chain goes and no one is sure what to do with such an ancient species. They even ask to themselves how one even manage to crop up in these times. They are a starter species, not one meant to exist alongside the ones it started. It has many question why he even exist. Sith would like the answer to those questions as well.

Notable features of Sith’s type of old fea is that he has wings, as all fae have wings. Except that these wings don’t let him fly. He can hover off the ground a good 96”, or 8ft. And he can suspend himself for a good upwards of 15 minutes before getting tired or having to flap his wings to maintain holding. He can also glide, not fly, but glide. You’ll never see Sith flap his wings very often, maybe to kick himself off the ground to remain hovering, or to loosen up the muscles in his wings.

The horns of ram, the ears of a deer. Sith is sort of odd to look at. Beside his hair is a mixture of fur like textures wrapped around feathers. Part of Sith’s upper body is deep plumage of feathers around his collarbone, upper torso, upper back, and shoulder blades. These feathers are of black with mixtures of forest green. Most of the sides of his body is covered in light, what appears to be almost like dog fur, on his arms, the sides of his body all the way down to his legs and feet, as well as covering his back. Whatever he is, is hard to discern for many. It’s very often you’ll hear him being called a demon, though that not being the case.

While he may have hands and feet like an ordinary human, with light fur touching the top of his hands and black palms underneath. His clawed toes and feet are nothing, but ordinary human. Neither are the thin wings on his back that are folded into his back usually. When they extend they have beautiful hair like tendrils at the end that give him a “holy” appearance or at least looks like an enlightened being.

His scent brings warmth and comfort to others as he smells of pine trees, evergreens, and spearmint. His aura is calm and peaceful, while he stand considerably tall at 5’8”, 172cms, however being an old fae he’s actually considerably light though not underweight at 110 pounds, 49kgs, he is lean and has some slight muscle definition. This also means that his wings can carry up to 110 pounds of weight with relative ease, which means they are quite strong.

His scent brings warmth and comfort to others as he smells of pine trees, evergreens, and spearmint. His aura is calm and peaceful, while he stand considerably tall at 5’8”, 172cms, however being an old fae he’s actually considerably light though not underweight at 110 pounds, 49kgs, he is lean and has some slight muscle definition. This also means that his wings can carry up to 110 pounds of weight with relative ease, which means they are quite strong.

Silvery words like honey, his tone is fruity, and pleasant, a deep honeyed sound that makes others around him relaxed. An easy going energy to his words, he doesn’t sound as harsh as his cluttered appearance looks. . While he chooses not to wear shirts over his shoulders, as shirts weren’t necessarily made for fuzzy feathery beings, he does wear a style of loose breeches, bunched at the ankles.

Personality Strengths:

“Sometimes I believe there is something out there, looking for me. Seeing me. Something I cannot see, but I know it’s there I can feel it. Whatever it is,”

Sith has never been a distracted individual, in fact he’s always been a determined individual who holds firm on the things he believes. No one can fault him for his determinable attitude, a damned attitude that will ram straight through brick walls if it has to. Despite his forcefulness with certain circumstances and situations, Sith is a very calm and caring individual. It’s like he lives simply outside of his external appearance, he can have a healing personality and plants seeds, ideas in others heads.

He would not have been the one to suggest to leave the barrier, but be the one who planned the thought in someone’s else’s head. As if Sith didn’t need to plan, merely he knew what was going to happen. Sith’s not been known to be a planner, he does what he feels. He guides himself by something tugging and pulling him along. Grasping for something invisible an invisible answer he’s seeking.

Sith is not distant with others, he will laugh with them, though not a jokester himself he will humour those who like to jest, Sith is quite open and will always take the time to listen to others concerns. He’s not someone who likes to see others crying, so he will do what he can to cheer them up. He can sort of be described as scary to look at, to only reveal, a caring, ernest, honest person. Who will fiercely protect those he has promised to do so. Sith has never been known as someone who lies breaks his promises to those he cares for the most.

While he carries a small amount of curiosity, Sith will always be the one to point others to things that were not part of their destination. Annoying to some, yet sparks the intrigued and interest in the more adventurous types of the group. Sith seeks to find answers to secrets of this world. Perhaps on their way they can be the first to understand this world like nobody else has before.

Personality Flaws:

As his determination is a strength it can be a flaws as well, as Sith hasn’t really been known as one to give up. Sometimes he wins by simple sheer will and mental bruteforce. Other times he cannot break the obstacle in his way and he’ll spent hours ruminating and brooding in defeat because Sith doesn’t like to consider alternative options as times. If someone speaks to him with reason, he might listen, though it’s a good idea to give him a good few minutes before suggesting an alternative.

He also isn’t known for being much a planner. While he is intelligent, he has never really sets up a plan. He usually goes with his instinct or his gut feeling. Moving purely on how he feels about a situation. He’ll listen to other people’s plans and he’s not the type to object to someone who may make more sense to him. However, if it’s left up to Sith he’ll drag people around on a whim, rather than an actual guided plan.

While on the surface Sith appears as carefree as well a fairy. Free spirited, laidback, open minded. Just like a fairy Sith can be scary and dark as well. There is a cruelty that hides in him, a cruel mischievous side that he is either good at hiding or that others just don’t necessarily see it as something inside of him. Sith can play cruel jokes on others, not the ones he cares for, though against those that oppose them Sith opts to toy with individuals than outright hurt them.

He opts for slow, torturous methods that change the perspective of his nature. Those who have known him in the orphanage can only close their eyes at the things Sith is not ashamed to do. This side of Sith seems to lack any of the regret, mercy, and kindness he often displays. It’s a haunted personality that makes others wonder about Sith’s stability. Though Sith would never turn on those he has bonded with.


Sith enjoys dipping his feet in cool, running water. Usually in a stream. He also likes to smell plants and herbs. He enjoys music, when it is playing, and will even join in on the fun if he is invited to do so. He likes the feeling of his hair being brushed and wishes he could reach his entire back with his arms, alas he cannot.

He dislikes anything discordantly loud, if it’s disruptive, he finds it rather unpleasant. He also doesn’t necessarily enjoy the thrills of less than appropriate hygiene. He prefers people to take care of their appearance.

