Avatar of Natascha
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 1
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    1. Natascha 7 yrs ago


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Basic Information
Eye Color:
Light Blue
Hair Color:
Height and Weight:
Stands around 5'7" and weighs in around 140 lbs give or take.

Overall Appearance
Hair Style/Length:
Lengthy, and a bit spiky in some areas. Bangs cover up his eyes, though he is able to still see. The rest of his hair is layered neatly and most of it reaches the edge of his shoulders. On hot days Clyde will tie his hair back into a pony tail. Most of the time his hair is worn loose. He does take the time to comb it in the morning, though left unattended it will eventually become a tangled mess.
Notable Features:
The eye patch over his left eye hides a nasty looking scar, because of the injury he received on that eye he is legally blind on left side.
Tall, slender/athletically fit.
Clyde prefers comfy clothes, anything that fits a tad loosely but snug enough not to slip off. His pants are usually black in color, he wears a black tank-top under a white and dark blue jacket. Clyde often wears shorts and a t-shirt to sleep in, also loose fitting. As for swim wear Clyde wears black shorts, the shorts fit him perfectly. As for formal wear... what is formal wear..
Clyde wears dark blue gloves that matches the blue on his jacket. Bandages covering up wounds from various reasons, an eye patch, a bag that is attached around his waist which is filled with necessary supplies for Pokemon catching, training and living out within the wilderness. A wrist watch. A hair tie that is worn on the same wrist as his watch.

Sleeping, basking in the sun, trying out new foods and a few other things.
Crowds, people waking him up from his sleep, complicated situations but knows how to work through them.
Personal Flaws:
Heavy sleeper, is able to eat enough food to feed four people, can't help but fall for cute Pokemon but knows how to control himself in front of people. Though he loves food he can not cook anything edible.
Has a photographic memory when it comes to numbers and words and locations, even when he only sees just a glimpse of something he remembers it all. Swimming, climbing trees and running at fast speeds for a human. Drawing Pokemon, and nature scenes... his human art is a mess though.
People often find Clyde a bit odd do to his quietness and the fact that he is often lost in thought. Clyde is actually quite clever and his spaciness is do to boredom. Clyde prefers to keep his distance at first but warms up to people fairly quickly. Comes across brotherly to those younger than him. Is kind in many ways but don't go pushing all the wrong buttons for once he is angry he can be quite frightening. Though he cools off soon he realizes the sudden mood changes.

Pokemon Related
Favorite Pokemon Types:
Likes nearly all types but there are a few Pokemon types that he prefers over others such as fire types, electric types, dark types, normal types. He also likes a few grass type Pokemon, a few psychic types, a handful of flying types, and among other Pokemon from various of other types.
Battle Style/Strategies:
Clyde relays on luck and patience when it comes to battling. He tires not to rush in for the attack until he is certain the timing is spot on. Also, likes to use the terrain to aide the Pokemon who able to adapt by honing in on their natural abilities. This way their attacks become more effective in some ways. Tiring out the opponents Pokemon is also a goal of his. If they tire out on their own to the point they are unable to battle any further or to allow his Pokemon to make a move to finish that Pokemon off.

I hope that things work out Burning! And hope to see you around!!

Just to let you know this thread will always be open, meaning multiple Pokemon RP's. So say for example if you decide not to join this round I can always start one up with you (and possibly someone else) later on. I don't mind doing the same RP twice, for each one will be different. ^.^
lol yeah I can see how those things may cause issue. Though I kinda like the 50-50 chance of winning or loosing that it gives you. Though my poor Torchic seemed to have a hard time fighting against Eevee and Ralts. Even though it used flamethrower on Eevee. Eevee managed to beat the poor little guy with a headbutt. Ralts managed to put Torchic to sleep and that's how it won.... so I guess my person is the weaker link when it comes to battling? XD
Look what I just found!! Click!
It's not a hundred percent perfect but at least it give you someone on the winning side and on the losing side. It is possible for the person who is more eager to battle another member (is the one who brings it up first) can use that site. Put in the Pokemon then see who wins or looses though it is a game of honesty there. I don't know how this will work but it might come in handy later down the road.
True. But if only there was a simulator for role players to use if it comes to down figuring out which Pokemon comes on top. Though I am just hoping everyone who is part of the RP will have good sportsmanship and through their hands up in surrender once in a while. This way is gives each person a turn to lose and to win. I will be having my person doing this often when he or she realizes maybe they should have thought things through better before going into battle xD
Burning Ralts will be yours! And thank you. Took me a few days to piece everything together. Though I think I was a little too thorough but I am the type of person who needs the extra information on hand or I will get lost to what I am doing.
I wondered about that. It would be neat if there was a simulator where you can input the pokemon name in and their attack moves along with what level they are at, as well on the pokemon you are going up against then press submit. Then you get the results to who won and who lost this way when people are role playing Pokemon it's a go to simulator when battling each other.

