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    1. Norschtalen 7 yrs ago


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Dulga Tarata

After letting Hatori in Dulga sat on her bed, leaning against her Ryukyu body plush. She decided that she’ll let Hatori lead the conversation and ask questions since Dulga herself didn’t really know what to talk about. Hatori seemed to be the chatty type. ”Minimalist... I tried that once. But I like having things.” Dulga wondered who her roommate was. No one Dulga knew seemed like the type of girl who was a minimalist. Then again Dulga hardly knows everyone. Only about six maybe seven people even knew her name.

”There might be left overs. But maybe not. Dinner was good. One of the students made Beef Steak on fried rice. They made cake too.” Dulga squeezes her plush as she looked aimlessly at the floor. ”They also made fried pickles. I love fried pickles.” it didn’t matter to Dulga that the pickles were badly made, she just enjoyed the fact they even made them. She wondered if she should go thank whoever made it.

When the topic of Dulga’s gunbench was brought up she already had a white lie ready for it. ”I tinker with my gadgets there. My quirk has its uses but to cover for what I lack, I used various tools to help me as a hero.” Dulga felt this was a satisfactory answer. She wasn’t lying, just hiding the fact her “tools” were “lots and lots of guns”. Dulga touched the pistol hidden underneath her cloak for comfort as she hugged her body doll. ”i might have combat training tomorrow so I’ll need to make sure my tools are ready.”

@Stale Pizza
Once Iva landed she immediately set about searching for the beast's location. It wasn't difficult for her to discern a few pieces of key information from what little she learned on the ship: The beast was injured, it eats the flesh of men, and he would be resting in a cave connecting to the ocean. From what Iva overheard Dravos had already injured the creature which hopefully would hobble some of it's strength. And no doubt since it eats humans, and it has killed many, there were bound to be some bloated corpses around the island. And with Iva's sharp senses and hunter's instincts, she could easily sniff out rotten cadavers from a hundred yards off. And the last bit of info Iva simply deduced herself; the creature couldn't obviously live on top of this barren, rocky island, so there must have been some sort of underwater cave of some sort nearby where it makes it's nest.

With this information in mind Iva set out to look for the creature. Iva barely went further than a hundred feet when the wretched scent of corpses struck her nose. She turned her head towards the east and deduced that the monster kept it's food over there. And assuming this creature had at least a beast level of intellect, it probably slept and shit in the same place it eats. Now that she knew where it was she just needed to scout the area.

Iva approached the cave cautiously and from stealth. The powerful scent of dead bodies and feces certainly told Iva that this cave was its home, but she couldn’t tell if the Beast was there or not. For all she knew it could be prowling the waters having already noticed the ship and it’s hunters and was merely waiting to spring it’s own ambush. And while the others described it as a fish man, Iva did not put the idea that the monster could be hidden among the stones. She knew some ocean fish who disguise themselves as sea rocks to hide and ambush prey. This creature could do the same. So Iva vanished as she analyzed the area.

Dulga Tarata

Dulga just nodded as the girl, Chiwa Hatori, talked about herself. It annoyed the girl a bit that she was so chatty but Dulga would be polite. She just wanted to clean her guns. Hatori apparently was late because of family matters so Dulga wasn't going to pry into that, less Hatori asks her about her own family. Instead she'd just introduce herself. "My name Dulga Tarata." Dulga just stood there for a few seconds trying to think of what else to say. She honestly didn't know what to talk about; she never knew this girl, hasn't seen her in action before, and doesn't really know her thoughts or opinions. Dulga didn't know anything to talk to her about that wasn't something that Dulga herself was willing to talk about. Except...

"So... Do you want to come in?" Dulga opened her door just a bit more, enough for the girl to see that Dulga was wearing a large cloak that covered her entire body. Only one arm could be see holding the door, and it was Dulga's normal arm. "I was just... Cleaning up a bit. We can hang out here. If you want." Dulga was uncertain what she should do. She didn't really have much to entertain guest with. No video games, no TV, and her laptop only had school related stuff on it. The only other thing she could show is her guns and Dulga both wasn't sure if Hatori was into them, and Dulga didn't want to show them to just anyone. "So. Have you eaten dinner yet?"

