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    1. PharaohAtem 11 yrs ago


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Name: Felia
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Wild Neko
Faction: Wild Nekos

Personality: Felia is a happy and cheerful neko who always has a smile on her face. She is extremely generous to others, kind to her friends and always expects the best from them. This is because she is naïve. She always looks on the bright side. Felia's only wish is to help as many as she can, offering her services completely free to anyone who requests her help. She is popular among the small farming villagers. She is selfless and extremely humble. When it comes to enemies she takes on a more serious and cautious approach to the battle.

Powers: Courage Embodiment
Bravery Embodiment
Courage Empowerment
Courage Weapon Manifestation
Bravery Evolution
Courage Evolution
Absolute Clarity of Mind
Absolute Mental Focus
Inspiration Empowerment
Weapon Mastery
Joy Embodiment
Joy Empowerment
Sentimental Attachment:

Twin Longbows - A set of Crowbows that are magical enhanced to rapid fire and auto reload
Magic Bombs: Bombs that have been blest by the Primordials to harness the power of the Gods
Herding Scepter - A staff that can summon and herd Cockatrice
The Book of Magic: A magic Grimoire which has the spells used by ancients
Witch's Hat - A hat which increases magical energy and magical power
Golden Sigil - On her forehead, gives the power to overcome any situation with courage and bravery.
Magic Robes - A set of robes which increases magical energy and magical power
Gem of Power - A rare gem which changes color depending on what magic is being used. Turns any staff into a magic rod. Attached to her Herding Scepter.

Felix's Gifts

Magic Flute - A simple flute that can record and create songs of power and control the vibrations of sound
Spring Liaded Hammer - A hammer with a built in Spring
Iron Clad Boots - Weighted Boots
Herme's Boots - Enhanced Speed
Hover Boots - Allows you to hover, walk or run on air.
Silver Gauntlets - Enhanced Strength
Multi Shot - A slingshot which can shoot multiple pellets
Mirror Shield - A extremely reflective shield
Biggoron's Sword - A huge one handed Sword.... for Goron
Longshot - A hookshot that has a 20 meter range.
Bunny Hood: A Hood with bunny ears, granting Enhanced Speed
Magnetic Gloves: Gloves that draws in magnetic objects
Ball and Chain - A huge heavy metal ball attached to a chain
Gale Boomerang - A Boomerang blessed by Wind to control the gale forces.


Name: Prism Blue
Gender: Female
Age: 3200
Species: Demonic Nimbats
Faction: Nimbats

Personality: Prism Blue, or just Prism for short is a smart and wise leader. Like her father, she is kind and is willing to do anything to help others. Still, despite her father and mother's strong emotional connections for hatred Prism just can't find it in her heart to hate at all. She always tries to shine a light even in the darkest moments. She will try to grab onto anything to cheer up her friends, motivate and lighten up the mood. Like Blue, she truly believes that you don't need to turn to darkness to be powerful.

Powers: Magic, Energy Manipulation, Demonic Force Manipulation, Demon Dust Manipulation, Elysium Empowerment, Elysium Energy Manipulation, Elysium Wisdom, Elysium Foresight, Elysium Creation
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon:Elysium Sword of Magic, Leaders Sigil Black Star Sword

Pet Name:
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Pet Personality:

Pet Power 1:
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Name: Nina Nina
Gender: Female
Age: 2000
Species: Inumimi
Faction: Intimidate

Personality: Nina Nina is a kind and considerate person. She truly believes that there is Magic in Friendship. She talks about the power Friendship has fairly often. Nina will do whatever it takes to protect her friends. Nina will try her hardest to be friends with everyone, even if they don't particularly like her. She is smart and always tries to think ahead of her enemies. She is the core strategist in the Neko Kingdom in her world.

Powers: Mathical Evaluation, Friendship Mastery, Friendship Morphing
Sentimental Attachment: Ear Ring of Bestowal, Ear Ring of Friendship


Name: Jafic
Age: 90 Million
Gender: Male
Species: Genie

Personality: Jafic is an arrogant and self centered Genie who only cares about Power and himself. He announces to everyone almost all the time that he is the All Powerful Genie. Jafic is fairly smart but his arrogance and cockiness often puts him down in battle. He often underestimates his oppunents unless he has fought them multiple times before. Yet even then, he sees them as Mortal as says mortals' learning speed in centuries slower than his. In battle he will frequenty claim that he cannot be defeated because he is the All Powerful Genie and that no God nor Demon can stand to his true might.

