Avatar of Oskar DiLondra
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: racnoss900
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 196 (0.05 / day)
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    1. Oskar DiLondra 10 yrs ago


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Sorry about the delay, I've had bad writer's block, that's the reason the post isn't too good. But I have finally posted!
The dinosaur creature thingy didn't respond, and it was only then that Skulduggery realised it had passed out, so he withdrew his hand, and listened to the plans that were being discussed by the rest of the group, the forest sounded like the best option, but the fact that there was a path leading through the mountains tempted skullduggery a bit, but he supposed it wouldn't hurt to travel on the "road less travelled" so to speak.

"Yeah, the woods sound like the best to me. I would volunteer myself to go, but I'd prefer to stay here, and test a few things, I need to see what I can still do, I feel a bit, deflated so to speak. I will be following in a few minutes" Part of this was to show of to sword-boy over there, so he hoped that it worked, otherwise this would be incredibly embarrassing.

He also walked towards a tree, this one evidently larger than the one that the boy had chopped down, just slightly, and clicked his fingers. And out came, nothing. Well, this was awkward, where were the usual flames that would be produced, funny, maybe there wasn't enough oxygen here or something. Seeing as he was on the topic of air, he attempted to send out a gush of wind at the tree, and surprisingly, it worked. Not only did it knock down the tree, but all of the roots came out and it flew into another tree.

"Well that's-" Skulduggery fell to the ground, almost fainting, that had taken more out of him than it should, it wasn't usually that difficult, maybe he had to get used to this new environment.

"Yeah I'll just, I'll just stay here for a while" He panted, putting his hands against his knees and pushed himself up. He brushed the dirt off his trousers and corrected his hat, which had slightly tilted due to the fall.

That was when he heard the noise, a disgusting noise, a terribly, guttural roar, or gurgle, whatever sounded better. Roar, definitely. He looked back at the rest of his group and attempted to raise an eyebrow, realising he didn't have any, he decided what he was doing was probably quite terrifying.

"That wasn't one of you was it?" It was deadly silent, and Skulduggery braced himself, he couldn't battle, not now, he was too tired. He took out his .32, and checked the bullets, 2 in the chamber, 7 in his suit pocket, he had to use them sparingly.
Sorry guys, I think Imma pull out of this one, I haven't been involved enough in this, both before and recently, but,I shall continue to read along with the posts that are occurring... Really sorry, but, It's been fun so far.


PS. I'll just delete my first post, or you can kill him, or send him to the spectres or something, I'll just delete it and save it somewhere else for now.

Here he is, I thought he could form some interesting rivalries with a lot of the characters, I didn't give him a secret identity, cause I didn't deem it necessary for him, but I can create one if I need to. I realise we have a lot of villains, so I think I shall also work on a more heroic character.
God dangit... Sometimes I hate real life, thatnks for sorting out the map... Sorry bout that.

My CS is being worked on as we speak I type!
Sorry about my lack of activity, surprisingly, Real Life is being a hassle, and the map is a no-go, sorry... I made a lot of progress, and then then the file just disappeared, I think someone may have deleted it, but I can't start again, it would take me forever... Sorry... I will get a CS up ASAP.
Yeah, that sounds best, sorry about the gaps in between my replies, it should become more stable now...

Possibly Jungle? That sounds the most interesting to me.
Yeah, a mortal plane you be good, except not somewhere overly-populated, say, a run down apartment building, full of small time drug dealers and other various criminals; small village, where we are outcasted by most; castle of a mad king, where only he and a few servants reside.

Whatever you'd prefer to do.
Hmmm... Channing Tatum playing Gambit, I'm not sure whether I like it or hate it, but it's definitely one of those two.

I personally liked Taylor Kitsch in Origins: Wolverine, but I don't know... I just think there should be someone who fits the role perfectly...

Possibly someone like Gael Garcia Bernal? Others I'm thinking of are all male models, rather than actors, because a lot of them fit the look I would give Remy in a film. (Baptiste Giabiconi, or Jon Kortajarena)

But I can't really pinpoint the perfect actor...

But I think Channing Tatum will still deliver to the best of his ability, and may fit the role surprisingly well.
As expected, after the 3 or four minute mark, Joseph Franklin, his target, quickly excused himself from the conversation he was having with the other man, and rushed to the loo. Frederick placed down the tray somewhere at the back of the room, and quietly slipped into the first door into the toilets, there was a second one into the men's. He concentrated, remembering the appearance of the man that Joseph was talking to, and placed an illusion of the man upon himself. He looked down at himself, and chuckled slightly, he liked it when things went to plan.

He entered the men's toilets, and his target was standing at a urinal. Joseph peered back at Frederick and stood silent for a moment. Frederick quickly worried that he had done something evidently wrong, but then realised that the Joseph was smiling.

"Peter! I have decided what I'm going to do, I'm gonna get the arms off of that contact I used last year, good guy, trustworthy. Do you think that's a good idea?" Frederick waled silently up to Joseph, also smiling, unfortunately, it would cause too much effort to create noise added to the illusion. He slipped the knife he was carrying out of his sleeve, and his smile grew.

"Peter-" Before Joseph had time to utter another word, he was stabbed in the back of the neck, blood spraying onto the urinal in front of him, but luckily only the small tip had gone through, so there was not too much blood. Frederick dropped the illusion, and quickly placed the towel from his arm around Joseph's neck, preventing any blood from spilling on the floor. He dragged Joseph to a cubicle, climbed on top of the cubicle, locked it, and then jumped to the other side. He waved his hand in front of the motion sensor urinals, and they flushed, taking the blood along with the urine.

"Well that's a bit grim." Frederick grimaced, and washed his hands and the knife in the sink. and placed the knife back up his sleeve, ensuring that it was secure. He excited the toilets, straightening his bow tie as he left. He looked around for the aforementioned 'Peter', and noticed that he was in conversation with another person, so Joseph shouldn't be missed for a while.

"Target has been disposed of, yet I agree we leave quickly, as he's in the cubicle, shouldn't be noticed for a while, but we can't risk it." Frederick witnessed the cat fight break out in front of him, and noticed Tris' wig start to fall off. That would be pretty disastrous, and would probably cause the entirety of the mission to fail. Frederick saw this as an opportunity to get both him and Tris, and possibly some others out of the building.

He walked in to the fight, and pulled Tris away from the woman, which was surprisingly difficult, the other woman was pulling back, but Frederick did his best, he needed some assistance. During him pulling her back, he slyly repositioned her wig back onto her head, and sighed in relief.

"Please lady, step outside." Frederick hoped she would recognise his voice, and then they could both leave, and no-one should suspect anything, but if it was too much for Frederick, their resident muscle, Jack, could always step in to lend a hand.
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