@Stale Pizza

Dulga Tarata

Dulga had stripped her two pistols down in front of her. One was a beretta 92, her mother's personal pistol, and another was a Stechkin. A fairly new firearm Dulga managed to actually purchase through her mother's friends before restrictions were put back into place to prevent Dulga from purchasing more firearms from outside of Japan. It angered Dulga as she felt being able to pursue, purchase, and assemble guns made Dulga feel closer to her mother. But she had to set those memories behind her. She could no longer dwell on her once happier days and focus more about the inevitable, bloody future she was walking into. Dulga cleaned the parts of her pistols, putting the Beretta back into it's holster and case but strapped the Stechkin to her gun belt. The weight of a fully loaded pistol brought Dulga some small joy.

Just as Dulga was about to strip one of her rifle's she heard a knock on the door. She had expected it to be Kaida or perhaps Retha, so Dulga quickly put her rifle away into her gun case. She waited for a few minutes but didn't hear anyone try to open the door. Somewhat confused and concerned Dulga stood up, taking out her pistol from underneath her cloak as she approached the door. Looking through the peephole Dulga saw it was an unfamiliar girl. Apparently she was going to be living here at the dorms. And Dulga thought she had already met everyone. Sighing the six-armed girl holstered her pistol and held her cloak close together to further hide her body. Then Dulga opened the door just a bit, just enough for her to show her masked face. "Hello. I don't remember seeing you in class before."

@Stale Pizza

Dulga Tarata

When desert came out Dulga indulged quietly. She accepted a slice when it was given to her, ate it quickly, and then put her dishes away. It seemed like everyone was socializing with each other now and as much as Dulga wanted to chat, she had important things to take care of. So she went back to her dorm where all her stuff was still packed up in boxes. Letting out a sigh Dulga started to unpack. Unlike what some may think, Dulga actually had a lot of cute decorations. It was mostly dragon plushes as well as a few dolls of various super heroines that Dulga actually had to pay good money to get. A few were even hand-made from her father. He made toys just about as well as he made weapons. Of course the important thing wasn't the dolls or comforter, but her desk. Dulga didn't order just any ordinary desk, but a gunbench where she could tinker with her firearms, make bullets, and maintain her weapons. She had also ordered a gun safe too, but she'll need two more since she brought more weapons from home. Fortunately they should be safe inside their cases for now.

Eventually Dulga was finished setting up her room. There were more stuffed toys around, books and magazines packed the bookshelf, most of them about guns, and on Dulga's bed was a giant dragon doll. It was even bigger than Kaida, and almost as big as Dulga herself. Hugging the dragon close Dulga laid down on the bed and closed her eyes. While she wasn't tired she wanted to enjoy this moment. An innocent moment where she can pretend that she's just a regular girl in a regular world, wanting to do regular girl things. She stayed like this for about ten minutes before Dulga sat up and moved to her gun bench. "Time to work." Dulga opened up one of her gun cases containing two pistols and a rifle, stripping them down one at a time to clean and inspect their parts.
Of the many cloaked and hooded figures that stood in the guild hall, Iza blended in with all the other strangers in the crowd. She had listened to both Drystan and Anastasia give their speech. The captain was a professional sort, getting straight to the point and expecting everyone else to follow and understand. Anastasia seemed more of a people person, using her force of personality to convince the townsfolk to take up arms. But Iva wondered how many were truly dedicated to the cause and who just wanted to pretend to have obtained glory. Or just want free items.

Still, there was something to be admired even if this woman was a charlatan. The people who flocked to her were initial fearful folk, this much Iva could’ve tell. If so much as a dead monster showed up the crowd would be sent screaming. But she somehow convinced them to come and fight, ignorant of the dangers they’re signing themselves up for. Perhaps it was for the best. Ignorance was bliss after all and Iva wasn’t going to waste a good thing.

