Avatar of Narukami228
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    1. Narukami228 7 yrs ago


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Aerendyl smiled slightly at Neveah once she answered. There wasn't much for him to grab. His bag was already packed and it wasn't like he didn't have money either so whatever he had to leave, he could just buy. After taking one last stroll through the house, Aerendyl let a frown cross his face. He didn't want to leave this place, but the safety of his friends came first. Many years were spent here and it wasn't that easy to just give up. I'm going to miss this place. He said sadly before turning to Neveah, motioning he was ready to go. I just want to leave a note for Danny. Probably not going to see him again for awhile. He grabbed a pen and paper the wrote out a short note explaining that he had to leave to protect everyone. Once done, Aerendyl got up and followed Neveah out, leaving the door unlocked with the key on the mat.

Aerendyl didn't know how long it would take for the two of them to reach the capital, so he had hoped that he could get to know Neveah a bit before reaching their destination. I do have a question for you. Why would you help me out? We only met once and I wasn't the nicest I could have been. The two of them started to walk, Aerendyl mostly following Neveah since he'd never been. The closeness was nice and it felt relaxing and 'warm' in a way. The thought of leaving his home for good didn't seem to bother him as much when they were close. There was so much that he wanted to try out now, but he quickly remembered that she had no idea what had happened.
Aerendyl knew right away that Neveah was hiding something from him, but he didn't let it bother him all that much. Something in him that wanted to trust her. I guess I could come with you, but were would I stay. Plus the please would be crawling with your kind and normal Vampires don't take kindly to my kind. Aerendyl thought for a bit. if he did go, he'd be closer to Neveah and probably be able to see her more often. Though in the capital, she would probably be to busy to see him, if she even cared to. Aerendyl wanted so badly to get to know Neveah. He wanted to be with her and never be apart. Only a month and these feeling have developed this way.

I'd like to give it a shot. Aerendyl said after a few minute of thought. If I get attacked though then I'm going to leave. I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable while I'm there. Mutts like myself aren't really popular at all. He looked over with a slight smile. This was a risk, but he was willing to take it. Plus this way he wouldn't have to be in pain all the time. Being as close as the city limits of the capital should be okay. Shall we leave now or would you rather wait until morning?
Aerendyl took note of what Neveah was saying as he sat down close to her. I haven't been apart of a pack in 250 years. Guess that means I've never been apart of a pack. Not that they haven't come up to me and asked me to or anything, but I've just never cared to be apart of something like that again. He sat feeling a bit puzzled. It wasn't the first time this has happened, but at this point he was hoping that he wouldn't have to put up with it anymore.

Aerendyl sighed to himself. I guess this means I need to pack up my stuff and leave. A sinking feeling hit his chest feeling like this was the right choice to make. As much as he didn't want, it was best for the town if he did leave. This would mean being farther away from Neveah too though and this started to make his chest hurt again. Aerendyl placed his hand over his chest and rubbed it around a bit to try and stop the pain, but it didn't go away right away.

Who is this coven leader if I might ask? I'll want to keep an eye out for them if they're coming after me.
Aerendyl looked down at all the blood on him and could tell that Neveah was having a hard time with it. She must have been hungry too. Though he did catch her looking at him which make him smile slightly as well. Come in then. He said still gently not really caring about the blood. The feeling of being warm and close to Neveah took over any other sense he had at the time being. Even though he was naked it didn't bother him as much either.

I'm sorry for all the mess. I just got back from hunting. It's... been awhile since I have been able to. Aerendyl stopped his thought there. He paused for a second thinking about all the pain he had been in for the last month, all to be dashed away in seconds with the presence of Neveah. He nodded and hummed slightly before moving into the bathroom and started the shower up. The water steaming hot as usual. He wanted Neveah to come with him in the bathroom, but decided not to try and ask right now. As he shut the curtain, he could hear some footsteps outside. Smiling to himself, Aerendyl started to wash all over and scrub as fast as he can.

