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~The nothing seems to lighten slightly. He can hear him, feel him. He's nearby. He wants to reach out, to have him, to be one with him. . .The swooping feeling that brings conciousness doesn't seem to want to come and Seishu pouts silently, trying reach out, to take hold. . .It's his Enasi. He wants him. . .~

The light is nice and dim but still there, making his eyes throb gently, a small mumble of protest leaving him completely unintelligibly. The pain in his body is still faint, the shot from before still working making his movements a little smoother than they should be. Without even opening his eyes he slides to the side and pulls the small red head on to the bed and settles down comfortably on top of him. In a voice smooth as silk he murmurs, “I think that this little sexy beast and I need to have some quite time to discuss our options, that's what I think. . .” His right eye opens a slit and he looks over at Harper, giving him a look that's enough to make the bunny blush and with a cough he excuses himself. Turning to look back at Enasi he hums happily, kissing the man tenderly before settling down completely atop the man, his face buried in his neck comfortably.

“Yes, of course-” Right after Harper mentioned Seishu, Enasi was suddenly pulled down and onto the bed. His initial response was to ask how he was doing, but the comment made a faint flush rise in his cheeks. It wasn’t long before Harper was escaping out the door either. Enasi’s gaze went back up to Seishu and returned his smile. “Better than before, that’s good.” He was answered with a kiss and Enasi couldn’t help the small chuckle as Seishu got comfortable again. He wasn’t sure just how well Seishu was feeling, but him smiling was a good sign. While Seishu rested on top of him, he absentmindedly began petting his hair. Without much effort, his energy snaked out of his free hand and closed a few of the curtains that weren’t completely shut. It was dim, but due to the nature of the world, it would never get too dark- at least not as dark as the nightmare realm.

Ever the considerate man, Enasi makes it a little darker in the room, making the already purring Seishu nuzzle the warm skin in front of him. The purr remains thick and deep as he shifts gently as to not dislodge the hand on his head. Slipping slightly to the side so he doesn't squish the smaller man he drags his tongue along that exposed skin before pushing up slightly so he can look down into Enasi's eyes. “So. . .” His voice is soft, calm, but with a note of seriousness in it. “I hear there are some major changes happening due to my being here.” His eyes flick to the door. “He tells me. . . Little Bite has undergone something huge? He's. . . .Infected?” There is a note of worry under his confusion, his mind not completely working properly to remember everything Harper had told him.

The purring on top of him is soothing and Enasi closes his eyes, not to sleep, but just to revel in the embrace. The movements catch his attention, but he only opens his eyes when he feels Seishu’s tongue on him. He bit his lip to refrain from making a sound, and then sighed gently when Seishu looked at him. “A few, yes.” The worry that followed made Enasi smile and push hair behind Seishu’s ears. “Infected, no. That makes it sound like he’s in danger. Crios did a few tests. There hasn’t been a minion who was capable of jumping from the dream to nightmare realm in...well I don’t know the last time it’s ever happened actually. Seems that Rue’s energy, while mostly positive because he was born here, is also more neutral. It wasn’t very apparent until you showed up though and even more so now, now that he’s coming into his powers. It’s why he has a higher tolerance for negative energy.” Enasi smiled again. “It’s amazing really. He doesn’t necessarily have the best of both worlds, but he can definitely experience them without getting as sick as my other minions would.” He paused for a moment before adding, “Which is why Crios asked him if we could test it out. He offered to help of course. I wouldn’t force him do something like that. The others’ positive energies were unbalanced. I think more so after what happened…” Enasi frowned a little at the memory of himself, but sighed. “Instead of dispelling all the negative energy, Crios tried to balance it out…Trying to recreate that neutral energy that Rue has, essentially.”

The explanation calms his worry slightly, his eyes traveling gently over his lover's features as he speaks, letting the presence beneath him bring him comfort. “Yes, well, the little fairy has always been a little bit off from the rest.” he murmurs, enjoying the feeling of having his hair touched softly again. “I'm glad that some good is coming from all this. . .” He lets out a sigh, looking sad for a moment. The sad turns to a sly grin and he shifts, kissing Enasi soundly, barely pulling back as he whispers, “Well, other than this of course. . . .” He never been so aggressively forward when not in Their World before, and he's worried that Enasi will push him away, but he can't help trying.