More importantly however was the coming hunt. Captain Drystan had marked the target’s location in a map and already went ahead to its hunting grounds. Iva wasted no time here and followed after. She made sure I avoid all and anyone she could, weaving through people like a breeze. Once she reached the boat she didn’t even bother with introductions, merely boarding the ship while still covered from head to toe on her thick fur coat. In preparation of the coming hunt Iva took out ten arrows, carefully applying Addle poison to each one. They should last for a day before they become impotent.
Hunter’s Name: Iva Noxus

Weapon of choice:
Hunting Bow and Hollow Arrows - Iva’s bow is a unique design by her village, trading a longbow's extreme range for increase draw speed without compromising its power. Her arrows are also uniquely designed for her hunting style: each arrow has a hollow slit in them were she can fill with poison, increasing the dosage of each shot. Her arrows are also designed to “plug” the arrow wounds so that they aren’t easily removed, and to ensure that the poison does not bleed out. However this design makes her arrows far less effective against armored enemies, as they’re meant to pierce flesh or thick hides. She does carry regular broadhead arrows should she come across armored enemies however.

Silver Tipped Spear - They say silver has a powerful effect against monsters, and Iva will test that out. Her spear is made with a special silver alloy that ensure the blade is as strong as steel while still retaining its silver properties. The shaft itself is also of high quality, made of Darkwood. Tougher and more flexible than your average oak or cypress, amoung the many things her village is known for Darkwood crafts is one of them. The shaft is strong enough to withstand blows from even a guillotine.

Alchemy - Iva’s deadliest weapons are the various poisons and bombs she can concoct. She can make a poison out of any material, no matter what’s available to her, with enough variety to ensure that no one can ever have all the immunities. Not only can she brew poisons but she also knows how to craft other alchemical weapons such as smoke bombs and black powder grenades, as well as various combat drugs and helpful medicine.

Armor of choice:
Only a steel bracer and that’s mostly for parrying light attacks. Iva believes that the best armor is to never be hit at all. She does wear a thick fur cloak when she’s in cities or out on a hunt to protect her from preying eyes and the elements.

Alchemy - Iva spent much of her youth learning how to craft alchemical mixtures with master witches, and while she isn’t nearly as skilled as they are, she has a considerable talent for it. No matter where she finds herself Iva could make a toxin or medicine with whatever happens to be around, or even draw it from her own body if she really needs to.

Agile - Speed is king when it comes to combat. No matter how strong you are or how tough you can be, a thousand blows can whittle your defenses and even the strongest attacks mean nothing if they missed. Iva is quick on her feet and highly acrobatic, capable of climbing and leaping great heights and surviving the subsequent landing. She’s quick enough to even handle herself in a furious melee, dodging and weaving between strikes of even a master swordsman to aim at their weak points and vitals.

Huntress - Iva had a sharp eye for taking down her enemies. She doesn’t waste time beating them senseless like a barbarian, instead making sure each strike is careful and precise to deal maximum damage. In particular, her skills with her spear and now comes from her hunter's ability; she’s a deadeye shot with a bow and arrow, and with the spear’s length combined with the strength she can put behind it she can pierce even the thickest armor when she strikes the right spot.

Tracker - It’s trivial for Iva to find out where her enemy has been and where they will go. Once she has set her sights on them they don’t have much longer to live. They could have fled into the ocean or even ran to a new country and Iva can still follow them.

Fragile - Remove Iva’s mobility or put her in a position where there is no way out,m and she won’t last long. Her entire survival depends on being able to stay constantly on the move. If she’s trapped or grappled there’s little she can do short of trying to use her toxins to break free or even cut off her limb.

Tackless - Don’t expect Iva to handle herself well in social situations. She’s as straightforward and to the point as her spear, and chances are if you’re asking her to debate you will be at the end of her spear. She doesn’t handle direct confrontation well and tends to shy away from conflicts, perfecting to either stick to the shadows or be with more pleasant people.

