Avatar of Moon
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  • Old Guild Username: Sev
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    1. Moon 10 yrs ago


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Alright my CS is up, I've still got some cleaning up to do but I've too much work to do for that right now.

Connections are tentative until @Hellis gets back to me on how he feels about them.
Lyra D’Aramitz

Name/Alias: Lyra D’Aramitz
Age: (actual; age immortalized): 92 years; turned at 23; 69 years as a Vampire
Physical Description/Picture:

Lyra is no stranger to beauty. From the day she was born, she had been pretty. She is 5 feet and 6 inches of natural radiance and she knows it. Appearance, while not the only thing she worries about, is a very important feature to her. She believes that the way a person presents themselves to others says everything about how they think of themselves. She is never seen without her makeup intact and her hair done in just a way that it looks natural but not too natural. Her bright blonde hair is kept at shoulder length, gently framing her heart shaped face.

She dresses nicely, almost always preferring dresses and skirts unless she is expecting a fight. Her wardrobe focuses mostly on darker colors, blacks and grays and blues, but has some unique pieces for when she wants to make a statement. She is often seen wearing simple silver jewelry, but never overdoing it.

Captivating Touch: Lyra’s beauty isn’t the only thing she uses to sway others to her side. Physical contact, while normally fairly convincing in its own right, allows her to sway the emotions of just about anyone she wills. Her power is more powerful if her target is already feeling an intense emotion. Swapping one emotion for another is much easier than creating one from nothing.

Thrall My Children: Lyra’s captivation is useful in more ways than one. Because of her influential persona, she has a much easier time creating and maintaining thralls. She can have two at a time without much effort, any more quickly compounds the cost and becomes too much to handle.

Besides the obvious requirement of her needed to be physically in contact with the person she is trying to control, Lyra’s power has a few more drawbacks. If she uses it too much too quickly, or tries to change emotions in extreme directions (e.g. rage -> passion) too quickly she runs the risk of not only being unsuccessful, but also transferring some of that emotion to herself. She can get overloaded in a way, where the various emotions leave her dazed and sometimes unconscious. It can lead to panic attacks as well. There is also the general rule that the older the vampire, the harder time she has compelling them to feel something they don’t quite want to.

Lyra also has an aversion to entering buildings occupied by living beings without being invited in. She can fight this aversion but she very much prefers not to.

Lyra was born on a beautiful fall day in the south of France. The air was crisp and clean and life was good. The 20’s were a great time to be a child, as things were booming and she and her family lived in relative comfort. She lived on a small dairy farm, so she spent a lot of time playing with the animals and enjoying the sun on her skin.

At 15, she moved to Paris to attend a private school. Her parents were wary due to the war that seemed to be right on the horizon, but Lyra convinced them she’d be safe in the city. This was mostly true, as she survived the bombings, but other things threatened her.

In 1942, at age 17, Lyra left the school due to what she called “a difference in beliefs” when it came to a few key moral issues. She didn’t mention this to her parents, and sent them occasional letters to keep them from worrying. She encouraged them not to send letters back, as she didn’t want the Germans reading what they had to say. She knew this was a fairly poor excuse, but knew her parents distrusted the Germans enough to agree with it.

Now without a place to stay, Lyra turned to what so many young girls do when they’re desperate and out on their luck. She sold herself. Though this wasn’t the sad story of some farm girl who moved to the big city and let men have her for a penny. Lyra was much too pretty and much too convincing for that. She found a high class establishment in a richer part of the city, Marceline’s, and easily found work. The place was owned by a wealthy and mysterious man who lived in America and only visited once a year.

Lyra came to learn that she enjoyed her new line of work. With the prices her clients were being charged and the classiness of the place she worked at, she never had to experience some of the darker sides of such a business.

Several years after the war ended, Lyra was offered an opportunity she would have never imagined for herself. The mysterious proprietor of Marceline’s had been visiting and she had caught his eye. He offered to take her to America with him, where she’d find a whole new life. In reality, she found death before the new life the man, her sire Daniel, came to her. But she was eternally grateful for it.

That was the start of what she believed to be one of the greatest loves the world had seen. Daniel was smart, strong, successful, and incredibly unbelievably charming. She was instantly taken with him and much to her surprise this infatuation didn’t end once he turned her and she grew less and less susceptible to his abilities.

Now, she lives her life in lavish luxury, spending most of her time surrounding herself with new and interesting people. Occasionally her sire uses her to sweeten a deal, or she gets the deal for him in the first place, but for the most part he lets her be.

Love. Lyra’s story is one that is much too common, one of unrequited love. The oldest story in the book, some might say, but her story nonetheless. Despite her natural beauty and the extra boost she gets from her way of captivating almost anyone she meets, there was one who would not return her affection. The one, perhaps the only one, she felt she actually cared for. She confessed her feelings early on, only to be shrugged off. In her mind Daniel refused her because he is so used to people bending to his whims he can’t tell when it’s real. Whether she be right or these are just the delusions of a girl head over heels, Lyra plans on having her sire look at her the way she looks at him. And she’s willing to do just about anything to make that happen.


Daniel Bernard (Sire): object of Lyra’s affection

Anne Williams (Thrall): Lyra considers her a friend, is a source of company
Ryan Hughes (Thrall): Lyra considers him a friend, is a source of company
Louise Noir (Associate): Lyra knows him from common connections between their sires and a great love for his club
“What the fuck.”