Also upon hearing the tales of the Golden Brew and learning about Clementine’s past, he sought to learn how to make tea. His hobby now is finding leaves for different types of brews with different types of affects. Though he wouldn’t claim he’s an alchemist.


Focal Crystal Tapping

Sith possess a unique skill, in that he can tap into more resources with his focal crystal. It is how he is able to use his focal crystal as a grip for the bow the way he does, he can also tap into the focal crystal to track other focal crystal around him. He is somehow able to understand the focal crystal better than anyone. He says it is a matter of talking with the stone, though no one truly believes that could be true. Talking to their crystal. Everybody tried it after the conversation.


Since Sith is more of a hunter than he is a warrior, he knows how to track the invisible movements of prey or not. Able to pick up track marks and be able to associate them appropriately with their owner, be it animal, or be it a man with large shoes Sith is usually pretty accurate when it comes to picking out his prey, tracking it’s trajectory and laying down a perfectly good ambush.


While Sith’s personality towards his enemies is particularly cruel, it is the methods of a hunter. Not of a warrior with swift methods of dealing justice. In order to not expend energy a hunter tires and leads his prey to their doom. Forcing them to expend all their energy, so when the final blow is struck, the individual cannot or does not have the strength to fight back.

Identifying Objects and Things of Interest

Sith is particularly knowing in things, he can identify objects that others may not be able to identify, as well as have base knowledge of flora and fauna, though he’s not necessarily an expert. Identifying is simply base knowledge that means he knows what it is, he doesn’t have the mastery or expertise to tell you everything about something. He also seems to know points of interest fairly well, and can identify good places to camp, or good places to rest, and identify danger by simply feeling what is around him. Sith is highly perceptive in this field. However, he has known of the expertise to discern him as a singular point of knowledge.

Focal Crystal: Hugr von das Altwidus [Memory/Soul of the Old Forest] - The Hugr sleeps in a dark purple, illuminating nothing and shielding itself from anyone believing such a dull stone would hold any magic inside of it. A sleeping demon, it’s dark lustrous color, intrigues others, as it doesn’t gleam or glitter, but remains a stormy, matte purple. When its user brings it alive, ancient ruins crawl onto the crystal, and it gleams like a purple storm. Inlaid into its grooves, and crevices, is the name of the Hugr scrawled on this fragmented memory of an old forest.

Special Equipment:

The Hunt is a powerful call, the hunt is what drives all manners of predators to the wild. It is the hunt that drives a hunter. It is the hunt the prey fears, it is what makes them cower. A symbol of the Old Forest, a symbol of the past, the hunt’s ring, around his wrist, carved as a bracelet from the vertebrate of an animal it is the name of this ring in ancient tongue said to give gifts to the hunter he wore it and earned it through the hunt.

*Der Ring der Jagd/The Hunt's Ring

Ability: The Hunt’s Ring tames all manners of the wild. When the user who wears this bracelet kills its prey, for 60 seconds its soul follows the individual as an ally, creating a spectral version of said beast, to aid in combat before it fades unto death.

Waldgeheimnisse, what if one could speak to the forest? What if someone held the secrets of the forest? As the Elves past through the forest, they close passages behind them, walls made of brush, leaves, and twigs, doorways that humans, and others with the lack of knowhow would see as doors. Though the forest creatures, old fae and new fae, all knew of these doors, it is how they pass the forest. It how they get around, it is how they navigate. Rings of wood, with cruxes of the forest, fragments, that speak thoughts to these earthly doorways.

Ability: The user who wears this ring can identify doorways hidden in brush and thickets. They can activate this ring to then open up these pathways. The forest of Aeflstan has always been unyielding to those who travel without realizing the forest is a pathway of doors and dead ends created by the elusive deep forest elves. Who use these rings to close paths and change paths behind them in order to keep strangers from discovering their cities.

Equipment: NA - Being half naked and furry doesn't give you much room to store items anywhere. Neither do pockets of your pants so Sith relies on others to have brought the necessary goods.

Weapons: See Magic Profile

Special Attack:

Faszinierendes Auge des Tieres - Mesmerizing Eye of the Beast

While many cannot tame the wild woods of this land, and well neither can Sith. Sith has something that other species do not. Not necessarily a special attack per say, but a special ability nonetheless. Sith can look into the eye of Any Lesser Animal and make them freeze from fear for at least 60 seconds before they regain their mental strength. This ability becomes less effective the more the creature is around Sith and his intimidating factor begins to wane. The more he tries this technique, the shorten the time the fear factor gets, to the point the ability doesn’t affect a creature. 60 seconds become 30 seconds becomes 15 seconds become 5 seconds to a creature getting use to his presence and learning to overcome their fear.

Magic Lv: 5

Spellbook: Roots and jagged edges, are complimented with beautiful glass replicas of meadowing flowers. The Royal Lily sits firm on top, while two Pink Star Drops sit at the bottom edge, it is wrapped in tendril like roots, with a red glowing stones. It is both light and dark. Fae and perhaps Deamon in origin. It feels woody, and earthy. Not leatherbound.

School of Focus: Conjuration

*Sustain - Hugr Bogen [Soul Bow]

Fragments of the old forest are said to carry the remnants of the weapons they once were. Bits of old focal crystal create a Hugr. The Hugr can be tapped for greater potential depending on the understanding and knowledge of its user, one that speaks to it. Sith can tap his Hugr to create a memory of a bow, something deep inside the Hugr, that creates the bending limbs of the bow and the drawstring. This is ability is sustained for as long as Sith has magic to sustain it. Once Sith is too exhausted of magic he can no longer create his bow. He uses his Focal Crystal, the Hugr, as the grip of the bow.

Arcane Arrow

The arrows that Sith create are not elemental arrows. Instead they are drawn entirely from the bowstring every time he draws it back. These arrows then descend, as he is often levitating when he is shooting his bow, creating a blast of primal magic that stings or pins enemies to the environment around them. The average range of these arrows is around 40ft. And they do affect his magic stamina.

