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    1. o0V0o 7 yrs ago


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It was 29:59 PM on Salvation, a minute before a new day began. The Emperor, Azrian was wearing his signature home clothes, a blue coat over a grey shirt and black pants. He was looking at a holographic map of the galaxy. He dragged his hand over the display, turning it off. He looked out to the glass door leading to the balcony and sighed "Another day another step". He walked over to it and opened it, feeling the cool night breeze blow into his face. He looked around him, around the Imperial Palace.

It's weird, it's already been a month but I still can't shake the feeling. The feeling that I now decide the fate of the Empire's future,
that future my ancestors gave me.

He sang a patriotic tune he had learned in his boyhood as he looked to the skies.

"Forward! Forward! Into the future we march!
Forward! Forward! Out of the blackened past"

He looked at his watch, a wristwatch which was strange as now people had their holographic displays, and realizing the time, he went back inside, closed the door and retired to his chambers. There he was alone, he was still single (being only 21 and all), making it quite weird considering he was the most powerful person in an entire system. He dozed off and dreamed of the future.

He awoke to the sound of his old friend's voice. "Your majesty, please rise, you have a big day today."

"Peltas, gimme a bit more time" he said rolling away from the source of the voice.

"Your majesty, address me as Prime Minister, it is not befitting as Emperor. Besides, the old lady of the chambe- I mean the Speaker of the Chamber of Titles will be mad..."

"I'll be right over then" he said with a sigh. It was going to be another long day.

He went to his wardrobe where he picked out his black trousers with gold hem, a white polo, a black vest with the Imperial Crown's insignia on its right side and a blue trench coat with gold hems. After putting on black shoes, he left the Private Rooms. Upon leaving, he met the secretary at his desk.

"My Lord, would you like me to inform the government of your presence?"

"Of course" he proceeded to take the archaic telephone from his desk and call the secretary on the West side of the building as I walked off to the West Wing, passing by portraits of previous Emperors.

There he was greeted by 2 men in full dress at the front door into the wing. They saluted him and he nodded, they went to his side and knocked on the door once.

A holler was heard from the other side of the room "Announcing the entry of His Majesty the Emperor." He walked in through the double door with my escorts by his side.

The room was an old one yet the brown paint that covered it spoke otherwise. So did the clean almost brand new-looking chandelier which hung in the center of the room. To the room's east, the morning sun filled the room with light. Inside, there were several men, some in business attire, others in their full military uniform and others in elaborate garments. They were all silently staring at him. Across the hall was a throne, his throne. It was a simple seat, a seat of old Terran Oak that had been preserved and cushioned. Above it was the nation's flag - a half-visible sun with 3 rays, the other half being submerged beneath the horizon, on a plain blue field with 3 white stripes running vertically down the banner.

He sat down on the throne as the commotion began to rise once more. After a while, the Prime Minister came in from a room behind and silence once more overtook the room. He walked to the Emperor who was also silent, simply sitting straight and observing the scene. He stopped at his right and bowed, saying

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent matter to report" The Emperor's eyes widened and he raised his hand, palm facing the announcer. The Prime Minister nodded and he lowered all but his thumb and index finger. The announcer, a man in his early 20s nodded.

"May I, on behalf of the government, request that all Lords proceed to their Chamber and all but the Prime Minister leave the room." With that, everyone filed out of the room, leaving the Emperor, Prime Minister, the escorts and announcer in the room.

"Peltas, what is it you have to say?"

"Call me 'minister', your majesty"

"Fine, now what is this urgent matter?"
The Victorian Empire
    "United in Hope for a brighter future"
    -The First Emperor

  • Species's Appearance:

  • General Information
    The Victorians are an entirely human nation. The nation has extremely advanced technology (mostly used in the military), a keen interest in science and a thriving economy. They have only recently begun inter-system travel and exploration. They are based in the Valia System, 1 Light Year away from the Old Sol system. Religious toleration is practiced.
    The current Emperor is Emperor Azrian Victorinne the First who ascended 5340 PEY. The current Prime Minister is Peltas Movley.
    • Population Information
      Population: 54 Billion
      Avg. Population Density (per Planet): 9 Billion/Planet
    • Territorial Information
      Completely Colonized Systems: 1
      Completely Colonized Planets: 6
      Colony Systems: 3
      Colony Planets: 5
      Asteroid Belts: 2
      All Habitable Satellites in Home System: 300
      Military Satellites outside of Home System: 25
      Misc. Celestial Bodies: ~100
    • Military Information
      Nuclear Capabilities: Present
      Nuclear Weapons: 1,000 Interplanetary Ballistic Missiles, 10,000 Space-deployable bombs,
      Nuclear Silos Info: At least 1 per planet
      Branches of Service: Victorian Imperial Army, Victorian Planetary Naval Force, Victorian Imperial Fleet, Imperial Expansion, Exploration and Exploitation Special Forces
      Planetary Personnel: 7 Billion
      Ships: 1 Imperial Flagship, 5 Super-Carriers, 50 Capital Ships (1 per fleet division), 5,000 Frigates, 100 Carriers, 10,000 Fighters, 10,000 Bombers
  • History:
    The following is the transcript of a speech by then-Prince Azrian Victorinne I on behalf of his mentally unstable father 2 years ago:
    "Today is 5378 P.E.Y (Post Exodus Year). 5,378 years ago, this Empire had only arrived on this new world by the HSSA and one of my ancestors made a speech reminding us to carry on though our home, whose name has been long forgotten, was destroyed. 5,000 years ago one of my ancestors stood before you here after the crushing of the Rafalian uprising. 4,921 years ago another stood before you all the day this planet was unified under Victorian rule, the day we made this place home. A mere hundred years after, Empress Thalia celebrated the completion of the SEVD Project and 30 years later the System Exhaustive Survey was completed. It was then we discovered the Ylvians, the Gloss and the Varss who we regrettably had to subjugate and exterminate due to their threat upon our species. But it was then our calling by the stars was answered, it was then a new age began. And today is another one of those times. Not I, but all of us will be remembered as those who left the shackles of the past! Today, we once more free ourselves of our restraints! For today, a new step into the future has been made. Today we set off in search for new star systems. The tomorrow we have searched for, the tomorrow where the galaxy is bound in the grip of our beloved fatherland, united in search of the light of the Future will soon be achieved!"

