Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Welkins smiled as Reia was talking about how she wanted to do a mission the next day. "Of course lets go back then." He thought the date had gone well. Once they made it back to her place, Reia kissed Welkins on the cheek and left it that. He waved to her goodnight and then left to go to his house. As he got there he noticed that the door was slightly open. Welkins loaded his rifle and slowly walked into the house. The lights were off, but the fire was going. He kept his rifle at the ready and knew if it got up close and personal he would have to grab his sabers. As he walked into the living room, someone walked up behind him. He heard the footsteps and quickly turned around. Staring down the barrol of his gun was Isara. Realizing who it was, Welkins lowered his rifle and sighed. "Damn it Isara I could have killed you." He said a little harshly, not really impressed. "What are you doing in my house anyways?"

Isara smiled and sat down in the chair. "I didn't see you today after class Welks. I got a little worried about you." Welkins stayed standing and looked at Isara blankly. "I was fine. I was just out with Reia." He said still not impressed. Isara shifted and came up close to Welkins grabbing his arm a little. "Welks you know I don't like that tramp. She doesn't deserve you at all. Why can't you be with me?" Welkins could smell that Isara had been drinking, so he decided to dodge that last question. It was probably why she was like this now. Not even giving it a second thought, he made he let go of him then grabbed her some water. Handing it to her, he told her to drink it all. She did then sat down again. "Isara, Reia told me what you said to her and it wasn't right of you to do that. She's new here and she doesn't need you to get all up in her face. Judging how today went, she could probably kick your ass in a heart beat. So please stop it. And stop calling her a tramp." He walked back over to her and sat at the oposite end of the table. "But Welkins..." She started to whine a bit. "No whining. I'm telling you to stop this madness that has gotten ahold of you and back off Reia. Understand?" Isara nodded her head and then laid it down on the table. Welkins rolled his eyes then sighed, knowing he was going to have to carry her home.

The next day, Welkins got up and did his morning stroll through the town. Everything was all fine, so he walked himself to the guild building and waited for classes to start. He had wondered if Reia had gotten that mission she wanted. Even though she was new, she seemed to know what she was doing. Guess he'd find out in weaponry if she got it or not.

As the day went by, Welkins didn't see Reia at all. She must have gotten the mission and was sent out right away. Classes were boring as usual and when it came to it, his father still wasn't there. 'Might as well do my rounds.' He thought to himself, a little bummbed that Reia still wasn't there. He hoped that she was okay. During his round, he saw Isara walking around. Not really wanting to talk to her after last night, Welkins just kept going. She seemed to get it too, since she looked right at him.
Roxas heard the door open from the other room right as he was finished talking to Ifrit. It was Morthos coming in and he turned on the lights out in the main room. 'Damn it.' He thought to himself, knowing he woud have to get out soon. Ever since he got into this, he almost never had a second to himself. It was fine and all, but he could only take so much of Jax and Morthos', whatever they wanted to call it. It was tiring when they were together. Morthos knocked on the door and told Roxas the plan. He wasn't really hungry, but if they were going over the plan and finding Intel the it was probably a good idea for him to go. "Yeah I'll be out in a bit. Just getting cleaned up and whatnot." He got out of the shower and placed a towel under the door to prevent any light bleeding in.

After he was all clean and felt a bit more relaxed, Roxas got out of the shower and got dressed. Luckily he had some extra clothes and a new outfit that he didn't want to wear until later on. Seeing as it was the only clean outfit he had right now there was no choice but the wear it. Better than having on the battle garb all day. Didn't feel right without the mask. So he cleaned off the water and started to get dressed. As he was putting everything on he looked at himself in the mirror and smiled. "Man do I look hot in this one. Ophelia will love it." He kept smiling and put his glasses on. "Prick." Ifrit said in the back of his head, smirking a bit. "Oh shut up." Roxas said a bit louder than he wanted as he was walking out of the bathroom door. Morthos seemed to be looking at him since he probably heard Roxas. Trying to dodge it all together, Roxas smiled. "How do you like the new get up?" He said as he turned around a bit so Morthos could get every angle. "I'm ready to go if you are. I'm assuming we are meeting the girls in the lobby? If so I'm heading down there now." Roxas grabbed the things he needed for the day and headed down to the lobby. Some of the women that he passed gave him some looks while he was walking down. All he did was smile and greet them. Ophelia would probably get pretty mad if she was here. Figuring she would be protective of him. The thought of that made Roxas laugh a bit as he finally made it to the lobby. He found a nice chair and waited.

It didn't seem to take to long as both Ophelia and Jax came down. Jax was talking to a few of the locals, which was probably good. Roxas decided to wait a bit before going over to talk to them. They needed some time alone too more than likly. Once a few minutes passed, Roxas got up and fixed his front, then walked over to the girls. "Hey girls how are you?" He said mostly for Ophelia, but didn't want to be rude to Jax. He smiled and waited, hoping they would comment on his new outfit. It wasn't every day that he had something completely new. All the other clothes he had were the same with just a slightly different color to the blazers and plaid pants. "Anything on the werewolf's yet?"
Welkins continued to look out at the flowers. Not really listening to Reia. "I'm sorry, I was just lost in thought. I was thinking about my mother. She died when I was ten and her grave is apart of those flowers." He looked back at Reia and smiled gently, a small tear in the corner of his eye. After thinking about it for a little bit, he quickly changed the subject. "I couldn't find her after weaponry. I looked, but she was no where to be seen." He looked down feeling a little bad about what happened. "I'll find her and talk to her. Don't worry."