Memories of a Book

How Sith carries his spellbook is by conjuring where it may need be. He can call it from a different plane, for it manifest itself, to then fade when he dismisses it.

Hugr an Eine Klinge

All weapons said to be forged by a smith, say that there is a life to a weapon. Well this is certainly the truth for some weapons. Some magic weapons Sith can create a copy of as a spectral blade that moves on its own without his command. This spectral blade, or spectral dagger, or spectral weapon, last up to 2 minutes. It can be dismissed by those with the know how to send the spectral weapon back to the Abyssal plane. The blade can move at least 10 ft away from its original summoner before simply fading if it and the summoner are too far apart to communicate

Misc Info: His Hugr requires charging in order to tap into its powers he is actually using the Focal powers energy to do so. And thus Crux Gems not only charge his Hugr, but is used to level up his magic.

Some tales are so old they are diluted as they spread from ones lips to the next. And some tales are best forgotten. While some tales are scattered in pieces, like feathers in the wind. That doesn’t mean they aren’t meant to be tales told, merely because someone has forgotten them. It’s a matter of putting the pieces together, eventually they will reveal the truth to that individual. Sith’s memories are as scattered as the wings that extend on his back. Floating, feathering, somewhere, slowly creating ripples. Just because a story has been forgotten doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be told.

Theme Song:

Character Sheet

Please feel free to decorate your sheet anyway you like, try to make it look aesthetically appealing and pretty. Love to look at a pretty sheet.


[Place Your Name Here - The World is Fantastical and Whimsical inspired by Miyazaki Films and Ni no Kuni aesthetic, not story, bright colors, warm world, and when things get dark dark darks]

Age: [Between 10 and 16]

Species: [Human, Neko, Inu, Pixie, Fairy, etc. Place your Species here lore, feats, capabilities, and appearance. Humans gain 1 extra spell slot to start out, while other Species gain a Special Attack their species can perform]

[Character Portrait Here - Spoiler if too big]

Description: Describe anything the portrait doesn’t include about your character. Trinkets, talismans, voice, height, weight. Things that make them special or stand out to others.


Strengths - These are your characters personality strengths, they are the things people admire, notice, or well liked.

Flaws - These are your characters personality flaws, things are the things they’d like to change, or others dislike, these are the things that make your character make others frustrated with them.

Neutral - These are things your character likes to enjoy, hobbies, passions, likes, and dislikes. These are even their quirks or habits they didn’t pick up from around them.

Skills: None magical, none sorcerer traits. Can they cook, camp, navigate, these are the things they have that support the group outside of combat. In a vast world, and a long adventure, you need to have more than just the knowledge of the spellbook.

Battle Profile

Focal Crystal: Color and location. Do you hold it in your pocket, is it attached to a weapon, a piece of jewelry.

Special Equipment: Allowed 2 Special Equipment. This includes your enchanted weapon or your enchanted jewelry with your Focal crystal. Be sure to explain what your Special Equipment can do. 1 Ability for each item for now.

Equipment: None special equipment, cooking kit, unless you have a magical cooking kit that be a neat idea, alchemy set, unless that’s special too. Anyhoo the idea is that this includes your non enchanted items.

Weapon: Any non enchanted weapon they carry

Special Attack: Any Non Human Species starts off with 1 Special Attack to their own species. But will not gain another special attack upon leveling up the 1st time, 5 to 6. Humans will gain a Special Attack upon level to 6.

Magic Profile

Magic Lv: 5

Spellbook: Describe your spellbook here

School of Focus: Your magical school of focus, this is up to your imagination, light, dark, stars, healing, the sky's the limit. You will start at 1 School of Focus, and gain a 2nd at Level 10.

Spells: 3 Lesser Spells, and 1 Medium Spell

Misc Battle Info: Anything else you may want to add to their battle profile should go here.

Your Tale

This is your tale, this is the sounds, and the tale you tell.

Arrival: This is all I want in this section. Is your arrival, how you found Gertrude, the trial and tribulation you had to go through, how you overcame and how you came to Cosmos city.

Theme Song: What tune do they imbue, what sound does the world hear when they are around

Misc: Anything else you’d like to add in your tale, you may


This RP will be updated Via Discord and Google Docs

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Take a look. Look closely. Here lies your fate and your destiny. One wrought trial and tribulation. Death perhaps. What you see may not be what you get. What you desire may no longer exist. Will you continue to search for it? I see your future. I see your dreams. I leave you with one parting word. She’s not who she seems.


A long time ago, there as a family of White Witches known as House Clementine. It is said that it is House Clementine and their cousins House Evergreen that helped erect the barrier that now covers Cosmo City in order to ward off evil that resides in the lands of Aelfstan. Where the untamed wilds are ruled by dark, vicious, and primal magic that could have never been controlled by magic alone. It is said that House Clementine owned a tea set, known for something nicknamed the Golden Brew. The Golden Brew was a tea that came out as yellow and as golden as liquid gold, it was imbued with magical properties, and was said to be an witch’s brew used an elixir in all matters. Not only did it cure love aches, heart breaks, spark love, and cure diseases. It said the reason why Cosmos City, Star City, and Galaxy Villa are all working together is because a White Witch from House Clementine had their leaders drink a tea from this set together. Both leaders were able to communicate more effectively and brought peace among the cities.

Magnesia Clementine was the last White Witch to carry the Golden Set. It was her mother who brought peace and prosperity to the great cities. Those of Cosmo City know Magnesia as a kind and compassionate woman, someone who tended and cared for others. While this caring generosity that may bring disaster, or so rumors in the city said. A Dark Witch disguised as a feeble old woman, resided in Clementine’s house when she was alone, in her thirties, her husband to serve the Royal King of Cosmo city.

The Old Woman exposed herself as a Dark Witch and defeated the veteran White Witch, taught by her mother, and her mother’s mother before her. The Dark Witch took the Golden Set, though no one really knows what the Dark Witch has done over the 80 years of acquiring the Golden Set. This never stopped Magnesia’s kind nature as she passed it on to her daughter Gertrude. While Gertrude may have not had the golden set, she kept peace in Cosmos City. As powerful as the many lines that created her, Gertrude lived like a legend among the people of Cosmos City.

