Avatar of Myling
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 74 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Myling 4 yrs ago


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Helllooo everyone!

Alina 22 Fin Infp

Hi! I'm always looking new roleplays to join in. I prefer modern, slice of life type of rp's with bits of romance and angst.
I mainly play as characters of the same/similar age to me, and can do any gender or sexuality.
I do enjoy my fantasy and scifi from time to time too. I'm into clowns (not in that way) and bright colors.
Surprisingly I also love dark themes and heavy music (Hypocrisy, Charach Angren, Turmion Kätilöt etc).
Idk what to say. If you feel like messaging me: go ahead. I may be little slow at responsing tho.

Most Recent Posts

Okayy, I'm finished with my character! I'm not sure if I needed a permission to post her on the character section, so I decided to put her character sheet here first~

I missed the other casual interest topic, but I'm still interested in this! ^^

I will try to get my character up today~
Elιαѕ Lυɴdqvιѕт

outfit, jacket, makeup

Elias’ friend Sage had offered to give him a ride to the camp since she had some business in the area. He had agreed immediately when hearing the offer. It was good to have a friend on the trip even when it was just for the short drive - Sage’s presence calmed him down. And he wouldn’t probably even be able to focus on driving. Elias was extremely nervous, however the feeling also consisted of bits of excitement. He had too many thoughts in his mind.

Elias was glad to be able to spend Christmas in the States, but he was also scared about it. He had always been bad at making new friends and he was scared he would be spending the following two weeks completely alone. Sure, Elias wanted to meet new people and have fun, but he didn’t still know if coming to Second Horizons was a good idea. First of all it was definitely a dumb idea to go on a camp focused on winter sports in order to avoid doing any winter sport related activities.

Elias’ family had a tradition of spending every other Christmas in Sweden with the swedish side of the family. Those trips in Sweden often included a lot of winter activities. Elias’ deep hatred towards winter sports wasn’t the only reason for him not wanting to spend Christmas in Sweden. He didn’t really keep contact with his father or any other swedish family members besides his biological mom. He didn’t understand why he needed to pretend to be a big happy family on Christmas time, when they normally didn’t exchange news or anything.

"How long you're going to stay in the car? We arrived almost ten minutes ago." Sage's voice bringed Elias back to reality. "Oh, sorry. I was just lost in thoughts. You should've said something earlier!" The blonde one said as he got out of the car. Sage, who also got out of the car, murmured about how she indeed had said something earlier, but Elias just had not heard her at first. The couple of friends walked towards the car trunk, Elias took out the bigger suitcase and Sage took out the smaller one.

"I guess it's too late to back off now." Elias grinned a little after finishing his sentence. "Pfft. You're overreacting too much. I'm hundred percent sure everything will go all right!" Sage kept a small break in her speech to check time. "Oh, I really need to go now. But if everything doesn't go all right, remember you can always message me!" They hugged as a goodbye. Then Sage hurried back to the car and rode away.

She's right: I'm overreacting. Everything will go all right. I will be fine. After his internal pep talk Elias decided it was a right time to leave the parking lot. Leave? Where? Well… He wasn't exactly sure, but if he just kept walking in the camp area, he would eventually run into other people. So Elias took his suitcases and started to walk aimlessly. Walking with two suitcases was a little difficult but he could manage.

After a little while of walking, Elias found himself in area that seemed to be the center of the camp since it was surrounded by the four cabins. There was also a bonfire pit and a massive christmas tree. Elias' focus switched from the tree to the people around it. Two of them seemed to be counselors while the rest were campers. When he got closer he noticed a situation going on: on the ground there was a guy on top of a girl. Some sort of stumble accident, perhaps? Elias didn't know how to react or what to say. So he just ended up standing there quietly like an idiot, both hands filled with suitcases.

Eliel noticed Sohn’s dog coming near to him. The dog sat beside the half elven and licked his face several times. Eliel couldn't help but laughed a little. He was still completely devastated because of Vander's Death, but the dog was just so cute he couldn't help it. Eliel would be lying if he said the dogs friendly attitude didn't cheer him up. "I see you are not as grumpy as your owner", Eliel whispered to the dog as if it could understand. For a while the elven kid was so focused on the dog, that he didn't pay attention to what was happening around him. Eliel gave a couple head pats to the dog and got up from the floor.

He wiped his tears away and walked closer to the other members of the search party. The two men had been talking about something in a loud voice. However Eliel hadn't heard the beginning of their conversation so he had difficulties picking up what the talk was about. It probably had something to do with Vander. Thinking about him almost made Eliel to cry again, but the elven kid kept fighting against tears. Crying wouldn't do anything. Eliel just wanted to go back home as soon as possible and that would be possible once they found Claribel.

"So what are our plans? We already lost one member of the group So this place must be dangerous", Eliel spoke quietly, but still loud enough that the others would hear him. He tilted his head and looked around, noticing something weird. Sure the group was now smaller, but it seemed way too small. Shouldn't there still be four members left? The half elf frowned in confusion. Then the realization hit him. "Where Sunne is?" He said out loud. "Did we lost her too?"

Eliel didn't stand as close to the hole as the others. He didn't have time to do anything when Vander wasn't able to grab Sohn's hand. Eliel didn't do anything: he just listened to the screams coming from the old man Vander. His screams filled the silent room and it was the only thing Eliel could focus. He totally forgot about the scurrying voice in the background. Suddenly there were no screams anymore. ELiel didn't know whether he wanted to look in the hole. He was curious, but he also had a bad feeling about it. He knew something bad had happened to Vander and he needed to know what, but the half elven could bring himself to take a look.

"Ha ha well.. i guess he DIDN'T have a great fall!" The elven kid usually enjoyed jokes, but this time he couldn't find any enjoyment in Marglor's joke. Eliel didn't say anything, just looked at Marglor with big eyes as if he was a crazy person. How could he joke about something like that? Eliel was lost in his thoughts: thinking about the hole and Vander. Eliel heard Marglor saying something, but he was too stuck in his own head. He needed to see what had happened to Vander. So when Sohn demanded something from him, the elven kid didn't listen at all and just walked past him.

When Eliel finally builded up his courage to look at the hole, he started to right away regret his decision. At the bottom of the hole there was some kind of acidic substance at the bottom; the man was completely dead and dissolved. What had been Vander earlier became nothing. Eliel took steps away from the hole and felt like he could puke. And to think he had thought the search party would be a big adventure, just fun and games. In the end it turned out to be a total opposite. This was not fun at all.

All memories spent with Vander started to pop up in Eliel's head. All the times Vander gave him piggy back rides when he was small, or all the times Eliel was given some freshly baked cookies by the old man. Those were good memories he could never experience again, at least not with Vander. Beside the old man Irvin, the local hunter and Eliel's caretaker, no one had ever cared so much about the elven kid as Vander. Eliel slumped to the floor and started to cry out loud like a baby.
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