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Ponder on the Past II: Monster Mash at Nuclear One/Betrayal 149

Time: What is supposed to be Midnight, 200 years in the future
Location: What was once Arkansas Nuclear One, Arkansas

The sun started to set over the mountains of Holla Bend National Wildlife Refuge, crimson red colouring the sky. In the fading sunlight, the dark outline of the nuclear power station, known hundreds of years ago as Arkansas Nuclear One, towered over the entranceway. The cooling tower had been broken through the center of it running north-south, the steam that it once produced long since been gone. The remaining buildings that were a part of the facilities were a mixture of complete rubble and ruins, vegetation coming out of windows and doors. While it looks abandoned, who knows what secrets and dangers lie within, The Wanderer thought, the motorbike that he travelled on silent. While he did manage to get to the power station before nightfall, the journey had been tough. The unforgiving sun had baked the roads so much that fissures completely damaged them and the ground around them. Even with his teleportation abilities to get over the tricky ones, it had been slow going and the fuel that was in the bike ran out shortly after turning off of the I-40, walking-teleporting for an hour with the bike in tow. While it was kind of useless now, he did want to bring the bike back to Settlement 149. But for now, he needed to find where the power source for the machine back at the settlement. That means going through the building and looking for where the nuclear fuel rods are and bringing one back.

Moving the bike to the nearest building, The Wanderer parked the bike up and walked up to the entrance of the building. The entrance was partially filled in with a dead tree trunk that had grown through the steps leading up to it. In another life, you would have become a magnificent tree, he thought, saddened at the sorry-looking flora. Clenching his right hand, he focused on the tree. He raised the clenched hand up and began opening it. The purple flames returned, covering his forearm. A moment later, a beam surged from the palm of his hand, the purple flames dying down and blowing back from the method. The beam left a hole between the left entranceway and the left side of the trunk, splintered wood scattered all over the floor inside. Without reaching for any source of light, he walked through the new opening into the darkness inside.

Inside, the immediate area around The Wanderer was illuminated, seemingly originating from him. The walls, cracked and caked with dust and dirt, was illuminated to a near-white with a hint of purple in the light. Inside, the corridors were barren, disintegrating boxes and furniture scattered all over the floor. There were some skeletal remains of the unfortunate workers, the fabric of the clothing thread-bare and appearing like it could crumble with a mere touch. ”Poor souls,” were the only words he could mutter. The events that led to the creation of the wastelands had killed billions of people around the world, though what had caused it was unknown to people today. Well, that what it had seemed at Settlement 149 as the people there had no passed-down knowledge of what had happened. The deeper he went into the facility, the greater the sadness of the long-forgotten past grew. However, everything that was around him was only seen through his left eye. Through his right, waves of purple energy were around, the waves appearing calm. While he was still being alert for whatever awaits him in this catacomb, he wasn’t on edge from anything in his immediate vicinity.

When he reached what seemed to be the generator room, numerous metal stairs filling the room to reach the top of the generators, the purple waves seen in his right eye began to ripple. Something is here, he thought, standing still when he first saw the state of the waves change. His left hand was outstretched while his right was clenched tight. Looking around to see where the source of the energy came from, he slowly walked into the open area. Unlike sound waves, the psionic waves did not bounce around in the abandoned grounds, so the source of the waves would be easier to find. However, this particular source was hard to find, especially as the ripples seemed to never end. Unless… He scanned around the room, seeing nothing, before looking up to the ceiling. It was then he saw it. While his left eye saw nothing but the dark shapes, his right eye sees nearly-white shapes through the purple waves. The creatures, most likely mutants, were resting on the ceiling and they were probably aware of his presence. If they were, they had not reacted to him yet as both he and them remained motionless. Sensing nothing coming from either side, The Wanderer made his move, slowly moving towards the other side of the room, following where the old steam pipes come from.

Once at the doorway out of the generator room, his left hand reached out to grab for the handle when a large ripple was seen in his right eye. Before he could react, a large hand grabbed him by the scruff of his coat’s collar. Whatever was behind him was large and the force of the throw away from the door suggested as such. As he was launched over the railing to the ground below, both his left and right eye saw his assailant; an 8ft Behemoth. A Behemoth was the end result of both psionic and nuclear radiation of extreme doses affect a large group of people, forcing them into a hulking mass of muscle, heads of the former people scattered around the body. However, the two sets of gigantic arms were very distinctive as numerous tumours were strewn across the surface. The impact of the fall had hurt the comparatively diminutive man was loud enough that it woke up the beings that were on the ceiling. However, as they see the Behemoth in the room, they began to fly away, human-skinned wings flapping straight for the opening in the ceiling. Once the winged mutants were gone, The Wanderer got up off of the ground, looking in the direction of the slow-approaching giant. Through the years of training, he knew a common weakness of the Behemoths: No matter what their design, their large mass had made them extremely slow. They do, however, make up for this disadvantage by the sheer strength and though hide, where in some places had scale patches that were tougher than titanium. Another weakness of theirs was the lack of psionics, despite them being formed by large psionic radiation. Something which suited The Wanderer well.

Getting into a fighting stance, the purple flames returned. Instead of covering his forearm, the flames licked all over his body, the flames small but intense in light. That was not the only thing that The Wanderer had done. On his right forearm, a large gauntlet of purple psionics formed, giving off an appearance of glass. The gauntlet ran down the length of his forearm and formed a disk over his hand. Jutting out from where the fist is, a large, pointed blade formed, a meter in length and made of the same material. Once ready, he ran forward, running faster at a much higher speed than what was suggested for his gear and frame. Pushing off of the ground, he launched himself into the air as he thrusted the weapon towards the mutant’s chest. Unfortunately for him, the beast reacted at a much quicker speed than he had anticipated. The large arms swatted him to the side, crashing through the wall to an office space.

Groaning, The Wanderer got back to his knees and looked as the Behemoth was lurching towards him. Once again, he ran towards the giant, his boots audible on the metal catwalk. As the monster swung at him again, the man ducked underneath the arms, sliding through its legs while the psionic blade slashed at its groin area. However, as The Wanderer had suspected, the blade bounced off at where the legs meet, the scale plate undamaged from the blow. Getting back onto his knees, he slashed at the back of the Behemoth’s knees, the blade cutting through flesh and bone. Unlike what a creature of its stature, the giant let out a high-pitched wail as it sank onto the catwalk, the tendons on where the cuts were severed from the blow. Making no time for the beast to heal and get back up, the man ran to the door he had reached for, opening it during the mad dash. However, instead of running through it, he turned and raised his right arm to the area of the ceiling above the giant, the blade disappearing. A second later, a beam was fired from his palm. Unlike what happened with the tree in the entrance, he closed his hand while the beam came from his hand. As the fingers touched the beam, the front most point of the beam exploded. The force of the explosion rocked the room. The aged ceiling groaned before it started to collapse on itself. It was then The Wanderer ran through the door. The ceiling fell around, the concrete panels collapsing on and around the Behemoth, burying it underneath the rubble.

