Avatar of neogreggory
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 717 (0.23 / day)
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    1. neogreggory 8 yrs ago


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3 yrs ago
Current Time is an interested concept, how it moves and yet stays still all the same. Flowing and stagnant. Anyways, just stopped by to refresh myself on an old character.
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5 yrs ago
Ha, past me thought eight months too long to go without a status update. Now it has been ten! Anyways, I've D&D things to work on, so I'll get back to that.
6 yrs ago
Mercy it's been eight months since my last status, perhaps it is time to find a RP and get a spot more active for awhile.
7 yrs ago
Just finished Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. It's always such a bittersweet feeling to finish a show, more so a good one.
7 yrs ago
Welp, it's my 20th Birthday. Starting the day properly with a stupidly big bowl of cereal and latter there shall be porkchops!


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As Greggory approached he saw a girl punch one of the more dunderheaded types in the face, and then the mugger was running towards him and...



Falling to the ground, Greggory takes a few deep breathes as he experiences the sensation of a foreign piece of metal inside of him. Then he makes note of the beginnings of a proper fight breaking out near him, and with great effort dragged himself towards a nearby table, conveniently empty, and pulled himself under it, grimacing as the knife moves about with him as he contorts into position.

Then Greggory looked down. Yep. That is indeed the handle of a knife. No mistaking it nosireebob.
And the red around it? Greggory held back the urge to puke when he saw the sight of his own blood. Perhaps it was best he just kept that where it was...

"She better be alright." Greggory said to himself as he moved a hand down in an attempt to push down on the wound. The attempt did not last long, as the moment he placed his hand over the wound he pulled it away, wincing in pain. "She better be really f**king alright" He quietly shouted to himself, continuing almost in an effort to forget the pain, "She better be so f**king alright, about to be named queen of the lunch room, f**king perfect, f**k!" He stammers.
Looking down at the handle of the knife, Greggory really hoped that someone would break up the fight, and more so that someone would notice him. He really didn't want to have to pull himself out from under the table. Though, he didn't really want someone else to have to pull him out either now that he thought about it...
So, how's it goin? Everybody having a good time?
Greggory was taking a long gulp from his drink, contemplating a video game he had been playing the last few days, when he saw the two figures standing by one another. They were an interesting pair to say the least, one was a fairly upstanding looking girl, was she reaching for the table? Maybe she had trouble standing.
The other one looked like some trash. Oi! Greggory corrected himself, don't be rude, you bloody bigot. he thought, as he sized up the boys stance. Was he holding something?...

Oh. OH. What was to be done? Hmm, ahh, err.

"Hey, what's going on?!" Greggory shouts over the din of the other students. Not sure if he was heard, Greggory pushed back his tray, stood up and started marching towards the encounter. He's going to stab me. I'm going to get stabbed. If I get stabbed, than she won't. S**t. Okay. he thought, and half mumbled to himself, as he strode closer to the pair, hoping that he wasn't about to get stabbed.
Clearly the greatest of plans, preforming an armed robbery in the middle of a crowded room. I see no way Junk's plan could possibly go wrong.
It was the first day of school.

And Greggory was running late.

His dad was at work early in the morning, and with his brother staying at a friends Greggory had no secondary line of defense when his alarm clock failed him. When he did awake, it was in a bolt, as he quickly and awkwardly scrambled to get ready for school.
Luck would have it that Greggory moved rather quickly when rushed, and despite a few simple mistakes, such as a forgotten pencil and a few moments where he stood still doing nothing trying to sort out his thoughts, he actually managed to arrive at school in the nick of time. Mind he was exhausted as he ran into his first class of the day. But aside from having to catch his breath he faired as well to be expected once class began.
The next two classes as well were quite easy. That could of course be due to how little attention Greggory found himself devoting to the classes in question. Not that he wasn't interested, but he simply could not find himself caring about it. When the lunch bell rang Greggory was off, ready to get some food inside him, though that required navigating the harsh crowds. Hanging to the side of the hall to avoid bumping shoulders with too many people Greggory in time made his way to the cafeteria, and after retrieving a tray and receiving the days meal made his way to a nice empty table in the corner of the room, far from other people.
Of course, the table wouldn't remain empty long, but Greggory could hope he thought as he began his meal.

I admit, it could be better. Well, it is what it is. I leave this here for judgement then.
Holding back his grin, Garocks said, "I'd 'ave to be some kind of stupid git to turn down an offa like dat." And passing the bulky laser weapon to the boss said, while pointing at various parts of the contraption, "Dis iz da bit you pull to shoot, dis little fing showz 'ow much powa is left, if it runz out ya gonna need to shove a new battery in, but wit itz current charge you should be fine for a few fights. On account of all the powa there's some kick, not dat you'll be noticin' much boss wit how strong you are." Garocks takes a step back, about to leave before saying, "Enjoy it boss, youz earned it."

Stepping out of the tent, and halfway back to Da Fortrezz Garocks mumbles under his breath, "Oh, and if itz starting to glow red dat means it might be about to explode, but dat's fine right boss? heheh" Of course, the odds of the weapon actually exploding in Kragot's hands weren't huge, and then the odds of it being lethal much less so, but there was the ever small chance that the various focusing crystals and conflicting power sources could end up leaving a crater as large as the boss' tent. Of course, Garocks wasn't dumb enough to tell that to the boss' face, and really, the odds weren't that high. Stepping into the back of Da Fortrezz Garocks ascended the ladder into his workshop and took a look over the scrap. If Kragot was telling the truth, than Garocks was looking forward to all the fings he could build soon.
Garock wasn't five whole steps into the ramshackle abode of the boss before he was beset by the larger ork. Garock looked up at the boss, though careful to not look the boss in the eyes, as Garocks had learnt already from other bosses he worked under that the bosses didn't like it when one of the boyz under them started acting like one of their equals, and Garocks didn't want to be seen as a rival by Kragot.

"I gotz myself an idea, and built a big an' shiny rapid shoota piece of kit." Now Garocks needed to be as clever as Mork, to make sure that the Boss bought the weapon for lots of teef. "I came in 'ere thinking one of da nobz might be around, and would like dis-" The mek said, shrugging the heavy multi barreled mess, "Didn't mean ta interrupt, if none of da nobz are in I'll be on me way." Garocks said, in a bid to catch the boss' interest.
Truth be told, if this game is going to last for years on end I think I'll just play as myself. Socially awkward, but rather clever. Quick to sarcasm. Crippling self doubt, a desire to help any and everyone. Asperger's. Good stuff. Assuming there's no problem with any of that of course?

As for ideas for worlds our motley band will visit... I am having a hard time with thinking of anything original. My mind just keeps jumping between Ravnica and Alternia. I'm sure given some time though I can think of something interesting though.
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