Extreme - Iva’s ideas tend not to consider things like “innocent bystanders” or “collateral damage”. Whatever gets the job done, no matter who has to be sacrificed. Though she tends not to include herself in those she’s willing to sacrifice, at least not willingly.

Misandrist - Iva had never had a good experience with men and thus shies away from them as much as possible. Her general attitude towards men is distrust and even young boys will not escape her paranoia. This also makes Iva far too trusting of women even if they’re also using her for their own gain or worse than the men Iva has to deal with.

Quiet, reserved, and always with a resting bitch face, Iva doesn’t look particularly friendly even if her attire screams of a more femme fatale. Iva leans towards stoic indifference in all things but she can be quite empathetic; she understands both raw emotions and subtle intentions equally well, allowing her to get a sense of both prey and people. This Iva tends to hang around places of positivity and comfort instead of areas filled with sadness, and she prefers the company of hopeful fools than cold professionals.

Iva herself tries not to speak much and let her actions speak for her. She believe that words are meaningless and no promise or vow done vocally can mean as much as what someone does. She tends to care for her friends in an emotionally distant fashion, trying not to let them get used to her kindness even if she willingly gives it to them. Iva generally distrusts men and is slow to trust them, often putting her guard up against them. But at the same time she is uncertain what to do or how to handle herself if someone does manage to get past her guard. All the more reason she tries not to get too attached in the first place.

Iva lives deep in the wilderness outside from the kingdom. But she was not far from civilization, far from it; she lived in a prosperous town known as Wichita, a town where witches could live in peace with others. Iva’s mother was a witch who had fallen in love with a traveler, but he had left shortly after impregnating Iva’s mother. This she grew up with the scrutiny of having a whore mother and no father, which contributed much to her issues later in life.

At a young age Iva showed a talent for alchemy, having the right amount of caution and curiosity to handle mixtures well without doing any crippling harm to herself. She first learned alchemy from her mother, and as she became older she tutored under other witches until eventually she was the apprentice of one of the Master Witches herself. She was a powerful magic user who had somehow created an elixir that allowed her to escape the effects of aging, even reversing herself to her younger, more comely age.

Of course this didn’t help Iva better when it came to the slanderous rumors that were thrown at her by her fellow peers. They thought that Iva wanted nothing but vanity, accusing her of selling her body out to the menfolk to make connections to such a powerful patron, and that Iva was only using her to continue her lustful lifestyle. A life style that never existed. It all came to head when one of the young men approached her. At first he gave her emotional support, complimenting her for her skills as an alchemist and telling her to ignore the rumors of jealous women. But his true nature was revealed not too long after when, after rejecting his advances, the man became aggressive to Iva and practically demand that he give herself to him. Iva slew him and ran away to the outsirts if Wichita, where she had moved in with one of her aunts.

From there Iva started to hone her skills as a huntress while still keeping up her training as an alchemist. She had learned enough from her master for Iva to be able to study and run experiments of her own, and started to create her own poisons instead of just following a formula. Without the extensive equipment and resources of a workshop Iva had to learn how to improvise, which in turn increased her skills considerably. It wasn’t long until Iva felt that she needed to test her creation now against live prey; she heard rumors in a distant land about a kingdom troubled by monsters. A worthy challenge for the alchemist.
Thank you! I’ll make sure to keep track of her poison and potions so it doesn’t seem like she has an endless amount of them. Also she’s basically a long range fragile speedster who needs her poison to do damage over time. Without it she isn’t strong enough to go toe-to-toe with most beasts, or even help her allies very much.
Hunter’s Name: Iva Noxus

Weapon of choice:
Hunting Bow and Hollow Arrows - Iva’s bow is a unique design by her village, trading a longbow's extreme range for increase draw speed without compromising its power. Her arrows are also uniquely designed for her hunting style: each arrow has a hollow slit in them were she can fill with poison, increasing the dosage of each shot. Her arrows are also designed to “plug” the arrow wounds so that they aren’t easily removed, and to ensure that the poison does not bleed out. However this design makes her arrows far less effective against armored enemies, as they’re meant to pierce flesh or thick hides. She does carry regular broadhead arrows should she come across armored enemies however.

