Avatar of Mitheral
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 718 (0.27 / day)
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    1. Mitheral 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Need sleep. Work is probably going to expect me to ... work tomorrow. SOMEone has to pay for my internet and I don't hear anyone volunteering.
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5 yrs ago
It didn't used to take so long to recover. When I was younger I was told a kiss would make it all better. These days, by that logic, I'd need to be a porn star.
5 yrs ago
Work running me ragged. Trying to get caught up.
5 yrs ago
Might not have internet tonight. Travelling into an area I don't know well. My wifi hub may not have cell towers to use. Should move by the next day though.
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5 yrs ago
Work is a little nuts. Long days, little time off. Going to be a little slow on replies. Bear with me.


Well, I USED to have a bio. Site keeps changing and it goes poof each time.

Most Recent Posts

Somewhere in the near future …. (Mar 27, 2025 to be exact)

Noone knows where he comes from. Is he human? Alien? A god of old? All we know is there is nothing and noone else like him. He showed up about a week ago (Mar 20, 2025) like a Superman. Yeah, just like in the comic books. A tornado emergency had been declared in the Oklahoma City area. A F5 funnel had formed and was headed for the city when he arrived. Three individuals plus a family of 4 reported being saved by him. The news got weirder. He turned away from the group of survivors he had assembled to face the tornado. Then he took off and flew into the tornado. It glowed with a swirling energy giving off arcs of lightning, then slowly dissipated.

There were reports afterwards of the same costumed man arriving at emergency centers with wounded, assisting first responders, reopening travel routes. But he didn’t stick around for thanks.

Little more has been learned about the man save for the fact that he did tell several people that he was NOT Superman, no S. But he offered no name.

He stands an estimated 6’9” to 7’0” with dark hair. He wore a suit that his his eyes and hair. But he was caucasian and had no real accent. He was extremely polite. You know the saying ‘strong streak of good?’ He gave that sort of a first impression. He was seen to have lifted objects massing several tons.

As you can imagine his sudden appearance has drawn speculation. It has also drawn the attention of the government. So many questions need answers.

So … tall, dark … probably handsome. And he is the news story of a lifetime. (Research project?) This is a job for Lois Lane … or whatever your name is. The problem is that this guy won’t stand still. He showed up two days ago in eastern Turkey in response to a major earthquake. Get this: he spoke Turkish.

The traditional hurricane season for Atlantic has begun in June. But for the past decade tropical storms have been coming earlier. Several years ago they were starting in April. This year the Gulf of Mexico has a Category 3 hurricane growing and headed for landfall in New Orleans … again. The … superhero … seems drawn to major disasters rather than criminals.

About the RP
This is to be an Advanced / Detailed RP. I am looking for someone who can post daily. (Yes, I realize that won’t happen EVERY day. But I get bored when RP’s grow stagnant.)

Your character does NOT have to be a reporter. I mean, I know how cliche that is. But the superhero in question IS following the news. So his actions are a little predictable along those lines. And nothing says you can’t have skills beyond journalism.

If you want to go xenobiologist looking to prove the existence of an alien on Earth, this guy isn’t the answer you are looking for. He has a sense of humor though and just might run with it for fun doing Vulcan greetings and maybe even a Mork From Ork greeting.

He does have a secret ID.

No, the world has never had a real superhero before - except the ordinary variety you might have heard of in the news. (I mean real world news, not the RP. There are some real world costumed vigilantes out there.) This guy is a whole new game. He may not be bulletproof or anything like that. He does wear a suit that offers full contained coverage. (Hey … an alien might need a vacc suit to survive on Earth ...)

Contact via PM (notifs for subscriptions are still quirky)
Somewhere in the near future …. (Mar 27, 2025 to be exact)

Noone knows where he comes from. Is he human? Alien? A god of old? All we know is there is nothing and noone else like him. He showed up about a week ago (Mar 20, 2025) like a Superman. Yeah, just like in the comic books. A tornado emergency had been declared in the Oklahoma City area. A F5 funnel had formed and was headed for the city when he arrived. Three individuals plus a family of 4 reported being saved by him. The news got weirder. He turned away from the group of survivors he had assembled to face the tornado. Then he took off and flew into the tornado. It glowed with a swirling energy giving off arcs of lightning, then slowly dissipated.

There were reports afterwards of the same costumed man arriving at emergency centers with wounded, assisting first responders, reopening travel routes. But he didn’t stick around for thanks.

Little more has been learned about the man save for the fact that he did tell several people that he was NOT Superman, no S. But he offered no name.

