Avatar of MST3K 4ever
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: MST3K 4ever
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 897 (0.24 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. MST3K 4ever 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current Moving on. One foot in front of the other.
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3 yrs ago
You do you know if you don't try? If you try and succeed...awesome! If you try and you don't succeed...at least you didn't let fear and doubt dictate your actions...
1 like
3 yrs ago
You ain't always gonna win, but you ain't always gonna lose either. Stay strong, Keep the Faith, and do your job.
3 yrs ago
and the beat goes on...
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4 yrs ago
Okay...let's see what happens one more time.


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Most Recent Posts

Plant Eater should be starting on a collab post very soon.
Edwin Kincaid managed to get back into the condemned building that he had been calling home for the last week and a half. He was pretty sure he lost the thugs who were chasing him. Edwin spotted them trying to steal food from a mother and two children. Edwin wasn't going to let than happen, and decided to give the thugs something else to keep their minds on; him. He managed to hold his own, but then they got two others to help out. Edwin decided then it was to make a retreat, but he made sure that the mother and the two children escaped with their food.

Edwin opened the door, set his bows and arrows down, put a couple of items in front of the door, and sat down in his hammock. The room to be kind was a dump, and of course there were roaches but thankfully no rats. The only light was the daylight that came through the slits in the boards, but that was all right with Edwin staying in this place at night didn't feel safe. The zombies weren't the only things to be afraid at night In this part of the city. Though this building had it's "issues" it was a palace compared to some of the other places had stayed at. It had four walls, a ceiling over his head, and a door that could at least be barricaded if necessary.

The whole night is day day is night thing was still a bit of adjustment for Edwin, but being a former Pittsburgh Homicide Detective didn't always lend itself to a 9 to 5 schedule either so Edwin was handling it pretty good. He leaned back in his hammock and picked a couple of sticks. Edwin studied them for a moment as though they were rare butterflies, and then nodded slightly as he said, "Yeah these should work." He set the sticks on the ground next to him, picked up a bottle of water took two gulps, and then ate a couple of slivers of jerky. When he was done he said, "Breakfast of champions."

Edwin reached over picked up his pocket knife, the two sticks, and began whittling the sticks down. Edwin was starting to make the sticks into arrows for his bow. From time to time Edwin would raid what once was the local sporting goods store or the sports department at a store for arrows. He could usually find anywhere from half a dozen to a dozen arrows laying around, but Edwin knew sooner or later his luck was gonna run out in that area. He always prided himself on being ready for eventualities and didn't want to get caught without having enough arrows.

As Edwin whittled away his adrenaline rush was wearing off which meant he would soon be getting very sleepy, so he stopped for a moment and looked at one of the arrows. He studied the homemade arrow, made sure it was sturdy and said, "Not bad. That should work." Edwin set the arrow on the floor and looked at the other stick and said, "Later." Edwin put the stick down, adjusted his black fedora so that it would block out the light, put his arms behind his head and said, "Ah peace and quiet."
Shot plant eater an Inbox msg. Once we get things worked we'll get a post going
AgniSpirit said
Finally read through your character MST3K, I like your nod to mine lol. Glad to see you back on the site.

Nice to be back ;)
I'll have something up in the next 24 hours.
I'm waiting to see who my spouse is so that we can collaborate a bit before I post.
Done and thank you very much!
Hey i'm here.
Nothing to see here...gotta love server issues.
I am not quiet sure who the classmate I am engaged is, so I can't say who it is right now. That being said here's my CS

Name: Trent Parker

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Role: Homeless Husband

Likes: Photography, Jazz, Reading, Jogging, and being with his fiancée.

Dislikes: Injustice, judgmental/”Holier than thou” types, Social Settings for long periods of time.

Personality: Trent is an introvert by nature, but if he knows you he will “come out and play.” That though takes a long time to happen. The things he’s very interested in he is more than happy to talk about. He is a photo-journalist which also means Trent has an eye for detail and seeing things others might miss. Trent is very much for the underdog in life and will defend them any chance he gets. Though at times he can be very straight forward and blunt Trent is a pretty caring person who is fiercely devoted to his fiancée.

Relationships: Trent is an only child and though his class mates at times were cruel to him he feels no grudges towards them. It is what they said that drove him to being the success he is now. His engagement is something he cherishes.

Biography: Trent was born on the upper east side of Chicago in the lap of luxury. His father Bruce was a financial wizard and sat on the board for one of the largest mortgage companies in the world. His mother Rita enjoyed the fruits of the labor that her lifestyle provided for her.
Bruce loved his son Trent very much, but Rita saw him as a status symbol. It was so she could say that she was a mother. Most times she would barely remember his name, and left him in the care of Cassie the nanny. It seemed that Trent would grow up going to the finest schools in the city, and have his pick of colleges when the time came. Money was no object for the family. Until one event changed everything forever.

Bruce was arrested as part of a Federal Sting Operation. Though Bruce was able to get the best lawyers money could buy he was the fall guy, and the prosecutors made him the poster child of corporate greed. Bruce was sentenced to life at Jolliet State Prison, and Rita was devastated. She couldn’t believe that they were about to lose it all. Rita jumped from their penthouse deck as Cassie was taking care of Trent.

Trent’s guardians were an Uncle and Aunt who lived in New Orleans. They cared for Trent but they weren’t sure they were ready to raise a child, so he was sent to Rising Sun Reformatory School. It was one of the most prestigious schools in the country and it cost Trent’s family everything that they had. Which meant that Trent didn’t dress as nice as the other students, nor did he have the latest gadgets.

The Christmas Party was a defining moment for Trent. A young lady in his class by the name of Tia was someone Trent was very fond of. He didn’t have money to buy her a gift, so he worked very hard to give her a homemade Christmas Card. When he laughed at and humiliated one person came to his aid. Trent finally felt like he found someone who he could talk with and be with.

As the time went on the Christmas Card event was forgotten as the others began to accept Trent as a friend. Trent, by all appearances, had seemed to put the matter behind him. However the event served to inspire Trent to always work harder and to never just settle. His friendship with (the classmate who defended him) blossomed into love. Trent also discovered that he had a gift for running, and he used it to gain a cross-country scholarship to LSU. He enjoyed running and liked it doing for his health, but Trent saw it as a means to an end. Going to college and becoming a photo-journalist.

While at LSU Trent majored in Photography, and he was fascinated by watching people who were poor fight for what was theirs. Trent would use his camera to tell their stories. Through it all he kept in touch with (classmate’s name here) and as she encouraged him Trent became better and better at being a photojournalist. Through lots of hard work Trent eventually landed a job with National Geographic. He took pictures that became synonymous with excellence in photography. Trent has published 5 best-selling photography books, and though he is now well off financially he still strives to tell the stories of those society would sooner forget.
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