Powers: Ultimate Genie Magic, Gem Empowerment, Ultimate Strength, Genie Elemental Manipulation, Rune Mastery

As a sword

Genie Elemental Manipulation = Able to change physical form at will, Rune Mastery, Genie Aura Manipulation
Name: Morrigan
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Witch
Faction: Umknown

Personality: Morrigan is extremely self centered and only does something if it benefits her in some way. There are extremely rare exceptions however. She is snarky, sarcastic and often mocks those who she dislikes and those who are just plain stupid. Morrigan loves to learn whenever she can but she will never risk her life for knowledge. It is rare that Morrigan makes a true friend but when she does it is the only time she puts her own needs to the side. With help over the years, she has learned to be compassionate and caring towards certain people. While she may not risk life and limb to save her friends she will do whatever she can to protect them whenever she can.

Powers: Arcane Magic, Elemental Manipulation, Life Force Manipulation, Rune Magic
Sentimental Attachment:


Name: Sarka
Gender: Male
Age: 800
Species: Flying Mantaray
Faction: Flying Mantarays

Personality: Sarka is from an ancient family line of Flying Mantaray. It is because of this that he is a rather unique case. Sarka has managed to master the traditions and powers of his race. As for who he is, Sarka is smart for someone his age. There isn't anyone in his species that has matched his IQ. The average IQ For his age is 280,000. His IQ however is roughly 300'000. It is because of his IQ that he has unmatched perception skills and prediction skills. His magic is more focused, precise and often better than people expect from him. Sarka is kind and friendly towards everyone including his enemies yet he is always prepared for battle and is never caught off guard. When fighting, Sarka is more aggressive than you would expect from his friendly nature. While he may not kill, he will not hold anything back and gives it his all. He analysis every attack and evaluates it, working out the best way to counter or dodge if needed. After battle, whether he had won or lost, he complements his oppunents. He tells them how he can improve and what they could do better.

Powers: Water Mastery, Magic Prodigy, Density Manipulation, Shark Physiology

Specialty: Marine Specialist

Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name: Decay
Pet Age: 790
Pet Gender: Male
Pet Species: Angelic Familiar
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality: Decay is bonded to Sarka in more ways than just one, physically connected. Their emotions and thoughts are tied knowing what each other feels and thinks. Decay has taken some of Sarka's Personality as his own, being super friendly to everyone he meets including his enemies. Like Sarka, even going to the point to trying to befriend them. Still, when it comes to battle, Decay won't pull back any punches. Like Sarka, he will go all out. Decay will do anything to protect Sarka and will even give advice to other Angelic Companions on how to improve and further protect or understand their charge. He does this because he shares the IQ of Sarka due to them being connected. Decay, despite knowing Sarka doesn't need it will give advice and strategy tips too. Still, Decay isn't all perfect. As his name may suggest, he has a extremely dark power. He enjoys using it as he likes the feel of the dark energy that flows through him and will often suggest using it, even if they don't need to just to see if Sarka agrees.

Pet Powers: Magic, Corruption Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Angelic Force Manipulation
Name: Radiant Sunbeam
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Species: Draconic
Faction: Dragon Clan

Personality: Radiant is one of the most aggressive members of her clan. Just as aggressive as Kacchan himself. She doesn't care who she is fighting or what she is fighting, whether it be training or not Radiant will not hold back. She believes that in order to make a strong warrior you must teach them to survive and force them to fight for their lives or die. Of course Radiant isn't completely evil. If she does happen to kill someone in training she will revive them before throwing them in the trash. Her mentality has helped her become the second in command of the Dragon Clan. She was the one who had chosen the War Commander and was honestly surprised when she was forced to pick a Lalafell. Of all the potential warriors for the War Commander she never expected it to be someone so small or whose appearance was so non threatening.

Emperor Draconis is agressive being once a Dragon Emperor but compared to Radiant he is like a Neko. Draconis is kind and friendly towards others but he won't hesitate to suggest war if the clan is threatened. His downfall is that he is extremely self centered and believes that only true Draconic can be warriors. He despises any impure blood as he believes it weakens the clan as a whole.

Powers: Dragon Physiology, Elemental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon:Elysium Dragon Empeor Sword


Name: Bewulf
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Species: Demon Spirit
Faction: Mad King

Personality: Bewulf is a servant who is bound to the Mad King, like all of his servants. His only goal in life is to serve the King. Do whatever he says and not fail him. Still, despite being bound, he isn't completely mindless. The King allowed him to keep his personality like the others so he could feel fear, knowing what would happen if he failed.