She watched over the King’s son the Prince, before he turned to a young man. It is said she solved an issue of diplomacy one evening during a royal dinner. It is said that Gertrude also defended the barrier from invaders who tried to break the city. That is how Gertrude met her husband a Soldier of the Barrier, he fell in love with her magnetic energy. In her twenties she had two children. And in her forties they left her to find their place among the White Witches and carrying the title of House Clementine. Her husband died shortly afterwards due to a disease and Gertrude at fifty was alone. Though not for long.

She opened her estate to orphans of the city. Often ones who came from the untamed lands, or smaller villages without the barriers protection. She sheltered them, cared for them, till she grew old, weak and feeble, She taught them what she knew about magic, of the ones who were apt in magic. She taught them the secrets of the land. Each Orphan feeling indebted to her in some way for her fairness, kindness, and motherliness to them.

Now at her eighties she lie dying in bed. The Orphans have planned to return the Golden Set to her before she passes on. This is their way to repay her for all she has done to them.

Aelfstan and Mechanics

Aelfstan is a world abundant of magic, it was always difficult to tame or maintain and that is why the great cities, Star City, Cosmos City, and Galaxy Villa are considered the great city. Emerging from years of battling and trying to tame and defeat beast with more magic or power than them. And fighting back a forest that fought back as well, the great cities are monuments, testaments really of the people’s resilience. Once the war against the land had been enacted, and the great cities stood, expanding inside their barrier over time, Aelfstan outside of the barriers that surrounded the city grew more wild, overgrown forest where trees trick visitors, wild beast ferocious and not to be persuaded with, meadows more abundant with flora and fauna, and mountains so treacherous that no one has ever been able to fully discover the secrets of Aelfstan.

What is Known

Spell Stones

Ancient stones sit in different areas and regions of Aeflstan if you’re looking. These ancient stones when tapped into them imbue the listener with key knowledge to allow them to create new spells to add to their spellbooks.

The Gems of Aelfstan

Focal Crystal

A Focal Crystal is something all sorcerers, warlocks, and witches use to channel their energy. You can see them attached to staves, inside blades, attached to gloves, or held in the magic users hands stowed in their pockets. Whichever way you use your Focal Crystal the Focal Crystal has various uses to the magical user;

Wayfinder - The Focal Crystal will shine a beam of light towards a waystone. Waystone are ancient stones that sorcerers before the Great City used to guide themselves through the landscape of Aelfstan. It also can call you to any Waystone you have activated with the Focal Crystal.

Magic Up - The Focal Crystal also is a sorcerers main source of power. Upon defeat a creature you will receive their Crux Gem. Your Focal Crystal absorbs this energy and before you know it, you may gain more power in no time.

Spell Stone - The Focal Crystal also will slightly hum when you have come close to a spell stone. Though it won’t specify a particular location as it will the Waystone, it’s a good thing to pay attention to.

Uncovering Secrets - The Focal Crystal will grow brightly if there is any magical secrets, be them items, or invisible messages hidden. The Focal Crystal than can illuminate these invisible walls, invisible messages. It changes color the closer you are to a special item.

Colors of the Focal Crystal, a Focal Crystal is always glowing and blueish clear before it is claimed by a sorcerer. The color of the gem changes in contact with the one who owns the Focal Crystal.


Or called Guiding Stones in ancient times, Waystones were pillars made in the center of the ancient cities of the old sorcerers, using the same Gems as the Focal Crystal to connect all their cities together. Back then they had no way of taming the world above, so they built their cities below. Waystones found often in now abandoned ancient cities, with ancient treasures. Some Waystones are asleep, while others lie awake calling to their brothers.

Crux Gems

For whatever reason when a creature dies it releases a gem named a Crux Gems. They are various in shape, color, the way they feel, the way they look. And have various uses. You may take a Crux Gem’s powers to power your focal crystal up. Or Cruz Gems can be crafted into upgrading your weapons, and crafting various things.

Lastly races and species of Aelfstan are various. There will be no limitations as to what you can create in this world. Elves, Drow, fairies, pixies, etc. The only request I ask is if you making talking animals, make them stand upright on all twos, and the same concept with dragons, would be more like dragonborn from DnD.


So how this RP works there will be light equipment management. I suggest posting the Equipment management in the corner of your post. Cruz Gems will be the source of you gaining more power or upgrading your equipment. While Spell Stones will be how you gain new spells, of your own creation. Spells will be held in a spellbook.

The number of spells you can have is dependent on the level of your Magic. Which all starts at 5, which gives you the ability to know 3 Lesser Spells, and 1 Medium Spell. The amount of Lesser and Mediums spells you carry will increase by 2 every time magic levels up. The rate magic levels up will by 1, but what this means is that every time you want to level up you need 10 Cruz Gems or 1 Boss Crux to level up by 1. While Cruz Gems will be distributed among the group at your leisure.

Boss Crux will be handed over roulette style. I will be assigning a number to each of you and that will be the only time Dice are involved in this game.

The number of Crux given is dependent on the creature. Lesser Creatures, which will be marked on the post during the creature encounter, will always hand 3 Crux Gems, Mediums Creatures will always hand 5 Crux Gems, Advance Creatures will always hand 7, and Bosses will always have 1 Lesser Crux and 1 Boss Crux.

How to be Accepted

The Accepted Process in this RP will not be the same as you're use to. While I have the final say. And you are here because I have enjoyed your sheets. You will be Reviewing Each Other's Sheets. Before putting up sheets on the Character Tab, I require all members to review the sheets of their fellow players.
@The Jest

"Ok so, you two, Rex and Gazimon... I promised the both of you some fun on this wild ride, and...well, I'll be straight with you, it doesn't look like that fun's gonna be anytime soon if this is any indication. This place is apparently designed for patience, and, well, you don't seem like the type its looking for. So, after some consideration, me an Lucy decided to give you some fun somewhere else..." Ty said, before looking towards Lucemon who nodded in response.

What does he know about him? Just met him two minutes ago and assumes he can’t be patience. Pisses him off. Still sounded boring though, standing around doing nothing cause, well whatever they were indicating this place had a mind of its own something. He just listens since these guys are so full of monologues his ears started ringing and he went deaf.

