Avatar of Neruu
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    1. Neruu 9 yrs ago


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Sorry about late post, had a little bit of writers block.
Alvith Population: 187 - Age of Two Villages

Chief Rielo Kriivith stood watching the visitors speak, he could not understand words they spoke but assumed it was speech. Watching the drawing in dirt, Chief Rielo motioned to one of other Alvith to come give him a spear. Once handed the spear Chief Rielo would draw in dirt to try and respond.

"Show danger no... friend maybe, not hostile." Spoke Chief Rielo as he tried to convey response in drawing in the dirt.

The two guards that had come out with the Chief stood back while Chief tried to communicate. One now held a spear as the other had given spear to Chief to draw in dirt with. Were a handful of Alvith that looked out from within village to see gathering outside it that could be seen peaking from behind huts.

The Alvith Kralo was with several other Alvith having lead the Ogurk herd of Rielo village towards the river to get the beasts some much needed water. Oarlo was among the other herders of the Ogurk under Kralo. While not full grown Oarlo was about six foot in height, he would notice something odd between herd and destination of the river going to speak with his father Kralo.

"Odd, path river, never seen." Spoke Oarlo to his father Kralo
"I lead, danger if will signal." Spoke Kralo to his son Oarlo.

Kralo would go to take lead as Alvith in front of the Ogurk herd to see what it was Oarlo had spotted. Oarlo would go to position that was Kralo was to make sure were Alvith spread evenly among the herd encase the Ogurk were spooked.
Alvith Population: 187 - Age of Two Villages

Happenings in Village of Scalo
A time of mourning was upon village of Scalo. Having lived a long and full life, being a chief almost constantly since youth the great Scalo Kriivith passed in night. Grasses and wood were gathered to perform last rites for Scalo. Bonfire would blaze when sun was high in sky so Great Serpent could see that Scalo Kriivith had lived life to its fullest. Ashes of the fallen Chief were scattered upon winds to be one with the Great Serpent. The second strongest of village Krascalo Vith was made the Chief of village. Chief Krascalo would lead his son Caalo Vith outside village to speak out of ear shot of other villagers who were cleaning up remnants of bonfire. The new Chiefs son Caalo was only around age of a teenage Alvith and would have years before started fighting adults to show strength.

"Caalo, I Chief. Strongest of village. You lead in time. I Krascalo, I Chief and son strong. Caalo born to lead." Spoke Chief Krascalo to his son Caalo.
"Father, I Caalo be strong. Show strength, become strongest after Chief!" Spoke Caalo boasting to his father. Chief Krascalo.
"Good, strength good. Caalo born to be strongest!" Spoke Chief Krascalo to his son Caalo having vision of one day being bested by his son in ritual battle.

The death of Scalo had upset Raclo some. All of Raclo life he had remembered Scalo as a figure of strength. As a child the strength of Scalo had motivated Raclo to try his hardest to be strongest he could be. While never being one of strongest in village Raclo was in the top ten. Raclo had a strong sense of his place and his strength which had let to him having honor of being one to deliver food to Scalo and for brief time Rielo when under rule of Chief Rielo. When approached by Chief Krascalo Vith and offered same position as with Kriivith family, Raclo declined wanting to spend more time with rocks and teach one of children how to butcher Ogurk. Raclo and Maule had been blessed by Great Serpent to have two strong children. While Maule had daughter the oldest out training to learn how to herd Ogruk, Raclo had son who was youngest with him to learn how to properly butcher a Ogurk.
In new found free time Raclo did have more time to work on trying to figure out how to break rocks in way to make a tool. What Raclo thought would be simple process was quickly turning into something very difficult. Smashing two stones together to break one into shape of a tool was more intricate than just using brute strength. With each attempt though Raclo grew closer in figuring out how to break the stones right way.

Happenings in Village of Rielo
A ten minute walk north of village of Rielo the Alvith Kaalo had been trying in spare time. Were crumbling piles of dirt and Kaalo sitting stumped. He had constructed a rectangle mold out of some wood but so far the mud bricks when they dried just crumbled together. Kaalo lied back staring up at sky and watched the clouds trying to think of something, anything to how he could strengthen the mud. Thought of some juicy meat to eat entered Kaalo mind when stomach growled and then the idea hit him. Sometimes when he eat meat would have strings of flesh hold two pieces together causing trouble with ripping apart meat to eat but what if he could put that idea into mud. Looking around Kaalo saw plenty of grass and thought of trying to mix grass with mud came into mind. Time for idea though would be another time as Kaalo went on way back towards village to get something to eat.
Word of passing from village of Scalo by a runner that had arrived earliar in day had made the great Chief Rielo Kriivith sad. It was more than just the lost of strength but Scalo had been around and times were changing for Alvith. Chief Rielo Kriivith stood strong to be a beacon for strength of other Alvith and ensure others continued to strive for greater strength. So much had changed for Alvith in such a short time. Were these strange small creatures that exchanged things with a child but had never been seen since. A villager ran up motioning Chief to come and Chief Rielo would head out to edge of village.

Walking out from behind one of huts was Chief Rielo who walked with more authority then other Alvith moving around in village. While not the biggest in village, Chief Rielo stood a towering nine feet in height. Two other Alvith would walk out to stand on other side of chief just outside village while rest stayed within village that were there. The Ogurk herd was out grazing so was not outside village currently.

