Avatar of MidnightRose
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 182 (0.06 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. MidnightRose 9 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
Happy New Year!
8 yrs ago
Replies will be delayed this weekend! I'll get back to it Monday!
8 yrs ago
I want to play! We can create a plot or whatever you like! PM me!
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8 yrs ago
On sleepless roads the sleepless go, may angels lead you in
8 yrs ago
For a first effort this feels kinda last ditch
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Greetings Friends! My name is Rose. It's a pleasure to meet you.

I have been on this site for a year but I have been role-playing for at least ten years. I consider myself to be casual. I can write a few paragraphs max, if I'm feeling inspired. I prefer 1x1 and I prefer to play in pm. However I don't write smut. That's about my only limitation.

Genres I enjoy include: fantasy, action, modern, supernatural, anything magic really.
I tend to avoid sci-fi, sorry, not my cup of tea.

I love discussing plots and characters; bouncing ideas back and forth. So if you have a plot you want to try I'd love to hear it!

That's about it. Thanks for reading!
Message me if you are interested!

Most Recent Posts

A projectile clipped her arm but in the next instant there was an enormous bolt of electricity. She whirled around quickly flapping her wings to move back away from the strike. She watched the bolt and saw that it originated with Raln. "Wow..." She breathed, awestruck by his power.

He stood and held a sword up shouting an order at her. She soared over and grabbed the sword hilt before looking up to the airship. "Got it!" She yelled as she soared past him. She clutched the sword hilt with both hands as she flapped her wings flying higher into the sky.

As she got closer to the airship the mechanists on board began shooting arrows at her. She dodged and came within reach of the balloon. She swung the sword upward piercing the balloon. She then continued flying up enlarging the hole as she went. The balloon collapsed and began to drift toward the ground. She disengaged to fly back towards Raln.

When she was twenty feet from the ground one of the mechanists from the falling ship struck her in the left wing with an arrow. She winced in pain and her wing strokes became awkward and labored on that side. Her descent increased in speed but she was able to slow herself so she wouldn't be seriously injured.
Brielle looked up and immediately spotted the un armored goblin. "Got it!" She said quickly. She knocked aside an attack from one of the other goblins before dashing across the room. The goblin in rags startled and began to move more quickly. Brielle ran after it and swung her staff in a wide arc. A bolt of energy erupted from the staff and caught the escaping goblin in mid motion. The bolt stunned him so Brielle could catch up. By the time the stun had warn off Brielle was on top of him and she struck him down with her staff.

She watched the creature disintegrate before immediately turning and rushing back to help West. She came up behind one of the goblins he was engaged with. She struck the goblin in the back to get its attention. The creature turned away from West facing her instead. It swung it's rusty pick axe at her. She quickly lift her staff, holding the pick axe away from hitting her.
How delightful a pox! Welcome!
In closed 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Once Illiana had finished saying goodbye she fluttered over to Kers landing on the dirt beside him. She tucked her wings on her back. She intended to walk beside Kers for the majority of their travels. The tiny summoner looked up at the large anthro, "Are you ready to begin?" She asked cheerfully.

They set out on the forest path that would eventually lead them out and through the mountains. Illiana looked all around them as they walked. She admired the trees, the flowers, a flowing river. All of it was so beautiful. "Thank you for everything," she said after they had walked for some time.
She had already thrown her cloak off and taken flight before he had said anything. She flew above him as he ran. She flew above the fray and reached down snatching a metal mace out of the arms of one of the Mechanists. She flew back to Raln and dropped it into his hands, "Here use this."

She flew off knocking different Mechanists into each other as she went. She would snatch weapons from them and then throw them into other Mechanists. They had started to throw projectiles her way which she dodged with agility.
In closed 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Today was the day that Illiana reached eighteen years of age. She had been looking forward to this day for some time. This day she would finally leave the small sheltered forest haven in which she had been raised. She would finally go out into the world and see all that it had to offer. She could hardly wait!

For the past several years she had grown ever more curious about the outside world. She had read books and asked questions to anyone that would listen. But the information she could find was limited and eventually she had decided that she would have to see it for herself. She was terribly excited but very nervous. She felt relived that Kers would be accompanying her on her travels.

Before they left she rushed about saying her goodbyes and receiving well wishes from all her friends.
In closed 9 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Name: Illiana Age: 18

Summoner abilities: Healing light (heals wounds); Typhoon Waters (summons a shield of water for a short period); Phoenix (summons fiery bird spirit to attack); Aeron (summons a spirit of light to attack)
She was surprised to see the anger in his eyes but she held his gaze. Then she heard the sound. She looked up to see the airship and heard the walls of the city closing around them. The few people by the city gates began to panic, confused.

She looked back at Raln. "Well what's your plan? Are you going to run or going to fight?" She asked simply.

Her personal instinct was to fly. She could easily fly over the city walls and flee into the forest. She could travel to another town and start over with no one ever realizing.

She would help him escape too if that's what he wanted. She had already saved him once. In her eyes saving his life from the guards just to let him die now would be a waste. However the fire she saw in his eyes, that terrified her, made her believe that he would rather die fighting than run. If that was the case she could help him get up to the airship.
She did remember hearing that the neighboring kingdom had fallen but details were only rumors spread by the people. She was surprised to find that he was of a royal bloodline and shocked to find out what the King of this city had done. She shook her head in disbelief but what he said made sense.

"I'll help you," she said suddenly. "I can help you find supporters for your cause." She wasn't much of a fighter but if it came to that she would fight too.
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