Reaching to the reactor room, The Wanderer collapsed onto a nearby control console. His body ached from the hits he took from the beast. That was something he could never get used to, no matter the number of time he has faced those creatures. It was a shame that the man who had taught him on how to take Behemoths out, calling himself Mick the Beast Killer, had been killed by one such creature, ripped in two in a solo hunting trip for the scales they had. As he remained on the top of the console, he looks to the storage room where he thought he saw sign for where the fuel was. While he could check to see if any of the rods were there, he thought otherwise as he fell into darkness, the pain and mental exhaustion exceeding his capacities together.
Time: What is supposed to be Mid-afternoon, 200 years in the future
Location: What was once Arkansas Nuclear One, Arkansas

The next day, The Wanderer woke up. The room was still dark, but the sunlight that come from the cracks through the facility crept through them, brightening the areas where his aura is unable to reach. Rubbing his eyes, he slid off of the console and walked to the fuel storage room door. He reached for the handle and tried, unsuccessfully, to open it. Letting go, he punched through the door, grabbing the handle on the other side so he could rip it out of the door. Going through the newly-opened room, his left eye stung as bright light filled his vision. As his eyes adapted to the light, part of the ceiling had collapsed, the dented generators seen in the daylight. Cursing under his breath, he began searching through the containers to find an open one to drag an unused fuel rod out. Minutes later, he had found what he was looking for and it was lugged over his right shoulder, his right arm and hand cradling it. The rod had a lot of weight to it, but his mutant side had made the object seem like it was a baseball bat. Walking back through the rubble of the generator room, he noticed that there was a crater where the Behemoth was, suggesting that the beast had survived the cave in and was searching for him. Luckily for him, the creatures also had a lack of a sense of smell, despite the number of heads that it had.

Reaching the car park, walking through the gap that he created the day before, he took a few steps before he stopped. On the other side, a group of men stood, assault rifles raised and pointing at him while protecting the Humvee they came here with. It took him a moment before he realized he recognized a couple of them and not by the ‘149’ permanent marker insignia that was on the sleeves. ”Relax, it’s just me,” he started, raising his left hand to show that he recognized him. However, when they did not respond back to him and kept the guns trained at him, he knew that they were not here to help him. ”I see… Well, I’ll certainly have a word with him when I get back…

Before he could finish, the men began firing at him. I guess they forgot who I am, The Wanderer thought, looking at them with an unamused look on his face. With his free left hand, he conjured a near-invisible wall in front of him. Some of the bullets ricocheted off of it, but the majority struck the wall and fell onto the ground, flattened by the impact. Before he could launch an attack of his own, two of the men was suddenly grabbed by the bloodied Behemoth he fought with the night before. With each of its arms, it grabbed both ends of the men and ripped them in half, some of the joints popping before the muscles tore up. “Jesus Christ!” the supposed leader of the assassination group yelped before firing at the beast. The bullets had little effect from where they were hitting as the beast tore through the men and flipped abandoned cars as it gave chase.

Wasting little time, seeing that this beast will be causing him problems in him leaving the place, he propped the fuel rod against the Humvee and began firing beams at the beast’s back, causing it to stumble. As the purple flames flickered all over his body again, he walked up to the beast and fired a body shot to the creature’s left side, sending it crashing through the cooling tower. Giving it no time to get back up, he fired another beam in the gap the creature left behind, detonating it again. This explosion was larger than the one he detonated during the night, the tower’s foundations giving way and causing the giant structure to collapse in on itself. Dust flew everywhere as the tower fell, truly crushing the Behemoth under tonnes of concrete and steel.

As he walked away from where he stood to where the fuel rod was, he noticed the leader slumped against the car. The man didn’t get away from the beast in time and had been struck, his broken body in the crater in the side of the van that he was propped up against. Blood was coming out of his mouth, suggesting that his lungs had been punctured by the impact. While the majority of his bones had been broken by the impact, the soldier feebly raised his left hand towards the man he had tried to kill just moments ago. “Help… me” he wheezed, his raised arm shaking from the sheer strain of keeping it up there.

The Wanderer, instead of assisting the man, reached with his right hand for the holster that was on his left hip. From there, he drew a slightly rusted revolver, a small scope and laser pointer attached with duct tape across the barrel. ”You tried to kill me, no doubt orders from The Officer,” he rebuked. In one swift motion, before the injured soldier had a chance to beg for his life, he turned the revolver on the man’s head and fired. The bullet impacted his head and the sound of the bullet fragments and bone firing through the plastic body of the car. He immediately placed the revolver back into the holster and began loading the fuel rod into the Humvee.

”Now it is time for me to have a word with that bastard.”
<Snipped quote by GamerXZ>

I'd say yes, considering that evergreen was left in a bit of a grey area since he was supposed to be fighting equilibrium all this time

I'd be fine with that too.


Ponder on the Past I: Search for the Power Source

Time: What is supposed to be Midday, 200 years in the future
Location: What was once Pine Bluff, Arkansas

The sun started to rise on the planes of Arkansas. The yellow glow of the sun revealed the dying grasses of what was once the lowlands of the Natural State. From the planes, Pine Bluff looks like a ruined city, each of the buildings weathered from the destruction of an event a long time ago. The roads throughout the city were cracked with gigantic fissures, the troughs of the ground gathering the dust and dry dirt from the planes as the constant, strong northwesterly winds. Very few creatures could be seen on the streets, even though the light started to brighten up the buildings around. Somewhere in the center of the city, there was some activity within the ruined structures. Inside was one of the few settlements in the country, hidden away in the nuclear bunkers that were built at some point before the Cataclysm occurred. The settlement, known only as Pine Bluff Settlement 149, was the largest in the city and had been fortified to prevent the nightmares that roamed the ruined world.