Once done, He grabbed the spare pants from the outside of the shower and put them on once dried off. Aerendyl stepped out of the shower the see Neveah waiting for him. What do I owe the pleasure?
As the time went by, Aerendyl did the best he could to make each day as normal as he could. But as each day passed by, the lonelier and lonelier he would get. I hate this. I can't stand this feeling anymore. He slammed his drink down on the counter at an empty tavern. For onne day a month Danny would close down the tavern and he and Aerendyl would just talk throughout the day and night. Since it was never on a full moon that Danny closed down, Aerendyl had full control over turning into a wolf at night or not. Aerendyl I really don't know what to tell you. I've never felt the way you do so my opinion wouldn't really matter all that much. You seem to be doing well though making your days go by in a normal way. Danny placed a card down on the table. Card games were one of the things the two of them really enjoyed. Of course they had the video games ready to go too, but a little betting on some cards was always fun. Most of the time the two of them were very drunk by the time night fell. Just like the rest of the last month though, this time was different.

Danny everything is changing for me now. This last full moon I didn't even turn. I had full control. Though when I did the pain in my chest was so great I had to turn back. I haven't hunted in days and I'm starving, but each time I turn into a wolf it hurts. I can sometimes smell her too. I've followed the smell once and I know were she lives now. If I showed my face around there, I would be slaughtered in a second. Aerendyl placed his card down in turn then made himself another drink. Since the time he let himself go, he hadn't had to much to drink. Danny stayed by his word though and gave him free drinks.

Aerendyl you can't do this to yourself. You've got to go out there and hunt. There are plenty of deer and moose out there for you to take and it wouldn't even take you that long to catch them. Look all I'm saying is you don't need to kill yourself over this. Even though Aerendyl knew Danny was trying to make him feel better, it didn't really help all that much. Aerendyl just shrugged though. He was really hungry. Maybe tonight he would change long enough to eat then go home.

As the day continued, Aerendyl and Danny put way a ton of liquor and played a ton of games. Aerendyl didn't really feel any different from before, so he helped Danny get home and into bed. Aerendyl! Danny stumbled. Get some fucking food tonight you asswhole. You may have out drank me this time, but next time I'm breaking out the good stuff. You know the illegal goods. Danny laughed and stumbled around his room until he fell flat on his face into the wood flooring. Aerendyl just laughed and placed Danny into his bed before leaving. After making sure everything was okay, he locked up the place and left. At this point it was night time and the area was full of life. All the sounds that could be heard felt very calming to the ear.

I'll hunt tonight. Aerendyl spoke silently to himself. He took a bit of time to walk out of town, listening to the cicadas and crickets fighting out which one would be louder tonight. It was music to his ears. Once in the forest and away from the town light, Aerendyl started to transform into the werewolf he was. The sharp pain that was already in his chest at all times amplified making it a little bit hard to breath. This didn't stop the former king though. He pushed through the pain and started stalking the woods for some fresh meat. It didn't take to long for him to find a family of elk running around. Aerendyl stalked them for a bit before pouncing on the alpha male. Ripping the flesh from it's bones the elk made awful sound. Aerendyl didn't like this part of the hunt. It always made him feel like garbage.

The rest of the elk ran off into the woods before Aerendyl was able to catch them. It was no matter. The pain in his chest was growing to great for him to bother to run after. Once he finished eating the main elk, he turned back into an elf. Thank you for this meal. he bowed to the dead remains for the elk then turned away to get home. His whole body was covered in blood from head toe. Elk wasn't his favorite thing to kill since the blood got all over him and felt sticky, but it was what he was able to have for the night and it filled him up for the time being.

It maybe took about an hour or so for Aerendyl to make his way back. Since it was night, it wasn't much of a big deal if he took his time or not. As he got closer to his house though, the feeling in his chest started to fade away. He stopped briefly and sniffed around. Neveah. He thought then booked it the rest of the way home. Once he saw his small cottage in sight, Aerendyl slowed down to a walk as to not make it seem like he was in a hurry. Neveah was already at his front door pounding on in vigorously. Aerendyl came up behind her slowly, wanting to take in as much as he could before speaking.

Neveah? He said gently, still covered in blood. What are you doing here? I thought I'd never see you again.
The clock in the Tavern rang 12. Aerendyl was 2 bottles into the 300 year old bourbon. At this point he was drunk and if he had more then he would probably throw up. He didn't care at this point though. Everyone else in the tavern was hammered off there ass as well. The only person who wasn't was Danny, but he was having a good time though. Aerendyl was singing and dancing with a few of the patrons having himself a blast. You know Danny? He came up to the bar again after he was done.I'm so fucked. Danny just laughed and brought out the bucket again. Oh trust me Aerendyl, I know you're fucked. It's been awhile since you've been like this. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen you like this.

