Avatar of pareidolia
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    1. pareidolia 9 yrs ago


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hey everyone! I'm new here, trying to get back into play-by-post, something I used to very much enjoy before life got hard xD sooo yeah, I'm pretty advanced when I roleplay, I absolutely love writing, it's not just a hobby for me, I am considering pursuing a career for it once I'm older. I'm fifteen, and I'm ready to roleplay!!! Just hit meup if you wanna engage in one, I don't bite!!

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of course not! you can have whatever part you want :3
I shrugged again. How long was it going to take her to realize I didn't know how to speak? I opened my mouth once more, bit my lip, and shut it again. I couldn't speak. No matter how hard I tried to push words out, I couldn't do it. I sighed gently, shaking my head sadly. I wanted to talk, I really did. The answers to her questions were swarming in my mind, but I just didn't know hot to express them. A tear slipped down my cheek, and I sent her a silent gaze of sorrow, hoping at least that would get her to understand, though I saw her reading it more as another, more somber, 'I don't know.'
I blinked at her, biting my lip. I shrugged slowly, turning my gaze back down to my hands. I didn't want to answer. No. I didn't know how to answer. I opened my mouth, hoping words would magically come out, but nothing happened for me. I sighed quietly, shaking my head. I couldn't answer. I was an amnesiac, and maybe that would cause me to forget to speak. That would be my excuse, if I did ever decide to speakagain. I shrugged my shoulders again, avoiding her gaze. Maybe she would understand that I couldn't speak. I hoped she would understand, I really didn't want to try and explain and hell, embarrass myself in front of this girl.
thank you c: I'm hoping a few others will seek potential in it as well, it's the idea for a story I'm planning on beginning to write, and I'm hoping some roleplaying will help inspire me with it, for I kinda reached a dead end with it.
I managed a weak smile, nodding my head slowly. Still no words slipped from my lips. It's not like I could introduce myself; I couldn't remember my own name. I looked down at my hands, which were still fresh from when they had found me earlier that day. I licked my lips, looking up at the long-haired girl once more, gently shrugging my shoulders. I didn't know how to say I had no questions for her, but I could see in her eyes that she had questions for me. I nodded slowly at her again, telling her to just continue. I already knew it was coming. I just hoped she wouldn't be as harsh as the officer. HE reminded me too much of the man who had inflicted all this pain on me, and he was someone I truly didn't want to remember.
It all started with a troubled, unloved, abused, seventeen year old girl.
A small group home, located in a neighborhood in Southern California, was "under attack." They hadn't done anything wrong, they were just abused boys and girls whom couldn't find a foster family that wanted them. This killer, just wanted to kill. A sociopath who felt nothing, who could feel nothing. Blood lust was clear in the woman's eyes, and she was out for blood. None of the children in the group home escaped her deadly clutches, nor did the group mother. A couple hours later, all nine body's were found, each with a gunshot in the head and an "A" carved into their foreheads. Some of the had hints of cocaine powder along the edges of the "A".

"A" was the only clue they had on the killer. And well that she was on drugs. No DNA, no appearance, only the "A". They didn't know that she was a female. They didn't know ANYTHING. Homicides were popping everywhere. Age or gender or physical appearance didn't matter, to her it was kill our be killed. Everyone is California was terrified that they would be next. Hopped up on alcohol, cocaine, and sociopathic wishes, she jumped around Cali, murdering as she pleased, and leaving an "A" wherever she went. Sometimes it was carved into the victims. Sometimes it was written in blood on the wall. It didn't matter how, but the "A" was always there.

It was two years of these killings by the unknown, until she finally made her first mistake.

She had been sober for too long. She decided on a little house in Northern California. It was a mother, a father, and seven children. Oh, how she knew she would love this. She sauntered up to the door, picked the lock, and instead of killing them, it would've been easy in their sleep, she broke into the liquor cabinet. Her whole plan cascaded down as she breathed in the smell of the Jack Daniels. She collapsed on the floor of the kitchen and drank, clutching her gun to her stomach, and moaning gently as though the taste pleasured her.

"Who are you?!" a voice shouted. She turned her head, slowly standing. She raised her gun, watching as a teen age girl, maybe a year younger than she, step out into the dim moonlight. "Oh my god.." the teenage girl whispered gently, before she felt to the ground, killed by a silenced gunshot. She knew the girl had given her away. She ran up the steps, and into the room with the two twin boys, just in time for the father to burst in behind her. She held a gun to one of the child's heads.
"You do anything or call the cops, and I will kill your little boys, and I WILL FEEL NOTHING." she hissed, and the father winced, before shouting to his wife not to call the cops. There wasn't anything he could do. "Your daughter is already dead. I will not hesitate to take every single one of your children's lives, and make you watch. Bring all your children in here and your wife, as well as every single fucking electronic. I promise you I will kill them if you do not obey." The man obliged, fear shining in his eyes, before rushing downstairs.

Hours passed. She was now holding this place hostage. She could kill. Or, she could leave. Or, should do something she wasn't sure she was capable of. Love.