Inside Settlement 149, people were rushing across the bunker as the beginning of the day occurred. The dwellers of the settlement each had a job to do. Some went into the heart of the bunker to work on drawing the groundwater in order for everyone to have their own rations for the day as water was scarce. Some wander out through the thick, steel doors to tend to the hardy sorghum crops that would grow in this world. Some other were either with the farmers or at the main entranceway with improvised, bladed weapons that were forged from the bunker. Then, there were a few men at the heart of the bunker, keeping the power levels at sustainable levels to make sure everything works like clockwork. The latter job was especially important as if the power were to go out and the creatures on the outside world attacked, the dwellers would be wiped due to the creature’s superiority in the dark. But the dwellers had one weapon that the creatures didn’t have full knowledge over. And that weapon was inside the power room.

At the heart of the power room, two men were talking. One of the men were scrawny, disheveled glasses crossing his face as he was typing onto the console with dirtied, torn brown fingerless gloves. The heat of the room meant that his sweat was saturating the engineer clothes he had on: a white t-shirt in denim overalls and a brown engineer’s coat over it. The other man, apart from the sweat following the creases of the burnt half of his face, looked on sternly at the computer screen. The brown jacket hid the grey armour underneath, but the jeans shown to be dirty from the numerous journeys in the outside world. “… in summary, we are still short on power to run the machine,” the engineer summarized, turning away from the screen to look at the other man for the response.

”That’ll just mean that I’ll need to head out again and get a bigger power supply,” the man responded, shrugging at the problem. His eyes, one dark blue and one milky white, turned to look at the man he was discussing the project with. ”It’s not like that I have done the journey before. Already been to the nearby town’s hardware stores to…”

“You’re not getting the point!” The engineer retorted, prompt with the response. “In order to get the power needed to even get the machine on, let alone to achieve a stable space-time wormhole, we need a nuclear power supply. And the only place close enough to get some sort of nuclear supplies is Nuclear One. That’s a day’s journey getting there alone, nevermind looking for the necessary materials and getting back. We don’t have enough fuel to getting you there and back. It’s going to be too much to organize logistically, even with the Officer’s approval. I’m sorry.”

The man sighs. ”Well, I’ll work things, out one way or another. The Officer doesn’t rule over my comings and goings. As for the fuel, I will improvise something when it comes to it.”

“Even if the Officer does not rule over what you do, he does have control over the fuel and the vehicles that Settlement 149 owns. I think he wouldn’t allow one of the vehicles to go do something that might end up being a dead end when the vehicle could be used for something immediate. I’m sorry, but it looks like we will have to stop this dream plan here permanently.”

The other man frowned. The news certainly didn’t sit with him at all. Without saying a word, he turned and walked towards the exit of the power station. As he headed out, his left hand curled into a fist and punched metal tank, denting the inch-thick plating. The engineer looked on as the man left, concern over his face. “Don’t do anything rash, my son.”
A few hours later, outside the staging area where the vehicles were housed for security. The building, an old warehouse with large sliding metal doors, had plenty of dwellers in the area armed to the teeth with the bladed weapons and the few ranged weapons, the majority of the firearms broken by the creatures and mutants that roam the planes to make sure they were the dominant species in the world. The vehicles consisted of mainly restored vehicles from the streets with parts recovered from the various auto shops in the city, but there were a few military vehicles obtained from the arsenal base that was located near the city. With the military vehicles, there were a couple of canisters of white phosphorous obtained, though there were plans to obtain more in the case that the chemicals worked on the mutants. There were also numerous motorbikes that were used for scouting vehicles for future missions. For the man with the burns on his face, this was the type of vehicle that he would need.

He climbed through the windows of the warehouse, landing on the metal shelves that were inside that held the various auto parts. Checking the see of the coast was clear, he dropped to the ground and began his search for keys and fuel. With the various journeys he had taken for Settlement 149, the keys were easy to obtain, though breaking the lock of the storage box would be easily discovered. But hopefully by then, he would be long gone. As for the fuel, he waited behind more shelves as there were two workers at the station. They were taking an age to leave the fueling station and the man needed to leave in order to arrive at the nuclear power station with daylight. ”Sorry guys,” he muttered, turning around the corner. And then he vanished into thin air, only to reappear next to the two men. ”I’m on a tight schedule.” Grabbing both of the men, he rammed both of them together with his abnormal strength, both men collapsing into a heap shortly after their heads collided. Grabbing a fuel can, he reached his chosen motorbike, a Harley Davidson Low Rider, and began fueling it. By now, alarms would have been raised as there is usually short shifts between everyone in the warehouse to keep fresh eyes on each of the vehicle components. He jumped on the bike and started the engine, but a cutting voice reached his ears.

“Stop what you are doing there, Mutant.”

The man known as Mutant looked up to see a line of armed men, guns pointing in his direction. In the middle of the group was a sharply dressed man. The man had greasy hair, all slicked back. His glasses look neatly in line with his ears, the brown irises looking coldly at the man on the bike. The military blue uniform, taken from the military base where the military vehicles and the chemicals came from, were neatly pressed and the black shoes shining in the light in the warehouse. “You can get off the bike and come with me to my office. You have a lot of explaining to do. The assault on your fellow dwellers, the unauthorized use of my vehicles, the reasons behind it all. All will be…”

”Oh cut your shit out, you dumb fuck,” the Mutant snapped back. ”Everyone here knows that there is no friendliness between ‘The Officer’ and ‘The Wanderer’. They also know that you sure as hell do not have control over me. The Commander made sure of that before he passed away.” The other men on the line started to have a hesitant body posture at the mention of The Commander, who founded the settlement and made it the way it was before he passed away a few weeks ago. While the man on the bike remained poised, The Officer’s hands visibly clenched in anger. ”So no, I am not going into your office and explain my actions. And everyone knows not to try to attack me. While I do not want any ill to occur to Settlement 149, everyone knows that I am capable of. The results will lead the mutants to this settlement and no one would be able to stop them. So let me ask you this once: get out of my way and let me do what needs to be done.”

“How… DARE you… Talk to me like that, Mutant!” The Officer spat, venom laced in his voice. “While the Commander did give you immunity for any persecution under his regime, you do not have that immunity under mine. The only thing that The Commander guaranteed is that I would never be able to exile you from the settlement, but I sure as hell can punish you as I see fit. Especially if you do not come to my office quietly and give me a damn good reason for everything that has occurred today. So let me ask you again: Turn off that bike and come with us quietly. There is no…”

”I do not have time for this,” The Wanderer said, the flames flickering in his eyes. He raised his right hand towards the line of men. Slowly, purple flames started emanating at first from his hands, then covering his entire forearms. However, the flames did not burn the fabric at all but was a show of the psionic powers that the man was capable of. ”I can assure you, my threat is real. The mutants in the city will be alerted to my oncoming attack and you will be long dead before Settlement 149 gets destroyed and everyone here are able to fire a single shot from those firearms. You are truly testing my patience and are ruining the schedule I have in mind. So I will repeat this one more time: Get the fuck out of my way or I will destroy this entire building.”