Aerendyl laughed at his comment. I mean yes, but that's not what I mean. Wait I don't need this! He took the bucket and threw it behind him. One of the men behind him caught the bucket then threw up in it almost instantly. I mean by my now apparent love life is fucked. I just imprinted with a fucking Vampire! I didn't think about it until I didn't Attack her last night. I was normal! He spoke a little loud and some of the locals looked at him confused. The were to drunk though to think anything of it. Danny, though, widened his eyes and took Aerendyl to the back. Jack! Take care up front for me! Aerendyl's had a bit much to drink. I'm going to take him home. A younger man poped out of the kitchen and ran out to the front to make drinks.

Danny dragged a struggling Aerendyl out the back of the tavern then pushed him up to the wall. Sober up you drunk! Danny smacked Aerendyl across the face hard. Aerendyl whinced then became slightly more coherent. It's a damn good thing everyone in there is drunk as fuck. If they found out what you were a werewolf then you would have been chased out of town and you know it. I would have done the same if you didn't save my ass and opened my eyes to the world. I don't want you to have to leave so get your shit together. Aerendyl blinked and pushed Danny out of the way. He started to vomit hard on the ground in front of him then sat down against the wall. You're right Danny. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to run away from something that I can't. Danny helped Aerendyl back up then started to walk him home. Tell me what happened. You said you imprinted on a vampire. Does that mean you fell in love with that one that you were hunting? Danny seemed confused, but did his best to try to understand. No. Neveah. The one who was helping me. I imprinted with her. I don't know why, but I did. They walked together in silence. Danny had no idea what to say right now so they made it to Aerendyl's house. Danny took out his key and started to unlock the door.

Thanks Danny I can take it from here. I'm just going to take a bath and go to bed. I don't know what else to do. He started to walk into the house. As he started to close the door a thought went through his head and he stopped. You know the shitty thing is, I bet she's already got some man wrapped around her finger. I'm going to die alone no matter what it is aren't I. Danny walked through and gave Aerendyl a warm hug. I know it seems glum now, but I'm sure everything will turn out okay. Maybe that imprintment thing works on her too. You never know. Aerendyl just shrugged and thanked Danny. After the door was closed, Aerendyl ran to the bathroom and threw up again. After he was done, he started the shower so he could was off and sober up a bit more.

Who knew how imprinting worked. Maybe Danny was right and Neveah felt the same, but he didn't have his hopes up for that. All he knew right now was he wanted to get as close as he could to Neveah. This wasn't going to happen for awhile unless he stalked her, but that was a bad idea. Plus he didn't want to do that. Once done in the shower, Aerendyl stepped out of the shower to dry off. Since he wanted to go to bed now there was no point in changing into anything. He stumbled into his room and plopped onto the bed. Whatever. There's nothing I can do about this so I might as well get over it. He closed his eyes then fell asleep quickly.
Aerendyl Awoke the next morning naked and covered in dirt. He was back to normal and before leaving to make his way home, he looked out over the land ahead over the cliff. It was peaceful and calm. The only thing disturbing the trees was the light wind that was blowing. The birds sounded like they were enjoying there time and the squirrels were chasing each other around, fighting over nuts. Aerendyl stood there and took a deep breath in. The scent of nature around him felt soothing and calming. The only thing missing was the smell of Neveah. Aerendyl opened his eyes, looking up to the blue sky above. He felt sad, and longed to be close to her. Who knew that those feelings would develop so fast. It had only been a day.

Aerendyl shook shit head then turned around to find his belongings. It didn't take long to find his backpack which he pulled out a pair of shorts out of. They complemented the foliage that surrounded the clearing. Once he found the silver sword, Aerendyl packed it away and made his way back to town. He didn't want to rush though, he still felt tired from the night before. I wonder what happened after I left. He said aloud. Not wanting to say ran away because he knew that's what he did. It was embarrassing. I'm never going to see her again am I. Oh well. It's probably for the best. What beautiful woman would fall in love with a failure of a king/werewolf. A beautiful Vampire woman might I add. This brought a slight tear to his eye as he spoke to himself. This was all new to him. The feelings, the attraction, everything. It wasn't like Aerendyl to get hung up on such things, but imprinting was probably different.