He stands an estimated 6’9” to 7’0”. He wore a suit that hid his eyes and hair. (Like an ultralight version of HALO armor. I have some concept art pics.) He spoke with an other worldly voice - that could have been the result of a voice modulator. He was extremely polite. You know the saying ‘strong streak of good?’ He gave that sort of a first impression. He was seen to have lifted objects massing several tons.

As you can imagine his sudden appearance has drawn speculation. It has also drawn the attention of the government. So many questions need answers.

So … enigmatic, tall, probably handsome. And he is the news story of a lifetime. (Research project?) This is a job for Lois Lane … or whatever your name is. The problem is that this guy won’t stand still. He showed up two days ago in eastern Turkey in response to a major earthquake. Get this: he spoke Turkish. He arrived within an hour of the first major shocks. If he was from the central USA he had just travelled halfway around the planet - undetected.

The traditional hurricane season for Atlantic has begun in June. But for the past decade tropical storms have been coming earlier. Several years ago they were starting in April. This year the Gulf of Mexico has a Category 3 hurricane growing and headed for landfall in New Orleans … again. The … superhero … seems drawn to major disasters rather than criminals.

About the RP
This is to be an Advanced / Detailed RP. I am looking for someone who can post daily. (Yes, I realize that won’t happen EVERY day. But I get bored when RP’s grow stagnant.)

Your character does NOT have to be a reporter. I mean, I know how cliche that is. But the superhero in question IS following the news. So his actions are a little predictable along those lines. And nothing says you can’t have skills beyond journalism.

If you want to go xenobiologist looking to prove the existence of an alien on Earth, this guy isn’t the answer you are looking for. He has a sense of humor though and just might run with it for fun doing Vulcan greetings and maybe even a Mork From Ork greeting.

He does have a secret ID. He really lives in Albuquerque, NM. He has no actual powers. What he does is the result of technological breakthroughs.

No, the world has never had a real superhero before - except the ordinary variety you might have heard of in the news. (I mean real world news, not the RP. There are some real world costumed vigilantes out there.) This guy is a whole new game. He may not be bulletproof or anything like that. He does wear a suit that offers full contained coverage. (Hey … an alien might need a vacc suit to survive on Earth ...)

Contact via PM (notifs for subscriptions are still quirky)

(You’ll just have to imagine him in medieval garb.)

King Duncan I

Welcome the Kingdom of Amerika. This fair Kingdom was until very recently ruled by a once great king that had grown old and weak. As he approached the end of his days, he was left with too many choices for an heir and none of them good. There were his queens, beautiful but vain and greedy women who would lead the land to ruin. And their offspring - all power hungry welps who would lead the land to civil war over the crown - even if he named one his rightful heir.

And then there was Young Lord Duncan. Duncan was the boy knight who fought the champion of the Northern Lands, a giant who stood like a mountain and challenged the King of Amerika to a fight one-on-one in lieu of a war. Given the age of the King he agreed to permit the King to select a champion. None of his sons, nor even knights would step forward. But like the story of David and Goliath, Duncan did. (Duncan was actually damned good with such a sling, but never thought to actually use it. He still kicks himself for not thinking of it.) Instead he used warhammers of his own making. He had been a blacksmith’s apprentice at the time.

He stepped forward and shouted his challenge to the northman champion. Well this would be an awfully short story if Duncan had lost. On that fateful day he made history, saved the kingdom, and unbeknownst to him at the time, became heir to a Kingdom. The King made a decision that day, to name Duncan his rightful heir. Not long afterwards the King passed away and the crown was passed to Duncan - much to the extreme displeasure of the others who felt their claim on the throne greater.

Duncan is a mere boy of 16-17, wise beyond his years some say, surrounded by a Court that hates him. Surprisingly a number of knights have rallied to support his claim to the throne. They remember the heroism the boy displayed that day. Others resent the boy for making them seem like cowards. Outside the kingdom other nations see Amerika as ripe for conquest or plunder.

Unbeknownst to the people of Amerika, Duncan is not of this world. He hails from the 21st century Earth, our Earth. How he arrived in Amerika he doesn’t know. If there was a purpose to it, he is still unaware of it. But he brings with him the knowledge of 21st century science. And he was something of a young prodigy.

As the name of the kingdom suggests, I am using Earth as a map. Royal Keep is located in the same spot as Manhattan, NY. Amerka is comparable the United States in 1783, with territories that extend to the Mississippi River. (It covers the same lands.) It is NOT a colony of England but a country in its own right, the origins of its people lost in antiquity.

It is Spring (early March) of the year 2017 of the Great Star, which refers to a convergence of three stars long ago. (Duncan is, in fact, from our Earth, and is barely familiar with magic.) There are no monotheistic religions, only pantheons.

