Avatar of ODAberration
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 3 yrs ago
  • Posts: 63 (0.05 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. ODAberration 3 yrs ago


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I'm 32 years old and I was lured into this forum because of our sick hobby. I come from a background of poetry and roleplaying starting in high school. I was a much better painter than I ever was writing, much less writing other than poetry. Today nothing has changed. I would love to become better and I welcome any critique.

I can handle something like 2 RPs at a time. I can guarantee at least 2 posts a week, typing 300-1500 words between dialogue and detail-oriented posts when the going is good. I can't function without some of that sweet OOC chat.

If you're looking to start a RP, my only restrictions are based on site rules — of which I frequently forget — and I think that a 2 paragraph bottom-line is reasonable. I prefer original characters and original stories.

I'm good for medieval, fantasy, horror, sci-fi, space-faring, western, or especially military/war roleplays. I always have a tiny itch for traditional pirate RPs; however, I've accepted long ago that I can't do it and no longer pursue them. I like gritty settings, tragedy, fast paced scenes, crawling tense scenes and a drop of natural romance. Also, nonsense is always fun.

If you would like to know more or have roleplay questions don't hesitate for a second, send them over.

If you're interested in roleplays with a bit of gunslinging, check out my guide below for some tips and ideas to create a foundation of firearms knowledge.


Most Recent Posts

In Deify 3 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of Post Reply
Desroy/Create weapons from star wars episodes I-VI stuff. Leave episodes VII-IX untouched.
You don't go in the bathroom with me
I liked some song I heard one time from some band called Helmet. Or Helmut. Hel-something.
In Deify 3 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
God of Online
Free to post boys and girls.
I'm not ambidextrous but I perform some tasks righty and some lefty. So, if I was placed in a survival situation and lost either arm I would still be able to perform at least half of normal functions with proficiency. For instance if I lost my left hand I couldn't cut my food but I'd be able to wipe my derriere.

*Refer to OOC for Rules etc*

Our story begins...

The rattling of your bones awakens something like consciousness. You lie in the earth about an open slab sarcophagus. Your skull is covered in a layer of dirt and decaying leaves. The knowledge of your life before and your demise fails to manifest, even your name is an empty echo. You claw a stained bony arm free from the soil and cry out, but there is only the clacking of old bones.

You see, eyeless, a glade untouched by civilization around you. The sound of autumn winds trapped beneath the trees brushes through your mind. You feel nothing; immense hunger and the empty cold of undeath. Fallen bodies surround the mound. They lay still and dead as you were, intertwined with tattered cloaks and rusted daggers.

Some unnatural force awakened you, but it sits on the edge of your reasoning. You feel it is connected to what's on your left wrist. There is a tinged silver bangle, fastened with some energy that feels part of your skeleton. Irremovable. When you look at the bangle the cacophony of a hundred voices fight to dominate your mind. One prevails and hoists your stripped bones from the tomb...

Post Away

Updated: 2/11/2021

The Vessel

You awaken as a pile of bones. As you rediscover the world and face new challenges anecdotes once lived will populate your memories. Familiar strength will curl into your arms. Motes of arcana will weave into your mind.

  • Name. Your identity has been stripped of you like your flesh.
  • x.
  • Age. Estimated by your condition...
  • x.
  • x.
  • Appearance. A blank canvas of dirt sodden bones.
  • x.
  • Tenets I. "Live"
  • Chronicles I. An indefinitely large tome rolls open revealing scored and blank pages.
  • x.
  • x.
  • Relics.
      Silver Bangle: When you look at the bangle the cacophony of a hundred voices fight to dominate your mind.
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