He’s right, they do start monologuing. He cannot focus on this. He didn’t care about Nethercircuits and whatever. Just get to the point, tell him what to do already.

"...Indeed. Normally it would be nothing short of suicide to have a single digidestined pairing to enter a Nethercircuit. Digidestines are something of a threat to the more dominant among them and digimon outsiders are treated as prey. However, The Gazimon race are nightmare soldiers, a family of digimon species that favor the dark and viral over the light. As a result, Rex, by having a Gazimon at your side, at least in theory, should make things easier for you while you are in there. That does not mean you can let your guard down however, the digimon in there are violent and aggressive after all. But you need not worry, Reapermon shall accompany you there."

Violent and aggressive. Nightmare soldiers. All of this is really turning out like a video game tutorial wasn’t it. Then he got the boss Digimon to accompany him. Great so he’s got a mobile suit following him around.

"Your name is Reapermon, but you look like a rejected Gundam suit, okay whatever, this world is testing my patience on normal,” patience because, oh whatever whoever got it got it, whoever didn’t he really didn’t care.

"There are digimon in the Nethercircuit that may be too much for partnered digimon to handle right now. Having one such as yourself enter with him should help guarantee his safety."

Gazimon hasn’t been listening either. Lucemon talks too much, so does the short human boy and he refuses to listen to him. He’s just here because he’s trying to get to that dream he had. Something calling to him in murky water. However, Gazimon’s ears picked up when he heard the word “partnered digimon”. Gazimon grumbled under his breath.

“Hey, I am partnered with no one, he’s just holding my device for me, when I learn to unlock it myself,” Gazimon snaps at Lucemon.

“Oh yeah, but a minute ago something in their monologues, I got that you can only be evolved by my power or our connection, whatever,” Rex tells Gazimon, “So like it or not, we’re stuck with each other. Honestly could have done with a less loud mouth following me.”

“The loud around here is you!” Gazimon snaps.

“Ah yeah, well let’s hope Deathscythe Gundam here doesn’t talk near as much as you do,” Rex remarks.

"One more thing I need to mention. ...Each Netherciruit has a lord, a ruler that presides over all of that specific territory. Even with Reapermon at your side, The lords of the Nether are too great a foe for you as it stands. This one in particular may look harmless in appearance but do not let it deceive you. Tell them that you are here on Lucemon's orders and you will have safe passage but whatever you do, do not make it angry. If the lord request you do something for him, it is in your best interest to do it. Last but not least, if you hear the sound of bells ringing...run, as far away as you can, as fast as you can."

Rex shrugs.

“Sure, go survey an area in the dark zone or whatever, and tell this lord that Lucemon sent me, anything else?” Rex ask, “Want me to stop on the way get you some tea and cookies?”

This is all the boring stuff he’d usually skip. Nothing worse than a game that continues to talk and talk and talk. Probably the fact he couldn’t stand was there were no such things as quest markers in this world. Unless. Brilliant idea Rex, ain’t nothing more fucking annoying than things not being simple and easy.

“So, the devices got any form of like location on them or something? Place a program, right?” Rex ask.

He looks at Reapermon.

“Unless he knows where we’re going,”

Great it’s an escort mission and he’s the goddamn escort. Cue his health bar now. Dying here though would be at least better than dying somewhere pathetic, like his bedroom or at the school. Whatever, if this place was so dangerous he hopes there’s a way to send his parents his corpse back later. If ghost are real he wanted to see their tears.

Gazimon looks at Rex then Lucemon. All of this is silly. He was meant for greater, better. This Human didn’t seem any different than the so called Emperor Human. Weak, fleshy meat bags. What could they ever possibly provide him?

“Hmph, just don’t slow us down human,” Gazimon’s the one who decides to lead the charge. Human was going to follow him no matter. He was going to make sure of that.

“You sure you’re not talking about yourself,” Rex retorts.

“Grrr, you’re infuriating human!” Gazimon growls.

“Feelings mutual,” Rex replies.

To update those on what is going on, my father has officially passed. It has been a rough two years for the whole family, but I wonder if people will assume or think that I am a terrible person for not feeling sad instead I feel relief. I have seen this man at his best and worst, my times with him are the ones that I grew up with as a boy. Those memories are the best memories, smiling pictures, and warm nostalgic feelings. It’s a weird concept to see people who have pets, who are a part of our family, suffer and they talk about ending their misery. Yet, they don’t have the considerable sympathy to end the suffering of their non four legged friends. It sickens them for some reason. I knew my father through wellness and sickness. He didn’t lose any of his strength, he didn’t lose who he was, but you could tell he couldn’t. I think it killed him knowing or slowly losing the things he should be able to do. Now I hope he is at peace. I spent a long time of my youth already grieving. Now I can be their for my mother and we can breathe. Some will say I am in denial. But I know how I feel.

Nationality: Caucasian, Eastern Asian; Turkish, Hungarian, Dutch, Finnish

Age: 17


Is he really okay? He greets others with a smile comforting smile on his face, he gives you his condolences in a calm manner. Long black hair that has only been trimmed recently, though it’s still past his chin brushing across his shoulder. As he bows, it brushes across his white, slightly olive hued skin, and gets into his blue irises. He simply brushes it away with a simple, small gesture, his fingers slim, and elegant. He’s always been thin himself, no definition in his body, but his clothes hang a little on him. Deciding not to wear a suit for the funeral, but a pair of tan khakis, a black cardigan, over a sweater. A pair of canvas shoes, black and white. His left ear pierced with a simple earring.

Given the circumstances it was awkward to describe him as a cute heartthrob, but in a different event he’d probably have young girls or even any young man fall for him. He stood at 5’5”, 165cm, and probably weighed on the lighter side. He always had the scent of vanilla wafting from him or something sweet, probably the shampoo in his hair. With a demure presence, the amount of self control, give shim an essence of someone more mature for their age. An admirable trait that added to his charm. Less a prince and more like a charm, comforting aura.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“It stings,” his voice only cracks a little, “Of course. It will take healing and mending, but I prefer to comfort others who need it.”