Enasi hums in agreement about Rue. The boy was always brimming with positive energy, no doubt, but there was always something that was there that he couldn’t put a finger on. Now, he was just happy to know there was nothing wrong. The guardian caught on to the sudden sadness and was about to say something, only to be interrupted by a kiss. The dream guardian froze for a moment, unsure of how to respond. It was only for a moment though, as he let his brain catch up to the sudden… shift of topics. Enasi let out a small huff, not knowing what else to say before smiling and returning the kiss, only to hum in agreement.

'So, not quite ready yet. . .' He can feel an internal pout as Enasi simply looks back at him with shock and sighs softly. He smiles faintly as the kiss is returned moments later but he realizes he can't press it right now so after a beat he shifts again, laying his head on Enasi's shoulder. “So. . . .” His breath trickles out to caress the area he'd licked. “The minions are changing, a dream has the hots for my second, your second is undergoing treatment to facilitate a more radical change, and you are feeling so bad that I could get a half decent meal off of you if I weren't so interested in making you happy. . . .Or horny. . . .Either would do.” He pulls back, smiling faintly, his free hand coming up to run pale fingers through those auburn locks. “So, what's bothering you. Let's talk about it while I'm still high so I'm actually of some use.” He smiles a little wider but refrains from laughing, wanting Enasi to take his offer seriously.

The guardian waited quietly, wondering what Seishu was up to when he laid back down only to find that they were continuing their talk. Besides the faint shiver that went down his spine, Enasi remained still and attentive while Seishu began to speak. The moment the nightmare guardian called him out about his mood, Enasi bit his tongue to prevent himself from instantly denying that he didn’t feel ‘that bad’. At least, for once, he didn’t think he felt that bad. He had to try even harder not to smile when Seishu commented about his state of well being, but failed at that. “All changes for the better which is a good- well, Rasha’s always been a… free spirited dream. That’s more of a better for him deal.” As long as the dream wasn’t getting hurt, he didn’t see the harm of it. With a light laugh, he added, “And I appreciate your concern. You do a fine job of expressing it.” He teased before giving a small shrug. “I don’t feel as bad as before though. Before as in, before you and Inui snuck into bed with me.” He thought over it before continuing. “But I still feel guilty about what happened. My minions are terrified of me. It’s not… well, it’s definitely not the best feeling. It’s definitely something I don’t want for my kingdom.” He frowned a little as it replayed in his mind. “The fear was warranted though. I’ve never threatened my minions before… but I’ve also never been so angry- or scared.” He looked back at Seishu for a moment. “The idea of losing you wasn’t something I could handle.” He eased the tension of his own mind and added. “And not just because it would be...you know physically painful for the both of us. But you know, Gin would be an awful counterpart. It just wouldn’t last. Even before we became...well acquainted I liked you a lot better.” He laughed lightly and stuck his tongue out. “Dare I say I’ve fallen for the bad boy. The nightmare. What a scandal.” He laughed again, something he probably needed.

Purring, Seishu cuddles deeper into Enasi's side, humming softly as he listens to the man speak as his aching body protests any and all movement. He listens how his lover feels bad about his underlings being afraid, about how he doesn't want it to be so. As a guardian he understands the sentiment, but at the same time he knows that without that fear, more pain would have come. Not only to him either. If they did not fear Enasi, they could have gone full rogue and caused so many problems beyond just killing him off. Gin being the shining example. Inflicting that maniac on the realms is unconscionable.

He can't help the deeper purr as Enasi announces that he likes him better in their war days than he likes Gin, despite the comparison being not even close. He joins his lover in the laugh, chasing that tongue down with a deep kiss before settling back on his side. Playing gently with Enasi's robes ha can't help add a chuckle on. “Don't get to see you in the nice stuff often. I like it. . .” Humming, he pulls back the top slightly, kissing the smaller male's neck gently, letting his head rest on his lover's shoulder as he thinks.