Bewulf won't hold anything back. Unless told to capture, he will go straight for the kill. He doesn't want to take any chances that he may fail his King if he takes his time. Bewulf is smart and thoughtful in battle, figuring out the best way to end it quickly. He doesn't care for friends and he doesn't care about being rescued from the Mad King. He knows as long as he is loyal and pleases his King, he is safe from harm.

Powers: Demonic Force Manipulation, Trait Possession, Spirit Physiology, Ethereal Manipulation, Elemental Possession, Bone Manipulation, Ethereal and Spectral Elemental Manipulation
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name:
Pet Age:
Pet Gender:
Pet Species:
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality:

Pet Power 1:
Pet Power 2:
Name: Gold Percival
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Species: Human
Faction: Humans

Personality: Gold Percival is a very rightious man. He has sworn to maintain Justice and Order no matter what the consequences. Gold will stop at nothing to stop any and all evil. However being a very Justice focused person Gold doesn't kill. He believes that a true hero doesn't take lives no matter what they have done. He will often try and convince others to see the other side using his morality sense to help him. He can sense even the tiniest of light in someone's heart and Gold will try and strengthen that light if he is able to.

Justice, Gold's trusted sword has taught Gold well in the principles of Justice and Honor. Justice tries his best to help Gold in protecting Justice and fighting in the code of Honor. Justice believes that everyone no matter who they are has the potential for goodness as well as a potential for evil. It all depends which potential is greatest but even the smallest potential for good can be enough to show them the true path. Justice tries to help Gold when he can to help bring the good out in somebody.

Powers: Superior Telekinesis, Justice Empowerment, Gem Manipulation, Gem Empowerment, Energy Manipulation, Hero Embodiment, Destiny Chosen, Guardianship, Pure Soul, Morality Sense, Pure Soul
Sentimental Attachment:
Weapon:Elysium Sword of Justice


Name: Gwen
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Species: Human
Faction: Mad King

Personality: Gwen is one of the few surviving assassins who survived the horrific torture and experiments the Mad King put them through. She has become bitter and angry but has learned through painful training to focus that anger on her enemies. Gwen is smart and cunning, she makes sure she has a plan before she acts and studies the situation and her targets. Her eyes have been modified with Biotic Modifications, allowing her to focus and "zoom in" her sight. At this point, Gwen doesn't believe she can be saved nor does she really care. As long as she lives, that is all that matters to her. If one day she is freed then Gwen plans to use her skills and powers to destroy anything or anyone in her way.

Powers: Biotic Field Manipulation, Biotic Technology Manipulation, Biotic Foresight, Biotic Emotion Empowerment, Biotic Weapon Creation, Biotic Strength, Biotic Intelligence, Biotic Reflexes
Sentimental Attachment:

Pet Name:
Pet Age:
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Pet Species:
Pet Appearance:

Pet Personality:

Pet Power 1:
Pet Power 2:

Clara smiled as Blue went grabbed her leg but before he could get a hold of it and send his lighting into it she sung her free hand at her leg sending out a magic blade to cut her leg off as Clara span in the air again to readjust for her landing she cast a simply healing spell on her to regrow a new leg as she looked back to sky as she flew back into the air

“You said you where the better choice to wield Ahrah even going as far as to brag about your training while belittling Blue for a his lack of training yet one of the main reasons warriors train is to hone their reflexes and to master their techniques so throughly that their body’s can move on their own without even thinking of needed yet you couldn’t react fast enough to stop my punch even though you had plenty of time given my glare and the fact I attack Blue first yet he didn’t hesitate for a second and because of that he managed to not only block my attack but counter it while you where barley able to block because you hesitated so how are you button suited to protecting Ahrah and even if we ignore this little demonstration Ahrah is the legendary sword of knowledge and magic he knows all and he chose Blue deeming him the most worthy out of not only everyone here but the whole world are you really trying to imply you know more then Ahrah? How arrogant can possibly you be?”

Pixie looked around until she saw Clara. She flew over to her now seeing her demon horns.

"Clara, I have a quick question for you. Where exactly are you from? Who were your parents? I don't think Kat has ever mentioned you."

She stared at Clara, waiting for her reply.


