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    1. Moonman 9 yrs ago


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Character's Name: Mikhail Fyodorovich Orlov

Character's Age: 65
Note: Due to the advanced medical technology in the Post Disaster universe, Mikhail is remarkably healthy for his age, possessing the vitality of a (paraplegic) man 20 years his junior.

Character's Gundam/Mobile Suit:

  • 1st mobile suit (Start of rp) being used: EB-06s Graze Commander Type (It has been refitted to accommodate the Alaya-Vijnana System. The colour scheme is that of the space model Graze.)
  • 2nd mobile suit (mid rp) being used: EB-AX2 Graze Ein
  • 3rd mobile suit (near end of rp) being used: EB-AX2 Graze Ein with a second Ahab Reactor.

List of Gundam/mobile suit's weapons/miscellaneous armaments:

Universe your character is from: Post Disaster (Iron-Blooded Orphans)

Link to gundam site your getting your information from: Gundam Wiki

Appearance: Face

Once a man of great height and burly physique, the loss of his legs has rendered Mikhail into a far less imposing figure. Now confined to a wheelchair when outside his MS, he seems more suited to a senior's home than a hangar. As is the case for all humans fitted with the AV system, a series of protrusions can be seen on his spine.

As the recently appointed branch commander of Mars, Mikhail wears the red-coloured uniform of his organization. Given his lack of legs, the uniform was modified accordingly.

Genetic Type: Enhanced Human (Alaya-Vijnana System)

Biography: Mikhail was born to the house of Orlov, a moderately wealthy family from Arbrau's Russian holdings. As the fifth of seven sons sired by Fyodor Orlov, one might think him destined to inherit a mere pittance of the family's wealth, if anything. However, Fyodor fancied a practice that was best described as 'meritocratic gavelkind.' In other words, he would divvy it up 'fairly' amongst his heirs, prioritizing the child he favoured the most.

As Fyodor strongly preferred martial pursuits above all others, it seemed natural to most of his sons that enlisting with Gjallarhorn was their best chance at coming out ahead of their siblings. Out of the six that applied, Mikhail and two of his brothers were noted for their ability to pilot and to lead a unit with equal prowess, while the remaining three were applauded for their impeccable piloting abilities. Thus, the brothers Orlov were deployed throughout Gjallarhorn's jurisdiction, so that they may uphold peace and order across the solar system. As for the remaining brother, he found great success in the field of luxury furniture, and went on to establish himself as a self-made man.

Having been appointed to the Arianrhod Fleet stationed upon the Moon, Mikhail saw a great deal of combat in space, mostly consisting of stamping out pirate activity and the occasional mutiny. After several years of service, Mikhail had managed to either outlive or outrank his siblings, leaving him poised to retire into a life of comfort and luxury. Unfortunately, a disastrous altercation with a pack of Brewers left the esteemed Captain Orlov comatose and legless. Fyodor's estate and holdings were divvied up amongst his remaining sons, and Mikhail was kept under supervision in a Gjallarhorn medical ward.

He awakened following the Battle of Edmonton, whereupon Mikhail immediately attempted to strangle the nearest member of the hospital staff, causing him to rather unceremoniously tumble out of his bed. Following a brief series of tests to ensure he was in stable condition, the medical staff deposited Mikhail in a wheelchair and sent him off to a meeting with his superiors. An offer was made: agree to partake in a 'rehabilitation program,' and be promoted to Branch Commander of Mars. Having grown fond of his career military lifestyle prior to the incident, Mikhail agreed. He'd much rather die in the saddle.

As part of his rehabilitation, Mikhail was made to undergo the Alaya-Vijnana treatment repeatedly, which proved non-fatal and remarkably successful, thanks to the wonders of Gjallarhorn's medical technology. Once he'd recovered fully from his coma and subsequent surgery, Mikhail was provided with a customized Graze, and promptly shipped off to Mars. Under his strict supervision, the depleted Mars Branch re-ordered into a more disciplined force, in light of their failure against a band of child soldiers. While conducting a routine patrol, Mikhail, now known as Major Orlov, broke off to investigate a suspicious signal. To the relief and despair of many under his command, Mikhail mysteriously vanished.
Oh, I almost forgot to ask, are machines from IBO alright?