Once they were both finished with the food, Welkins packed everything back up in the basket. "No I like meat, but when I helped you with the grocery's the other day, I saw that you had a lot of veggies. So I made all this for you." Welkins got up and helped Reia to her feet. "Come on the flowers are more beautiful when you walk through them and can smell them all." Still smiling, he kept his hand with hers and walked to the field. There were all kinds of flowers. Tulips, Pansies, Roses, anything you could think of was there. "Reia I've had a really good time with you today. I hope you feel the same. I know it was a rough start, but it'g going to be better from here on out." He turned to her and smiled.
"I think you'll really love this place." Welkins said gently before he walked into the house. He grabbed some food and the blanket and stuffed them into the basket. After making sure everything was in order, he left and looked at Reia. "We're going to have a picnic if you would like." He smiled then started walking towards to meadow. The walk took them about ten minutes out of town. The place was beautiful. There was one tree on a hill top and over it was a stunning view of a field of flowers.

"This is where I wanted to take you today. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I come here a lot when I'm needing to think or if I just want to be alone. Not many people in the town know about it, but I wanted to share this place with you. Somewhere you could go to think and be alone too." Welkins set up the blanket and the food from the basket. There was all kinds of things to eat. Most of it was vegitarian for Reia. He had guessed when helping with the grocerys that she didn't eat meat. He let Reia sit first then followed after, making sure she was comfortable. There was a slight breeze and it flowed through Reias hair gently. Welkins didn't want to stare so he started to dish up some of the food. Handing the first plate to Reia. She was beautiful just like the flowers in the field. He was so happy to be able to have met her and been the one who showed her around. If it wasn't for that, he wouldn't be sitting here right now. After stealing a few glances at her, Welkins looked out into the field of flowers and thought about what could happen next. There was so many things that he loved to do and there was finally someone who actually, maybe, liked him back and would like to go do these things with.
"Don't worry." Welkins said softly. "I won't let her bully you either. I'll talk to her."

Welkins didn't want to ruin the surprise so all he told Reia that it was a beautiful place and that they would be going to his house first to pick up something. The bell rang for the next class. Welkins went one way and Reia went the other. He was super excited to see her again after class. As he entered his fathers study, there was a note on the table. "Darion." The note started. "There will not be class for the next few days. I am out on a recon mission and I don't know when I will be returning. Study hard and stay safe. I will tell you all about it when I get home." He didn't seem to have enough time to sign his name, but you could see where he was going to by the pen mark. Not sure what to do, Welkins left and walked around doing his daily walk around the town. Had to make everything and everyone was safe. What he did find odd though was that Isara was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she was still recovering.

By the time the last bell of the day called out, Welkins had finished his job and checked in with Wendy. Reia was on her way down and just like always, he was stunned. "Welkys I can tell you really like the new girl." Wendy teased. He just shrugged it off and smiled as Reia walked up to him. "Are you ready to go?" He said gently, a beam across his face.
Roxas glared at Jax when she commented on his clothes, but decided to drop it since it was pointless to argue. He only nodded his head when she brought up the hotel room, not really happy about it, but oh well. "Okay but I'm taking the bed closest to the window." He said lightly and hopped into the carrage. The ride was a little bumpy, but it didn't really affect him that much. There was way to much on his mind right now as this was his first mission in a while with a party. He was also concered about Ifrit trying to work his way out again or at least getting back in his head again. Not something he wanted to deal with right now.

Once they made it to the hotel, Roxas gave Ophelia a kiss and walked up to the room. He wanted to get his clothes washed and really wanted a shower. He could think better when the water was beating down on him. "What am I doing here?" He said gently to himself as he turned the water on. Morthos wasn't there yet so he ut on some music and got in. The water was hot yet felt great. "I love her, but I'm not ready to meet the parents. We've only been together for a few days. They are going to hate my guts. And apparently the mother hates Ophelia too." He talked aloud jumping out and turning the light off so it was pitch black in the room. "Okay Ifrit this is the only time I'm going to ask you for help. What do you think I should do and I'm asking seriously." He let him mind go blank for a second and Ifrit came in. "Well since we're having a heart to heart I guess I can be nice for now. What I think you should do is suck it up and be as nice as you can. You love the girl right? The stand up for her and protect her. They don't like her so expect there to be an argument. If it gets out of hand then you know where to find me." Ifrit left his mind and went without a fight. That surprised Roxas though. Normally he would fight and argue. Guess he wasn't a total dick. Roxas got back into the shower and let the water beat down on him in darkness. The music playing lightly in the background.
Welkins laughed as he hauled himself across the rail. "I think he was talking about me not the battle Reia." He smiled at her, but quickly changed to a frown. If it was true that Isara was spying on Reia last night then that crossed the line. He had no idea that Isara, one, felt that way about him, and two, would ever stoop that low as to spy on someone because of it. He was going to have to have a talk with her about that. That was unacceptable. "That's not right of her to do that to you and I'm sorry it happened. I can talk to her and ask her to back of if you want." He tried to avoid talking about the part where she deserved to be with him and not Reia. "Also tell me if she ever calls you that again. You can tell her that you know her secret about her sex life too. That will shut her up right away."