His voice is calm and steady, it’s soft, and he keeps his tone even. It’s like listening to the embodiment of comfort. Which probably gives the impression to others that he is indeed some somber personality. Though the truth is that his voice, while even, can become light, like vocal skipping when he is excited about something. His laugh is always genuine and warming. Whenever anyone who speaks to him, you always get the sense of an individual who is earnest about the way he feels. Angry when he is angry, it’s stern, hoarse, but never yelling. Happy, is light, and fretting. So and so forth. He can be quite expressive, though that expressiveness is subtle if you’re not listening for it.


They call him Old Man as a joke, while he might be seventeen he seems wise beyond his years. Like a twenty year old stuck in a teenagers body. You will always know where you stand with Nathan, he is not the type of person who will hide his emotions from other people, he’s very clear about what he likes and doesn’t. More developed than some of his peers, he seems to have a lot of emotional maturity that others seem to be still developing which makes him come off adultish and not at all what some would call “kiddish”. Though to those with the self awareness to recognize this is probably a good thing to see in a young adult.

It’s not that Nathan is always serious, he does have a sense of humor, though most of his humor is that of dad jokes and pretty terrible puns, or pretty terrible jokes you’d find online, read it once, laugh and not continue to laugh. Nathan’s jovial side though makes him find these jokes funny over and over again, despite everyone’s silence. Just because he can be cool and collected, he does have a fun, and does enjoy a little adventure. He can be spontaneous and do things willingly because he wants to. He simply knows when it is time to tone it down.

Nathan is known for giving others advice. He’s always there to be a shoulder for them to cry on, and he tries his best to pick up the older brother role if he can. Those that may need more help, Nathan will be there for them of course. Generally sympathetic and kind natured, with a very subdued and demure personality means that Nathan is always offering in some way, some form of advice. While is patient, and down to earth soul it doesn’t mean Nathan doesn’t have his ticks.

Generally things that irritate Nathan cruelty, and those that feel the need to kick people when they are down. He can’t stand an attitude of some asshole, to put it kindly, putting someone down who needs help. And he will give those type of people a piece of his mind. The naturally gentle nature of Nathan can become a storm of fury the moment someone puts someone else down. Bullies and jerks will not earn Nathan’s favor.

Crest: Patience


Card Games - Nothing is more relaxing than playing solitaire. And nothing is more than a bonding experience than playing a challenging game of goldfish or war.

Obscure Trivia - Nathan has a lot of useless information rummaging around in his head. Something he often likes to bring up at random.

Old Castles - Living in Europe there is an influence of old castles hidden. He’s always loved the way they spark his interest and aims to visit them all. Even discovering ones not known before.



Nathan is not a fan of arguments between people. While he understands that conflict can sometimes brings solutions, he also likes to be the mediator. He likes to be the third party individual in a conflict who can illuminate both sides of the argument and smooth things over.


He had to learn to take over the family meals, while it may not be a five star restaurant he can still cook up something wholesome and delicious as long as he knows what the ingredients are. Nathan isn’t really a beautiful plater though, so your meals might not look delicious since he just puts stuff on plate and hopes its delicious to taste.


In this day and age it’s surprising to know that someone in this day and age practiced archery, but one of Nathan’s past time before his father’s illness was taking archery classes, learning how to use a longbow. How useful this would become for him later on in his life he wasn’t so sure, but it was fun. Brought him to the time of adventures with knights and old castles.



"I might be tiny, but I am mighty"


"Who are we going to go after?"

-turns on fan-

-Puwamon gets blown by the draft-

-turns fan off-

"How about we wait till your bigger before you start taking on things not quite your size?"


-flexes wings-

"I'm ready?"



-takes out a big halloween balloon slightly deflated-

"Aaaaah! What is that?"

"Precisely my point,"


-puts wings up in a boxing stance-

-watches with interest-

"Come on you want to take me, looking big and tough"

-giant boulder begins to move-

"What did you say?" Tortomon

"He said you have a lovely shell," Nathan

"Why thank you," Tortomon looks happy.

-Picks Falcomon up-

"Tch could have taken him"


"You don't have to take care of me now Nathan, I am older and wiser,"


-rock comes flying at them-

"I am trying to give a rallying speech" -shouts at Ogremon-

-another boulder comes flying at them-


"My wings wide turn the sky black as night, blue fades and shines behind me. While a dark aura surrounds me, true calling is to defeat this chaos that has its grasp on the home I call dear. No Digimon shall conquer the world for as long as I stand next to a Digidestin,"


"Witness my glory and gaze upon my holy light. For my resolve is to illuminate the darkness and cast it out. So it may not have somewhere to hide,"


He’s not going to school? Doesn’t that concern you? Two years ago his life changed from one of carefree child folly, to a long and treacherous road one with lots of ups, and downs. Trials and tribulations. Before that, you could say Nathan lived a carefree life. The son of Margaret Steiner and Francis Steiner, his life began as one with a life with adventure, travel, and journey. Encouraged, by his parents, a curious, educated kid Nathan was in love with knights, castles, and queens. History being his favorite subject and begging his parents to take archery to practice shooting through archery slits.

Times with his father were ones to the countryside, going to castles, and old buildings. It was stories and tales that filled his imagination. His father a playful, jovial spirit meant he could engage with his son in active powerful ways. Running around, acting like fools, while his father would educate him on the historical figures. It was going to the beach or taking hikes up hills. His father a patience and caring man who understood a child’s imagination needed to fed and fueled like fire.

Times with his mother were ones learning crafts or spending time cooking with her. Weirder yet was his excitement on days where he got to go to her work. They were picture lessons and bird watching. Both parents doing what they could to spark their child with experiences, to encourage him to be and do whatever he wanted. It seemed that Nathan may have had never had a trouble in his life at these tender ages.

When he was ten he was told he was going to get a sibling. It never came to fruition. There was discussion about a miscarriage and that devastated his mother. A stormy time in his life not sure how to comfort or heal his parents from their lost. They tried again when he was twelve and his little sister came to the world. Times with his sister were a lot diaper changes in the beginning they weren’t very fun, she cried a lot and made a fuss whenever she was hungry. He was sure he was like this too when he was a baby, but it wasn’t very fun.