Technology and Magic
Technology is medieval much as one would expect in a fantasy setting. The typical education level of the people is all too often illiteracy. Employment is limited by social status which is limited by heritage.

There is no magic, no more than there is magic on our Earth. That doesn’t mean the people of this world do not believe in it or fear it. Neither does it mean that there aren’t forces beyond their understanding. This is a world shaped by the Gods. Some say that the goddess Merika blessed Duncan.

The legality of practicing magic varies heavily from kingdom to kingdom. Amerika is relatively intolerant thanks to bad experiences with magic. The types noted above are approved. Any necromancy or infernal magics are grounds for the death penalty. But even simple dance chant magic can bring the wrath of the people. And this is unfortunate as it is a common magic practiced by the savage tribes of the continent.

There are no monotheistic religions or cultures on this world. In other words, no Christianity, no Islam, etc.

The Plot
There are a lot of obvious plots - assassination attempts, coups, invasions … but the real plot we will concern ourselves with at first is Amerika’s attempts to establish political strength - through marriage - as well as the unification of its own forces, a process that will have been well underway by the time the first prospect for marriage arrives.

Now the usual reason for sending a daughter to marry is a defense treaty. But Amerika is in no position to protect anyone. So whoever it is will have to come from a desperate kingdom - or one that wants to make sure none of Duncan’s enemies take the throne from him and become a threat. Kings don’t generally send their first born daughter to marry a weak king. That is for the 37th in line of succession or some such.

There is nothing that says the King can’t have more than one wife. The last king did. Duncan, however, doesn’t even WANT a wife. But a king needs an heir and the Regent and his Majesty’s advisors all urge him to ensure a line of succession.

Your character should be of royal blood and between the ages of 15 and 18. (Duncan refuses to accept liaisons with a child and doesn’t want a babysitter. And he doesn’t want a hag.) Your skills will be dependent on your kingdom. But you must be able to speak Amerikan at least somewhat. (This can be worked around a little with the help of magic.) A Nordic woman might be a shieldmaiden. A chieftain’s daughter of the Amerind Tribes might be considered if from one of the large and powerful tribes (Cherokee had a written language. Seminoles might be having issues with Spain down in Florida.)

The Japanese and Australians are having troubles with the Mongols and each are sending someone. (These are NPC’s I plan to send, although they may end up serving as ambassadors.)

I am not going to include a CS, but would like one. The format is not important, but should have a good clear pic - not some cheap toon. No animated gifs please as my eyes can’t handle them. Then age, basic description and enough bio to get an idea of the first impression. Also note skills. Bear in mind that as royalty, odds are you are better schooled than most.

I DO plan to post a CS for Duncan, though it will be highly abbreviated. But it would make sense that a little research may have been done by your kingdoms regarding short reign and behavior patterns.

You may also include and run NPC servants that you bring with you (ladies in waiting, bodyguard, that old crone who is there to put a damper on things until he says I do).
This is NOT a fantasy RP. Rather it is a HISTORICAL RP set in a time and place where people are still moved by superstition and the use of magic highly frowned upon - preferably between 1456 and 1776. (Yes, the title was inspired by a book by Christopher Stasheff.)


Our young “warlock” will be a young man (around 20) from the 21st century. He was a prodigy in Physics and Chemistry. He has been thrown back in time thanks to a temporal accident. Bereft of the advantages of his time he will soon find himself struggling to adapt and make a life for himself. His knowledge can’t help but be considered arcane. His initial encounters will determine how he develops in the local time.

Local SpaceTime
I have left this open 1456 to 1776. I have also left the location open. I would prefer that English be the local language though - or at the very least not in a nation that is opposed to the English. (Scotland would still work, for example. France was on poor terms in most periods though.) You will need to know the local history. I will likely look up a list of technological discoveries around that time and create a list of what has and hasn’t been done as best I can.

Your Character
(We have a few options. But this is supposed to be a MxF.)
A native to the local time. If you choose this route, you might want to consider several extras, appropriate to your character.

A girl from Duncan’s time. (Duncan’s was working alone. But he might let a GF into his lab.)

A girl from a different time between 1776 and 2020. This option is a bit limited. Duncan had plans to aim for 1881, then 1921, then possibly the middle ages or WWII. He had foreseen WWIII and the end of civilization. This RP would be the result of a system error. Only problem with this idea is that by this point he would be bringing gear. His first jump was supposed to be into the future - after WWIII. In that one he does carry some gear and provisions - like a combat CBR suit, geiger counter, etc.
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