Avatar of Nightbringer
  • Last Seen: 15 days ago
  • Old Guild Username: Nightbringer
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 67 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Nightbringer 10 yrs ago
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I took a break from the Guild for 6 years. I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with isn't it, and what's it seems weird and scary to me.

It'll happen to you.

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It works for me, because as you said, his etheral power "remains hidden deep within him as a power that he has yet to understand"; something that is unleashed in times of immense turmoil, similar to the awakening of a Super Saiyan? Am I right in thinking that?
Avery: - If you need someone to collab with to make the work go a little faster, I'd be happy to help you.

Archangel: - I can't speak for Lovejoy on this or approve your character, but there are two things. 1, I'd recommend you toned down the powers slightly; super-human powers are approaching the realms of power-playing, especially as in the backstory you mentioned him having killed several Inquisitors, who are supposed to be these super-elite soldiers. It overpowers Yorudan and devalues the prowess of the Inquisitors somewhat. 2, less important; if you can get a picture it'd be good.

Hope I helped.
Haha, until one is really fluent it still requires quite a lot of thought. The simple conversational sentences come really simply for me but the slightly more complicated stuff still sometimes takes a minute.

"Apprendre" is learn, "entendre" is listen. But yeah they're pretty similar words so yeah. :)
Tu parle bien! Je sais que c'est difficile de parler une langue etrangere quand on n'a pas pratiqué longtemps. Pour moi, les langues viennent assez simplement. Par exemple, je peux parler allemand à un niveau conversationnel aussi! Mon italien n'est pas non plus si mauvais.

Yes, I am totally showing off, by the way :P
Unfortunately Scout, I am Southern English and I am going to school in Northern France, so therein lies the obligation :P I have to agree with you about Paris. If you've got a day or two to kill with no time constraints it can be pretty magical, but if you're just trying to get across it, it's such a pain.

If you're going for Dick Van Dike-esque cockney you've got it pretty spot on to be honest :P I was raised in Oxfordshire, so think more Ben Kingsley or Hugh Laurie. There are a huge number of completely different accents in England alone, which is a little frightening considering how it's about the same size as California.

A bit of French? Try me.
You're technically right, but as a British person I'm also partially obligated to hate every world nation and all of their things. We're a very negative country...

Also french fries are called "chips" in Britain, therefore not falling under the category of "french things" and so we are free to enjoy them as much as we like. And boy, do we! :P
I live in Britain most of the time, but I'm at college in France for the year, so every few months I pop back to see the family and this was my return trip :).
Hey guys, sorry I've not been around for a while, moving countries takes time :P

Anyway, here's Max's seal and the same seal incorporated into a banner.

Nice to see you back Orion! :D
So, I'm kinda interested for FFXV, but after the monumental disappointment that was FFXIII, I'm not holding my breath.
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