Avatar of Pandadise RS
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
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  • Posts: 33 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Pandadise RS 9 yrs ago


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"Hello, people! I'm not new here, since I joined a few years ago with another account, but decided to get back to RPing, because I seriously needed it.

Anyways, I wasn't as much as an active member as I wished to be in the past, because I was always shy and my english was really bad. Yeah, even worse than this, haha. But still, I wish I could RP with you guys, if you'd have me.

I like Free and Casual Roleplays, since I'm not as used to Advanced Roleplays anymore, and it takes forever for me to come up with something, but if the ideia has something to do with magic and magical creatures, I might even consider joining. I like to read all of them, though. Yes, read, you got that right. So if you have a RP that is worth looking at, and you need someone who actually reads it before finally joining, count me in, I'd really appreciate it.

Anyways, enough rambling, I've made my point here.

... Just one more thing: I'm interested in RPing by PM, if you'd like to. Especially if it has romance."

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Enhanced Combat:


Force Field:
Heeeeeey, here it is! :D Sorry for the delay~
Also, I don't think the other received the warning that you posted on the other thread D;

Name: Aldwine “Aldi” Redley
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Appearance: Redish long hair with bangs, big hazel eyes and slightly pinkish pale skin. Slightly lean body, medium chest size, 121 pounds and 5 feet tall. Like to wear comfortable clothes, and most of the time uses hoodies, with a tank top beneath it, and jeans. Looks bored sometimes, but gets the brightest smile whenever she sees or knows about something she likes.

Personality: Easy going but short fused whenever someone insults something she likes, Aldi can sometimes be very contradicting to people at first. She gets shy whenever meeting someone, but warms up rather quickly, it the person lets her. Being trustworthy is one her best qualities, but also one her weaknesses, for she thinks most of the people she knows will be this way as well. She doesn’t get distracted so easily, but when it comes to food and games you can count on her to join in right away.

Enhanced Condition: 1
Force Field: 2
Enhanced Combat: 3
Transformation (Steel): 4

Non-Magical Combat:
Guns: 1
Hand to Hand: 3
Knives: 2
Acrobatics: 4

Support Skills:
Healing (others): 2
Fast Learning: 3
Technology Knowledge: 3
Blending In (Crowds): 2

Having relationship problems with others, Aldwine was never the girl people thought she was. She had some problems starting conversations, yes, but nothing she couldn’t get away with when talking about technology. After all, ever since she was little, Aldi, as her parents call her, always had fascination for anything that could, well, fascinate her. That caused other boys to bully her. So she earned how to fight with her older brother, who thought she could handle herself. Little did he know that she would become almost a delinquent when she grew up. She attracted attention to herself when, one day, when some random guy came make fun of her, she punched his nose out of anger. Since then, other guys came to even things with her, but only came out with a broken nose, as the first one, and his ego damaged. It was only a small girl, after all. They didn’t know, however, that she knew she could fight better than all of them together. So when they came as a group she was ready and didn’t back out. And every single one of them came out with a broken nose, a damaged ego and a desire to never underestimate a girl ever again. At that time, she was 10 years old.

Aldwine’s desire to learn things wasn’t damaged, however, and so she kept learning whatever she could, with something she likes to call “fast reading”, result of nights and days of reading non-stop, including school books. She wasn’t that good doing tests, though, being always able to barely make it through. She was a nervous person.

It wasn’t until she was fifteen that Aldwine found out that she could have steel skin, however. Aldwine wasn’t ready for it, and became only more nervous with her body, since it happened out of nowhere one day at home. Her brother saw it and decided to help her hide from her parents.

At school, Aldwine’s behaviour became even more mysterious and Aldwine became even more secluded than she was before, fear of being excluded from society overwhelming her. That caused the girl not only read more but get involved with fights more. She almost became part of a gang, being able to reach the stage of trainee, but became disgusted with it after they tortured many people in front of her, because she was supposed to know how it worked. When she left, saying what she thought, no one dared to confront her, for they knew that if they did, they wouldn’t be able to get away alive, and also because they knew she wasn’t going to tell anyone. Instead, Aldwine became protector of the weak, without almost no one knowing.

One day, when Aldwine was at school, reading as always, she found a book. A weird and old-looking book, which contained strange words. She showed the librarian, but the other didn’t know where it came from and let the girl have it, after a series of pleading looks. Aldwine came home with the book, and found out that she actually read the thing, and found out how to control her powers of transformation. After some time practicing, she faced the end of the book, finding the description of an island, saying she could know a lot more if she went there. when she turned 18 she convinced her parents of letting her go, with the help of her brother, showing them what she was capable of. After some days of thinking, and convincing of both Aldwine’s and her brother's, part they let her and so began her travel to the mysterious island. Mostly because they could keep in touch with her.

Notable Items: a necklace her brother and her parents gave her.
Thanks! :3
Will post me character tomorrow, sorry for the delay XD
Oh, that's right, what are some of the possibilities of characters we could make, besides Seekers?

You also mentioned that there's some racism towards asuras, do they even have a place in a city, or is it like "you can't be here, go somewhere else *kicks*"?
Hey, it has an OOC already! :D
Are we supposed to post the CS here first, or just post in the Characteres tab?
Yes, yes! :D Our characters wouldn't know, of course haha
A fantasy city sounds great, since we could build it up as we wanted :3

3) I was thinking there shouldn't be any plasma weapons and other such fantasy weapons, just silver bullets and hand-held mortars. Perhaps flamethrowers as well.

FLAMETHROWERS!!! *ahem* Sorry, got a little carried away here, my bad.

Also, the rp could very well start off with some sort of betrayal on somebody's end that sparked the war in the first place.

That would be cool, but we'd have to define who's "the bad guy" of it all. Unless a third party betrayed each of the races, and Vampires thought the Werewolves were responsible and vice-versa.
Nice! Now I'm really interested!
I'm very interested. :3
Welcome, welcome! :D
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