{Alright, I apologize for the very super long intro, but I dunno, I wanted a good background. My character is in fact the killer. So, the characters I need people to play are:
The father
The mother
5 year old twin boy #1
5 year old twin boy #2
The 8 year old daughter
The 12 year old daughter
The 15 year old son
The 18 year old son

If you couldn't tell, her whole mistake is falling in love with the 18 year old who is disgusted by her. She holds the family hostage for almost six months, before the 18 year old gets the guts to turn her in after drugging her drink. Yeah I dunno I had fun planning this out sooooo yeah
When I woke up next, a new tray of food was settled beside my bed. I sat up slowly, biting my lip and looking around. I absolutely hated being in unfamiliar places, especially with cold people like that officer that questioned me. I sighed quietly, running a shaking hand through my red hair before reaching over to take the glass of water from the tray. I practically dropped it as my doctor came rushing in. I sighed at the spilled water all over me, and he apologized quickly, padding my chest down with a napkin. "That officer is giving me a hard time. I'm sorry my dear."
I only nodded, unable to find the words to speak.
"There's a journalist that wanted to see you.. the town is so small, nothing interesting really happens here. You're the first even in ages."
I rolled my eyes. I couldn't find the words to snap back what I was thinking, so I kept silent, looking down at the quivering cup of water.
"So can I please bring her in?"
I shrugged in answer, setting the water back down on to the tray.

"Can you hear me?"
I blinked open my eyes, but could see nothing. I heard more shouts.
"Darling, please tell me if you can hear me!"
I slowly moved my head to the side, the snow scraping against the back of my neck. "Why is it so cold?" I murmured, and the person above me gently shook my shoulders, obviously trying to get my attention. I didn't answer his constant question, and continued to voice my own thoughts. "Why can't I see? Why is it so cold?" I repeated that question, more than once. "Why is it so cold?" The person above me was obviously freaking out.
"We're losing her!" he shouted, his voice ringing in my ears. "Please stay with us. Don't close your eyes. We'll get you out of the snow soon, just don't close your eyes," he begged, his warm hand touching my cheek.
I couldn't see him. This bothered me. Disregarding his begs, I let my lids shut. "If I can't see with them open, I might as well keep them closed," I murmured, before drifting off into some restless type of sleep.

When I woke up next, I could see this time. It was a bit blurry, but I could see, none the less. I was in a hospital. It smelled deeply of sanitation, alcohols. I wrinkled my nose, blinking my eyes, trying to clear my vision. My ears perked at the sound of voice outside my fancy little curtain.
"She's a Jane Doe. No I.D., no wallet, no cell phone, nothing."
"How did you find her?"
"Some snowboarders reported it."
"Hmm. Any wounds?"
"She has multiple large contusions on her head, arms, and legs, as well as a couple deep cuts. I've stitched up the dangerous ones."
"Attempted murder?"
"It's possible, but the only blows that could've killed her were to the head, and those appeared to only cause minor damage."
"Alright. I'll need to question her as soon as she wakes."
"Sir, I don't think that's a good--"
"Retrieve me as SOON as she wakes."
"Yes sir.."
The conversation ended and I bit my lip. What happened to me? I couldn't remember anything, hell, I couldn't even remember my own name.. I glanced up as the curtain drew open, and my doctor stepped into my little sectioned of, make-shift room.
"oh, you're awake. Drink this please." he handed me a cup of water, and I sipped on it slowly. "Can you remember anything? Your name?"
I looked up at him, and slowly shook my head, wincing in pain.
"take it easy there. I'm going to retrieve the officer." He stood and left again, but soon returned with the officer.

\\\\\\\\\\\after the questioning\\\\\\\\\\\\
I was honestly exhausted. I was tired of being asked questions. I couldn't eat, and the couldn't force me, so I just shoved the tray down at my feet, leaned my head back against my pillow and closed my eyes. "What's my name?" I asked myself, my voice but an unfamiliar rasp.

//pretty much, just jump in whatever way you can. nobody in this town knows her. she escaped a kidnapper, and uhm yeah that's all, but the kidnapper is after again so I'll need someone to play HIM.... yeah anyways, enjoy yourselves!!

hay everyone! >-< I'm pareidolia, but you can just call me parei! I haven't post-by-post rped in awhile, but happily I'm finding my muse again, and my absolute love for writing has returned! My old play-by-post site was shut down, so I went on a search for new ones and well, here I am! I hope I can make some good friends on here like I did with my last site.

A little about parei:
I am fifteen, and an honors student in high school.
I tend to get sick a lot, so I'm home often.
I am a gamer, xbox is love xbox is life lol
I consider myself an advanced RPer, and I tend to type paragraphs at a time... OOPS!
I love the Walking Dead.
I'm a hopeless romantic, so I tend to participate in romance roleplays a lot.
I am a girl if you couldn't tell already cx
I'm really random.
I'm into a few dark ideas... well not dark but I like the riskiness of drugs and weapons and stuff... I dunno lol
I feel like I'm easy to get along with
I tend to babble a lot...

Well, if you have anything you want to know bout me or if you wanna roleplay.... hit me up! I'm eager to start!
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