Silver Tipped Spear - They say silver has a powerful effect against monsters, and Iva will test that out. Her spear is made with a sp coal silver alloy that ensure the blade is as strong as steel while still retaining its silver properties. The shaft itself is also of high quality, made of Darkwood. Tougher and more flexible than your average oak or cypress, amount the many things her village is known for Darkwood crafts is one of them. The shaft I strong enough to withstand blows from even a guillotine.

Alchemy - Iva’s deadliest weapons are the various poisons and bombs she can concoct. She can make a poison out of any material, no matter what’s available to her, with enough variety to ensure that no one can ever have all the immunities. Not only can she brew poisons but she also knows how to craft other alchemical weapons such as smoke bombs and black powder grenades, as well as various combat drugs and helpful medicine.

Armor of choice:
Only a steel bracer and that’s mostly for parrying light attacks. Iva believes that the best armor is to never be hit at all. She does wear a thick fur cloak when she’s in cities or out on a hunt to protect her from preying eyes and the elements.

Alchemy - Iva spent much of her youth learning how to craft alchemical mixtures with master witches, and while she isn’t nearly as skilled as they are, she has a considerable talent for it. No matter where she finds herself Iva could make a toxin or medicine with whatever happens to be around, or even draw it from her own body if she really needs to.

Agile - Speed is king when it comes to combat. No matter how strong you are or how tough you can be, a thousand blows can whittle your defenses and even the strongest attacks mean nothing if they missed. Iva is quick on her feet and highly acrobatic, capable of climbing and leaping great heights and surviving the subsequent landing. She’s quick enough to even handle herself in a furious melee, dodging and weaving between strikes of even a master swordsman to aim at their weak points and vitals.

Huntress - Iva had a sharp eye for taking down her enemies. She doesn’t waste time beating them senseless like a barbarian, instead making sure each strike is careful and precise to deal maximum damage. In particular, her skills with her spear and now comes from her hunter's ability; she’s a deadeye shot with a bow and arrow, and with the spear’s length combined with the strength she can put behind it she can pierce even the thickest armor when she strikes the right spot.

Tracker - It’s trivial for Iva to find out where her enemy has been and where they will go. Once she has set her sights on them they don’t have much longer to live. They could have fled into the ocean or even ran to a new country and Iva can still follow them.

Fragile - Remove Iva’s mobility or put her in a position where there is no way out,m and she won’t last long. Her entire survival depends on being able to stay constantly on the move. If she’s trapped or grappled there’s little she can do short of trying to use her toxins to break free or even cut off her limb.

Tackless - Don’t expect Iva to handle herself well in social situations. She’s as straightforward and to the point as her spear, and chances are if you’re asking her to debate you will be at the end of her spear. She doesn’t handle direct confrontation well and tends to shy away from conflicts, perfecting to either stick to the shadows or be with more pleasant people.

Extreme - Iva’s ideas tend not to consider things like “innocent bystanders” or “collateral damage”. Whatever gets the job done, no matter who has to be sacrificed. Though she tends not to include herself in those she’s willing to sacrifice, at least not willingly.

Misandrist - Iva had never had a good experience with men and thus shies away from them as much as possible. Her general attitude towards men is distrust and even young boys will not escape her paranoia. This also makes Iva far too trusting of women even if they’re also using her for their own gain or worse than the men Iva has to deal with.

Quiet, reserved, and always with a resting bitch face, Iva doesn’t look particularly friendly even if her attire screams of a more femme fatale. Iva leans towards stoic indifference in all things but she can be quite empathetic; she understands both raw emotions and subtle intentions equally well, allowing her to get a sense of both prey and people. This Iva tends to hang around places of positivity and comfort instead of areas filled with sadness, and she prefers the company of hopeful fools than cold professionals.

