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    1. percius388 7 yrs ago


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Harvey chuckled as he saw the snow melting under her and her bluntness, reminded him of a friend from his earlier years, but that's the past. He was excited beyond reason to get to his new forge. He had never owned his own place before and saved up by helping on guy here, another there, fix this guys armor, make this girl a sword, and so on. He was excited to start working and be of use to the locals and too whoever paid him.

He knew there was something to do with the rebellion here, and if they needed a smith he would gladly help. He wasn't too fond of war, let alone helping either side, but money is money... And he has taxes to pay. He followed the leader to the industrial zone with a small grin.

"So how long have you two been in town?"
Good morning fellow adventurers!
He was a little startled by another person approaching him but he wouldn't say no. These were the first two to offer help, and two guides are better then one.

"Hmmm Enchanted fuel... Sounds promising. I wouldn't mind the extra hand, especially if the enchanted fuel saves me some time and money. Once we get there and look around I will ask you a few more questions then we can make a deal, okay miss?"

He smiled widely, He hasn't seen a friendly face in a while and here are two of them! Harvey agreed with Seraphina on how she seemed young to be a skilled enchantress, but some of life's best things come in small packages. Maybe if these two are the adventurous sorts he could send them to retrieve the rarer materials he enjoyed smithing with. His magic allowed him to do some cool and weird things after all. One time he made a sword and cooled it in slime jelly and inlaid dust from a timberwolf's bone. The sword had the oddest magical properity of an acidic cut that attracted beasts... Usefulness questionable... But a neat thing none the less.

@BrightSteel @Avali
I will souls rp. I would rather a Bloodborn one if you want. ;)
I don't really mind. Go for it man

I wasn't sure but guessed. I haven't played DS3 personally past the elder cursewood because I play at a friends house. But I have seen crystal sage!

I want to continue but we should let others catch up/join in if they want.

I like her. Can I ask what the crystal magic does?
"Ah, Seraphina you say. That's a lovely name", Harvey smiled and looked into her stare. Her red eyes were certainly piercing but he had seen the piercing gaze of many people and things, so it didn't bother him, "though Blaise seems to fit with your warming aura. Perhaps you would accompany me to my new forge? I still do not know the town and could use a hand getting around."

He was honest with that and not meaning to sound flirty... This town looked all the same to him in all this snow. Old buildings covered in white, Signs coated in frost, streets and alleys all the same to newcomers... Harvey totally didn't get lost in this place 4 times now... No, not at all. He shifted his bag under the cloak after the bow to steady the weight of his personal belongings.
As she pointed she realized he probably should have looked for the smoke before hand. He was honestly hoping she would accompany him there, but he wouldn't flat out say it unless she seemed interested. Yet that glow... She had to be able to do something with fire or he had no clue what magic was. He chuckled to himself a little.

"Oh? I had no clue. Thank you so much. My name's Harvey by the way. Harvey Svarr Thess. If you ever need a blade or armor forged, feel free to stop by. Might I ask for yours?"

He did a little bow and looked up with a smile.
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