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    1. needlingAsklepios 10 yrs ago


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Hmmmm.... Perhaps Mareep? I've always enjoyed Mareep. So fluffy..... And yes, I understand that a single pokemon only would be impractical for this rp, and I don't plan to go that route. However, when it comes down to it, I probably won't keep more than 3 on me at any given time. I never really have, in rp or the game. So, hopeful endgame party for me would be Gardevoir, Ampharos, and Salamance. But that's just me.

And that's just me RIGHT NOW. Everything I've said up to this point could change except for Gardevoir being my favorite.

So. Whats up with you Jason? What are YOU going to use in this? Will there be one BIG enemy that we are fighting against? Without Gyms or the Elite 4 (I assume) What will be our major goals?
Haha. You might be right. I think the romance of it (metaphorical romance) is that I always liked to do solo-pokemon challenges using Ralts. I replayed sapphire so many times just to do that.... <3. I don't feel as though there is anything more fun that taking a single pokemon, using it and only it to beat every single gym leader, then finally managing to beat the elite 4. Even in a video game, it just feels awesome.

Hmmmmmm..... Truth is, I don't know of any pokemon I wouldn't want to start a journey with. Execpt perhaps something like litwick -_-. But those little things are just kinda stupid IMO. What kind of pokemon is a glorified lamp? :P

Maybe I could raise F.E.A.R.....

@jasonwolf Well, TBH, I didn't expect to get a gardevoir to start with. However, I wasn't sure if we were going to be playing as experienced trainers or new trainers. As for starters, we don't have any source material to really go off of. From what I understood of the anime, it was simply whatever the pokemon professor had available at the time, and the starters varied depending on what pokemon were around the lab. The games really aren't good source material for this kind of decision, as the starters available in the game are made with the intent of being part of a balanced game from what I can tell.

My own suggestion would be to create a RELATIVELY large pool of base form pokemon. Choices like Pikachu, Ralts, Chikorita, Ekans, Mysdrevious and so on. My own reasoning for this is that I'm sure most people have a favorite pokemon, and a large list of base form pokemon to choose from would be both simple and give people the option to get their favorites, so long as they aren't legendaries or pokemon such as Kangashan or Lapras.

However, this is my opinion, and I'm stating more because I'm rather bored at the moment, than any attempt to sway you.
Character 1 -

Name: Elena Felspar
Universe: Pokémon
RP's involved in:
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Here are a list of my characters. I shall post copies of my character sheets here, so that I can see my own work, and mess with various characters. I shall also list what rp(s) a character is involved in.
Sounds good then. Any chance for that Gardevoir? XD How is that going to work?
This seems interesting, if you still have room.

My favorite type is Psychic, and I dream of having a gardevoir. In fact, she (I use she because I always make sure to catch a female one) is my favorite poker-mon (Intentional) that exists, and I have her as my phone and computer background

Anyways, please let me know
Hello. I am HIGHLY interested in the Vampire x Human, and to a slightly lesser extent, samurai x kitsune and solder x mermaid.

I post typically between 2 and 4 paragraphs of various lengths, depending on what I need to get across, and I post at least once a day, often more than that. If I don't get a PM, I'll hit you up with one when my plane lands
"I wouldn't mind. I'd like to see if this is one I can challenge right now anyways." Lily doubted it. Ralts wasn't an overly strong pokemon, and it was still somewhat of a fresh catch. Besides, for the most part, Lily and Ruby had more or less just been friends and hung out. There had been very little training of any kind, so Ruby was far from battle ready.

"I wonder if there is a good place to train...." She said aloud, thinking. "Ah!" She pulled out her pokeball and released Ruby. "I suppose I should introduce you to my partner. This is Ruby" She gave a light bow, and the ends of her ginger red hair tickled the top of Ruby's head. Ruby gave a wave and a head bob, then looked up at Lily, sensing her trainer's slight discomfort with the number of people around.

Trying to cheer her up, Ruby tugged on Lily's pant leg. When Lily bent down, Ruby jumped up, catching the arm of her white dress and pulling herself up onto Lily's shoulder. Lily chuckled as Ruby took a seat there, and rubbed her hand on Ruby's head. "Little trouble maker aren't you sweetie?"
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