Eevee is all yours!

I am going to say this now though I grew up watching Pokemon my knowledge only exceeds to knowing and understanding a few things like names of certain moves, Pokemon Types, habits of certain Pokemon and travel etc. Though I love Pokemon and most likely I always will I am not a completely in-depth fan. Meaning I am a fan of the cuteness and the adventures rather than needing to know every single detail. That is why I love the internet lol if I need to know something I can just look it up!

This role play will be based around Pokemon X and Y. For I own only Pokemon X game and it's the only version I am familiar with at the moment. But we will eventually travel to other regions as well. But for now we will be stuck in Kalos. The plot doesn't have to match to what is going on within the game and/or the show. We can give it our own little flare but I would like some things to be similar in some areas. In which I will list those later on.

Any how this interest check is a sign up page more or less. A lot of the information posted here is either pulled from the wiki or I came up with it myself. Questions can be asked here or feel free to message me. I will then respond back as humanly possible. And Please read everything thoroughly! Just a heads up I might have repeated a lot of things, not by mistake but to get my point across. Enjoy!

Further More....

  • Please be able to reply within a 4 day period!
  • This RP will either be a small group (3-4) or a 1x1 RP. Depending how many people take interest and/or if people meet up to my exceptions. No hard feelings!
  • I don't mind images being used as references for your character, pokemon, attacks etc, just don't abuse the usage of images, a few at a time is fine but all the time... is pushing it.
  • This thread will be open for discussions regarding the RP. So if anyone has ideas or questions he or she can post them here. This way it doesn't disrupt the flow the actual RP.
  • A lot of my rules apply to the rules here about power playing. Don't do it. Or your out!
  • Be creative. Have fun. And hope to see you around!

I know everyone has their own of writing style, and are at different levels. Though I love to write I make mistakes often, with a lot of practice and rereading most of my work and asking advise I have gotten pass some of my own flaws. But yet I still have a hard time in some areas. So, if you see a fellow member struggling (including me) please let them know in a kindly manner. No one likes a show off or someone who has a hard time not coming across rude.

Here are somethings I am expecting to see...

  • Three or more paragraphs must be written. No two to three sentences then calling it good.
  • Give enough detail so fellow members to go off of.
  • We will writing in third person (him/her, he/she, them, they). It will give the RP an nice flow if everyone writes in the same form.
  • Please follow along with the plot!! No going off doing your own story if it doesn't go with what everyone else is doing or has been planned.
  • Use spell check.
  • And have fun with it!

Sorry I couldn't find a better map, but at least this one shows the towns and routes and other important parts to help us to get around. Everything else should come naturally from memory or researching.
Pokemon Glossary
Professor Sycamore
List of Towns and Cities within Kalos
Different Routes within Kalos
Landmarks within Kalos
Gym Leaders are hard to beat. The reason is: it's because they know what they are doing!! And they specialize in certain types of Pokemon. Which is also the reason why defeating them isn't easy. Takes a lot of practice, patience and planning out strategies to best them in a battle of wits. We won't be facing gym leaders right away. And when we do our Pokemon might be up for the task!

The elites on the other hand are the best of the best!! Only those who have surpassed all gym leaders within the region may face the elites. The gym leaders even have a hard time going up against the elites. Most of the time those who face the elites walk away in defeat. Especially since have to face them all in a row.
List of gym leaders and the elites and their Pokemon!

Practice, practice, and even more practice. It takes a few times to loose a battle in order to win one. Some people are good at it and others are not. It all depends on how well you train your Pokemon. And how strong the bond is between you and your partner. Some Pokemon will fight for you till the end, others may ignore you, and some might try and run away. All and all what I am trying to say is try your best, work hard but also don't forget to have some fun in between.

Winnings and losings vary since it pretty much a bet between trainers. The loser pays the winner basically. Sometimes a trade bet can happen if money runs short. And sorry for this but we are going to use the $ symbol to replace the pokedallor symbol for the RP since I couldn't find one to use...