When he was fourteen there was the eye before the storm and father complained of things Nathan couldn’t really understand. Their father was afraid to bring him into the topic, till he was fifteen and introduced to the scary word that shatters any teenagers world. The dreaded C word. The C word that could either be like those uplifting movies when the person overcomes it and everyone is happy. Or the movie where they don’t and you grieve the entire movie. At first it was hard because Father wasn’t as sick, he was still going to school, mom still to work, dad to still work. Things didn’t really seem different until things took for the worst.

A small tragedy had played out in his life before. A miscarriage wasn’t something he could experience, but his father ravaging away was something he could. At first it was difficult thing to understand. It was a difficult thing to handle.

School became difficult, despite him never having trouble with it before. His relationship with his father seemed more distance as if his father didn’t want him to see him at his weakest. It could have been more like this, his mother working more, his life filled with dread. But Nathan was always somewhat like his father, headstrong in the face of adversary. When the worst of his father’s condition took hold that’s when Nathan dropped school to take the weight off of his mother. She could work and he could deal with his father.

At first it was awkward. Dad had so much pride. Jacky couldn’t help yet, she is just afterall a toddler. But Nathan didn’t let it stop him. He pushed and push to help. Beginning to take a lot more responsibility at home. Something his parents were proud of, but worried about.

It was hard, and difficult. Though Nathan made it all right. Today marks the day of his father’s death. It makes a moment Nathan can sit back and take a breather. Maybe he’ll go back to school. The sky is the limit, it feels like a great weight has been lifted off his shoulder and he never knew that he had been holding onto that much weight until it’s been taken from him.

Theme Song:

Kurama's VA is Nathaniel

“Hmm, yes see I prefer to eat for free, or virtually for free, so I am going to have to stop you in your tracks,” he says flipping out a red fan with cherry blossoms blowing in the wind. Positively bored with you, he gives a cocky raise of his brow. He seems to be underestimating you at this point of time. A wind picks up, kicking up dirt, his long, white, silver hair blowing in the wind. The fluff of his tail also blowing delicately in the wind. The smell of pipe tobacco picking up from the breeze. He just continues to smirk and look down at you with violet irises that reminded you of marbles, the way they shined. Long claw like nails wrapped around the spine of his fan.

Age: 25

Gender: Male

His hair has been cut since the last time you’ve seen him, though it is still powdery and silver. It shines in the sun with vigor, while his skin is pale, and snow like. It is soft to the touch. Though it will always be the white tail that sticks out or even his ears that stick out. The demon doesn’t seem to mind the stares he got, in fact he might even ignore it. Or if he’s not ignoring it, he certainly has enough self assurance that it doesn’t bother him. He walks with stride. His self confidence in himself reflected in the choice of clothing he decides to wear. Bright, patterned, kimonos, paired with matching kimono jackets, and sandaled shoes. He pairs different fans with his outfit as well as a way to personalize himself. A strong, but graceful stride in the steps he takes he has pride in himself. Maybe too much pride.

The smell of pipe tobacco comes off of him, it’s not unpleasant it’s mixed in with odd floral tones that you didn’t think a demon could possess. Like cherries or flowering blossoms, he smells earthy and sweet. He stands at 5’8”, 172cms, he is leanly built, with some muscular tone to him. He is built not as a hulking warrior, but more like an agile, nimble fighter, There is a slimness to his face that is streamlined and narrow, with pensive features. His hands and arms are elegantly shaped, boney, thought not too boney. There is a non human elegance that comes from his appearance. And he knows it too, carrying himself with noble importance.

“Oh so you think you’re important. Well let me not knock you down a few pegs, but unless your name is on a wanted billboard someone no one thinks you’re as important as you like to think you are,”

His voice is full and rich, it is airy and light, with a slight fruitiness to it. A light eccentric, flamboyance, Rún doesn’t come off as he looks. Which is harsh and rough despite his flamboyantly colored garbs. However, Rún is light in the way he addresses people, his voice is relaxed and calm, his tone has a charm. Though it is subject to change to hoarseness, and stark seriousness if someone has managed to irritate him. Which is a bit of a difficult task.


Rune will most likely rub people the wrong way, his arrogance and perceived self importance that gives him the atmosphere of some haughty prince treating others like his disciples. And while it is true, Rune holds a lot of self importance, to the point it becomes arrogant cockiness, he actually doesn’t view himself above others. Only presume to due to his princely nature. While confident, maybe too prideful, Rune is never mean or cruel to others. He may tease them though that’s the way Rune shows affection to others, he leaves cruelty for those who truly deserve it.

While Rune would not be considered a warm cuddly personality, as he’s not the type to lend someone advice, but observe in their own failings. Rune is a loyal and trusting friend to those who have earned his trust and that is hard. Rune is not an easily trusting person and even those who may have known him for long time, may not know Rune for a long time. He has a lot of distrust in others, part of his arrogant attitude actually may be merely a self defense mechanism.

Being put down too much in his earlier life has made him distrusting of others and he full heartedly believes others have ulterior motives. Those who are kind to you, want something from you. Those that hate you, hate something inside themselves and use you as a scapegoat. Those who love you, choose to betray you. So and so forth. Internally Rune could be described as a lonely personality who puts up walls for others to not care for him. While simultaneously putting a lot of effort to care for others and help them out.

Though not through any words. Rune will never tell someone nice. Instead he’ll simply do something nice without ever attaching his name. If he hears a guild member cannot pay for boarding he’ll pay, but threaten the person he paid to not speak a word of his payment. He prefers others at a distance. Probably due to others putting him down, stems his overconfidence to prove to others he doesn’t care what others have to say about him. While internally overanalyzing what those he cares for think of him when they say a certain word.

In battle and when it comes to actual business Rune is efficient and highly competent. While he may not be as powerful as say a Slayer, Rune’s power comes in his ability to analyze, and observe a situation. A very observant character who reads people on and off the battlefield, he can easily pinpoint their personal weaknesses and attacks their physical and personal flaws for the right type of advantage. A planner, and a thinker Rune is efficient in coming up with a strategy. Those who know Rune know that he learns his hunt before he ever goes charging head in first. Of course Rune will also charge in if he sees it as something beneficial.

