Avatar of Ninian
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 978 (0.32 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Ninian 8 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current I’m on the last season of DS9 and oh my god....
4 yrs ago
If anyone here plays FFXIV and is like “wow I want to gush about Ascians” poke me on Discord!
4 yrs ago
FFXIV Patch Day Hype. Too bad I’m at work though. 😓
1 like
4 yrs ago
If you need me, I’ll be on Discord. Ninian#3747
5 yrs ago
Family Emergency. I might go AWOL. Sorry!


Roleplay Interests: Star Trek, Final Fantasy VII, Pokémon and FFXIV. Pretty much exclusively right now. Doctor Who if you can sell me on a plot idea. I am very hesitant to roleplay in an original world, because I enjoy fleshing out my characters, and a lot of times original worlds lack a lot of the information I need to effectively roleplay. I roleplay PG-13 scenarios. I'm 30 IRL, but mature themes just aren't my cup of tea in general. If you desire more, I’m open to conversation. I tend to avoid relationship-based RPs, though some of my characters are more prone to it than others. I have no control over Emet-Selch—he does what he wants.

Roleplay Style: For the most part, I can't RP a child. Which of course is entirely awkward for most Pokémon RPs, so on the whole I'd much prefer to RP a Pokémon instead of a Trainer. I also largely RP males, though I've been known to play other things. I'm also entirely fine RPing Canon characters of my preferred Fandoms, and I like to think I do a good job? You can expect two paragraphs minimum from me, pretty much universally, with no cap. Sometimes I won't shut up. That said, I try to write concise posts—meat and potatoes. Once upon a time I wrote in purple, but I really don't have time for that anymore. With certain partners I can do bursts of rapid-fire, but at that point my responses will shorten.

Contact Info: My reddit username is RhaqaZhwan. The best method of communication is probably Discord, and my tag is Ninian#3747. I have Steam which I'm always on, just because of auto-login lol. If you play FFXIV, I'm Rhaq'a Zhwan of Mateus, so if you're on the Crystal Datacenter, feel free to say hi!

Timezone: EST (GMT/UTC-5) On the weekends my sleeping schedule is very strange. Otherwise I'm up early and sleep early-ish. Unless it's bizarrely slow, I can't post at work, sorry!

Cravings: I want to play Emet-Selch from FFXIV so badly, willing to make compromises for this to work out. Romance or not, group or 1x1, I care little at this point! I'm happy to come up with a suitable plot and guide the story if necessary, I have a lot of ideas and I'm very flexible.

  • likes Pokémon, Star Trek, Fire Emblem, FFVII, FFXIV, Hazbin Hotel, and a lot of other Fantasy/Sci-Fi nerd stuff.
  • 30 years old and counting, also married.
  • prefers PG-13 scenarios, but is open to discussion.
  • Romance is character-specific. I usually play aces.
  • Discord tag is Ninian#3747 (on the RPG Discord so you should be able to just message me).
  • posts frequently.
  • post quality tanks when RL aggros.
  • can and will play a million characters in an RP if necessary.
  • I don't ghost. If I can't continue RPing for some reason, I'll tell you. If I get really sick you might have to poke me on Discord.
  • I won’t get offended if you ghost. If you ever decide you want to RP again just poke me!

Current RPs

None on RPG currently.

Old RPs

Hello Kitty Eorzea Adventure
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon: Crossroads of Time
Pokémon Legendary Guardians [V2]
Pokémon: Legendary Guardians
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Shadows of the Past

Most Recent Posts

"I... don't think that's how it works, but, perhaps I am wrong." Smiling at his mate, the man then averted his gaze, "Still... I hope you are right. Maybe I'm overthinking this."

Worried about his mate's 'threat', he averted his gaze, choosing to ignore it. Perhaps she'll forget his offer afterall.

Nodding, the man smiled, "Yes, you certainly do. Well, perhaps you'll locate something useful this time?"

Still looking!
He hadn't even considered that. Rhy was correct. The likely would listen to her. "You... may be correct. With one offspring, they would be less likely to... harass me."

Averting his gaze awkwardly, he nodded, "I can't imagine how uncomfortable that must be for you. I am sorry, if there is anything at all that I can do... please, you need only to ask."

A small smile crossed his lips as he nodded, "Yes. I shall follow you? You have a better nose for this than I do."
A small smile tugged at the feliine's lips, "I do not believe they are skilled at swimming in the slightest. Afterall, what self-respecting Miqo'te would hide out at the bottom of the sea?"

Ears flattening against his head, he let out a sigh in response to her next remark. "No... well. Perhaps? We simply would need to employ guards more skilled than the Shikaree..." Shaking his head, he conceded, "There must be some other option..."

Picking himself up, Rhaq'a nodded to his mate, finishing the last of his food. "Yes, that may be for the best. Well, we can only do the best for our child, and... hope it is for the best."
The man's golden eyes looked over the slaves. "Must be the developer's fetish... curious." Shrugging, he looked over the pair, "They are simply ones and zeros. I can't imagine them being... well, Interesting. Morality aside, of course."
"I see! How fortuitous. Thank you for your assistance, I am not entirely familiar with their habits, per-se. Thankfully we ran into each other, wouldn't you say? I can see this being a mutually beneficial relationship!" Smirking, he made his way towards the cable car station, keeping his eyes sharp in the event they passed the base.

At his question, the man held up a finger, "Ah! I believe that is a question I can answer. It is the pure essence of flame, and as such there is a myriad of uses, if you're familiar with its properties. I would be surprised, however, if they were. But, even if they simply have it in their possession, it will increase the strength of Fire-type moves. Be careful. Given their team's name, I suspect they have Fire-types in abundance."
I’ll post tomorrow, was stupid sick today ><
"Around here, you say?" Beaming at the teen's response, he then continued, "You wouldn't happen to have a precise location now, would you? I would be happy to follow, oh, and on top of that I could certainly reward you for your efforts. But what would a youth like you want, I wonder?

Taking a few steps in the direction of Mt. Chimney, Emet-Selch turned to face Brendan, "With any luck, we may be able to get in and out without so much as a fight. This is assuming there's truth to their disappearance. Now, if there's a few of them.... ah, but I'm sure a strong young Trainer like yourself would have no problem, mmm?"
Letting out a sigh, the man spoke, "Well... can't say I want to grind level one monsters for a month, but we're probably not exactly in a position to fight them right now."

Shrugging, he watched as both Sovereign and Bell took their leave of the forest, the invisible cloaked man doing much the same.
Nope just got busy. If you have an idea for a solo RP I’ll still look!
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