It's fairly recent, but there's a solid amount of material to work with.
I'm more of a VOTOMS guy in terms of mechs, but I'd be up for this.
@Dead Cruiser

Would a character with (admittedly rather heavy) Napoleonic influences be acceptable?
Akuma, Supreme Master of the Fist
- 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi (Hanging Gardens)

As the two other men discussed the crisis, Akuma listened quietly. Some breed of madness had overtaken the populace, causing them to fight amongst themselves. Naturally, no one had managed to discern the cause of this violent outbreak as of yet. Thus, it was up to Akuma and his newfound comrades to do the job.

"In my homeland," mused the martial artist, "many warriors harness the Satsui no Hado to achieve greater strength. Weaker men are consumed by it, and become little better than feral animals. Perhaps this outbreak's source is similar?"

Now, while Akuma wholly intended to fulfill the wishes of his astral patron, that wouldn't stop him from pursuing his own interests.

"I will aid you, on one condition. Tell me the name of this city's strongest warrior, so I may seek him out and kill him."
I'd be up for it.
My apologies for being silent/dead, I had to move.

Things are more or less settled now.
Akuma, Supreme Master of the Fist
- 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi

The martial artist's technique served to disperse the knives, only for them to swiftly correct their course and continue closing in. As Akuma prepared to defend himself, the warrior was suddenly treated to the sight of the knives unceremoniously halting, falling, and disappearing entirely. A quick assessment revealed that his comrades were responsible for this, having broken the foe's concentration. Not only that, but one of them had managed to ensnare the swordswoman in a hold, leaving her wide open.

Not one to let an opportunity go to waste, Akuma rushed towards his opponent. Once he drew near, the warrior allowed momentum to do the rest of the work, and shifted his attention to aiming his fist at the woman's midsection. Akuma needed to end the fight in one blow whilst keeping them alive, so a strike to the vitals was ill-advised. Instead, he went for the solar plexus, a nerve cluster with minimal muscular protection. A strike there would wind even the most resilient of men, and knock lesser ones unconscious. Most definitely painful, but rarely lethal.
Full name: Tizoc, a.k.a. Griffon Mask. His real name is unknown.

Team: TBD

Entrance Theme: Because every wrestler needs one.

Discipline: Tizoc is a practitioner of Lucha Libre, in other words, a Luchador. In regards to the two archetypes of the style, Tizoc is a Técnicos through and through, specializing in elaborate and high-flying manoeuvres that are as entertaining as they are effective.

Age: 27, born on the 25th of April.

Home: Mexico. His exact place of birth is (once again) unknown.

Tizoc stands at a towering 215 cm/7'1'', and weighs in at 118 kg/260 lbs.

Brief bio: Tizoc's past is an enigma. The masked man made his debut in Lucha Libre some years prior, and has yet to reveal any details regarding his history. No one -save for his similarly elusive family- has so much as seen his face. Even the man's name has yet to be discovered.

Some men claim that he never had a childhood, and simply sprang from the womb fully-formed and costumed. Others, children in particular, regard him as a guardian spirit, sent from above to combat injustice wherever it may lurk. Whatever the case, they can all agree that Tizoc is a paragon of the sport, and that he is the hero of countless children across the length and breadth of Mexico.

However, Tizoc's legend is not without hardship. Once regarded as unbeatable, the griffon-masked hero was thoroughly trounced on one fateful day by a mysterious stranger. Refusing to accept this, Tizoc embarked on a quest to seek out this man and win back his honour in a rematch.

After nearly two years of searching, Tizoc became disheartened, and very nearly abandoned his career altogether. Thankfully, fortune turned in his favour, as he received an invitation to the latest King of Fighters tournament. This event served to remind Tizoc of what he had forgotten in his pursuit: his duty to the world's children. How could he call himself a man, let alone a luchador, for failing to uphold his true duty?

With that, the embers of Tizoc's spirit were rekindled into a blazing inferno of passion, and he returned to Mexico at once. Before throngs of cheering fans, Tizoc declared both his return and his intent to win the tournament. Not for mere money, but for the sake of the children's smiles.

Note: Tizoc's history is taken from the Fatal Fury timeline (with a few adjustments), as we seem to be using that one in this RP (based off of Rock Howard's bio).
Sure, I'd be up for it.
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