Also, I will allow battles between RP members. But! There is catch. You can not demand a battle, or force your fellow members into a battle. They have to be willing by having your character ask if he or she would like to battle you or you egg them on until they battle against you! As to figuring out who wins and who looses is all up to the two who are battling it out. I don't want it to be turned into a debate why either of you should be the winners...! Either I will end it in a tie if you can't decided or I will magically make a meteor appear and wipe you and your Pokemon off the face of this RP!! I mean it. No arguing! Be fair and choose to be on the loosing side if the battle between you and whoever is dragging it out too long.

Pokemon items are useful tools to either help you train your Pokemon, give it immediate medical treatment, food, and so on. There are even items that are just meant for the trainers. A bike to get around, a Pokemon detector, item detector, and a pokedex! Also, anything can happen while one is out exploring. Some items are helpful to the user when he or she is need of a quick escape and/or rescue attempts.
A list of items that are available to use!
TM's available in Pokemon X and Y!

We are of course!! We knew our days were going to be filled with adventure and life long lastly experiences we never in our dreams thought about getting in the way of Team Flare and their plans. Or any other organizations seeking and attempting to accomplish their messed up goals and ideals. So let's venture onward and try our best to surpass the evil doers! And let's try not to die in the process....

There are others who try their best to provide protection to both people and Pokemon within Kalos. Such as:

  • Pokemon Rangers
  • The staff at the Pokemon Center
  • The Police
  • Other Pokemon Trainers
  • Vigilantes
  • And many more!
Team Flare that's who! This group is all over Kalos. They target certain areas in hopes of finding objects and other items in order for their life long plan to become accomplished. Not only are they after items but certain people and Pokemon as well. A lot of people have tried to go up against Team Flare but aren't able to cause a major dent into their plans. Until we came along that is...
Team Flare
The Leader of Team Flare We never expected him to be the leader of Team Flare, we met him a few times thinking that there is something amiss about him.
The Underlings/Grunts of Team Flare We'll be seeing them a lot throughout the RP.

Since a lot of the Pokemon are able to travel great distances, or trainers bringing their Pokemon with them to other regions I decided to include all Pokemon within this RP. And yet we will be focusing mostly on the ones found within Kalos. But I open for any other Pokemon to found, fought against and/or caught.
Pokemon Within Kalos
All the Pokemon!

Wild Pokemon are no any different than wild animals. They are elusive, territoral, shy, fearful of humans or machinery, or they can be rather friendly depending on the Pokemon breed. Sometimes you will end up walking nearly an hour without spotting a single Pokemon. Sometimes you are surrounded by them. Pokemon living in and around cities, towns, villages tend to have no fear towards humans unlike the ones living within the wilderness.

Many Pokemon live in specific areas and regions. Some travel region to region and aren't commonly seen or from that area. Some Pokemon are more commonly spotted in several areas do to being able to tolerate the many types of climates/weather. It all depends on the Pokemon's breed and lifestyle or even their own personal choice where they are going to be located it at. It is up to you if you are willing to serach them out or not.

Capturing Pokemon may seem easy, but in reality it isn't so. There's a 50% chance you may succeed. The other 50% you will fail. It is easier to weaken the Pokemon by battling it with one of the Pokemons from your team. Usually paralyzing it, putting it to sleep, freezing it are some of your options to weaken the Pokemon. And is the easy method and is commonly practiced since capture success rate goes up. Throwing a pokeball at it upon first sight in hopes of capture without tiring it out or using any of the methods listed is a rookie mistake. On rare occasions does that attempt ever works. Another way is to gain the Pokemon's trust, often times soon the Pokemon befriends you through building it's trust it will allow you capture it without the need to battle it. This method times and patience.

Sadly there are those who prefer not to use the safe capturing methods. Certain group will use illegal means to capture Pokemon in order to sell them or to use their abilities for their own benefits. Majority of the times the Pokemon is injured or killed in the process. Often times these people will resort in stealing/kidnapping Pokemon from their owners. There have been times when the Pokemon is safely returned and other times they never to seen again.

When Capturing Pokemon throughout the RP....

  • Capture rate is low. I don't want to see anyone being able to capture three Pokemon within a single reply!
  • We can capture Pokemon but only once in a long while give or take several replies later...much later...
  • Our starters should come first! They need to gain experience and moves to help us later capture Pokemon.
  • No legendary Pokemon, shiny Pokemon shall be captured. They can be spotted for only a brief second but no capturing.
  • Soon you do capture a Pokemon PM their facts so I can add them to your team or to your box!