“I know it's an unpleasant thought, but I think, with the worlds changing the way they are, for now, it is better they fear you than not.” He reaches up, stroking Enasi's cheek. “Without that fear, the more rebellious elements here in the Dream Realm could cause some major upsets before we get things stabilized. . .” He lets out a sigh, kissing Enasi again, finding comfort in the little acts of affection. “I think, maybe, as soon as Crios thinks I'm up for more activity than cuddling and sleeping, I could make my face a little more well known in the realm. Let people see me, and not going off their last memory of me cutting a swath through the battlefield. . .”

Pressing himself firmly against Enasi's chest he can feel the faint throb of pain in the back of his mind and he knows it's more the realm itself than the injuries making him ache. 'I will never be able to live here, or he there. There's just too much of a difference. But hopefully. . . .Hopefully, once it's all settled with Gin, we will be able to find some peaceful nights on earth. Maybe go see some of those places that make humans fall in love with them. . .' Sighing, he nuzzles in closer, feeling the urge to sleep once more. “I'm glad you fell for me Enasi. . .” he murmurs, bestowing another kiss. “We will figure this out, and there will be peace, and. . . .Yeah. . . .” Before another word can escape him Seishu is out, his limbs feeling like lead and his head all fuzzy until the darkness comes to take over.
'Well, of all the adorable. . . .' Smiling at the sudden protest Kuro lets out a relaxed sigh, feeling both happy and proud. Happy that Aoba is willing to cuddle so close, and proud of himself for risking it, and having good enough control to keep himself in check even as he feels the itching desire to make the angel “more than just comfortable” scratching at the back of his mind. 'And loins. Don't forget the loins. . . .I hope he doesn't run off if I respond. . . .' He opens his mouth to warn Aoba that he may have a natural reaction in the night, but all too soon Aoba is clearly falling right to sleep and the demon lets out another sigh, this one a bit exasperated.

“Cute, sleepy Little Mouse. . .” he murmurs, petting Aoba's hair a bit before settling his arm about the younger one's waist. Pressing a kiss to the top of the angel's head he shifts slightly, getting completely comfortable before settling in to watch that chocolate mop until he can't keep his eyes open any longer.

Sleep claims him surprisingly quickly and when he wakes early morning he almost feels quite rested and ready for the day. Aoba however takes mere moments to decide that they day has not started quite yet and Kuro smiles, letting sleep claim him once more. His grip tightens on the angel, taking unconscious comfort having the warm body settled against him, and his sleep is calm and free of nightmares. The second time they wake Kuro has to fight the urge to pull Aoba back down, maybe roll them over. . .

“Morning.” he murmurs, returning the smile. He stays laying down, the image of Aoba stretching above him pulling a soft growl out of him and giving him some morning heat. Feeling his pulse in his neck he reaches up to cup the back of Aoba's. Shifting up on to an elbow he pulls the youth down slightly and presses a feather light kiss to those soft, tempting lips. Letting out a faint hum he lets Aoba go and slides carefully out if bed, stretching his own sleepy muscles. He knows another moment in that bed would snap his control so he gives himself a touch of distance to regain his composure. “It's alright. I'm sure the animals won't hold it against us.” he murmurs, turning to smile at Aoba with a cheeky grin. “We should have time for a quick breakfast before getting them fed and watered.”


'It's been a while' Fenrir muses, wrapping the bandage in his hand tight around the wounded angel's leg in front of him. He'd all but forgotten what it was like. Not just being on the front lines, but to be on earth itself. Everything feels more heavy, thicker, and oddly enough, more “real”. Day after day he treated soldiers, gave them check-up, treated their wounds, but down here, among the ground troops, everything feels so different. “You're good.” he declares, a couple other medical angels moving in to give the soldier some sustenance and a blanket to make her more comfortable. Fenrir has a moment's peace and his eyes trail off towards where he knows his secret goal lays. 'I will need to go in the day, when the demons give us all a break. . .' He looks to the lightening sky. 'So. . . Soon. . . .' He doesn't know what to think, or have any idea what he's going to say to little Aoba, but his resolve does not waver. He wants to go, to see him, to make sure he's okay, really okay, and. . . .After that, he doesn't know. . .
The grin is odd, different for the man, but Akito is glad to see it all the same. He's just glad it wasn't a scowl or a nervous laugh marking him as uncomfortable with what the soldier had just said. His fingers lace together as he stretches them out, his own eyes wandering as he tries to figure out what else to say. Hiro however takes over that task and his gaze snaps back up to meet that of the prince. 'There is not reason for you to apologize Highness. You have done nothing wrong. . .' His brows furrow at this, but he murmurs a soft, “It is my pleasure.” as Hiro pauses for an instant.