The Officer gritted his teeth with anger, almost ready to give the command to fire on The Wanderer. However, the purple flames’ light on the Mutant’s arms growing in intensity was halting the possible idea. After a couple of intense minutes, the person in charge of Settlement 149 groaned. “Stand down and open the bloody doors!” As the line disappeared and obeyed the commands, The Officer glowered as The Wanderer moved the motorbike towards the door. As soon as the doors were opened, the man sped off, disappearing from street view. Lashing out by kicking at the metal steps, The Officer turned to the men still in the warehouse. “Gear up and follow that bastard! I don’t want him returning to this place at all! Leave no trace of his existence and return my bike!”

Location: In transit from Sherman Square.

Fletch speeds away from the LHPD, the notes from the man she ‘questioned’ still fresh in her mind. Normally, with her kind of mind, she is able to remember everything someone would say, but the situation in which she had been in whilst getting the information would push that sort of information to one side and then everything done would have been for nothing. While things could have been called for the rest of this day, she needed to check something. So here she was, on her way to Chinatown to verify the man’s words. But first, she needed to remove the nitrile gloves that she wore. Thinking that she is at a safe distance from the precinct that the police wouldn’t think twice about a pair of nitrile gloves in a public trashcan. Pulling her motorbike up to the side of the road, she took off the nitrile gloves and dumped them into the trash can.

It was then she heard it: the sound of a building being demolished. It was faint, but the dust cloud that rose from the Chinatown direction was more than enough to attract her attention. What on earth is going on in Chinatown? she thought to herself, her eyes adjusting to the darkened sky. The more she looked, the larger the dust cloud seemed. It was then it hit her, seeing that there were two clouds forming in the Chinatown direction. What the… While the thought of checking the man’s story is a priority for her, this is definitely something that cannot be ignored. What if the Penose was the group that was behind it? Revving up the engine, the bike lurched forward and accelerated in the direction of the dust clouds.

As she drew closer to the disturbance that was occurring in Chinatown, she slowed the bike down. She had seen another dust cloud appear in the distance. What is going on here? she thought. While she knew there were people with special abilities, ‘metahumans’, in the city but them fighting in the city boundaries? For some strange reason, Kayla was compelled to go to where the danger was. She knew she that whatever was there, she had to be there in the case there were civilians in the area to protect. It was the least she could do for assaulting the police officer in the precinct. But as she drew closer, she decided to park her bike up a few blocks away from where the dust clouds were. The last thing she wants is causing the ruckus at the PD and then getting caught in gear on a bus journey all the way back after her bike is destroyed. Besides, this will give the grappling arrows the necessary trial run. Parking her bike up, she drew one of the arrows from her quiver and began traversing the rooftops to get to the area, hopefully undetected. What can possibly go wrong with this idea?

Entity you have created:

The Psionic Nexus

Speech Color:
Medium Purple, #9370DB, all in italics

Character Alignment:

Walking the Line

Known by psionic/psychic users

Character Personality:
The Nexus seems to have a neutral, eerily calm personality. Despite many galactic beings not showing a great deal of friendliness due to its creation, it remains cool and diplomatic everyone, especially those it wants to become its avatars. However, if push came to shove, it can have an explosive anger and shows a high degree of vindictiveness to those that offended it.

While the extent of Psion is unknown, it can be seen speeding through the universe:
Cosmic Trail

When it is visiting a planet, it takes on a common wolf form:

Origin Info/Details:
Thousands of millions of years ago, when the universe was still young, there was a lone planet. While life in the universe was a new thing and the concept of spacefaring was long away, this planet had a unified, tribal species of humanoid beings. They were able to speak in their own language, had a culture advanced enough that there were objects capable of looking at the stars, their religions and were capable of tapping into a mysterious force that allowed them to achieve many feats. During the first set of uses, the sight of different nebulae were thought to be deities of immense power and were thought to be capable of creating and destroying buildings (they weren’t too far off from the truth). In order to appease these beings and to not allow the planet to be destroyed, they sacrificed one of their own that is capable of using the force the best, which seemed counterintuitive. Through this, they formed their own ritual and it seemed to appease them.

Unbeknownst to them, an unknown cosmic deity, facing eternal hunger, was encroaching the planet. As the planet was on the verge of being consumed, the people of the planet were by chance were sacrificing a young boy, capable of using the force unlike anything that was seen before. While the consumption of the planet would be the end of the story, something happened. As if by the whole universe aligning with the text, the planet was not just consumed. As the sacrifice happened, the mysterious force forced itself into the boy and absorbed the energy of the people, the planet’s destruction. The cosmic being that consumed the planet was also consumed through this force, wiping everything from existence in that particular area of the universe. In place of the planet, a small, glowing creature had formed. The mysterious force had manifested itself from the cosmic being’s life force and created a creature that was in the sacrificed boy’s mind. As the creature carried own with its own life, trying to come to grips with what has happened, the juvenile mind of the boy aged with the years of experience and became the being it is now.

Hero Type:
Psychic/Energy (Cosmic entity)

Power Level:

Powers (Be Specific):
-Psionic Entity
By contrast to other cosmic entities, Psion is a creature made of pure psionic energy, which is generated by the force of life that flows throughout the universe. It can create any figure from this energy to fill its needs. Being such an entity, it is capable of using psionic energies of limitless power. As a result, as well, it is immune to physical attacks.

--Absolute Psionic Power
As a byproduct of being a psionic entity, the Psionic Nexus is able to control all forms of psionic energy, enabling it to perform many impressive feats such as creating barriers, creating unlimited numbers of constructs as well as many offensive beams and blasts. The energies that it uses is powerful enough to destroy planets and any material at the sub-atomic level if it wanted, but it sees no need in using the full range of its powers.

--Psionic Bestowal/Erasure
This is The Psionic Nexus’ calling card. Once it sees a being that has potential, it can grant them a fraction of its powers and abilities to the being, becoming one of its ‘avatars’, the strength of the bestowed powers a fraction of its true strength which, depending on the person, can cause instabilities in the avatar’s planet over long durations of use/conflict. The effects of this are usually permanent. Likewise, if the avatar becomes hostile to it in its presence, it is capable of removing that power away from them, often painfully as punishment.