    Today; however, we must also remember the sacrifices we made. What we had given up for this glorious future. We can only hope that now and tomorrow, we may avoid unnecessary bloodshed. That no more will have to join the Ylvians, Gloss and Varss in the grave.
    Yet we must continue to move forward! Into the future! If we must sacrifice then we must! If for the sake of progress any sacrifice is necessary! We will overcome all obstacles and destroy all roadblocks.
    But today is no day of mourning nor a day to arm ourselves in preparation for a war. Tonight we celebrate! Let every house in the Empire be filled with joy! So fellow Victorians I oblige you, be merry!'

    The Victorian Empire is a relatively young nation whose history stretches as far back as 6,000 years before the present era. The Empire was founded on Earth by an unknown individual only referred to as the First Emperor. He was a main sponsor for a massive Project known as Project Salvation. The product of which was the Human Species Salvation Ark or simply the 'Ark'. They fled in the ark from the dying Earth, arriving on Valia-IV (Salvation). Upon arriving, the early nation was unstable and nearly collapsed had it not been for the few who believed in the First Emperor's ideals. They reformed the government but were unable to keep the state from splintering. After 100 years, the nation had nearly reunified. Then, the Rafalian revolt broke out who led a revolt that lasted 278 years. In that time, the rest of the world was developed either under the Rafalians or the Victorians. When the revolt was finally put down, much knowledge of the past was gone, devolving technology to the equivalent of 1500 AD (~-4500 PEY).
    The Empire recovered quickly and launched its first space missions only 200 years later. Soon, they began interplanetary travel and now they are capable of interstellar travel.
  • Victorian Government:

    The Empire is a Constitutional Monarchy with the Emperor as Head of State and the Prime Minister as Head of Government.

    The Empire's Legislation is quite confusing for non-Victorians as it is made up of 2 levels: The National and Imperial Assemblies.
    The National Assembly itself is Bicameral having two chambers: the Chamber of Titles and the Chamber of the Commons. The CoT is made up of people who hold titles or have been deemed by the Emperor as influential enough to be in the council. It has 50 seats but can have as many as 65 seats. The CoC is composed of officials elected by the people. The number depends on the decision of the High Triarchy which decides before every election how many seats there will be and the distribution per territory. The Imperial Assembly is the term for the entire legislation: The aforementioned National Assembly and the High Triarchy. The triarchs are the Emperor, the Prime Minister and the Speaker for the CoT. This council is the only one with the authority to declare war, sign treaties and make other important decisions.

    The Empire's Executive follows the Parliamentary Model. Some notable ministries and agencies are:

    The Bureau of Imperial Affairs
    The Ministry of Science and Technology
    The Ministry of External Affairs and Relations
    The Ministry of Internal Affairs
    Bureau of Public Health and Safety
    Armed Enforcement Section
    The Ministry of the National Armed Forces
    The Ministry of Administration
    The Ministry of Information and Communications

    The Judiciary is composed of Local Courts, Planetary Courts, System Courts and the Imperial Tribunal composed of the Supreme Triarchy and 7 Justices.

    Elections are held either at the Emperor's behest or death or when the Parliament deems the PM or ruling party has been in power for too long or passes a motion of no-confidence.
  • Alignment:
    Morally Ambiguous
  • Primary Characters:
    Emperor Azrian Victorinne the First
    A person who strongly believes in his ancestor's words of "Let anything happen as it will if only for the sake of Progress".
    Believes in the power of the military.
    Prime Minister Peltas Movley
    Wishes for peace but hopes to see the Empire's borders extended.
    Childhood friends with Emperor Azrian.
    VIF Division Admiral Anthony Gallant
    Commander of a VIF Division (1 CS, 2 Carriers, 100 Frigates, 200 Fighters and Bombers)
    Relatively new to the position of Division Admiral
    Brilliant Strategist
  • Technology level:
    Tier 3
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