I don't mind Pokemon trades but they can't happen a whole lot. Once in every so long while it is fine. Trading with non-members is fine by me but it shouldn't happen very often. Only because I would have to go through everyone's profiles and switch Pokemon around. And that takes a bit of time there is a lot of text that needs to be search through... If you are wanting to trade Pokemon for a Pokemon with another member they have to give the okay before hand. You can either PM them asking rather than push the issue within the RP. Soon the two of you figure out if it is a go please let me know which Pokemons need to be switched and I will take care of it. Prior to the reply to the RP involving the trade happening between members. I hope this makes any since, if not feel free to ask questions regarding trades here or PM me.

Pokemon Eggs are fairly easy to find and easy to look after. Though it isn't recommended to take an egg from a nest unless you suspect that it had been abandoned or something happened to it's parents. Sometimes Pokemon eggs can be won in an auction, prize to a game or given away for free! And on some occasions when you put two of the same Pokemon species together within the Pokemon Daycare and you come back for them after a few days all a sudden you have an egg to look after as well. Unless you choose to give it up. There are also farms that look after abandoned/orphaned Pokemon eggs. And often times they purposely breed Pokemon to get those eggs to sell, which is totally legal. Looking after the egg is a delicate situation but soon it hatches looking after a baby Pokemon is a hard task. And they tend to imprint on the first person or Pokemon they see.

I don't us receiving, buying or rescuing a Pokemon egg within the RP. But let's try not making it habit of it. I will then add (Mysterious Pokemon Egg) under your Accessories location within your profile. Since it hasn't hatched yet and you have to carry it around. And just a reminder each Pokemon egg has it's own design on it for that particular Pokemon. But our characters might just find it to be a pretty egg and noting more is known about it.

As soon as someone chooses one of the starters I will putting a strike through the name!! This way everyone knows that Pokemon has been claimed. Lastly I don't want everyone to end up with the same Pokemon. And I am sorry if someone claims the starter you want to have/use. First come, first serve. Also, there will be other chances to have your favorite starter in the next time around.This might not the only Pokemon RP I will be doing. I also know it is hard to make the right choice, eventually you can capture and/or trade for one of the starters you would like to have later down the road. But please first pick one. I had a hard time choosing as well for I do have assortment of starters (mostly fire types) that I wanted to pick but had to settle for one. Sorry for those who wanted Torchic!!

The Green Team
Bulbasaur = grass/poison type
Chikorita = grass type
Treecko = grass type
Turtwig = grass type
Snivy = grass type
Chespin = grass type
Rowlet = grass/flying type

The Red Team
Charmander = fire type
Cyndaquil = fire type
Torchic = fire type
Chimchar = fire type
Tepig= fire type
Fennekin = fire type
Litten = fire type

The Blue Team
Squirtle = water type
Totodile = water type
Mudkip = water type
Piplup = water type
Oshawott = water type
Froakie = water type
Popplio = water type

Other Starters
Pikachu = electric type
Eevee = normal type
Marill = water/fairy type
Ralts = psychic/fairy type
Yes! We will be having some Pokemon who are able to mega evolve, mega evolve! Mega evolution is where a Pokemon is able to take on a new form. But only a certain few are able to do this do to a certain stone that somehow is connected to their DNA make-up which allows them to evolve another step further during battle. No one knows how or why this is possible but no is complaining. For it is totally awesome and everyone enjoys seeing all the different mega evolve forms!
All Mega Evolved Pokemon
Lastly, everyone may have up to one Pokemon who can mega evolve! Just one!... So choose wisely. (Pssst, this is why I choose Torchic as my starter. Score!)

Please fill everything out!! One character per member. Images can be used to describe your character or items that he or she maybe carrying etc. Each one of our characters will be starting out with a starter Pokemon. So please fill the first team slot with your starter only! Other Pokemon can be added in later on when they are eventually captured. All information will be posted/updated on the main RP thread so if you capture a Pokemon and would like it be part of your team PM me with all it's information.

If you want the Pokemon to be added to your box please do the same thing but mention in your reply that you would it to be added into your Pokemon Box! Or you like to make some changes to your team by switching a Pokemon from your box into your team and a team member being placed in the box... and so on. Again PM me anytime you want this to happen so conversations can stay out of the actual RP. I will put in "Check Characters For Any Changes to So-So's Team!" At the bottom of one of my replies. So everyone can see it and take a look at the update. Soon I get enough people signed up/chosen then I will get everyone's profiles copied and posted within the actual RP. This thread will be linked to the actual RP so I don't have to copy and paste everything... though I might end doing so if no one uses this thread for discussions regarding the RP.