Clara turned to Pixie surprised at her questions and confused as to why she came back out of her room so suddenly to ask them Clara knew she couldn't discuss this openly nor could she even answer those questions to honestly

"you should go back to bed and get some rest we can talk later"

'Pixie the Demon code pervents me from answering some questions at this time but what i can say is you nor any of your people have heard of my parents before and i was raised in hell as i am half demon although i am no enemy of thr nimbats as Red Dawn said i am a friend'

Pixie listened to Clara then gave a slow nod. She started to fly away but quickly stopped. She turned around and asked one last question.

"Clara, have we ever been enemies? Have you ever sworn to stop me?"

She stared at Clara one last time waiting her answer.


Clara looked at Pixie with even more confusion wondering why she’s asking these questions all of a sudden Clara thought for a moment about how exactly she worded her question before answering

‘No I have never been your enemy I have never sworn to stop you like I said before o am no threat to the nimbats”

Clara then sent a telepathic message to Grace Foxy Frost and Kinoa

"something is off with Pixie she is acting strange and asking questions about things she shouldn't even be aware of the timline is in flux and even more changes are coming i'm not sure what or how this will effect the future yet'
Clara and Ruby

Ruby gave blue an agreeable nod as he promised to fight her once things had settled down meanwhile Clara shot Sky a death glare as she had the nerve to suggest she was better then Blue and was more deserving of Ahrah then he was Clara clenched her fist as she jumped into the air as she span her body around to kick Blue in the side of the head and punch Sky in the face

Watched as Red Dawn rubbed the fact that Sky had Blue guard Ahrah only for Ahrah to choose Blue Clara put on a sweet and innocent tone as she began to speak after Red Dawn

As you heard my name is Clara and I’m a huge fan of your blue your commitment to guarding Ahrah is legendary as well I’ve heard how your dedication is only matched by your brains and your one of the most skilled fighters in the nimbat city I’m sure that why you where chosen for such honour and I’m sure that’s why Ahrah chose you to become the legendary hero and leader of the Elysian swords wielders I’m sure you will make a great leader you have everything you need to succeed after all Ahrah would never have chose you if he didn’t believe that and with Ahrah by your side and his knowledge at your disposal you can’t faile”
Rose Clara and Kinoa

Suddenly the mantas showed up in heaven as Rose Clara and Kinoa looked on in shock with everything going on Rose eyes suddenly glowed as she was hit with a powerful shockwave as her eyes glowed perked up when Kion mentioned the Elysian sword of knowledge Ahrah she had about a dozen questions at this point but that was when Grace teleported everyone back to the nimbat city she looked around at the shear scale of the destruction in horror as she decided to hold off for now on the questions for now she looked around and saw Palka lay dying with Thunder injured close by him she ran over and as she summoned her Grimoire as it floated in the air next to her it began flipping though pages and pages of different spells until it settled on one that could help as Rose reached Palka she knelt down beside him and Thunder first she would cast a pretty advanced reconstruction spell that would take all the body parts and blood that Palka lost in the explosion and convert them into biological sludge then it would stick to Palka and reform his body while at the same time repairing Thunders broken bones once that was done the Grimoire flipped to a new page this time a resurrection spell as she cast that Palkas heart would start beating once again Rose looked around and saw that most people had already been healed at this point and decided to walk back over to Grave and the others while this was going on Clara looked around at what was left of the Nimbat city after a moment of shock Clara turned to Grace Foxy Kinoa

“This mess is mostly sorted out so I’ll leave you guys to deal with the rest”

With that Clara used magic to hide her demonic attributes as she ran off to find Blue figuring he will be with Sky and Pixie as she ran past Red Dawn she stopped for a moment before running off again

“Red Dawn follow me trust me your going to want to see this”

With that Clara continued running towards the Center of the city

Just as Clara reached Blue she saw the forest light up as a fire suddenly spread though the forest

“Great what’s changing now”

Nightingale and Pearl

After a few moments Nightingale and the others entered the sprit world the danger had passed

“Miarikia the danger has passed now please summon your cauldron so I came make another portal potion”

Almost immediately Miarikias cauldron showed up in front of her a bit battered and dented but nothing Nightingale couldn’t fix with a bit of her alchemy once she was done Nightingale jump into the portal once again as Pearl followed behind her once again Nightingale and Pearl looked around and saw the devastation Nightingale quickly made a load of healing and manna restoration potions and mixed them together then placed them in a bag and handed it to Pearl Just then that the entire forest erupted into flames

