Avatar of Pleek
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    1. Pleek 7 yrs ago


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Due to a combination of factors which consisted of but weren't limited to, confirming the wallet had an acceptable amount of cash for a bit of payment before locking Loganson into a more devious stream of debt, failing to memorize the next address of another client who needed to see collections and being short, while Mysva Kortis was moving away from that apartment block she did not move away from this building quick enough. Because of this she had an unexpected encounter with a motorcyclist goon (@Warborn123).

As she was shoved Missy glared at him and gestured her nail-spiked baseball bat in his vicinity. "Oi watch wh-" and Missy found herself interrupted by a gunshot. Her eyes were dilated as she found herself drawn to look back at the scene. Yes this debtor learned that death was the only other inevitable besides his 'taxes'. With her mouth agape and lips quivering a bit she just stared at the scene.

"C'mon! Cripes what kinda savage... A straight up shooting just complicates matters." Missy exclaimed clearly exacerbated. She simply shook her head when a serendipitous thought occurred to her. She leaned her baseball bat against a nearby wall as she dug through the ammunition from her purse and pulled out her cellphone. As it was powered on she began to scroll through contacts before pulling up something listed as "Kalom's Smoking Hogs".

'Aisle spill; fresh pork on sale.' With that somewhat coded message texted out, the dwarf returned her phone to her purse as she collected her bat.

"Like hey dude, or dudette, dunno frankly don't care. Like I don't give a flying cosmic geode about whatever the bastard has in, you can swindle the place buuuuuuuut..." Missy used her baseball bat to gesture at the corpse of the ex-debtor and drug dealer, "This right here, this is my property now. So don't bother me during transport kay? Don't want things getting messy well messier." with that said the dwarf grabbed a hold of one of the cadaver's arms and began pulling. She glanced back at the motorcyclist goon as she continued to pull on the corpse, "Oh and sweetie, next time before you use swear words, at least us ones that have a proper context; can't be a rock-humper without the necessary chisel. Try gravel gargler."

Finishing with that quip Missy once again returned her focus onto moving the body away from this property and make her way to that particular, well as certain euphemisms would put it a 'road kill conservationist', or to those who prefer brutal honesty 'a black alley "doctor" who doesn't mind harvesting organs for others to sell on the black market'.
Opening the doors to the cafeteria Lucia R. Braun spotted an older peer of hers, that "Princess" Luna Albeircht, who happened to heading out of the cafeteria. Perhaps this Luna was attempting to hide for she knew that in her heart of hearts that she was going to be upstaged by the wonder that was Lucia R. Braun. Sneering at Luna, there was a quick crack of the riding crop against a nearby wall as Lucia began staring her up and down.

"Vell, vell, vell..." Lucia R. Braun began before leaning forward and waggling one of her free index finger. "If isn't zee Preeencess..." With a scowl on her face Lucia R. Braun did a mock curtsey while shaking her head. With a twinkling glimmer of hate in her eye, Braun simply pointed at the cafeteria.

"Vatchen how un real diva, nein un Empress does it." declared Lucia as she sensually swayed into the cafeteria. Dramatically she pointed up with her riding crop, paying very little attention to how any of the other potential students would react.

After all it was showtime. And so Lucia R. Braun began to sing, while deliberately choosing to not bring any outside focus or enhancement yet.

"I'm not like most girls/
Who only take just take what they're given"

Sang Braun as she dramatically stepped on the side of a cafeteria bench-seat and stole a rice-ball jelly donut from some poor sap. She intensely leaned her body back as she took a bite from the item, before tossing it. With a mixture of swaying and a modicum of dancing she continued on, traversing the cafeteria with her imposed melody.