Here is a helpful tip: Copy and Paste!

Basic Information

    Eye Color:
    Hair Color:
    Height and Weight:

Overall Appearance
    Hair Style/Length:
    Notable Features: **freckles, scars, tattoos etc**
    Build: **petite, chubby, muscular, slim-fit, average, tall, short etc**
    Clothing: **everyday wear, sleep wear, swim wear, formal, comfy etc**
    Accessories: **gloves, hat, back pack, teddy bear etc**

    Personal Flaws: **nail biting, restless sleeper, has a sweet fetish etc**

Pokemon Related
    Favorite Pokemon Types:
    Battle Style/Strategies:

The opening plot is going to be very simple and a bit cliche. Our characters are now old enough to go venturing in order to become Pokemon Trainers. Not everyone has a full desire of just becoming a trainer. Everyone has other dreams and goals they want to fill along the way! Anyways, our characters will start out from their home. And it can be from anywhere with the Kalos region. I am choosing to set out from Vaniville Town... yes just like from within the game. But with a twist!

Our characters will be going about their day as normal. Until an announcement is made over the radio/TV about how Professor Augustine Sycamore is looking for young trainers to give away freshly caught starter Pokmeon. The announcement also reports that the professor will also provide not only just a Pokemon but as well as a Pokedex, a few items to get the new trainers started and as well as a handful of cash! The professor wants everyone who wants to become a trainer to be present on July 5th, at 3pm at the south entrance of Santalune Forest! The cut off time will be at 4pm any later you will not be able to participate.

Professor Sycamore will putting us through a set of tests to see if are worthy to be called Pokemon Trainers. These tests don't exclude anyone but not everyone can pass them. After we go through all the tests given Professor Sycamore will then announce the winners. From there we follow him back to his lab to retrieve our Pokemon and among the other things has promised us. After that he wishes us the best of luck and to keep in touch. Then we set out on our Pokemon Adventure!


I hope you guys appreciate all the time and effort I had put into this thread!! I have a quick survey for you guys to fill out, it is your choice if you want to do this or not it will also give me an insight to how I am doing. Please also leave some comments if you like on what I should do different, add anything or this thread was perfectly fine. Thank you!

Ratings from 1-5

(5=Totally Awesome!)

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(Warning: Steal any information you see posted here without permission from me first you will end up regretting it!!!)
This role play will take place in New York City. A little cliche but New York has Central Park, high crime rates, lots of hiding places etc. Anyways this RP will be involving were-beasts. Werewolves are exceedingly rare, but they aren't the only were-animals that around. There are werebears, weretigers, werelions, and werefoxes etc. Throughout history were-beasts had to start blending into human society more and more. Till the day they had to hide their beast like forms completely. Some prefer to live out a normal life choosing to abandon the beast within. Others can't control or choose not to control their animal side. Those who refuse to live among humans peacefully cause mayhem/murder either secretly or publicly. So there groups out there that deal with rogue beasts, or all beasts in general. There are those who have no idea that were-beasts exist! And the were-beasts themselves may or may not have the thirst for human blood.

Job Profession already included!
Romance/Love interest will slowly build no sudden sex scenes after a few posts. (female x male or male x male)

This RP will be rated for 18+ do to goring scenes, language and people becoming highly intimate.
The characters will be aged around 22 to around 38. Take your pick.
Since this RP is rate 18+ this RP will take place within PM's only!!
We will discuss what our character positions are/will be within the RP once you/someone PM's me! I do have some ideas in mind, if you have a problem with any of them or want to add something feel free to do so.

What I am looking for:
  • Someone who is willing to do a Werewolf (male) x Werewolf (male) or Werewolf (male) x Human (female) love interest.
  • Someone who can write at a high causal or low advance level!
  • Someone who can reply with one day or a three day period.
  • Someone who is willing to play the male lead! I can play either the submissive male or the female character.
  • Someone who can look pass my grammar errors, I do make mistakes; we all do!!
  • Someone who is willing to allow the relationship between characters to build slowly, no sudden under the bed sheets fun!!
    (Though there can be a few close calls since certain emotions can cloud one's judgement).
  • Someone who can share thoughts and ideas freely without much conflict to figure what may happen within the next reply or later on etc.

There are five groups involved.
One of the groups are your everyday humans who are oblivious to what is going on and don't even know that were-beasts exist.
Group two are the were-beasts who aren't part of any organization who happen to loose control of their human self or had been discovered by mere chance.

