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    1. MrMinerGuy142 9 yrs ago


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In Redacted 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@hagrodenI mean that the Turks are the ethnic people who ran the Ottoman Empire, making them the same people. Minor thing though, I think everyone can sleep without worry. No worries. :)
Meanwhile, in the front of the bank, the terrorist holding the hostage was still ranting and shouting, but more importantly, two men came down from the left staircase with rifles and started yelling at Sgt. Hayle, though it didn't seem like they really knew what they wanted to say.

"Get the fuck out of here, you prick!" yelled one of the riflemen.

"Surrender you little shit!" yelled the other.

"Just stay the hell back, you hear!" yelled the one still holding a hostage at gunpoint.

In the back cubicle area, Ofcr. Forrester and Ofcr. Davidson make their way towards two doors on the far wall, presumably leading to the front lobby. Beyond that, to their right was a staircase heading down to the underground vault. As the two officers make their way across the office area, three criminals come running up the stairs, all without guns, carrying large sports bags probably full of loot from the vault. The two parties spot each other and two of the criminals duck into the maze of cubicles, while the other runs back downstairs.
In Redacted 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@hagrodenLittle side note by the way, I'm near 100% positive that Ottomans and the Turks are the same people.
In Redacted 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@hagrodenI suppose I shall be able to do that, usually I just write a lot of dialogue as seen.
@RegularHaloPeepWelcome back, things have been a bit slow, so you might have to wait a bit, but if this starts taking too long, I could pull something outta my head and bring you into the bank heist again.
In Redacted 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

"I mean, I guess this is pretty important, right?" Julian started, "They want us all the way over here on the East Coast for something, I mean, it's not like they are just gonna pull us from all the way over in the desert to check out some fancy new gun someone bought or something, right?"

"Probably not," Erik replied, "And if they did, I'm gonna take the gun for myself...but really though, I think something big is going to happen, whatever they can bottle in their minds, cause everyone alike is coming East except for the men left to guard some of the bases West. Whatever, they're thinking though, they better not be doing something insane, I may be up for killing some, but I ain't up for dying to a stupid bug."

"Don't worry about it, if you do choke, I'll make sure your girlfriend is taken care of" Isaac joked.

"Yeah fuck you too man," Erik chuckled, "this better have been worth it..."

Erik was riding in the front truck of a small convoy with his group of friends in the Holy Terror, they had been called to the East Coast to bolster the ranks at some bases and his convoy was just pulling up to their new operating base, a warehouse in an abandoned industrial district, holding some of the Holy Terror's most impressive weaponry. When they pulled up and unloaded their men, however, they came to quite the surprise.

"Well shit, ain't that beautiful, I bet we'll get plenty of years out of this home, don't you think Erik?" said one of his soldiers.

"That isn't right," Erik sighed, "Come on, let's check if the weapons are still there, we're gonna need them safe."

He lead several men into the warehouse, and they saw the gruesome sight; there were bodies sliced, torn, and shredded. What was set apart however, was the black armored bodies of a counter-terrorist unit, also sliced away...

"Everyone inside is dead..." Erik moaned, "You two secure the weapons; the rest of you," he pointed at a large body of terrorists, "I need you to start searching the grounds, there might just still be something worth nothing here..."

In Redacted 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@hagrodenYea I'm sorry, I've been being a bit stupid lately, I'll try and write one up now then before my brain breaks or something...
@kanoroThat's fine, I just want to make sure we're still on board here.
@User@kanoro Are you gents still there, it's pretty important that you guys are here to post.
In Redacted 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@RookI'll be making one later today.
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