Avatar of Mitheral
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 718 (0.27 / day)
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    1. Mitheral 7 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Need sleep. Work is probably going to expect me to ... work tomorrow. SOMEone has to pay for my internet and I don't hear anyone volunteering.
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5 yrs ago
It didn't used to take so long to recover. When I was younger I was told a kiss would make it all better. These days, by that logic, I'd need to be a porn star.
5 yrs ago
Work running me ragged. Trying to get caught up.
5 yrs ago
Might not have internet tonight. Travelling into an area I don't know well. My wifi hub may not have cell towers to use. Should move by the next day though.
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5 yrs ago
Work is a little nuts. Long days, little time off. Going to be a little slow on replies. Bear with me.


Well, I USED to have a bio. Site keeps changing and it goes poof each time.

Most Recent Posts

Oh. Still never watched them. An ... the changes are permanent. This will not be swapping back and forth.
non sequitur. Never watched any of those. (Which is why I don't do fandoms. I watch very few recent anime or manga.)
Gender Bending isn't my usual sort of RP, but I have been toying with the idea. What I am looking for here is a double gender bender. Either an FxF (where both males become females) ... or an MxF where a guy and a girl are gender swapped.

I am male and would prefer to run a guy that is transformed ... and has no idea how to behave. (I could run a female transformed into a male, but you would then be constrained to being a male transformed into a female. I won't do a MxM relationship.)

I can think of several ways to get transformed. The characters could get transformed by different means. They don't have to know each other to start. Age is TBD. Mid to late teens ... or young adults.

Anyways, if interested PM me ... and let me know your preferences.

1. Your start and end gender.
2. Age (teens vs young adults)
3. How you got changed.
4. PM's or Forum. Personally I prefer PM's.

For a CS I am looking for at least a pic of the new you, a general profile (height / build) and general stuff. Unless you somehow still live with your family

If we go with adults miraculously altered, I may just have them wake up in an apartment or house living together - with no clue who the other person is.

If teens, I would assume the same school, probably in a few of the same classes.

The tags for 18+ and School only apply dependent on age and/or if in school. If they are teens, odds are we'd be in school. And 18+ would apply to adults.


Two young adults have become “zeroes”, living a sort of Groundhog Day life … and become aware of one another - and recognize one another from earlier ‘days’.

You are a Zero. It all started a few years ago. (You would now be 18 ish.) It was your first day of high school and it turned into a nightmare. You had one of those traumatic events when all you want is to be invisible, be forgotten. But noone would let you forget. You were teased, bullied. It got so bad you actually made a wish upon a star, a wishbone, tossed coins into ponds. You tried everything.

And then it happened. You woke up in the basement of an abandoned building on a smelly old mattress. You tried to go home, but when you got there, there was another family living there. They called the police, who sent CPS (Child Protective Services). They fed you and put you in a temporary shelter.

The next morning you awoke in the basement of an abandoned building on a smelly old mattress - again. Only this time it was in another city. And this time there was no family to go home to. You had no way home. You went hungry that day and ended up curling up to sleep behind a dumpster.

The next morning you awoke in the basement of an abandoned building on a smelly old mattress - again. Once again it was in another city. The abandoned building hadn’t changed - only the location. Weird? Well you were starving and tried to steal some food and got caught. You tried to tell them the truth. But they had no records of your parents. And your school never heard of you. But they fed you and gave you a place to sleep.

The next morning …. You see the pattern? Yep, abandoned building, smelly mattress, different city. Stole some food, LET yourself get caught. No records, school doesn’t know you. Meal and a place to sleep …

The next morning. Every morning, always back to the same old place. And you still are a “first time offender.” Hell at this point you have to practically announce you are stealing something. But even that started getting boring and you decided to find some sort of work to do. Recycling turned out to pay a little. Copper wire and aluminum cans sold for a tiny bit. The first time you tried you weren’t able to get back in time and the money you had been paid was gone. And you couldn’t always find a recycling center that you could sell to.

So you tried saving some of the stuff you gathered back at the abandoned building. Guess what? It was still there the next day. And you were able to gather more each day until you found a place to sell it all at once and got back. You learned the hard way that you had to be back before sunset or it all disappeared - money, any scrap, anything you had collected period. It was back to square one.

Then something NEW happened. You ran into the same boy twice - in different cities. Like you he was selling scrap. You looked at him; he looked at you. And he recognized you. He said nothing, but he had paled. Clearly this was unexpected.

Note: The backstory here isn’t set in stone. The pair could run across each other in on opposite sides of the street. The recycling idea is even something that can be altered. But as an example, CA pays 5 or 10 cents for bottle and cans. For a hungry kid a 100 of those can add up to a meal.

Likewise: HOW your character became a Zero is not set in stone. What I wrote above is a suggestion. Maybe you had parents who were divorced or never at home. You felt as if they would never notice if you were gone.

Please note: This is intended as an MxF. I plan to run the male. Both should be about 18-ish. They should have become Zeroes within the past few years after an event or string of events drove them to want to be invisible to society. A CS will be required. It should include a picture, demeanor, general description (clothing, etc), and - if you like - possessions you currently have. We should start the RP early to midday, not at the last minute before sunset.

Also, this is not the same day being lived over - as in the movie Groundhog Day. The characters started when they were younger and have aged to around 17-18. Neither is the rate of aging set in stone. And I have made no decision on immortality - that is do they stop aging, or what happens of they die?
It is. I did originally consider this as a college freshmen age group.

I removed the Nation tag - more to avoid confusion. With nations like the USA, controlling the whole nation would not be practical. But friction with another nation could create an incident with a nation that has more pride at stake.
I hmm'd and haw'd as to whether that applied. For smaller nations that actually have a ruling monarchy it could apply. Also, you guys can run your own bodyguards, etc. It is about like running Secret Service. I suppose I could have just as easily left Nation off.

Link to Interest Check

You are welcome to make your CS look more presentable. All I did was list the minimum info I am looking for.
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