"Like a plastic little princess/
Lucky for me/
I'm not like those girls/
Who only take it all for granted"
In the middle of a hallway leading to the cafeteria Lucia R. Braun laid her buttocks against a set of locker as she leaned foward. Her eyes were predatory as she glanced from both side to side as to assure herself that no one was coming. From this preliminary scan Braun did not seem to see any 'prey' that were wandering. With that out of the way Lucia twirled around to face the lockers she was resting against. Bending down she began to enter the code necessary for the bottom most locker to open.


Lucia stared into the locker and saw that, yes, Herr Kommissar was proudly guarding one of her many riding crops. Saluting to the Locker Lucia R. Braun began to speak, "Ah gud! I zank sie Kommisar for keepink mein arsenal safe. Ja keepen up ze job und I zhinking I shall presenten zee with und present!" After stopping the firm salute Lucia rummaged through her locker to pull out a riding crop. Quickly Lucia stood up right and slammed her locker shut. She took a few moments to bend her riding crop while a grin slowly emerged on her face. As the crop was deemed appropriate Lucia dramatically pointed down the hallway with it.

"Now" Lucia proclaimed, "Ist time for ze eatink." With that she began marching down the hallway, her heels making a distinctive clinking with each step, while waving her riding crop from side to side.

"Singing vill come later vhen I have un adorink crowd." she mused to herself.
Start of the Slum Shakedown

"Eeeugh like gall..." grumbled out a voice which was followed by scraping sound as nails were dragged across concrete. There was some jangling from a purse that had the barrel of a shotgun poking out. "I so told Crystal that yanno, I had other business to attend to, so like could she cover Porsche's shift instead of me." was grumbled out as the baseball bat was swung off from the ground and rested over the right shoulder of that lowlife goon named Mysva Kortis, but who most everyone just referred to as "Missy". She was dressed in a pair of cyan booty shorts, a white crop top with a bright orange 'KAHUNAS' plastered over her chest, and a pair of white flat-top shoes with an yellow pom pom over both toe caps of her shoes. While she was walking under a pair of dimming street-lights that crackled just enough to provide some light, Kortis paused for a moment and tilted her head.

"So what was..."
she mused to herself as she reached with her left hand into her back pants pocket to pull out a crumbled sheet of paper. Hastily the paper was opened as Missy secured the address. Smiling she returned the paper back to her pants as she walked two more blocks.

Coming across a land level apartment door she spied a doorbell. Missy tried to reach for the doorbell but failed in her first attempt. Raising up on her tippy toes she once again failed to reach the doorbell. With a sigh she simply banged her trusty-nail covered bat on the door. There was a moment of hesitation before the door opened revealing a human male with very scraggly hair, bloodshot eyes dressed in a worn hoody and jeans.

He slowly turned his head from side to side, "Pizza Dude? Where are you?"

"Eyes down here lad."

Blinking the man glanced down at Mysva with his eyes focused on her chest. Missy simply stared up at the man, who was slowly cracking a smile as if he were realizing something. With his right hand thrust out he gave a thumbs up, "Niiiiiice Kahunas dudette! Didn't know they started doing pizza deliveries; Supreme with extra cheese and hotdog stuffed crust..." The man began salivating as Missy lowered her baseball bat.

"Golly gee!" giggled out Mysva Kortis, as she wiggled her bat around. "I soooo wish I could help you with that, but you gotta do one thing for me first Kay?" The man slowly began to nod as Missy cleared her throat.

Solemnly she made her announcement, "Mister Loganson, you made a wager on the Belwyn Ballers about three days ago with "Tap Shoes" O'Mulligan. Your loss on this particular wager has not yet made it to the esteemed O'Mulligan; this is a very disappointing thing." Loganson's eyes began to dilate as he was realizing the situation that was dawning upon him.

As he tried to shut the door there was a swift crack of the bat at Loganson's shins. The man collapsed and began to yowl out in pain. Missy squatted down and looked at the man.

"I'm here to collect." declared the dwarf as searched through Loganson's person for money. "As a courtesy reminder let it be known the rates are going up but you will have another chance to pay up your debts." She took his wallet and shoved it in her purse.