“Don’t worry about the fire the forest is not in danger for now please take these and give them hand them out to all the injured”


Frost felt blues magic healing him as he opened his eyes and looked around in shock wondering what could of possibly change to cause all this destruction Frost got up and joined Red Dawn and Rena as they all sat down for a moment to catch their breath as their injuries continued to heal when Pearl ran over and handed each of them a potion Frost drank and could immediately feel his energy return as his wounds began healing even faster as he began feeling better he saw the forest catch fire he let out a sort sigh realising things weren’t quite over yet but he sense the fire posed no threat to the forest so he simply sat still and rested for now while his wounds healed


Ryiaroar opened his eyes as blue healed him as he looked around he saw Kiwi unconscious he covered his hand in electricity as he slammed his hand down on her chest shocking her awake once he was done he carried her over to were all the injured had gathered with Frost and the others as Pearl handed them each a potion before running off as he drank it he saw a large fire engulf the forest but there wasn’t much he could do at the moment so he simply sat with Kiwi


Bo was coughing up blood as she hung on a tree like a Christmas ornament when she used her dust manipulation to cut the branch that she was hanging on off the tree as she landed on the ground she pulled the branch out of her chest then used her magic to heal herself as he looked around and saw Katnis and Aerial each hanging on a different tree not far from her Bo flew over and pulled them free and healed there wounds just then the forest was set ablaze around them but Bo didn’t sense that they where in any danger in fact it felt like the fire was helping them recover


Ruby was on her way to the second kingdom when suddenly she was hit with a powerful shockwave as her eyes glowed as power swelled up inside her then a second wave came at her before she could react she was sent flying back then again by a third wave and a fourth then fifth this repeated twelve times knocking her back further each time when it was finally over she got back to her feet she could feel she had multiple broken bones but that was nothing she couldn’t heal but before she could even start healing hero’s he was hit by yet another shockwave sending her flying even further back this time she slammed into a rock

“Another are you kidding me”

Ruby got back to her feet once more then began healing herself as she changed direction and headed over to the Nimbat city to investigate the source of theses shockwaves but as she got close to the city she saw yet another shockwave came at her

“Enough! I’ve had it with these god damn shockwaves”

With that Ruby drew her Sword and slashed at the shockwave sending a magic blast at the the shockwave that was disperse it as the energy would simply and safely fade away Ruby continued walking for a few more minutes when she came up the the city she saw utter devastation with multiple people laying dead and a few people flying around trying to heal them one at a time Ruby got this sense that if she helped out here something fun would happen seeing as healing everyone one at a time was a lengthy process and a complete waste of time Ruby placed her hand on the ground and channeled her magic into all the blood that was scattered around the city the blood would begin to glow and as it levitated in the air for a moment before flying back to the source once the blood had returned to its owner the blood would renter their body and would cause the rest of their blood to glow resulting in their body starting to glow as all their wounds and injuries would begin to heal lost lime would be regrown cuts instantly healed the only thing it couldn’t do was bring the dead back to life but that wasn’t a problem it simply required an extra spell Ruby cut her wrist and as blood pored form her veins she created multiple blood arrows that would fly off and strike the hearts of anyone who had died poring magic into their hearts and bringing them back to life Ruby took once last look around as she saw a lot of blood still scattered around the city belonging to those who had already been healed before she arrived or those who simply couldn’t be revived Ruby placed her hand on the ground once again as all the leftover blood began to glow it would gather in the centre of the city forming a large blood ball soon after all the rubble would come flying back weaving around everyone as the buildings reformed back in their rightful place even the dust of the crystals would reform into their original form and return where they belonged Ruby took one last look around seeing that everything had been sorted she began looking for whoever caused those shockwaves as she walked over to Blue and Pixie sensing the power inside them

“So you where the cause of those shockwaves your power is impressive you would make a suitable opponent to test my new powers against fight me”

Ruby simply ignored the raging fire in the forest it didn’t effect her at all she just wanted to test her mew powers in a battle with a strong opponent


Suddenly Akis body began to glow as his body began repairing itself soon enough he opened his eyes and saw his brother laying next to him with a large spear laying on the ground by his side Aki helped him up and they began walking back to the centre of the city as they joined the new group that was forming around Rena

“What the hell just happened?”