Though beyond the seriousness of some of Rune’s personality traits, he’s often more seen taking the pissing. Poking fun at others or relaxing sipping sake or tea depending on the time of day. He doesn’t seem to take too much of anything seriously unless someone really pulls it out of him and someone who does pull out Rune’s seriousness is in for a rude awakening of an individual who isn’t particularly nice. Rune has no personal feelings of others cruelty, because he can be cruel. Someone who disrespects him or directly harms those Rune has directly determined as someone willing to help will face a harsh punishment. Rune rarely, unless ordered, leaves someone alive on a mission. He has no regards for others who are not in his inner circle. They can die and they can beg for mercy, but he won’t necessarily care. As much as he can be joking and appear less than intelligent. He can also quickly shift and show his malicious side. Rune can look a man cold in the eye and feel no guilt, regret or shame for killing him while he begs for mercy.

Rune will protect those he deems worth protecting. He will engage with those he deems worth engaging with. And anyone without this regard, is better off dead or away from him. What Rune won't accept is the help from others, he doesn't need it. And it's only a way for someone to buy him a favor. But Rune will accept helping others himself. Living in an oddly specific quirk dynamic.



For a good majority of Rune’s life was on the seas, and being on the seas meant boats and boats meant learning how to navigate the boats. Rune has quite the mastery of sailing boats on the open seas. And he’s free. Nothing like exploiting your guild members useful skills when need be so you don’t have pay.


Rune can be quite cunning, like a nobleman, he walks the walk and talks the talk. He can be persuasive and charming. Rune knows the right words to say, and the wrong words to say when it comes to matters of talking your way out of the reasons why it would be a terrible idea to be squished.

Navigating a Map

As a pirate you needed to know where you were going and the natural and man made obstacles in your way. You needed to be able to record your path and understand the terrain you were about to enter. You needed a map. A map is the true holy treasurer of a pirate, Captain B would say. Rune can read and navigate maps very well and find the path with the least obstacles in the way, there is nothing worse than having an obstacle in the way.

Boat Enthusiasts

Not only is Rune a great sailor, he’s sort of has an understanding of a boat. He can tell the wood a boat is made from and place its location, he can tell when a boat is no more comparable than a piece of floating wood and he can certainly tell when someone is trying to sell him the difference between a junkyard boat and a royalty crown boat. Rune also collects boats in jars and is very particular about these and how they are cared for.


While Rune could certainly charm his way out of danger. Sometimes danger isn’t going to be charmed so he has another tactic. That tactic would be to mock his enemies until he’s demoralized them so much they either give up from shame or fight with little to no vigor. Rune can see right through people sometimes and he can be quite cunning when he wants to be.


Rune learned how to assess the value of items. He can tell you when a piece of treasure is also a piece of trash. Or whether something you have is of actual value. Rune’s a pretty good expert on treasure and finding treasure at that.


Smoke Maker Magic

While it is true that people see Rune smoking his tobacco pipe for pleasure. He’s also been seen on the field with his smoking pipe. Usually to mock or ridicule his opponents as he’s often seen lounging before battle. While others might run their mouth, Rune might be smoking his pipe, sitting on a picnic blanket, with a parasol, making tea. While it is certainly disrespectful, Rune antics shouldn’t be taken lightly when you understand the nature of his magic. As Rune uses a form of smoke maker magic. Which means he can mold his magic through his smoke.

What he can mold through his smoke is as near limitless as the creators imagination. Though Rune likes to muse his opponents with animals usually, though he can create swords as favorably as he creates animals. Though his smoke maker magic is not only as strong as the use of hands, it also seems the strength of the spell is the source of his smoke.

His pipe may not create perfect shapes. And there is a slight chance that his shapes may disappear if someone breaks the illusion and recognizes it’s just smoke. But the shapes from his pipe will always be weaker than say the shapes he can create from the smoke of a large fire.

Playing with a leaf spinning it around, it isn’t like Stirling didn’t notice Viorel, Myles, or Luka, it’s simply they didn’t feel like engaging or eavesdropping. Okay no, that is a lie, as they hid behind the garden Stirling too snuck around behind the bush to hear what was being said. Curiously overhearing things about their silly little websites they had no interest. A group causing a problem for them in the parade. They knew it. If only Luka would let them get close so they could fix them. If they fixed them, they wouldn’t be dragged down by Myles so much and allow Myles to do his own thing, as his own individual.

Hearing Viorel slowly dismiss them, Stirling quickly dashed back where he was sitting. Myles look particularly worried. Luka following along. Stirling continued to twil the leaf he had found in the gutter, as it spun each point like a unique dancer in a music box. Waiting outside didn’t seem so bad. The others were too young or too inexperienced to be of any personal consideration. Maybe that came off cold. He’s not so sure.

Getting up to greet the Twsome.

“Morning to you too Stirling, you are looking quite eclectic,” Foster, he can recognize them, their tones are different and so is their energy, presence. Foster lacks presence, he lacks command. They wanted to see Harper today. Foster shouldn’t go to the parade, he hasn’t earned it. Not the way Harper has.

Stirling doesn’t feel like engaging with Foster. They stand up and walk back into the fire station. Heading down to the basement.

“Viorel says we have 10 minutes,” Stirling says taking the task Myles and Luka were given, before they had arrive. He had just passed them, as they were heading back to the basement. Shirking their duties, surely, and taking pictures of things they shouldn’t.
We are currently full and I won't be accepting any more sheets
@Neo Is Delight is correct


As long as the idea is interesting, I'll accept a non magic based character.

The Focal Crystal Tapping is merely the knowledge or the know how that would be innate or inherent skill traits.

You make all the spells. As for cast. I haven't accepted anyone.

edit: that was meant to read would not be innate or inherent. Most of the characters have backstories of learning magic, it didn't need to be repeated in the skills and would have been taken innate or inherent. Though Sith had to gain the knowledge to use the Crystal the way he does.
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