As the forest came to an end, Ravenshire started to become more visible. Danny's tavern was busy as always and the rest of the town seemed to be the same. Streets filled with the locals which Aerendyl waved to and greeted. He made his way to the tavern and sat at the bar in front of Danny. Seems like you two handled things seeing as the lovely Vampire lady is no longer with you. Well as promised free drinks for you. Here. Danny poured Aerendyl's favorite Bourbon straight. Aerendyl just laid his head on the table and sighed. Rough night? Danny looked down at Aerendyl as he was drying a mug. Aerendyl lifted his head and shotgunned the Bourbon slamming the mug onto the table. You have no idea. He glanced around the tavern. I'm going to need more then this and stronger. Pull out the 300 year old stuff and keep it coming. I want to forget everything that happened. Danny had seen Aerendyl upset before, but nothing like this. No one was able to even remotely keep the 300 year old Bourbon down. It was more of a challenge the whole town would try. The tavern went silent as they all over heard what was about to happen.

Damn Aerendyl I know you can keep your liquor down, but are you sure you want to have that? It's not even 11 yet. One of the locals spoke up. Having a heard time there buddy? I don't think I've ever seen you look so down and depressed before. Another butted in. As soon as they caught on, some of the travelers started to place bets and egg Aerendyl on. Just ignore them. How about you get home instead. I don't know what happened out there, but you shouldn't just drink your problems away.

Danny I don't want to hear about this right now. Give me the pint glass and keep them coming. Aerendyl was dead set on what he wanted right now. I don't want you fighting anyone then. Danny said sternly as he poured the Bourbon. Oh Danny. You know I wont fight unless they start it. Aerendyl smiled then downed the glass. At first he started to gag a little, and the tavern went silent. He leaned over and Danny placed the bucket under him. It took a second, but he came back up and placed both hands on the bar. God that's good stuff! The whole tavern erupted in applause. At that moment Aerendyl felt good. This was going to be a good day and nothing was going to get him down. Or so he had thought.
The wolf snarled at Neveah as she reached her hand out to in. It wasn't sure whether to attack or stay still. Regardless, this was a first for the wolf. Never has it hesitated to attack something before. Instead of attacking, it started to growl a little louder. Hopefully this would scare off Neveah. Though it didn't work and as Neveah placed her hand on his muzzle, the wolf started to close it's eyes. A very warm feeling flowed through it's body and Aerendyl started to regain control. He opened his eyes again to see what was happening. Neveah's hand was on his muzzle and stroking it slowly. This came to a shock for Aerendyl, never had he'd been able to keep control oer himself on a full moon. This also scared him at the same time, and he jumped back away from Neveah. He stared her down, howled, then took off into the dark dense forest. He ran as fast as he could away from Neveah. The thought of what could be scared him. He didn't want it to be true. It had been 250 year since he turned into a werewolf and this was the first time he had ever felt this way. Why did it have to be a vampire? I've done a lot of wrong in my life, but why did it have to be like this? Imprinting on a Vampire. How cliche. Since he could speak out loud in wolf form, everything was in thought.

It didn't take long for Aerendyl to run to the cliff side. One wrong step and a quick death would be awaiting the person below. It was time to move. As far away as he could from this place and Neveah. As long as he was away from her, this wouldn't affect him. This was just a hoax though. Aerendyl knew as the time went by, he would want nothing, but to be near Neveah. This is bullshit. He sighed in thought. Now wasn't the time to think about this. For now I just need to get through the night. I guess it'll be easier now. Aerendyl laid down by the cliff edge and closed his eyes. Tomorrow was going to be another interesting day.
Aerendyl followed Neveah and listened to her plan. It wasn't something he would have normally done, but as long as it worked. He continued to follow in pursuit. It's not going to take long for the moon to come up. I think we have maybe a couple hours left in the day. Aerendyl was starting to get worried. Once in the forest, he was able to smell the woman. It didn't seem like she was that far away, but he didn't know so he just followed.

Aerendyl knew this forest very well. Probably as well as the back of his hand. Every night he would come in here and hunt and every night he would take the whole time to just run around and keep track of the place. There have been many times when he's had to protect the town. Vampires not so much, but other wolves, goblin raids, even a Witcher at one point but he was probably after Aerendyl. I've got her scent now. I'm going to try and cut her off and go around where she is now. I'll jump her and try to restrain her while you do whatever it is you do. I've got my sword so I'll be able to do some damage if I have to. Once Neveah responded, Aerendyl ran off. He made a large circle around where it seemed like the Vampire was and he started to close in. Using only his nose to be able to guide the way, it was still super difficult to find Caspar.