"I'd go through your place buuuut..." she shrugged "I do have other clients to visit." Spitting on Loganson's body, Mysva walked away as that man continue to groan out in pain. After all she still had much more work to do.
@TheUnknowable Something something just say it is an implant in the tongue.

Isn't the criminal underworld grand?

Name: "Missy" Mysva Kortis

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Dwarf

Personality: Missy is a pragmatic, pig-headed woman with an ambitious drive. She is a cruel and callous individual who seemingly cares for few people and things. However underneath that layer of unpleasantness is a layer that yearns a soft-hearted princess, which hides another yet another layer of cold-heartedness. In short she is generally an unpleasant and ill-tempered individual with a bit of a 'girlish performer's' heart who will do what is needed to thrive.

Bio: Mysva Kortis can't really recall 'the other realm' that the other more monstrous inhabitants of Belwyn City seem to remember. For Missy, she is mostly familiar with the mean streets of Belwyn City. For a few years she managed to scrape by as a drifter facing off various challenges and scavenging for whatever food and shelter she needed. However she knew that was not the life she wanted to lead; so when she found a advertising flier for a Sports-themed Restaurant Mysva decided that would be an okay stepping stone as she planned for life scheming.

So Mysva Kortis became one of many waitresses who were dressed in skimpy outfits and had to act perky and flirtatious to the customers in order to keep them coming back for the cheap booze, cheap eats, and sporting events instead of going to a classier establishment. This job at least paid the bills for an apartment in the slums, and she at least got to show off a little. But Mysva knew that she was meant for more than being a waitress for the rest of her life.

After a few months of being a waitress there Missy managed to become acquainted with the more, 'privileged' clientele aka some of Belwyn City's lowlife bookie operations. She grew close with them, in particular a loanshark known as Hrulg "Tap Shoes" O'Mulligan. These loansharks saw how well Mysva stopped bar conflicts and they figured that as strange as it sounded that waitress could probably bust a couple of heads. So Miss Kortis found herself being solicited for shakedowns, which she happily accepted to supplement her meager legal income as well as to finally move up in the world. Soon word spread that if you owed debts to these loansharks, you'd come into contact with Missy and you don't want to come into contact with Mysva Kortis...

At the moment she still currently is employed by that restaurant that kick-started her criminal career and still collects the debts owed by two-bit gamblers. But Missy knows in her heart of hearts that soon she will find herself skyrocketing through the ranks of the criminal underworld...

Gang affiliation or Other Affiliations: Technically she is not affiliated with any real gang.
However she is associated with a handful of bookies and loansharks as being a "debt collector" and any euphemism variations thereof for what essentially means 'goon who will beat you up for cash'. The most prominent of these loansharks is known Hrulg "Tap Shoes" O'Mulligan.

Polka-dotted Purse - A regular, but thick-strapped purse that is bright pink with white polka-dots, it contains a variety of mundane things such as; pocket change, credit cards, gift cards, driver's license, an assortment of make-up, pens, wet wipes, apartment keys etc.

Pepper Spray - Usually kept in the purse, this is a simple cylindrical vial of pepper spray.

Baseball Bat with Nails - Typically used for enforcement jobs it has rusty nails that just generally make the experience more unpleasant.

Sawed-off Shotgun - The serial number of this particular shotgun have been filed off. Missy usually carries enough ammunition on hand when she brings out her shotgun for a small firefight.

Bend Architecture - Mysva Kortis can magically alter structures through physical contact of metal, asphalt, cement and other synthetic building materials. The scale of these alterations can vary from producing holes, to destroying the internal structure of the building, re purposing it into smaller pieces or reconstructing depending on how long physical contact can be maintained with the materials.

Disease Resistant - A passive trait that Mysva Kortis possesses; it is very hard for her to get sick from diseases as her immune system is unnaturally strong and can resist nearly all diseases both mundane and magical.

Mysva likes long walks on the beach.
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