"Strange, wait I Chief see." Spoke Chief Rielo Kriivith to two Alvith on either side of chief.
"Yes Chief." Spoke at same time the Alvith on either side of Chief.

Chief Rielo Kriivith walked towards the group of unknown creatures. Definitely were different from the those very tiny creatures that exchanged leaves and toad for a Ogurk tusk. Rielo wasn't exactly sure what to expect but decides to stand wait to see what happens.

If two species could mix and produce a hybrid it would open up a issue not had between two species. If two species could produce even sterile hybrids would be chance with hybrid vigor that the hybrid is superior to parents. Could produce two different hybrids like lions and tigers can make either Liger or Tigon. So many possibilities and threats that could happen for two species. A species could die out but live on in blood of another species through hybrids.

Two species could work together to produce sterile hybrids to produce better soldiers. Could run into all sorts of issues between two species. Imagine two species both are ruled by kings and they can produce fertile hybrids, exchanging of children could result in leadership being run by hybrids. Would be so many possibilities but would be limited to select cases naturally until technology advanced highly.
So that is how a PM is sent. Figured that button was for something else, will know for future that is how a PM is sent. Thanks.
Just PM me any species you want me to throw on (unless you desire to make me look through all your posts) and I'll assemble a list.

I could not for life of me even figure out how to do a pm. Are the Ogurk can add to list of animals. The Alvith have domesticated variety in plains that eat grass primarily. A cattle sized boar with a intricate horns/tusks. Is the wild variety of plains living Ogurk, Alvith tamed Ogurk, and a tundra variety Snow Brutes have run into. Tried to find where Snow Brutes post was but couldn't. At very least wild plains Ogurk and Alvith tamed Ogurk which are pretty much plains Ogurk live in herds.

Also some Alvith hunters caught two turtle/tortoise creatures living in plains. Before Yelb got wiped out by wild animals the Alvith one time trading got a pet toad too which has been kept by Alvith child that traded with Yelb.
Had looked forward to future interaction as Yelb were first Alvith came into contact with. What is procedure for a race that no longer is being played? Is it we say they just die out or npcs? Would be something to find ruins of species that died out though wouldn't be much at current state of technology overall.

Working on making for my own use a scale to judge relationships with races. Trying to do a sort of point based system where 0 is neutral and negative is bad while positive is good. Once I've got it more ironed out will post it in ooc for anyone that wants to see it. Just making it for my own benefit and so I can judge relations easier and better judge how Alvith will react to things such as war in future.
Alvith Population: 188 - Age of Two Villages

The lead hunter held a hand up to tell the other two to stay back before stepping closer to examine what was drawn on the ground. Lead hunter of the three would look to drawing in the dirt. It was a good couple of minutes of staring at the picture by lead hunter. He stood tall and pointed in a general direction of north.

"Village way." Spoke lead hunter.

Alvith language for one who didn't understand sounded like a mix of hisses and clicking of tongue but with some method to it. It wasn't like a wild animal just making noises. The lead hunter then went to draw in dirt with his spear, drawing a bunch of clustered crude circles then gestured vaguely north again.

"Village of Rielo, home way. I hunter." Spoke the lead hunter once more.
Alvith Population: 188 - Age of Two Villages

A group of three Alvith were out somewhat south of Rielo village, each of hunters were carrying a wooden spear. Two of the hunters were carrying under arm what looked like some sort of tortoise/turtle creature hiding in its shell. Third hunter the one without one of the tortoise/turtle creatures shook his head finding the other two stupid to think they can get at creatures in the shells. The group of hunters were actually on their way back north. One of hunters spotted something to south and motioned for others to stop.

"Hold! Strange... comes, alert! I not recognize " Spoke the lead hunter to the others.

The trio of Alvith hunters would stand ground going still and waiting to see what would happen. The only other race Alvith had ever interacted with were Yelb that one time. Hunters themselves had little interaction beyond story of small creatures that were no threat.
Alvith Population: 188 - Age of Two Villages

The first Alvith born in time of separate villages was upon the Alvith. All Alvith that had been born until this point during time of a single Village. It would be known as the time of two villages and Alvith born in separate villages would most likely never meet. A great time of celebration still for greater strength of the Alvith and word was passed by runners that both villages were flourishing.
Kaalo was stumped on where to go with trying to use dirt to build with. Trying to just cut into the soil to cut out chunks of dirt just resulted in the dirt crumbling. The dirt had to dry in way that Kaalo could easily pick it up for use. The idea came to Kaalo that if got dirt wet to make it mud then had some sort of container to place it in could use it. In thinking Kaalo thought of trying for a shape that could stack well and went to gather some wood for a mold.
Raclo had been experimenting with rocks he had gathered for many days. No way to really count how much time had passed as Raclo tried to figure out method of using rocks to make tools. He had figured out that by bashing rocks together that some rocks would break others. Through trial of seeing what rocks broke which Raclo had at very least discovered which rocks to try and use for tools and which to use for rocks to break rocks. A great deal of work was needed though to actually figure out method to break rocks into shape of tools.

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