Insight Detective Agency or I.D.A.
This group is made up of both humans and were-beasts. They do take on detective work not only as a cover up but to also subdue or take out a rouge were-beast or a group of them. Luckily some of the employees use to work for the local police or with the FBI, one or two of them may have military back grounds. So at least they can go about knowing how to do their job. Yes they do go around to help solve difficult cases even if they aren't tied to a were-beast. This agency is small but well known. They even get calls from various places in the US. Hunting down were-beasts isn't easy, it helps that they have a few who are willing to hunt down their own kind. Only because they know that humans and were-beasts can co-exist along side each other. But a risk of exposure can lead for their lives and many others who are wanting as normal life as one can have be ruined. They are already being hunted by a group of were-beast haters. They don't want to add to those numbers.

The Monarch Knights:
A group of humans who seek to destroy all were-beasts. They have been around since were-beasts first made their appearance. They have strict rules and have been known to wipe out an entire family just because of a hunch. They have special high tech weapons that can easily take out a were-beast with ease. Members of the Monarch Knights are scattered throughout but work for the same industry. Evergreen: This well known industry works with and supplies hospitals and clinics across most of the US. In secret they supply weapons, information and the remains of a were-beast to be violated through research (science experimentation), often times even a live subject will be put through their research. They have tired to go after the I.D.A group countless of times in the past but kept their distance in resent years for whatever odd reason. But there have been times for them to square off in an all out fight over a disagreement. All in all you don't want to get on their bad side.

The Bewilder Beasts:
Name of a group of were-beasts who dislike the normal human race. They choose to blend in when it is necessary or because they are attempting to hide in plain sight. The Bewilders like the feel of the hunt. And their main prey: Humans! Now you can see why the I.D.A exists and as well as the Monarch Knights. The Bewilders live throughout varies of places keeping in contact with one another. But oddly most of them have been showing up in New York City in the pass few years. And their numbers are growing. They meet up at various of places. Such as warehouses, abandoned buildings, old water drain pipes, the woods, a park, and so on. Any were-beast that associates with humans as equals are a target. Humans are always on the menu. This group is highly dangerous.
As Esmee removed the breathing tube I could feel myself gagging on it. Until it finally out. I coughed a few times. My mouth was completely dry so I couldn't tell her that I was alright. Though coughing a few times my chest didn't really hurt. There was some pressure on my right side. But overall I felt a whole lot better before. I could't move or get up do to being restrained. But Esmee could easily undo the straps. If so we can get out of here!

Just then someone came walking in. A doctor I presumed for he wore a white jacket, but he had this atmosphere around him that sent my skin crawling. He appeared to be in his forties. He also appeared to be well groomed. He walked up to us slowly not alarmed Esmee was up and about freely. Or that she had removed the breathing tube. He now stood right next to Esmee and was staring down at me. I could tell that he was thinking but his face remained blank.

He then pulled out a syringe and a vial. The vial was filled with a some kind of red liquid. He stuck the needle at the top of it filling it up. The syringe was filled almost completely full when he was finally stratified with the amount. Without explaining what he doing or what the liquid was for he stuck the needle into my arm. The needle was long and thin but it hurt like crazy. I clutched my teeth together trying to fight against the pain. Soon all the red liquid was gone he removed the needle. He then turn to Esmee saying a few words before leaving. Esmee's face grew pale. Whatever he had said surely effected her.

I laid there puzzled to what was going on. Then my body started to feel like it on fire. I started to tense up. My body jerked wildly. I screamed out on the top of my lungs. For the pain was overwhelming. Suddenly my bonds broke from all the jerky. I rolled of the bed onto the ground. There I tried to stand up. My body felt stiff. My screams turned into growls. I looked up Esmee pleadingly. But the look on her face wasn't of concern but from horror. I wanted to say something but all I could hear were snarls and whines. I then noticed a mirror just on the other side of the room. Oddly I felt as though I should go look to see what was wrong with me. For a moment I thought I was crawling over to mirror. I was low to ground, though I thought I had forced myself to stand up? Not to be on my hands and knees? Soon I got the mirror I nearly doubled over. There I was. But then again it wasn't me. I thought that my mind was playing a trick but I knew strangely enough that it wasn't.

There reflecting back at me was not a form of a boy but of a wolf. Brown furred, yellow eyes, well formed wolf. How I know it was me. The scars on the right side of my head... there was no mistaking those rigid four lines... shit.... what now!
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