The furrowed brow does not last long, the look of confusion giving way to a full blown flush as the prince declares him “cute”. He stares a long moment, looking for the joke, waiting for the tease, but as the prince fixes his hair he shows no indication of taking it back and Akito wishes he could vanish from the spot. 'I-I'm not cute. I'm plain, simple compared to him. He is one of the most beautiful men I have ever met, how could he. . . .He must be making fun of me, he can't be serious, I mean. . .I'm. . . .' His eyes go to his hands as he tries to handle the hard beating of his heart, a pace far stronger than it's ever been even in the din of battle or right before executing a mark.

He almost doesn't catch that Hiro is talking again, but clearing his throat softly he manages to pull himself out of his thoughts and pay attention to the man in front of him. More compliments come and he has to fight to keep his eyes off his hands, trying desperately to deny the prince's words without having to say the protests aloud. When he at last falls silent Hiro nibbles his lip lightly, trying to find some words to say rather than bolting.

The entrance of Hoko is welcome and he pets the creature softly as it munches the frog it caught peacefully on his lap. To delay a little longer Akito pulls a couple cups out of the bag and pours them both some light fruit juice. The smell of it brings a faint smile to his lips, the queen's consideration making him feel quite happy. She'd noticed that during meals he would never really drink the wine and instead would go for either the water or juice. She'd asked about it once and he'd explained that, with his line of work, he didn't want to risk developing the addiction to alcohol that many men had over the years.

After a few sips, he finally finds his voice again. He can't quite bring himself to meet Hiro's eye however and instead stairs at the prince's hands. “I have never considered myself particularly cute, so I thank you for the compliment even if I can not see the truth in it.” He doesn't want to call the prince a liar, but he does want him to know that the prince doesn't have to be nice and say things like that if he doesn't really believe it. “What with all the scars and half the time I'm a mess. . . .” he adds in a murmur. Taking a breath, his voice comes back up.

“I had never really taken to an imagining of you before hearing of the betrothal, however you are more beautiful than I imagined in those weeks it took to travel to the palace.” He shakes his head, a deep red still spilling across his cheeks. “I mean, I knew you would be beautiful. I heard some of the soldiers who had seen you talking about you, some assuring me I had “made a great catch”, but I guess it just wasn't real enough for me then to even begin really imaging much.” Jumping slightly he looks up at Hiro, worried. “Not that I think of you like that! I mean, you are amazing, and I am lucky to have the opportunity to wed you, but I don't see you as a kind of prize, though you are lovely and someone I am sure many would give all they have just to have your favor, but I'm not, I-I'm not, you're, I. . .” With true visible mortification Akito stutters to a halt, covering his head with both arms so that his face his hidden by his sleeves. He can feel the ground giving way beneath him as he digs his own grave with his words, and all he can think is he hopes the earth swallows him quickly so he doesn't have to die from his heart bursting from the embarrassment.
It's easy to see that some hasty cleaning had been done, a few spare feathers in the corner and a dirty sock, dangling off the bottom of the small chair in the room hinting at the mess that the room had been before his arrival. He smiles softly as he thinks about the angel cleaning up for his arrival. The pile of feather soften his gaze and he lets out a quiet sigh. 'He really is being tainted more and more. . .Somehow, they look darker when they're not attached. . . .' Shaking his head, he watches Aoba flop on to the bed, chuckling as he snugs up close to the wall to keep his wings out of the way.

“Works for me.” he murmurs, crawling slowly on to the bed after the smaller male. Carefully shifting on to his side he rolls his shoulders, pushing the pillow about a little before looking down at the tucked in angel and letting a few naughty thoughts cross through his mind. Once they are past he smiles down at Aoba, a devious tinge his only warning for what Kuro does a moment later. Scooting in even closer, getting right into Aoba's space, he slides an arm under the angel and pulls him into his arms so Aoba is half settled on top of him.

