• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 44 (0.01 / day)
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    1. NinjaPanduh 9 yrs ago


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So. This is me, and I'm a 14 year old, experienced Roleplayer. When I say experienced and my age, it doesn't sound like I'm advanced, but I try to be. Roleplaying is a passion of mine, and I would seriously love if I could get involved with other Roleplays. The basics about myself are that I'm a professional at stealing food. I'm also tall, and no, don't ask me if the view is great up here. It is, though.

IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN RPING, JUST MESSAGE ME OR SOMETHING. (I'm new so still trying to figure out all the details of the site.)



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Drallinix, go ahead and post if you want. ^-^
Also, being a pretty big n00b to this site, how do you add a profile picture? Just because I don't have a clue.
Does the dark side have cookies? I've heard it does. Coookieessssssssss. O~o
Well, in this Roleplay, born Mages are considered Warlocks of a kind, and I think I may have Werewolves, though on the same side as Bloodletters. Also, half vampire - half human Hybrids will not be allowed. Yet. I can always plan something out later on when we have started but no promises. ^-^. Join if you want!
Heh, thank you?
~The darkness of the sky made the troubles of townsfolk much more gloomy. As rats scuttled across the streets, villagers made their way down the paths. Then the bell went. Crowds of people rushed together in hurried movements, almost draining into their houses. Mothers ushered their children and husbands into the houses, bakers and blacksmiths shut their shops tight, the sound of locking doors was everywhere. It was 6:00pm, and though Bloodletters did not burn, they usually appeared at night. The street fell silent, nothing could be heard but the sound of the wind, the rattle of shaky doors and the hooting of owls. And then there was steps. So light, they would not of been detected by indoor people, maybe not even outdoor people, though that was the thing. No one was outside. Sticking close to the shadows, the faces of people kept low, there were three of them. We shall take this into the point of view, of young Ivette.

It was so cold, so cold tonight. And she loved it, the silence of the streets, the feeling of adrenaline. Ivette moved slowly down the path, sticking close to the shadows with her hood pulled around her face, her lips in a small smile. It was like the air, crisp and cold and chilly. The two others, Hildred and Blade, were of her ranking, though she always seemed to better them at the art of manipulating, Blade was the best fighter out of the three, and Hildred was the best at convincing. They were the perfect team, for the Orders recruits, though their little group they had was about to be moved up a rank, from Recruits to Officials. Hildred sighed, looking to Ivette and saying in a whisper ''Where the hell are we going..? You said we would feed soon." Ivette replied with a simple ''I need to show you both something, so deal with it. We'll get there soon."
Or not, I'll just go ahead and post.
Welcome to the guild! I do hope you enjoy your stay.

Thank you person with the nice mustache! I am sure I will enjoy my stay, especially with such polite people here. ^-^
Welcome to the guild! I do hope you enjoy your stay.

Thank you person with the nice mustache! I am sure I will enjoy my stay, especially with such polite people here. ^-^
Hello! So I'm new here, kind of like that new, awkward kid at school. But i'm nice! And I think I'm a decent Roleplayer. Meh. I don't know, that's for you to decide, not me. BUT I'M NEW SO DON'T JUDGE. O~O
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