Iva herself tries not to speak much and let her actions speak for her. She believe that words are meaningless and no promise or vow done vocally can mean as much as what someone does. She tends to care for her friends in an emotionally distant fashion, trying not to let them get used to her kindness even if she willingly gives it to them. Iva generally distrusts men and is slow to trust them, often putting her guard up against them. But at the same time she is uncertain what to do or how to handle herself if someone does manage to get past her guard. All the more reason she tries not to get too attached in the first place.

Iva lives deep in the wilderness outside from the kingdom. But she was not far from civilization, far from it; she lived in a prosperous town known as Wichita, a town where witches could live in peace with others. Iva’s mother was a witch who had fallen in love with a traveler, but he had left shortly after impregnating Iva’s mother. This she grew up with the scrutiny of having a whore mother and no father, which contributed much to her issues later in life.

At a young age Iva showed a talent for alchemy, having the right amount of caution and curiosity to handle mixtures well without doing any crippling harm to herself. She first learned alchemy from her mother, and as she became older she tutored under other witches until eventually she was the apprentice of one of the Master Witches herself. She was a powerful magic user who had somehow created an elixir that allowed her to escape the effects of aging, even reversing herself to her younger, more comely age.

Of course this didn’t help Iva better when it came to the slanderous rumors that were thrown at her by her fellow peers. They thought that Iva wanted nothing but vanity, accusing her of selling her body out to the menfolk to make connections to such a powerful patron, and that Iva was only using her to continue her lustful lifestyle. A life style that never existed. It all came to head when one of the young men approached her. At first he gave her emotional support, complimenting her for her skills as an alchemist and telling her to ignore the rumors of jealous women. But his true nature was revealed not too long after when, after rejecting his advances, the man became aggressive to Iva and practically demand that he give herself to him. Iva slew him and ran away to the outsirts if Wichita, where she had moved in with one of her aunts.

From there Iva started to hone her skills as a huntress while still keeping up her training as an alchemist. She had learned enough from her master for Iva to be able to study and run experiments of her own, and started to create her own poisons instead of just following a formula. Without the extensive equipment and resources of a workshop Iva had to learn how to improvise, which in turn increased her skills considerably. It wasn’t long until Iva felt that she needed to test her creation now against live prey; she heard rumors in a distant land about a kingdom troubled by monsters. A worthy challenge for the alchemist.

Dulga Tarata

Dulga walked downstairs a bit behind Kaida. She didn't stick around to eavesdrop on Kaida and Jett's conversation, instead she went straight to the dining hall. Apparently Mamoru was hosting the dinner since she was running around showing everyone their seats. Dulga didn't have any complaints; as long as she got her food Dulga didn't care for formalities. Dulga sat down, turning her chair slightly so that her arms weren't being pressed against the back uncomfortably, and ate her meal quietly. She especially enjoyed the fried pickles. Even if they looked sloppy, it reminded Dulga of the first time she tried to make her own fried pickles. There was a lot of bandages that day. It brought a small smile to Dulga's face as she enjoyed her meal in relative silence.

At some point during the meal the temperature rose. Dulga wasn't too concerned since she knew it was just the den mother making her appearance. She introduced herself as Retha, her hero name being Salamander, and she would ensure that the morals and rules of the dorms were upheld. She gave a short speech to introduce herself and her purpose before going back to eat her meal. It was nice to know that she ate meals with the rest of the students. It wasn't long before Dulga was finished, placing the chopsticks on top of her bowl and wiping her mouth. Then she put her mask back on and looked around. There were many students here, and she was certain she'd have to deal with all of them eventually. But tonight she wanted to get her personal things done, like setting up her room, doing homework, and plotting revenge. She did stay hoping for dessert. Dulga wouldn't say no to something sweet to finish this dinner off with.
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