Avatar of Nate1008
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    1. Nate1008 5 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current "Two possibilities exist... Either we are alone in this universe, or we are not. Both are equally terrifying". -Arthur C. Clarke
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oh. Sorry. May I join this Role-play? I will create a human character this time. Thanks for letting me know though.
So. I am on discord right now. What is the discord server? I didn't see it on page 1 and 2. Anyway, Ill see what I can do to edit my faction. Thanks!
Ok...I will try later on some other time.
Hello Bell! I am the creator of Gorlath. I would like to apply for this RP. Also, are their stats, and can I play as the opposite side? Gorlath is a humanoid monster from the undergrowth. Tell me anything I need to fix and I will fix it. Thanks!
I would like to apply to this RP. I am the creator of the Infestation and I would like you to tell me if it is ready. If you want me to make changes, feel free to ask me. Thanks!
The Infestation

The Infestation is a scar in the galaxy. They currently live in space at the moment. They hate all that is not blighted by The Infestation and seek to spread their plague.
Government: Hive-Mind
Capital: Matriarch Hive
Current Treatment: incurable
Current Infested Population: 12673
Current Infested Bases: 1
Current Hives: 1
Current Infested Ships: 1
Current Infested Planets: 0
Current Infested Systems: 0
Current Number of Queens: 1
Current enemies: No one

They began as a bio weapon created by an ancient race, hidden beneath the surface of an asteroid. The result was a walking mass of Contagious Testicles and Flesh. It infested the asteroid base and is starting to spread over the galaxy.

The Infestation controls a single massive asteroid base and a small Lunar base. They do not currently control a hyper-gate, but the nearest one is AA372.

The Government
The Infestation is commanded by the Matriarch. The Matriarch controls everything, The Queens control everything but the Matriarch and the Hive Lords command all but the Matriarch and the Queens. The underlings have no will on their own and live only to serve the Hive and seek only the benefit of it and nothing else.

The Infestation has no technological development. They don't have enough intelligence to expand their research or create things. Instead, they steal things. Infesting other races gives the Hive-Mind the knowledge that the race has. But cannot create things due to a lack of physical strength and intelligence.

The Infestation consists of all other races that they Infested. The Infestation is a virus that spreads by contact and consumption. An Infected that Infects another creature will inevitably become another Infested of their original race that has tentacles and extra pinkish red flesh. Once the infestation takes control of the brain, the host becomes a mindless slave that is trapped in their own body. They can do nothing but watch as they kill and infect their friends and family and feel the pain of their injuries they never asked for.

Cultural Overview
The Infestation is a war-bringing race that couldn't care less for the feelings and pain other races feel. They capture people and make them prisoners witch get infected or become food for the matriarch. They only want to Infest everything and remove the will of every living creature to bring unison and peace (in their perspective)

Industrial Overview
The Infestation has no need for resources. They only need food, and create their own water. They have no resource production and don't care about it.

Military Overview
The Infestations entire population is its military. The Infestations soldiers are mindless and attack without mercy. The Infestations army needs no water, they have no fear of death and have no will of their own, making them efficient killers and a wondrous army.

Army Overview
The Infestations army is simply another races army. They infest civilians, soldiers and animals alike. Those units all have 10% less max life and 5% less max shield. The infestation is so contagious it even takes over machinery. They can infest ships, tanks, soldiers, farmers. Anything. Even plant life.

Navy Overview
Also like the Army. The Infestation infests ships of other races and control them as if they were its owner in the first place. The Infested ships and vehicles do not need fuel or power. Instead, they need food. If the machine does not have enough food, and starves, it ceases all operation and dies. Becoming a hunk of metal and decaying flesh.
Hello. I finished editing the Feral! Please look it over and tell me what you think! Thanks!
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