Avatar of NorthernGR
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 316 (0.09 / day)
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    1. NorthernGR 10 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current Always fun seeing your last status was a year ago, showing how long it was since you used the site. *sighs*
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7 yrs ago
Hey you, yeah, you. You're a cool person, and I hope you have a good day/night/evening.
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7 yrs ago
I have returned to Guild, and so restarts the timer until I vanish without a word once again. As is tradition.
8 yrs ago
*Looking at first post I ever made on RPG, it was 2 years ago.* HOW! HOW HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG!! WHAT!! HOW?!
8 yrs ago
Heeelp... Dragon... Age origins... consuming.. SOUL... and....FREE TIME!!


Either you're very bored or I'm very late to a post if you're checking my profile, either way, I am sorry.

Most Recent Posts

I'd imagine he's probably too big and/or heavy to fit in the wagon comfortably. Maybe he ran across the driver earlier in the day, and the guy was afraid to let Uwen on, in fear of it breaking, so he just walked? If he met the driver earlier it could explain how he is there by now.
Hey I'm a Pal of Mokley. Think this idea is cool and wanted to join. Sup!

Holy crap crappity holy crappy crap. I'm uh.. back. Health took a dive. Made it incredibly hard to do anything. Starting to get a bit better.

Is everyone still here? Are we just waiting for eachother to post? Are we still going?
We should start a club.

"Life's punching Bags" We could have jackets. :D
Glad to see you back diggerton! My plan of having Ronken tricking Emma into making him drugs still has a chance!! :P

Still trying to get a post up. I've started a few times, but I've either been stressed or not feeling good. So I can't really get my brain into the zone. I'm still trying to get my post done. Sorry.

@Mokley If someone were to tell him that he would be able to get rich and stuff by leaving the city he would be very tempted. If they told him(lying or honestly) that it would require little work on his end he would jump.

If not riches them saying he could make something of himself heroicly or get famous would tempt him, as he really wants to prove himself in general.

Tricking him in some way would work too I imagine. He is fairly decent at lying, but he isn't conman level. So I imagine vice versa someone better et deceiving than him (not hard) could trick him to do quite a bit.

I also meant to ask, the crystal stuff on switch looks like the demon material right? I assumed but wanted to ask.

Sorry I didn't reply for a bit.
@Mokley Yeah, that was the one idea I had. If the gangs became a threat then he would go ahead and flee.
I'm gonna try for tonight. If not now then tomorrow for me too.

I had wanted to work on it yesterday but was just feeling stressed.. You know how well that mixes with writing. :P

I also wanted to say thanks for the heal haha. I was having fun writing Ronken as a sort of burden. His limited ablities are fun to be creative with. But I had started to get an itch to write him at baseline soon. So I'm excited!

Also also, is Switch gonna give him a reason to leave the city? Because I'm drawing blanks on reasons for Ronken leaving besides for plot. He feels like him in the wilds won't last long. Plus revolution is going down which he likes.
Yeah, some seperation may be apt! Ronken is being a bit passive right now because he really.. just doesn't understand what is happening?

If he knew that the whole city was in ruins after a demon attack and that people were currently fighting for revolution he would be acting quite a bit differently.

If we are separating I could write Ronken making the jump and failing, falling down 2 or 3 stories. ( Into a dumpster or something so he lives. )

Meryn however can't stop for him because of the sniper, this way she keeps going and assumes Ronken is either crippled or dead now.
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