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    1. Nepenthe 10 yrs ago


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Hey and hi! I'll go by Nepenthe here. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Although I'm listed as having been here for 200+ days, I am for all intents and purposes brand new! I made an account right before the site went down, wandered away for a while, and then suddenly remembered it was here again. I even guessed my username and password right!

I don't have very much, if any, experience roleplaying, but I'm eager to give it a try if you'll have me. I'd thank you for your patience and guidance.

I put together a thread containing both pre-loaded characters and possible plot ideas! You can find that here.

Thanks much! Feel free to contact me with any questions, or just to extend an offer of conversation my way. I'd accept it!

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old and poorly proportioned!

Name: Siskin Carduelis

Origin: "The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion"

Age: 24-ish

Sex: Female

Occupation: Member of the Thieves' Guild, and an errand-girl for anyone and everyone who meets her eyes and tells a sob story.

Race: Human (Imperial)

Physical description: Has bright orange hair with braids in it.

Personality: A real go-getter, willing to tackle tasks from which the sane shy away. Her Argonian companion Dog Ears thinks that the way she acts is inhuman and believes it is a sign that the gods are using her as their play-thing, setting up big events in the future. In reality she's a bleeding heart who can't stand to leave the helpless un-helped, and she often bites off more than she can chew.

Siskin has a flippant, almost frantic sense of humor and a tendency to hoard books in her waterfront hovel in the Imperial city.

Likes: Archery, Illusion magic, books, helping those in need, surmounting insurmountable odds

Dislikes: THE UNDEAD, Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion, small spaces

Background/Info: It's weird. Siskin can remember her past, her family - it's all there - but it's like she and they never existed. Conversely, when she wakes up in rags and shackles on the floor of an Imperial Prison cell, she has no idea of how she might have come to be there - no relevant memories are forthcoming. It's as though somebody has completely re-written her history, or like she's been transplanted into someone else's.

However, the wall of the cell is folded back like a door and there's a pathway beyond, so rather than linger, she leaves.

The rough-hewn tunnels and ancient subterranean tombs are dim, not unlike a rabbit's warren. She scavenges some light armor, a weapon or two; she discovers the ability to conjure fire in her hands. She overtakes an Argonian on the path, whose displeased mutterings make it clear that he didn't expect to be a babysitter (which is just too bad, because there was a zombie, AN ACTUAL ZOMBIE back there and she's NOT going to deal with that alone).

And of all people they find the King. He seems kindhearted, and he seems tired, and he seems to recognize her. And then he's killed.

Something's going on that she doesn't understand, but the quest to figure it out couldn't be more clearly-defined.

Siskin was born under the sign of The Ritual. As a result, she has the ability to "turn undead" - that is, to make the undead flee from her - and the ability to heal herself of injury. However, she is only able to muster the power to do each of these once per day, making it very important to save their use until the need for them is the most dire.

Name: Double!Bonus (Goes by "Bonus" in-game)

Origin: ".hack" series

Age: In high school

Sex: Female

Occupation: "Twin Blade" class

Race: Human

Physical description: Bonus is a shorter-than-average twin blade character. Her build is thin and willowy. The blue markings on her skin and clothing are "wave" markings, but I just added them for looks. I don't know if they're accurate or if simple markings like this exist in the G.U. series.

Personality: Chipper, helpful. Enthusiastic about in-game lore and exploration. Perhaps overly obsessed with Morrigu Barrow Wall.

Likes: Exploring the game with friends, collecting items (gotta have one of everything!), participating on the Apkallu art board.

Dislikes: PKs, PvP fighting, losing (secretly quite competitive)

Background/Info: Bonus visits Morrigu Barrow Wall every time she logs into The World. Eventually, a vagrant AI calling itself the God of Law Folset takes notice and materializes in front of her. The AI claims to be the self-same Folset who, in the lore of the game, built the wall and barred humans from entering the Heavenly Path beyond. He says that he's ready to reassess humanity's worthiness - and Bonus is supposed to be the species representative.

The person who plays Double!Bonus also had a Twin Blade character (named Bonus) in The World R:1.

Bonus (in R:2) is an average player who is online a little more than average. She has no affiliation with the main characters in the games or shows.

Name: Eloise (goes by "Elli")

Origin: "Pokemon"

Age: 12-13

Sex: Female

Occupation: N/A

Race: Human

Physical description: Young and kind of gangly. Not very tall, but her parents are so she'll likely sprout up. Somewhat androgynous.

Personality: Sullen, withdrawn; blunt. Has developed a very stoic facial expression so as to not give away her perpetual discomfort/nervousness when dealing with people, but can be quite emotional when alone.

When she is able to leave home she's able to blossom into more of an "actual person" instead of a "placeholder" and becomes more sociable and confident in herself as she is. However, she retains many anxieties relating to losing what she has - belongings, sure, but also memories, moments, and her mareep.