-Cosmic senses
As psionic energies persist throughout the universe, The Nexus is able to sense everything as it travels through the universe. Through this is it able to decide on where to go for potential avatars

-Cosmic Telepathy
To sense and communicate with living beings throughout the universe, Psion is capable of communicating with beings (more commonly its avatars) throughout the universe.

-Cosmic Teleportation
As it needs to travel from one place to another, The Nexus is capable of teleporting itself and other beings across vast distances through space, possibly through wormholes but no one can recall how it does the teleport.

-Life Embodiment
As a by-product of its creation, The Nexus has the ability of controlling life-force energy, giving, extending or taking life away from living beings. These abilities, although very powerful, are rarely used by the Nexus as it handles all of its tasks with its psionic energies.

The vastness of psionic energies being generated in the universe means that The Psionic Nexus is can replenish itself indefinitely to the point where it can regenerate itself and never age.

If a being has been encountered that has the potential, The Psionic Nexus is capable of possessing the being. This being is the incarnate of the Nexus’s original form albeit with all of the strength of its cosmic form. The psionics from the being, though has been immeasurable, are capable of ripping solar systems apart. However, there has been no being capable of being possessed as the candidates used before have disintegrated into nothing from the sheer strength of the universe’s psionics.

Strength Level: Unknown
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Unknown, though can travel through the universe at superluminal speeds.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Unlimited
Agility: 20x +
Intelligence: Super-Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained

As a cosmic entity of psionic energy, it doesn’t need any resources.

Though many beings have faced The Psionic Nexus in combat, there has not been any weaknesses shown to damage it. However, with its form being of pure psionic energy, it is unable to cause physical damage to its opponents.

Supporting Characters:
While there are thousands of The Psionic Nexus’s avatars throughout the universe, there are currently none on the planet that the inhabitants call Earth.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
See the character Fletch ;)

Character you have created:

The Wanderer
The Psionic Warrior
The Mutant (this is more derogatory than alias)

Speech Color:
Steel Blue #4682b4

Character Alignment:


Unknown, but he doesn’t care if it’s revealed

Character Personality:
The Wanderer is a driven individual, focused on completing a task. He might give off an air of callousness to those that he meets, but he is good intentioned and his history of the Wastelands has forced him to be as such.

Full uniform, barring the helmet:

Facialal appearance (still unsure, look up Dwight from The Walking Dead):

The Wanderer (without the helmet shown in the image) has an oval-shaped face, with a roughly cut facial hair around his jaw and upper lip. His left eye is a dark, sapphire blue hue set in deep-set eye sockets. He has a broken-shaped nose, the cartilage that forms the nose jutting towards the right of his face. While on an ordinary face the nose would stand out, but the right side of his face, starting on a line just above the end of the lobe of the ear up towards the middle of his head passing past the bridge of the nose and across the eye, is a horrific burn mark. The muscles line from the center of his face all the way back to the other end of the mark, where hair started to grow over it from behind the rear ear line.

The Wanderer’s uniform was hastily put together to be efficient to survive the Wastelands. His long, brown leather greatcoat is lined on the inside with pockets to hold moon clips and the little amount of food to be found while trying to survive. As he frequently encounters raiders, commonly armed with bladed weapons as firearms or ranged weapons were rare to come across, he wears a black Kevlar chestplate that is capable of stopping the slashing motions of bladed weapons, though he uses his psionics to avoid piercing weapons and can still give way to slash attacks of superstrong ‘super mutants’. The metal lower arm guards and gauntlets are also used to protect his arms as these are usually the limbs closest to those weapons. He wears a black courier satchel around his shoulder to carry important objects. As to not limit his mobility when not using his psionics, he wears very worn out jeans and hiking boots.

Origin Info/Details:
The man that would become The Wanderer was born in a time set beyond 200 years from the present day (of the RP). Long before his birth, he planet had been subjected to something that caused all the lands to become a barren wasteland and all the oceans to be nearly dried up. No one in the future could tell you how the future ended up as it is now, but the nuclear radiation plus the various strands of invisible energy, capable of ripping beings apart. His mother, a self-taught medic, and father, a mechanic/inventor, were ordinary humans that lived in a bunker in what is now Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Throughout his life, he was taught on how to live in this wasteland, much like the other children. Most of the children he trained and scavenged with died due to the radiation or the various mutants that lived in the wasteland.

During his late teens, he was out scavenging when a band of mutants found the bunker. While few people did survive the bunker, which included his father, his mother had been taken. When he returned and learnt of this, he began to hunt for the mutants that had taken his mother. When he did find them, they had already damaged her beyond any medical capabilities and had done unspeakable things. So much so that when he found her, she asked him to put her out of her misery. He initially didn’t as he began hunting the mutants on the compound. During this, an energy burst ripped through the facility that they were in, nuclear flames scorching the side of his face and leaving all presumably dead. However, the unknown man survived and dragged his way back to the bunker, where he was treated.

As he got better, he learnt that along with the scar and the change in his eye that he is capable of bending the mysterious force, as well as him becoming a mutant with super strength and endurance. Though he still was himself, the people of the bunker wanted to be safe and kept him on the outside of the bunker alone, only to return to the bunker when his abilities are certain to be under his control. Training himself to using this as well as learning from other, friendlier mutants who are capable of using the mysterious force, known as psionic energy. During this training, he learnt that there were possible key events that would lead to the existence that they lived in. Relaying this to his father, he waited for a machine that was capable of transporting people back in time to ‘correct’ these mistakes. He waited a long time for the machine to work and to erase the miserable existence of the Wasteland.

Hero Type:

Power Level:


Indomitable Will (Passive)
His time in the wasteland means that he has seen things that had rendered any human insane. However, he always seemed unfazed at them. His mind always powers through problems and in doing so, he has developed a very strong willpower that makes him highly resistant to mind control and any psionic that tries to lay waste to his mind.

Genetic Mutation
Due to living in a desolate, nuclear-irradiated future, The Wanderer has been exposed to enough radiation that he has gained mutations that has some benefits that allows him to excel in certain cases over the average human being. While mutations varies between the different mutants, The Wanderer has gained the following mutations:

--Enhanced Strength (Passive)
The radiation that has seeped into his muscles has enabled him to show feats of strength far greater than those of a similar build. This is because the radiation has mutated each fiber in his muscles to store at least 10x more energy when the muscle is tensed. Though he is more adapted to his psionic abilities, his strength is a good fall back in case someone gets an upper hand.