Just as he said that he noticed the forest was on fire Aki just looked on in confusion wondering how things could have gotten this bad


Summer was on her floating island above the forest by the Nimbat city when a shockwave hit their force field quickly followed by twelve more as the barrier around the island became unstable another shockwave hit that completely knocked out their shield generator looked on in shock as yet another shockwave began approaching them only for it to disappear just as suddenly Summer flew down to the Nimbat city to investigate the situation once there she quickly found Blue Pixie and Sky in the middle of what used to be the Nimbat city

“I don’t know what happened here but your welcome to come live with us on the Rito island for as long as you want it can be a temporary or even a permanent new base for the nimbats”

Just as she said that the city began rebuilding itself all around them right before her eyes Summers beak just hung open as she looked on speechless as a stranger soon walked over to them But before she could find her words summer saw the forest erupt in a sea of flames but she could sense that it was helping the forest heal so she decided to do nothing about it for now
Rose Clara and Kinoa

Rose watched in horror as she saw Pixie turning dark.

“No this can’t be happening, surely Pixie can’t be the terrifying monster that threatens all life on earth, the monster that even the forces of heaven and hell can’t defeat. This is worse than I ever imagined”

Clara then had this horrible feeling in her gut telling her they had to leave now and it appeared as Foxy had the same feeling as Clara and Foxy then teleported everyone to heaven

“Sorry Grace I don’t know what changes or why all I know is if we had stayed we would been injured and would be in no position to help anyone.”

Nightingale and Pearl

Nightingale and Pearl watched the scene unfold with everyone else when suddenly as Pixie began to turn black Nightingale face began to contort from shock and horror as she was suddenly overcome with a immense sense of impending doom.

“Please follow me quickly”

With that Nightingale hurried over to Miarikia's cauldron practically running to it once there she emptied out Miarikia's potion and quickly made a portal potion that opened up a door way into the spirit world then Nightingale quickly jumped in as Pearl followed close behind her.


Frost watched as Ali continued to belittle and insult Pixie as this continued Pixie's anger continued to build slowly as her fur began to turn black. Suddenly a large shockwave came shooting out from Pixie. Frost's eyes glowed for a moment as power shot out from him creating another shockwave but then the power of that shockwave was swallowed up and by the next dozen shockwaves from Pixie Frost being completely defenceless in that moment was sent flying back into a building by the second shockwave as rubble from the other building came flying at him the force of the impact breaking multiple of his bones and sending bone shards into his heart and lungs as he began coughing up blood the building he was pushed up against was destroyed and sent Frost flying even further back to the outskirts of the city


Aki watched Pixie transform together with his brother unafraid of the situation when suddenly a large shockwave came at them as their eyes glowed and a burst of power shot out from them leaving them helpless against the next set of waves as they were both blown back as Aki was pelted with multiple magic crystals that ripped right though his body causing multiple small explosions tearing off his legs, blowing a hole in his upper right part of his chest causing his right shoulder and arm to be blow off his body as he was thrown next to his brother


Ryiaroar was with his brothers as they watched the King anger Pixie causing her fur to change colour as power swelled up inside her releasing a powerful shockwave quickly followed by multiple shockwaves each more powerful then the last. Everyone was blown back, even Thunder as big as he was couldn’t stay standing when hit with so much force. Ryiaroar was thrown back into a building as he watched in horror as Thunder came flying right at him suddenly Ryiaroar was struck with something as pain radiated from his entire body and his vision went black, his heart exploded and his body went limp. When the dust had settled he could be seen laying on the edge of the city impaled on Thunder's golden horn


Bella was still practicing when the King arrived and paid little attention to what was happening with the King's visit leaving her unaware of what was happening to Pixie when suddenly a powerful magic wave hit her and her eyes glowed as more power was released from Bella only to have her own power come back and hit her with another powerful wave from Pixie suddenly Bella and her instruments were sent flying as Bella slammed into the remains of a broken building the sharp jagged edges of the walls stabbed into her chest as more waves hit her the remains of the building were blown away and Bella was sent flying back again this time with a large stone spike right though her chest as she landed just outside the boundary’s of the forest


Bo had gathered with everyone else to watch the negotiations between the King and Pixie as she looked on in shock at how the King was treating her leader as she watched Pixie start to turn black and a powerful shockwave was sent out from Pixie knocking Bo back as her eyes began to glow but that shockwave was nothing compared to what followed soon after a dozen more shockwaves were sent out destroying buildings sending people flying blowing Bo back even further as she was sent flying out of the city and ended up implied on a tree branch in the forest as she hung their bleeding out as she began losing consciousness.
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