Background/Info: Elli, whose parents own a farm in Solaceon, is an amnesiac due to a run-in with Uxie. Before losing her memories she wanted to become a pokemon trainer, but made a different decision for the sake of her parents and eventually came to feel that she had missed her chance. After losing her memories she had to relearn many things about day-to-day life. When a year passes and no memories resurface, she feels like it's finally time to embark on a journey to reconcile the girl she once was - the girl whose return everyone seems to be waiting on - with the person she has since become. With her mareep Beau as a companion, she sets out.

During her downtime, she often listens to music with a pair of outsized headphones. She feels they send a clear message that she would rather not be bothered.

She gives Beau a collar/necklace with an everstone on it to prevent him from evolving, as the thought of him changing from the companion she has known from the start is upsetting. When she comes to terms with her situation, she removes the everstone and allows him to evolve as he wishes.

Name: Moka

Origin: "Naruto"

Age: 14-16

Sex: Female

Occupation: Producer and deliveryperson of tea and tea-related goods.

Race: Human

Physical description: Of middling height with long green hair which she keeps tied back. Lean and strong with a runner's build.

Personality: Has a surly personality, a short temper, and takes tea very seriously. She can deal with people on a professional level but has no patience for more social pursuits. Is often single-minded and reacts poorly to being kept from attempting to meet deadlines or goals. She does, however, find tending to her land and plants to be meditative, and is therefore less of a crumb bum when engaging in such activities.

Background/Info: Moka exists in a world with ninja, but is not herself a ninja. She is basically a farmer and a courier. She has, however, picked up some ninja tricks which help her in her day to day life - things like chakra control, which enables her to climb/leap over obstacles and to utilize kuromoji sticks as tools for various purposes - and she does have some basic self-defense abilities.

- Is probably stronger and hardier than the average civilian of her age and size;
- Has a deep and varied knowledge base regarding gardening techniques, the medicinal benefits of her preferred plants, and the preparation of various goods using tea leaves and herbs;
- Is scrappy and headstrong, probably able to hold her own in a potential fight against non-ninja combatants.

Should not engage in direct combat with actual ninja, however, even if they are being disrespectful of tea. In spite of the myriad tricks she may have picked up, she is no match for anyone with actual combat training.
This thread is a reference resource for my characters! I'll cross-reference this with my charahub page full of characters, but will also include any characters currently involved in roleplays.

All art, unless otherwise noted, is mine. **Please do not use it for yourself - it depicts these specific characters and I would prefer that it not be used to represent any others!** Thank you very, very much. (If for some reason you would like a sketch of one of your characters, let me know and we can probably work something out!)

Of note: In spite of the fact that most of these characters have stories attached to them, I'd probably be willing to roleplay using any of them upon request in a new story/setting. Even if they're already attached to a specific fandom, I'd even be happy to cross them over into another universe to play, provided I know the new universe well enough to play in it!

Fan characters:

Moka - Naruto
Eloise ("Elli") - Pokemon
Double!Bonus ("Bonus") - .hack//G.U.
Siskin Carduelis - The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Korumaj-Salai ("Dog-Ears") - The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Jacie "Boomie" Quentin - X-men
Wyatt ("Courier") - Fallout: New Vegas
Mudan - Kung Fu Panda

Possible Plots:

Original Characters:


Possible Plots:

Role Play Characters:

(none yet)

Unattached plot ideas:

Ah, welcome :)

If ya got any questions, feel free to Pm me or post em here.

This link may prove useful.

Thanks a bunch! I've been taking the last stretch of time of poke around in different subforums and familiarize myself with things. I'm sure I'll make missteps, but it looks like a pretty open, patient place - fairly free-form.
If it's okay, I'd like to join in on this? I'll go ahead and fill out a CS; if there are any problems, please let me know!

Name: June
Appearance: June doesn't make a big deal about her appearance and tends to dress casually. She has dark hair and eyes, and will always wear a hat if possible. She's a little heavier-set than she'd like to be, but has a lot of energy in spite of it.
Gender: Female
Height: 5' 4"
Personality: June is the kind of person who just takes to people - a caretaker and a class clown all in one. She is a mediator at her core and doesn't care for fighting, opting instead to make sure a situation can be resolved peaceably. There are very few things that make her angry. She comes down on the side of Arceus.
*Back Story: While Pokemon was always kind of an escape for June, she never thought that she would actually be escaping into the world of Pokemon. To have a chance like this is a dream come true; she's not out to be the best there ever was, but to change things for the better.

Name/Species Name: Latias
Shiny: N
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Held Item: Soul Dew
Capture or Friend: Friend
Other: Latias sees a kindred spirit in June - someone who is playful, but who cares a lot about others. They share a love of water and the clear air.
Hallo, all! You can probably tell, but I'm new here.

I don't have a lot of experience roleplaying... or... any experience roleplaying, really... but I like to come up with characters and figured that maybe it was finally time to learn how to use them. I'll apologize a lot and I'll be really nervous, but I'll try to stick with what I start and hopefully all will go well! Wish me luck, okay?
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