--Enhanced Endurance (Passive)
Because his muscles are mutated, the muscles also show a stronger resilience to fatigue, allowing him to carry out tasks for longer periods of time. That is a trait that has helped him survive the wastelands of the future.

--Psionic Sight (Passive)
While his psionics are controlled by his nervous system, his right eye has been hit by a large dose of psionic radiation (one of the types of radiation present in the future). While it has the appearance of being a blind eye (milky & glazed over in appearance), he can ‘see’ out of it. While it is not the sight that everyone has, the eye is capable of seeing psionic radiation, though it appears in shadowy forms of varying shades of purple (closest idea in mind is like Daredevil’s sight in the Netflix series). The stronger the psionic radiation, the ‘brighter’ it appears in his eye.

Psionic Manipulation
While the radiations have given him physical capabilities, The Wanderer’s greatest strength is in his abilities to use psionics (a reason why he is called the Psionic Warrior). His nervous system has been greatly mutated to emit strong psionic radiation, strong enough to manifest itself into solid objects. Even when it is not in use, the vast energies stored inside does ‘vent’ out of him, projecting a psionic aura around him for others with psionic abilities to sense. Over the course of his survival, he has learnt and trained his psionics to do the following feats:

--Psionic Detection (Passive)
Alongside his psionic eye, he is capable of picking up traces of excessive psionic usage and any presence of psionic-capable beings.

--Psionic Aura (Passive)
The Wanderer creates such a quantity of psionic energy that for those who are attuned can detect him from a large distance away. This is an ability that he cannot control, but one of the benefits is that the area is illuminated in the dark (5m is the maximum that this reaches).

--Psionic Beam (Active)
Using his psionic aura, he is capable of projecting beams of energy, the beam having purple hue in the air. This has a force capable of punching a hole through steel.

--Psionic Explosions (Active)
With his psionic blasts, The Wanderer is capable of detonating them into huge explosions, capable of levelling buildings.

--Phase-Jumping (Active)
When he is in need of getting from place to place, The Wanderer is able to use his psionic energy to phase from one place to another that is within sight. In order for him to do this, none of his active abilities should be active.

--Psionic Combat (Active)
While he is untrained in physical combat, he is adept at infusing his limbs with his psionics, making them appear harder than they normally are. His punches have miniature psionic shockwaves, making them more powerful on top of the enhanced strength he already has.

--Psionic Nemesis (Active)
During his time being pursued by other psionic mutants and getting his mind violated, The Wanderer has gained the ability in which he can create a psionic feedback that intends to hurt those who try to use psionics against his mind. However, he is capable of amplifying the psychic energy entering his mind well beyond his means by draining the psionic energy from his attacker. In order for him to use this ability, he must have eye contact with his attacker with his psionic eye.

--Psionic Blade Creation (Active)
While he was getting attuned to his new abilities, his first application of psionics is generating a blade. He has now mastered this ability to create any form of blade he wishes to use without too much thought, the ability honed down to the smallest muscle movements in his muscle memory. The blade length can vary in length and width almost indefinitely.

--Psionic Force-Field Generation (Active)
This is the second ability that he has trained himself in. He can generate psionic barriers that are nigh-impenetrable barring any cosmological beings and any embodiments of psionic energy. This shield can also vary in size and has been used to hold injuries in place until they are healed.


Height: 180cm
Weight: 85kg
Strength Level: 5x Human (50 tons when imbued with psionics via Psionic Combat [currently])
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human (50 MPH when imbued with psionics via Psionic Combat[currently])
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5 hours
Agility: Normal (10x when imbued with psionics via Psionic Combat [currently])
Intelligence: Between Average and Genius
Fighting Skill: Highly trained in psionics, untrained in CQC and ranged

Limited. He has a revolver with a scope and a strapped-on laser pointer.

While The Wanderer has gained super-strength and endurance from his mutations, he did not gain the durability that can come with it. Therefore, he is able to be injured by anything like a human. A byproduct of him being weaker is that if he enters a near-dying state, his willpower becomes weaker and can become more influenced by psionic attacks to his mind and background psionics (Note, however, that this state can make him more dangerous as he can act as a conduit for the background psionic energy and augment his powers tenfold, though this can kill him if prolonged use). With his knowledge in psionics, he does not have the concentration to throw up more than two of his abilities at the same time (i.e. he is unable to throw up three Psionic Barriers at the same time).

Supporting Characters-:
Anyone that he had cared for are either dead or were left behind, both cases in the future. But for reference:
Mother (Deceased)
Dwellers of the bunker

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
See my character, Fletch

Thank you, NMS. I'll get a post for these guys and a Fletch post up soon.

EDIT: Fletch post has been done. The post is shorter than expected as there's not much to do except for getting to where Evergreen & Co. are.
Happy New Year, guys!

And here is character #2.

Character you have created:

The Wanderer
The Psionic Warrior
The Mutant (this is more derogatory than alias)

Speech Color:
Steel Blue #4682b4

Character Alignment:


Unknown, but he doesn’t care if it’s revealed

Character Personality:
The Wanderer is a driven individual, focused on completing a task. He might give off an air of callousness to those that he meets, but he is good intentioned and his history of the Wastelands has forced him to be as such.

Full uniform, barring the helmet:

Facialal appearance (still unsure, look up Dwight from The Walking Dead):

The Wanderer (without the helmet shown in the image) has an oval-shaped face, with a roughly cut facial hair around his jaw and upper lip. His left eye is a dark, sapphire blue hue set in deep-set eye sockets. He has a broken-shaped nose, the cartilage that forms the nose jutting towards the right of his face. While on an ordinary face the nose would stand out, but the right side of his face, starting on a line just above the end of the lobe of the ear up towards the middle of his head passing past the bridge of the nose and across the eye, is a horrific burn mark. The muscles line from the center of his face all the way back to the other end of the mark, where hair started to grow over it from behind the rear ear line.

The Wanderer’s uniform was hastily put together to be efficient to survive the Wastelands. His long, brown leather greatcoat is lined on the inside with pockets to hold moon clips and the little amount of food to be found while trying to survive. As he frequently encounters raiders, commonly armed with bladed weapons as firearms or ranged weapons were rare to come across, he wears a black Kevlar chestplate that is capable of stopping the slashing motions of bladed weapons, though he uses his psionics to avoid piercing weapons and can still give way to slash attacks of superstrong ‘super mutants’. The metal lower arm guards and gauntlets are also used to protect his arms as these are usually the limbs closest to those weapons. He wears a black courier satchel around his shoulder to carry important objects. As to not limit his mobility when not using his psionics, he wears very worn out jeans and hiking boots.