Even though the hunt was's going the way he wanted, Aerendyl felt a little relieved that he wasn't around Neveah right now. He couldn't put his figure on it, but she made him feel weird and he wasn't really impressed with how his chest would just ping like it was. He wondered if she felt the same way, but he doubted it. Pushing that thought way, the scent of Caspar was getting close. Aerendyl slowed his pursuit and started to sneak through the brush and wood. This was something that he'd been doing since before he became a werewolf. Wood elves were the best at sneaking and if he wanted to be the king then he'd have to basically be invisible to the naked eye. This was something that Aerendyl excelled at though more then the kings of the past.

Slowly coming up to a small clearing, Aerendly could smell Neveah again. She must have followed the scent here too. In the center of the clearing was a small figure which seemed to be laying down. Taking in a large deep breath, Aerendyl could tell that this thing was the Vampire he was after. He let a slight grin form across his face as it seemed Caspar was sleeping. If he could only get in close, he'd be able to take her down. Moving slowly and stealthily through the forest, Aerendyl got up super close to her. Neveah could be seen doing what he could only assume was the same thing. He got to her first though. Drawing his sword from the backpack, he grabbed the sleeping Vampire by the neck and pulled her close, holding the silver sword at her gut. Move and you die. Listen and you can go with her. Aerendyl gestured over to Neveah. We have her now so waht do you want done? He spoke to Neveah.

In this moment, Aerendyl started to feel a very familiar feeling. In a panic, he threw Caspar to the ground and looked up at the sky. In all this searching, he forgot to keep track of the time. The sun had fallen and the moon da risen fast. The moon was so bright tonight that he didn't think to wonder about the lighting change. A pain strung through Aerendyl's whole body and the transformation started to begin. He turned to face Neveah who had seemed to have grabbed Caspar and binded her up. Take what you came here for a leave. I can't stop what is about to happen. Arg! He collapse to the ground and listened to the ripping and tearing that was his skin. Transforming never hurt so bad before until tonight. Ether that or he neer remembered how the beginning of the night was. It felt like the transform was taking forever, but in a quick second, the screaming stopped and a large black figure arose from the ground and started to howl as loud as possible. The sound was able to strike fear into anyone nearby. The wolf breathed heavily and turned it's head towards Neveah. It started to growl deeply and bent down into an attack stance.
Aerendyl just sighed at Neveah's response. So young. He thought to himself before responding. Alright fine. We can do this your way. But if it get dark before we catch her, I'm going to have to leave. He looked her over real good then looked away quickly only to see that his door way wide open. That's weird I thought I locked that. He went to move past her then caught a whiff of something strange. It was an odd smell that he hadn't encountered before. Do you smell that? He looked over at Neveah briefly and wondered what she was thinking if she could smell the same thing or not. What if it was that Caspar lady disguising herself? It could be anything and all Aerendyl could think of was bad thing. From his backpack he pulled a silver sword and ran into his house. Not knowing if Neveah had followed or not, he had to know what was going on.

Once inside, Aerendyl looked around and sniffed again. The smell was coming from his bedroom. Aerendyl burst into the room to find a scared Danny picking up his clothes. Danny what the hell? You scared me made me think that the Vampire was in here. Also what is that smell? Danny put the clothes in a hamper he seemed to have brought and chuckled. Well I came to look after your house like you said and saw you with that beautiful woman from before. I figured you two were going to... well you know, so I came in here to clean up in case you needed it. I know you don't have time to clean your stuff right now so I figured I would for you. Aerendyl shook his head and put his sword away. Danny was a good friend and the thought of what he said made him smile. I'm sorry Danny, but I wouldn't get with a Vampire. Plus that wasn't remotely what was happening. How did you even get in here without the two of us noticing you? Danny just kept on cleaning and shrugged. Seemed like things were getting intresting with you two so I just came on in. Besides you forget about me how about you get on with that Vampire hunt before it gets to late.

Aerendyl shook his head again and thanked Danny before leaving. This time for sure closing the door behind him. Neveah was now in the doorway behind him as he closed the door. Seemed like she heard what was all said. Sorry about that. Danny came over to take care of some things, but I'm sure you heard all that. He looked away and scratched his head. He was slightly embarrassed by what Danny had said. He had no idea how he came to that conclusion, but it was Danny and he did have a perverted mind most of the time.
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