Elijah shook his head, scrunching his eyes closed. It was quite an extreme transition between what was essentially nothing to where he was now. Loud noises, smoke, pain, heat. His brain was overloaded with the myriad new feelings and senses he was lucky enough to be taking in. It took him a minute or two to actually get to a point where he was even moderately capable of being a functioning person. His head still throbbed, and the lights were still bright in his eyes. He had, what he could only assume, was the worst hangover ever.

After giving himself a moment to regain control of his most basic functions, Eli began to regain his mind. Like every time he blacked out while drinking, Eli forced himself to recall the last memory he had access to. With this, his situation became clear. His last memory was being placed into cryostasis, to live out the rest of eternity in a nice little pod floating in space. Then he had been put to sleep by UN authorities, now he was being woken up by something a lot sharper, a lot more metal, and probably a lot more fun to be around.

The metal spike had slipped its way right through the “protective” glass cover that was on the front of his pod, leaving the surface of it splintered with a thin spider web of cracks. It had lodged itself directly to his left, though not before cutting through a part of his shoulder. It could be worse, but Eli wasn’t currently in the silver lining kind of mindset.

His shoulder seared as he loosened the straps that held him into the pod. Luckily the restraints were only to keep them in place and could be, with a little work, escaped from. Another stroke of luck allowed Eli to push open the door of his pod, which had opened but had been held somewhat in place by the metal spike. A bit of a shove dislodged the spike from the back of the pod and allowed the door to swing free. Eli slipped, less than gracefully, to the ground. He landed on his hands and knees, narrowly avoiding the small glass shards that the spike had left so kindly for him to find.

A quick glance around his immediate area revealed that all hell had broken loose on the ship between the time whatever had went wrong did and now. The place was a shithole. Glass, metal, and bodies littered the ground. Smoke and noise filled the air. Sirens were blaring, alarms were beeping, and people were screaming and choking and weeping. Overall it seemed like cryosleep was a much more pleasant time.

Only once he had confirmed his own immediate safety, or at least as well as he could, did he entertain the thought of what had happened. It didn’t look like security was very tight at the moment, given all the dead bodies on the ground were prisoners and that some looked like they had perished from means other than a crash or whatever had happened. The systems didn’t seem to be running properly, given that he was awake to realize that. Also the lights were growing increasingly dim, but mostly the being awake thing. Maybe they had decided the program wasn’t worth their time and they crashed the place into the moon or something. Eli couldn’t really figure it out, so he figured there wasn’t much of a point in pondering it any longer. What mattered now was what he was going to do next.

He figured a weapon would be a good idea, and moved back to the front of his pod. “And so we meet again,” he spoke, under his breath. The metal spike came easily out of the glass, apparently longing to taste blood once more. It was a good enough weapon for the time being, heavy enough and sharp enough. It was round for the most part at one end, providing a good enough handle.

The movement angered the burning red line that ran along his left shoulder, causing it to call out in the most unpleasant of ways. Eli felt the pain and felt his arm grow warmer as the red fluid slipped down his arm, staining his prison uniform.

A light tug pulled the already torn fabric of the uniform free from itself, separating the almost the entire left arm of the suit from the body. Eli then tore it again into a nice strip which would provide a nice enough bandage for the time being.

With his bleeding stopped for the moment, Eli moved his mind onto more important things. Namely how he looked. From what he could tell his face was still intact, which was good. His hair had seen better days, but he had just woken up so who could really blame him? All that was left was his outfit. He certainly couldn’t walk around a malfunctioning prison ship potentially filled to the brim with well rested psychopaths looking like a fool, and only having one sleeve was certainly not the best look. He briefly considered tearing off the other sleeve, but decided he didn’t quite have the muscles for the sleeveless look. Instead, he slipped his upper body out of the garment and tied it at his waist, using the sleeve and the little nub left over from the other sleeve.

With that out of the way, Eli turned his focus to the cuff on his wrist. It had his name, incarceration details, and serial number on it. He had been happy to get the number he did. 00100. It had a nice symmetry to it. Then he noticed the date on the cuff, 2235. Damn, he was old as shit.
Interested here too, love the concept.

Interested as well :)
Posting this here, just because I'm not sure if you wanted unaccepted characters in the character tab or not.

Also interested here, will keep an eye on this.
Looks very neat, definitely interested. Also, thanks for that last sentence.
Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://www.clean-mag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Shane-Kyle-2.jpg "enter image title here") Quote: “Never fight a losing battle.” Name: Fredrik (nickname Rik) Kelly Age: 24 Gender: Male Sexuality: Gay Personality: Rik is an idea man, through and through. He is good at generating ideas, but bad at following through. Quick wit and an even quicker tongue can cause him to seem rude and sometimes mean, but he does his best to hold himself back. He is excitable and extroverted as well as outspoken and loves to debate. Rik hates being alone. Some may see him as dishonest or unethical, due to his lack of hesitation when it comes to lying as well as how he is usually the first person to point out the least humane solution to a problem. He has little empathy and is neutral on matters and people that do not directly involve him. Faction: Rebirth Role: Cursed One Background: All of Rik’s immediate family died in the collapse. He had been out of town on a fishing trip when everything went down. By the time he managed to make his way back to his hometown, the place was deserted. The streets were barren, the windows of houses and shops were smashed open with their insides gutted of anything of value in this new chaotic world. Hating the idea of being alone and knowing he would soon die if he continued to do so, Rik joined a group of people he met up with while scavenging. They were small at first, but when they ran into Deveaux and his Rebirth group, the size of their allies grew immensely. Rik joined Rebirth and pledged his loyalty to Deveaux, hoping to restore the world to its former state and happy to be around others while doing so. Special Power: Side-Effect: (What's the price?)
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