Avatar of Metatrooper
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    1. Metatrooper 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current I keep accidentally giving reacts to random posts please help me.


H e l l o T h e r e

I guess that's it ok bye

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Well, at least she knew something. It was better than nothing after all. As he also heard the sound of rain pouring in outside, he said to her "You can stay here for the night. I have another room upstairs that you can use. Follow me." Mako then walked past her and entered a doorway on the side of the room which led to a stairway. If she followed him upstairs she would see a hallway with one door to their side, and two doors right across from each other at the end of the hall. He walked to the end and turned left, opening the door to reveal a room with a single, ordinary bed and several empty boxes in the corner of the room.
"What?" He said, with a twinge of anger and surprise in his voice. Mako at least thought that Vex would have at least some semblance of an idea of where to go. He stayed silent for several moments, finishing up his plan, before speaking. "Fine. I have... a place, somewhat far from here that we can use. Spend the night here and we leave first thing in the morning, just like you said."
"Where do you plan on heading to exactly?" Mako asked. He was still thinking of a concrete plan about what to do, since this job had pulled a complete 180 on him. She was right though, he had no doubt that Bella would send someone to keep an eye on him, but Vex did also propose a good idea. He could claim to be using her to track down the lich, at least, he hoped that would get the Hunters off his back for a while.
"No." Even though they were now allies, he would only tell her what she needed to know. If he said anything more it might come back to bite him in the ass.
"No, it was an oral agreement." he told her. She had the same thoughts as him about the weapons at least, it had to had come from someone with large amounts of power, like the lich. Mako was caught by surprise again as she mentioned the true nature of the lich. Someone who was somewhere they didn't belong, just like him. "Anything else you want to ask?"
"1000 platinum coins, a third of which are already in my account, and a cache of unusually high-tech weapons." He told Vex.
The mercenary had no ill will towards the girl. After all, this was just business to him. But now it just got personal, he had an actual chance at finding a way home, and this girl, Vex, could lead him to it. After she introduced herself, he replied: "Mako, Mako Te."
"Lying to get me to do a job for you is dishonourable. I'm not obligated to do anything for you if you don't even tell me the truth about what I'm doing." This was part of his code when accepting jobs. He wouldn't accept if any part of the job went against his own personal code. Plus, the girl could help him with his own personal mission. "So, what'll it be?"
"I see." The mercenary said blankly, seemingly deep in thought. It seems that the lich is quite a powerful entity, and is also probably how Bella got the unusually high-tech weapons. Trying to gain favour with Bella by doing more jobs for her would be a slow and difficult task. Plus, she probably wouldn't give tech that advanced to someone like him, preferring to use it to further her own self-interests. The armored man stood still and contemplated for a minute or two, all the while staying unmoving and silent on the outside. He then snapped back into reality as he put his pistol away and asked the girl, "How would you like your own bodyguard?"
The mercenary tensed up and readied to pull the trigger as he saw her arm reach into her bag, only to relax as she pulled out a bottle. What the girl was saying did make sense at least, it would explain why his client was acting that way. "If what you say is true, then why did she hire me to kill the lich as well?"
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