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    1. MsMellow 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current "A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often. "
8 yrs ago
"In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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9 yrs ago
"Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!"
9 yrs ago
I have the power to travel through time, the only limitation is that I can only travel 1 second per second.


Hi, I'm Ms. Mellow! I'm an avid fan of many things, including Firefly, Star-Trek, Sailor Moon and many more. I'm usually interested in fantasy, sci-fi, or post-apocalyptic type games...but the right team can make any game fun.

I'm an artist, photographer, vocalist... I'm married to @The Kid Lantern and we have an awesome, dorky 6 y/o who keeps us company on our journey.

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Interested, especially if I get to play a higher demon or hunter.
is there still room for one more?
im interested as well! if theres still a spot for the artsy character?
The idea behind this story line is that there are fae in the world, the modern world, and they feed off the emotions and energy we give them. They actually can help incite these emotions and feelings by just their mere presence at times, and can put on glamours to look human and try to intervene in human lives more so this way. There are a few different faery courts, winter and summer, as well as a few others that are still being worked out. There are light and dark fae, some feeding on frivolity and joy, others on anger or desperation. The fae are not tiny like you would think, but human sized. They are just invisible, and can enter a dimension that only they can pass into that exists on a different plane in this world. There are a few human seers, and other magical beings, but mostly I'm looking for fae with a small mix of humans or other characters possible. (I will come up with a few different options and anything you think of can of course be suggested to me.)

These courts will eventually go to war, with the humans caught in the crossfire. This is just a very rough idea for the game and if there is any interest I will put a more detailed backstory up with an initial set up.
Oh, and sorry..I like the posts that I enjoy reading! ^.^ I'm a dork like that.
Okay guys, is there anything Kid can help clear up maybe, or some plot points we can help you with? I really enjoyed everyone's writing and posts so far and I would be really sad if this game died right as I joined it..I kinda feel like I brought in bad mojo or something. If there's anything we can help you with- idea points, working on dialogue with other characters, anything you're stuck on we can all try to help! I think as long as we keep this a team effort and really try to push it this can be a great game. Please someone post soon!!! I really want this to get back off the ground, these characters are really awesome!!
Ashkara pushed the translator away, she hated those things. Around here it was better not to trust the technology, all the information fed back to the government headquarters. The last thing she needed was to be caught up with those bastards again. She holstered her phaser and motioned for the alien to follow her, this could be her chance to finally get off this miserable planet. She hoped she could trust this alien, it wasn't something she did easily, but if she didn't get off this planet soon the chances of her being recaptured were pretty high.

Once they were out of the bar she slipped into an alley, checking to make sure he was still following her. She grabbed him and kissed him right on the lips, lingering a little longer than she should have. "Sorry about that, but that's how I learn your home language. It is a technique passed down for generations on my planet. I really hate those translators, the government here is extremely corrupt and they keep records of everything. Let's just say I'm not exactly royalty here. In fact, if I help you the only request I have is that you take me off this world with you. I won't tell you why, but it is imperative I leave. Now, what exactly did you need for your ship and where is it?" She asked as she slid aside a tunnel cover and started downward.
POSTED!! I'm really excited about this, and I've decided to set aside time as soon as the kiddo goes to sleep on MWF to write a post if the game is caught up and I won't be double posting. It's nice to have a character again :D I really liked your guys posts, I think this is going to be a fantastic game.
Ashkara was walking through Nexxxus, a bar on Tamira that had a reputation of being a hot bed for illegal activity and jobs (though most of those jobs were pretty shady). She had taken to using her terrestrial camo on jobs as a thief, she found out really quickly that it made things extremely easy and that she could make a lot of money. As she walked through the bar taking in the dancers and rough looking people she saw a fight break out. She had never seen an alien like the one in front of her. His skin was a weird peachy color and he had no tell-tale markings of most alien races. A really big Durkin with a trench coat on was getting ready to punch him in the face.

The Durkin were no stranger to her, especially Laus the one currently in front of her, they employed her rather often to help aid in their strange affinity for women’s hair. (More than once she had been hired to steal hair right off the heads of many affluent Tamirans. They were actually a bald species who were very embarrassed by the fact that they weren’t covered on top. Somewhere along the way wigs became high fashion and most Tamiran women wore them even to bed.)

Ash walked up to the hulking figure and spoke to him in his own language. “Ti’Gua, Callor! Du schevnik ishka wallan? Tureg il ma.”
The Durkin had just landed on the floor because the guy he was about to punch was much less inebriated than him and had side-stepped the giant fist just in time. He got up angrily and was staring at her with a look that could bring down a Voldeva (a lion-like creature about twice the size of Earth lions). She wasn’t sure if standing up for this strange alien was a good idea, she had finally been making enough money from her thievery to pay for food and clothes and now one of her best customers was staring at her like she had just shit in his favorite wig.

She felt them before she saw them, the rumbling steps across the floor as about 6 more Durkin surrounded the pair in silence. “She-nov kraal,” said Laus with a deafening roar. ("You're dead") He was telling her to stand down and let him handle this alien. The Durkin were a very emotional bunch who didn’t take lightly to anything they deemed an offense, which was pretty much everything. “Kra-ve le ahuenta?” she asked grinning. The other Durkin began to laugh and Laus continued to get angrier. He wrapped his huge hand around her throat and slammed her into the wall. She kneed him in the stomach and struggled to break free. Why was she dumb enough to stand up against a Durkin?! She had no idea who this alien even was, she just knew what it was like to be alone on this planet. It wasn’t very conducive to survival to travel without a pack here and this guy was headed for a bad night. She fought with the holster she had hidden under her shirt, trying to get out her phaser.
Working on a post now!! Sorry it took me so long!
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