Avatar of Mystic Writer
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 73 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Mystic Writer 7 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current And so I've followed through with my previous lesson, first roleplay group made ^^
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7 yrs ago
Life lesson of the day: 'You know . . when you can't find the right RP for yourself just make it' XD
7 yrs ago
Looking for the right RP
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Hello anyone who reads this,

First of all I would like to say it's a pleasure to know that you are interested in me, to the point that you are spending time to look at my bio. I originally joined this place in search of a Konosuba RP, but the fact is that I've been RPing for years now. Just for the sake of random facts my 'Quotev Birthday' is on January 5, 2016 and most RPs that I participate in have to do with anime that I come to appreciate. Down below is a link to the first group that I made on this site. ^^


Most Recent Posts

Oh okay. I apologize for that, my mistake. I will do that right away
Consider me in ^^ I'm glad to be a pat of this
I learned that sadly, so because of that I followed my life lesson ^^ I appreciate your message though
Fellow travelers, hunters, adventurers, mages, and anyone else who may enter this realm. If you have come here in search of a fun adventure in this MMORPG then I suggest you look down below... and prepare for a bunch of reading.

Welcome one and all to the world of Kono Suba! This is the very first roleplay group I have made on this site so I apologize if this doesn't look as polished as you might expect, I'm still learning some of this site's mechanics myself. As you can imagine by the title this roleplay will be influenced by the anime Kono Suba, although it doesn't necessarily have to follow the same lines that it does. If you have not seen this anime then you really really should watch it before you start in this group, not only will you get a sense of the world by doing that I genuinely feel that it is a really really great anime and that it wouldn't be a waste of time to check it out. If there is someone who wants to play a canon character from the series then you can request to play that said character, but you are not bound to do so! Let your imagination run wild!! With its own limits of course ^^ and if you are a 'guest' I invite you to come along for the ride and sign up.

Just to make sure that everyone has a common starting point characters first starting in the roleplay will begin in the starting town of Axel where the Adventurer's Guild is. Because most of the land is unexplored it is alright to create locations (within reason) for your OCs to go to and explore.

Down below are some basic rules which you should look over.


1. There is to be no bullying in chat. I would expect that anyone participating in this RP would treat other fellow roleplayers with the respect that they deserve.

2. Characters in this roleplay should not be extremely all-powerful with no weaknesses whatsoever. Especially since it's Kono Suba! If you've watched then you should know that characters that start out strong also have a potentially bigger share of drawbacks to them.

3. Please put effort into making your replies. I want everyone who participates to be proud of what they've done and to have fun with it too!

- On the topic of participation, I understand that people have lives and that there will be no doubt that you will be busy from time to time. I do not expect for you to be online 24/7 but if there is a reason for you to be gone for an extended period of time please let me know! I have been in so many RPs with great people that start off strong and then the RP fades away.. and I don't want that to happen here.

4. I'm not opposed to romantic interests but at the same time I don't want things to get . . too messy in chat. I don't want some fullblown explicit thing going on in here since that type of roleplay would most likely create some awkwardness in a group setting like this one such as sex. Be appropriate. (If you go around stealing underpants like a certain someone in the anime I wouldn't know what to say XD)

5. If you are interested in making a city/location for characters to explore pass the idea by me and we'll see what happens! I'm open minded and I don't bite ^^ if a location is made then I'll make a list of alternate locations so that other characters can discover it and explore as well.

6. When making adventurer groups I would suggest that you try to make sure that you have an even blend of attackers/support classes in order to make sure that everyone has a unique role in the party. If you want you can form groups of 5 to go on adventures with, but this will not be enforced for now since I feel there's no need.

7. I do not want members of this group to kill off another person randomly, no 'Laughing Coffin' allowed XD. If you want to kill someone off and the victim wants to die then I can arrange for that to happen through PMs, but I DEFINITELY do not want random killing please.

-On the topic of killing there is something else that I want to address now, and that would be over-the-top depressing themes. In the spirit of the anime I do not want for this roleplay to go dark, the anime is something that is meant to be comedic/fun and I want that vibe to also be present in this RP. Therefore, I do not want suicide/rape/any other extremely dark theme to be present here.

8. For detail on this RP, I would like to consider this a mid casual writing style. I don't want any one-liners here, so know that I do prefer larger replies. Obviously I will do my best to give you my all so I hope to see that out of you too ^^.

9. If there are any questions or problems feel free to ask me, I'll try my best to sort everything out.

10. (Best for last and the most important rule for all RPs ^^) Have fun!

Now of course, if you have read the rules and feel comfortable then you can mention it down below and I'll be glad to welcome you to this group! I hope that you enjoy your time here and I hope that you all will have a lovely day.




But . . .




I almost forgot, I should probably give you all a basic form layout right? XD Lol, if you look down below you should be able to see the general idea for what I would expect in the form, I'll be glad to see what you have in store for me. If you already created a pre-made form for Konosuba and you wish to use that then I'd be glad to take a look at it. As far as I'm concerned the form is the blueprint for what makes a character a character, so the more detail you have for your OC the better I can understand him/her and the better it will probably be! Make sure not to flood my brains though lol. I'm not going to hold anything against you if your form is a bit smaller than expected since I understand that some people have different roleplaying styles. Some people may have smaller forms but then make larger replies in chat so I have no problem with that! But if your form is going to be smaller please put the effort into it to make it look good ^^

Of course, I'll create the very first post in the IC to help set the scene for the beginning of the roleplay, and once I have everything set up we can get this RP rolling! In order to try to make everything organized please put the character forms in the character section once you are done reading everything and get welcomed in!

Now I hope that for those of you that are going to join that you have the greatest time here!

Locations List
(This is a list which will be updated periodically with any new locations that are chosen to be created)

I also do realize that some people may wonder where to look for Kono Suba, so down below I have a link to the first episode of it on Youtube. The series is also on Crunchyroll and Kissanime so it shouldn't be too hard to find!

In Hi! 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Thank you both so much ^^
In Hi! 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Soo, hi everyone. I have come to this site because I'm having difficulty looking around for a certain RP, but I haven't given up on it just yet XD you see. I am a very experienced roleplayer, writing big isn't an issue for me at all but there's one thing that I want. I've been looking around for Kono Suba RPs but it looks like there's not much in that department here. I'll keep an eye out ^^
Hello! I have one quick question. Lol I'm not exactly sure how this is going to be taken but I have recently joined this site because of the fact I wanted to ask if this place is dead or if it is still open XD recently I watched Konosuba Sub and I just can't get over it!
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