Origin Info/Details:
The man that would become The Wanderer was born in a time set beyond 200 years from the present day (of the RP). Long before his birth, he planet had been subjected to something that caused all the lands to become a barren wasteland and all the oceans to be nearly dried up. No one in the future could tell you how the future ended up as it is now, but the nuclear radiation plus the various strands of invisible energy, capable of ripping beings apart. His mother, a self-taught medic, and father, a mechanic/inventor, were ordinary humans that lived in a bunker in what is now Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Throughout his life, he was taught on how to live in this wasteland, much like the other children. Most of the children he trained and scavenged with died due to the radiation or the various mutants that lived in the wasteland.

During his late teens, he was out scavenging when a band of mutants found the bunker. While few people did survive the bunker, which included his father, his mother had been taken. When he returned and learnt of this, he began to hunt for the mutants that had taken his mother. When he did find them, they had already damaged her beyond any medical capabilities and had done unspeakable things. So much so that when he found her, she asked him to put her out of her misery. He initially didn’t as he began hunting the mutants on the compound. During this, an energy burst ripped through the facility that they were in, nuclear flames scorching the side of his face and leaving all presumably dead. However, the unknown man survived and dragged his way back to the bunker, where he was treated.

As he got better, he learnt that along with the scar and the change in his eye that he is capable of bending the mysterious force, as well as him becoming a mutant with super strength and endurance. Though he still was himself, the people of the bunker wanted to be safe and kept him on the outside of the bunker alone, only to return to the bunker when his abilities are certain to be under his control. Training himself to using this as well as learning from other, friendlier mutants who are capable of using the mysterious force, known as psionic energy. During this training, he learnt that there were possible key events that would lead to the existence that they lived in. Relaying this to his father, he waited for a machine that was capable of transporting people back in time to ‘correct’ these mistakes. He waited a long time for the machine to work and to erase the miserable existence of the Wasteland.

Hero Type:

Power Level:


Indomitable Will (Passive)
His time in the wasteland means that he has seen things that had rendered any human insane. However, he always seemed unfazed at them. His mind always powers through problems and in doing so, he has developed a very strong willpower that makes him highly resistant to mind control and any psionic that tries to lay waste to his mind.

Genetic Mutation
Due to living in a desolate, nuclear-irradiated future, The Wanderer has been exposed to enough radiation that he has gained mutations that has some benefits that allows him to excel in certain cases over the average human being. While mutations varies between the different mutants, The Wanderer has gained the following mutations:

--Enhanced Strength (Passive)
The radiation that has seeped into his muscles has enabled him to show feats of strength far greater than those of a similar build. This is because the radiation has mutated each fiber in his muscles to store at least 10x more energy when the muscle is tensed. Though he is more adapted to his psionic abilities, his strength is a good fall back in case someone gets an upper hand.

--Enhanced Endurance (Passive)
Because his muscles are mutated, the muscles also show a stronger resilience to fatigue, allowing him to carry out tasks for longer periods of time. That is a trait that has helped him survive the wastelands of the future.

--Psionic Sight (Passive)
While his psionics are controlled by his nervous system, his right eye has been hit by a large dose of psionic radiation (one of the types of radiation present in the future). While it has the appearance of being a blind eye (milky & glazed over in appearance), he can ‘see’ out of it. While it is not the sight that everyone has, the eye is capable of seeing psionic radiation, though it appears in shadowy forms of varying shades of purple (closest idea in mind is like Daredevil’s sight in the Netflix series). The stronger the psionic radiation, the ‘brighter’ it appears in his eye.

Psionic Manipulation
While the radiations have given him physical capabilities, The Wanderer’s greatest strength is in his abilities to use psionics (a reason why he is called the Psionic Warrior). His nervous system has been greatly mutated to emit strong psionic radiation, strong enough to manifest itself into solid objects. Even when it is not in use, the vast energies stored inside does ‘vent’ out of him, projecting a psionic aura around him for others with psionic abilities to sense. Over the course of his survival, he has learnt and trained his psionics to do the following feats:

--Psionic Detection (Passive)
Alongside his psionic eye, he is capable of picking up traces of excessive psionic usage and any presence of psionic-capable beings.

--Psionic Aura (Passive)
The Wanderer creates such a quantity of psionic energy that for those who are attuned can detect him from a large distance away. This is an ability that he cannot control, but one of the benefits is that the area is illuminated in the dark (5m is the maximum that this reaches).

--Psionic Beam (Active)
Using his psionic aura, he is capable of projecting beams of energy, the beam having purple hue in the air. This has a force capable of punching a hole through steel.

--Psionic Explosions (Active)
With his psionic blasts, The Wanderer is capable of detonating them into huge explosions, capable of levelling buildings.

--Phase-Jumping (Active)
When he is in need of getting from place to place, The Wanderer is able to use his psionic energy to phase from one place to another that is within sight. In order for him to do this, none of his active abilities should be active.

--Psionic Combat (Active)
While he is untrained in physical combat, he is adept at infusing his limbs with his psionics, making them appear harder than they normally are. His punches have miniature psionic shockwaves, making them more powerful on top of the enhanced strength he already has.

--Psionic Nemesis (Active)
During his time being pursued by other psionic mutants and getting his mind violated, The Wanderer has gained the ability in which he can create a psionic feedback that intends to hurt those who try to use psionics against his mind. However, he is capable of amplifying the psychic energy entering his mind well beyond his means by draining the psionic energy from his attacker. In order for him to use this ability, he must have eye contact with his attacker with his psionic eye.

--Psionic Blade Creation (Active)
While he was getting attuned to his new abilities, his first application of psionics is generating a blade. He has now mastered this ability to create any form of blade he wishes to use without too much thought, the ability honed down to the smallest muscle movements in his muscle memory. The blade length can vary in length and width almost indefinitely.

--Psionic Force-Field Generation (Active)
This is the second ability that he has trained himself in. He can generate psionic barriers that are nigh-impenetrable barring any cosmological beings and any embodiments of psionic energy. This shield can also vary in size and has been used to hold injuries in place until they are healed.


