Avatar of olcharlieboi
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    1. olcharlieboi 10 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current BDO free to grab for 21 hours and then keep forever on steam... heck ya!
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6 yrs ago
I'm writing a novel on Royalroadl called The True Dungeon King, hope I can get people to critique and help me improve!
7 yrs ago
Started playing warframe fo the ps4 two days ago, enjoying it, even made my own clan though need members for it, going to be a small clan.
7 yrs ago
Recreated an old classic in my gmed rps, with a much better system than originally made, hope people will also enjoy it.
7 yrs ago
Armstrong set to set everything up in a week to four weeks, soon glorious better internet.


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Charles would chuckle some at Koharu giving her a goofy but surprising and unintended cute smile. "is that so, then I'm sorry for adding to those troubles" he would say to her as he brought his hand up and patted top of her head then he'd bring his hand back to his side as he turned towards the teacher, he'd raise a brow as she spoke about Jerome, it didn't make much sense to him there since that was the first time they was even allowed to let lose, so of course they was going to use their quirks. He'd just shrug at that and look towards Kiyoshi as he stood saying he'd go first, this caused Charles to raise a brow 'so the new kid is taking up the bat.. well be good to see what he can do' he thought to him self as he decided to watch.


Charles would raise a brow at how Koharu was acting not understanding that his appearance was causing her behavior. He would give her a smile and say "Just fine... but are you sure your alright? you seem to be acting bit strange" he states to her before getting slightly distracted looking at the two other dudes walking in, one of them handing in a note meaning it was a new transfer it seems. Charles would turn his head sideways wondering where he transferred from but then just shrugs and returns his attention to Koharu trying to make small talk as he waited for class.


Charles sat down on the floor since the others hadn't arrived yet, he'd yawn wanting to go back to sleep. When Koharu arrived he would turn towards her and wave with a smile, though he'd get confused when she quickly moved to sit down. He'd shrug at this and move over next to her since she was only one to arrive so far, and would speak "Hey, how are you doing?" he would ask her since he was confused at her bit earlier, he'd look slightly sideways at her waiting.

Charles would stretch as he stood, listening to the teach and he would just nod with a yawn. raising a brow at the position she takes and just shrugs as his clothes change from his school uniform into the gym uniform as he begins his stretches, it would be around this time he would notice his hair which would cause him to sigh "great... looks like I lost focus and spent to long like that" he says to himself shaking his head "O Well" he mumbles to himself as he preps for class.


Charles appearance would start to change as he goes back to his nap. His hair becoming longer changing to a bluish snowy white, and much to his personal dismay he would become less masculine than before, making it a lot harder to figure out if his a guy or girl by appearance alone. He was keeping an appearance he preferred active and kept it on for to long so he returned to his real human form that he wanted to keep hidden from the other students since he doesn't like it. He'd wake up as it would get more noisier since it was close to class time and he sat up stretching not yet noticing his change of appearance.

Charles would be having a nice nap until he heard someone speaking, causing him to open his eyes and sit up, looking half asleep as he looked at Celia. It would take him a few moments to register what she was saying he'd scratch side of his head before replying "Ya... that is my homeroom teach..." he says then shrugs at her statement "Not really.. I was just trying to find a place to nap" he states as he stands up and stretches his arms all the way behind his back before bringing his arms back to his sides then makes his body like a body builder for a second then returns to normal "Not that Exercise affects a person who can change their body like mine" he'd shrug before laying back down like his about to go back to sleep.

Charles would of headed to lunch when it came time, having been quiet. He'd notice another new face it would start making him wonder if there was some kind of trend to transfer in late. He didn't say anything though and just went to fill up his plate then dump it all down his throat like before and instead of hanging around and listening to other speak. He decided to just head over to the gym ahead of time and..... just plops down in a corner and starts to take a nap.

Charles would sigh at this he wasn't sure what to put on the paper because he wasn't sure what he wanted or needed. He would think of his own quirk, clothes was pretty much useless to him since they are just an inconvenience which is why he tends to eat them and just use his quirk to mimic his clothes. He just started to write down about his quirk, that his quirk makes him a small slime, clothes pretty much just an annoyance, can freely change his body and so on. So something simple like a full face mask that can take a beating would probably be best since it's the only thing that wouldn't inconvenience him and he could wear it while in slime form. A couple of them would be best in-case anything happens to one of them so he could quickly replace them.
22 days and 15 days.. that is scary length of inactivity *sigh* If @Ixa @Junkojuro @Ether ever show back up, then we can just continue where we left off. It sucks that every time I try to do magic apprentice(s) it seems to die off and it aggrivates me, and I was looking even more forward to this one with the ideas I had :'(

Charles would sigh leaning back in his seat at all the drama that happened in the classroom, before seeing what the teacher writes on the board. He figured this was going to be a boring day for heroic class, he wandered how the other classes are going to be, well that's if they even get them this time this is a school after all. He'd turn to watch the clouds outside while he waited. He thought about taking a nap but then remembered if he tried he'd just go into hibernation mode and sleep through the whole class so he decided not to. He'd simply wait while seeing if he can pick out anything from the clouds.
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