Welkins saw that Reia was looking down at her daggers and smiled. He took her hand as if it was all going to be okay. "I'm excited to take you on our date later." He smiled and continued to watch the battles. He was super excited and hoped that she was just as excited. It would be the firat time he took someone who he really liked out to the meadows. It was his private place where he would go and relax by himself, but he would love to be able to share it with Reia.
Welkins blushed when Reia kissed his cheek. He wasn't expecting it. After she kissed him he looked up at her, smiling and giggling a little.

Welkins made his way to his side of the field. The Instructor walked past and patted him on the back. "Don't think that I didn't see that." The Instructor smiled and teased. He was a tall man with muscles buldging everywhere. The man could take on an eliphant and win. Welkins didn't know if he could win again it was only a flook last time. The gong rang and Welkins brought up his rifle. The shots went off one after the other and missed every time. He was fast, but it wasn't the first time. Welkins was rushing and not taking his time. He could hear his father in the back of his head nagging at him to breath and wait for an opening. The Instructor wasn't letting up though. He was running right at him with his claymore ready to strike. Welkins dodged the first attack and started to run to the other side of the field. He didn't want to show off his speed, but he also didn't want to lose again to him. After a second of thought, Welkins took off. His lightning like speed got him to the other side in no time. Once there he quickly turned around and aimed. He could see his opening and took it. The shot fired and rang through the arena. The bullet hit the Instructor right in the thigh and took him down. That wasn't enough though.

Not even a second went by and the man was running back at him. Welkins was about to reload when he realized he didn't have any ammo. They were only aloud one clip in the ring. He tossed aside his rifle and drew both sabers. It was time to show off his skills to Reia. With a quick dodged again, Welkins sliced up with his right hand and hit the Instructor in the side. The claymore came right down again and Welkins blocked it with both sabers. They couldn't take that kind of blow again or they might break.

Welkins took off again, this time doubling back and slicing at every opening he could find. Since he was using his speed to his full advantage, the battle was easy though he was probably going to get in shit again from his father. After seven more blows, the Instructor conceded. He knew if Welkins continued to wail on him like that, he would almost kill him. The class cheered as Welkins walked back up to the rail. He picked up his rifle on the way and came over to Reia. "How was I?" He smiled and gave her a light kiss.Not sure what she would think about that, he blushed but didn't turn away. The Instructor came up behind him again and patted his back. "Good job today Welkins. I told you if you stopped holding back on your speed you would be able to beat me with ease." He smiled then looked at Reia. "Hey new girl. You lucked out with this one." He smiled and laughed, walking away to challenge the other students.
Roxas couldn't get any sleep on the train ride. Jax was laying on his shoulder and snoring the whole time. He turned to Ophelia and gave her a non impressed look. "I'm going to have to change by the time we even get there. Your sister is drooling all over me."

Once at the station, Roxas watched as Jax and Ophelia left ahead to get a carage to the hotel. He figured he'd take this time to get his and Ophelia's bags then change into his battle outfit. It was the only thing that didn't have drool on it and he wanted to match. After changing he left to go see Morthos since he figured that the two sisters would want some time to talk for a bit. They haven't had a moment to themselves since the club and he was pretty sure Jax knew what happened. So he walked up to Morthos with both his and Ophelia's bags and waited. "It feels a little odd not having my ask on with this thing." He said to him while they waited. "So is this your first mission Morthos?" He was genuinely curious, but not for the noble reason everyone would think. He was asking because he wanted to know if he was going to have to keep an eye on him or not. Missons weren't something to take lightly.
"That's okay by me." Roxas said as he was looking at Jax' new scythe. It was a spectacular sight and would suck to be on the reviving end of the blade. He looked down at his own daggers and sighed. 'Guess it's time for some new weapons.' He thought to himself then looked back up. "So werewolves are the first mission?" He said mostly for himself and thought about it. Not many chances to kill werewolves these days. One of the only medium class monsters he hadn't killed in the last few years.

Jax said something about their hometown being close to the misson. This should be interesting seeing as he was with Ophelia. Time to meet the parents. Not something Roxas was looking forward to. 'Right so skip the fact that you're a demon prison and you can summon blue fire by the tear of a mask and I think we're good.' It had to happen sometime. Oh well the riverwood was supposed to be a nice place if anything else he could just disapear for a while. Still thinking about it he leaned in to talk to Ophelia. "You think your parents are going to hate me?" He said knowing full well what the answer probably was.
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