Height: 180cm
Weight: 85kg
Strength Level: 5x Human (20x when imbued with psionics via Psionic Combat)
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Human (5x when imbued with psionics via Psionic Combat)
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 5 hours
Agility: Normal (5x when imbued with psionics via Psionic Combat)
Intelligence: Between Average and Genius
Fighting Skill: Highly trained in psionics, untrained in CQC and ranged

Limited. He has a revolver with a scope and a strapped-on laser pointer.

While The Wanderer has gained super-strength and endurance from his mutations, he did not gain the durability that can come with it. Therefore, he is able to be injured by anything like a human. A byproduct of him being weaker is that if he enters a near-dying state, his willpower becomes weaker and can become more influenced by psionic attacks to his mind and background psionics (Note, however, that this state can make him more dangerous as he can act as a conduit for the background psionic energy and augment his powers tenfold, though this can kill him if prolonged use). With his knowledge in psionics, he does not have the concentration to throw up more than two of his abilities at the same time (i.e. he is unable to throw up three Psionic Barriers at the same time).

Supporting Characters-:
Anyone that he had cared for are either dead or were left behind, both cases in the future. But for reference:
Mother (Deceased)
Dwellers of the bunker

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
See my character, Fletch

Hey guys, here is the first of the new characters that I have said that I will create. I had been told that there is currently no equivalent in this universe of the Phoenix Force, so I here we have it:

Entity you have created:

The Psionic Nexus

Speech Color:
Electric Violet, #6826F2, all in italics

Character Alignment:

Walking the Line

Known by psionic/psychic users

Character Personality:
The Nexus seems to have a neutral, eerily calm personality. Despite many galactic beings not showing a great deal of friendliness due to its creation, it remains cool and diplomatic everyone, especially those it wants to become its avatars. However, if push came to shove, it can have an explosive anger and shows a high degree of vindictiveness to those that offended it.

While the extent of Psion is unknown, it can be seen speeding through the universe:
Cosmic Trail

When it is visiting a planet, it takes on a common wolf form:

Origin Info/Details:
Thousands of millions of years ago, when the universe was still young, there was a lone planet. While life in the universe was a new thing and the concept of spacefaring was long away, this planet had a unified, tribal species of humanoid beings. They were able to speak in their own language, had a culture advanced enough that there were objects capable of looking at the stars, their religions and were capable of tapping into a mysterious force that allowed them to achieve many feats. During the first set of uses, the sight of different nebulae were thought to be deities of immense power and were thought to be capable of creating and destroying buildings (they weren’t too far off from the truth). In order to appease these beings and to not allow the planet to be destroyed, they sacrificed one of their own that is capable of using the force the best, which seemed counterintuitive. Through this, they formed their own ritual and it seemed to appease them.

Unbeknownst to them, an unknown cosmic deity, facing eternal hunger, was encroaching the planet. As the planet was on the verge of being consumed, the people of the planet were by chance were sacrificing a young boy, capable of using the force unlike anything that was seen before. While the consumption of the planet would be the end of the story, something happened. As if by the whole universe aligning with the text, the planet was not just consumed. As the sacrifice happened, the mysterious force forced itself into the boy and absorbed the energy of the people, the planet’s destruction. The cosmic being that consumed the planet was also consumed through this force, wiping everything from existence in that particular area of the universe. In place of the planet, a small, glowing creature had formed. The mysterious force had manifested itself from the cosmic being’s life force and created a creature that was in the sacrificed boy’s mind. As the creature carried own with its own life, trying to come to grips with what has happened, the juvenile mind of the boy aged with the years of experience and became the being it is now.

Hero Type:
Psychic/Energy (Cosmic entity)

Power Level:

Powers (Be Specific):
-Psionic Entity
By contrast to other cosmic entities, Psion is a creature made of pure psionic energy, which is generated by the force of life that flows throughout the universe. It can create any figure from this energy to fill its needs. Being such an entity, it is capable of using psionic energies of limitless power. As a result, as well, it is immune to physical attacks.

--Absolute Psionic Power
As a byproduct of being a psionic entity, the Psionic Nexus is able to control all forms of psionic energy, enabling it to perform many impressive feats such as creating barriers, creating unlimited numbers of constructs as well as many offensive beams and blasts. The energies that it uses is powerful enough to destroy planets and any material at the sub-atomic level if it wanted, but it sees no need in using the full range of its powers.

--Psionic Bestowal/Erasure
This is The Psionic Nexus’ calling card. Once it sees a being that has potential, it can grant them a fraction of its powers and abilities to the being, becoming one of its ‘avatars’, the strength of the bestowed powers a fraction of its true strength which, depending on the person, can cause instabilities in the avatar’s planet over long durations of use/conflict. The effects of this are usually permanent. Likewise, if the avatar becomes hostile to it in its presence, it is capable of removing that power away from them, often painfully as punishment.

-Cosmic senses
As psionic energies persist throughout the universe, The Nexus is able to sense everything as it travels through the universe. Through this is it able to decide on where to go for potential avatars

-Cosmic Telepathy
To sense and communicate with living beings throughout the universe, Psion is capable of communicating with beings (more commonly its avatars) throughout the universe.

-Cosmic Teleportation
As it needs to travel from one place to another, The Nexus is capable of teleporting itself and other beings across vast distances through space, possibly through wormholes but no one can recall how it does the teleport.

-Life Embodiment
As a by-product of its creation, The Nexus has the ability of controlling life-force energy, giving, extending or taking life away from living beings. These abilities, although very powerful, are rarely used by the Nexus as it handles all of its tasks with its psionic energies.

The vastness of psionic energies being generated in the universe means that The Psionic Nexus is can replenish itself indefinitely to the point where it can regenerate itself and never age.

If a being has been encountered that has the potential, The Psionic Nexus is capable of possessing the being. This being is the incarnate of the Nexus’s original form albeit with all of the strength of its cosmic form. The psionics from the being, though has been immeasurable, are capable of ripping solar systems apart. However, there has been no being capable of being possessed as the candidates used before have disintegrated into nothing from the sheer strength of the universe’s psionics.

Strength Level: Unknown
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Unknown, though can travel through the universe at superluminal speeds.
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Unlimited
Agility: 20x +
Intelligence: Super-Genius
Fighting Skill: Untrained

As a cosmic entity of psionic energy, it doesn’t need any resources.

Though many beings have faced The Psionic Nexus in combat, there has not been any weaknesses shown to damage it. However, with its form being of pure psionic energy, it is unable to cause physical damage to its opponents.

Supporting Characters:
While there are thousands of The Psionic Nexus’s avatars throughout the universe, there are currently none on the planet that the inhabitants call Earth.

Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:
See the character Fletch ;)

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