Scrunching down comfortably on his back he rests the angel's head on his chest, brushing his fingers through his hair gently. “Yep, and it lets me do stuff like this. Your wings looked a little cramped there. This way you can spread them out comfortably.” He grins down at Aoba, giving his Little Mouse a soft squeeze as he settles in for the night. “That and now we don't have to share a pillow. . .” Humming softly, he peeks an eye open. “But if you're not comfortable, we can of course try some other position.” He can't help the sly smile, though he knows that such jokes have no purchase as of yet for the angel.
Images of the cities he passed through fill the former soldier's mind. He calls back the sights, the sounds, the smells. . .In his line of work, he had to pay such close attention. He recalls the attention to detail he paid every given inch, every shadow, every alley, every shop, every guard he passed. He recalls the feeling of terror and unease from the moment he left his unit to the second he returned to his father's side. He never found a way to enjoy his forays into hostile territory, despite all of the truly wonderful things he saw each and every time.

“Streets of cobble rather than dirt.” he murmurs, eyes distant. “A press of people so thick it was hard to breath. So many faces, so many beating hearts, but each one completely alone as they passed one another on the streets.” He turns to look at Hiro, flushing. “A lot of the places were very similar to the larger cities of this country, but sometimes I went a bit further and saw building far plainer, but with an oddly appealing look. Might have just been the novelty though.” Still flushing, he looks back over the water, clearing his throat self-consciously.

His eyes find Hiro's again as he thanks him and he simply nods in response. When asked how he's feeling all he can manage is a shrug, looking embarrassed once more. “Fine I guess.” he mumbles, unable to shake this feeling of bashfulness. “What about you?” he asks, trying to redirect away from himself. He listens quietly as his betrothed talks, relaxing faintly as he hears that the prince isn't completely calm about everything either. His eyes are drawn on occasion to the flickering flame in the other's hand, but he mostly watches that pale, delicate face. Takes in his every expression, each twitch of the lip, every scrunch of the nose. He wants to give his full attention to the man, showing him the respect he deserves.

The conversation ends up on him again and he lets out a slow breath, the tenseness returning. “For me, I am not sure I am quite out of the fog just yet.” His voice is soft, smooth, his gaze falling to his hands. “I know it is not a dream, but that does not stop the hazy feeling I get every time I try to come to terms with what the future holds for me. . .” He sighs softly. “I can try to deny it, to flee the palace, to hide behind my training, to spend my spare hours laying far from the hustle and bustle of it all, but in the end I am drawn back in and reality begins to cloud my mind once again, showing me that my past is falling away, and the future, once so clear, is now a large unknown with few certainties in it. . .”

His gaze flickers back to Hiro, biting his lips gently before going on. “One of those things I am sure of, one of the things I do take strength from, is that. . .That y-you will be there.” He curses his stutter silently. “You have been kind High-. . .H-Hiro, and for that, I am forever grateful. . .” He flushes again, deeper this time. “You are kind, understanding, and I. . .I find comfort in the idea that I have someone willing to spend their life around me who is as understanding as you have been.” Despite knowing he will be married to the man, he can't bring himself to say “who will spend their life with me”. Hiro is still too far from him, despite how close they have been growing. He still can not see the man as anything closer than “his highness”.
'Mister Aryx is clearly embarrassed. . .Maybe I should have waited until he brought it up?' He feels a faint pang. 'I just won't talk about it any more now. Let it pass, let the idea move on. . .' The tattered shirt settles across one arm and he smiles faintly at the dragon, glad that he seems to be glad for the bath he'd prepared. Viltez can feel his body shiver slightly as he takes in the other man's form, flushing as his guest removes the last bits of fabric. He feels it would be polite to look away, but at the same time something about their interactions before tells him he shouldn't feel bad about looking.

'I mean, we weren't completely nude when we. . .did that. . .I. . .' His thoughts trail off as Aryx moves in close. The pants are placed on one of his outstretched arms but as Aryx steps between them he can feel the shiver returning, urging him to hold the other man. In response, before he can think about it, his tail slides out to wrap around the dragon's waist, trying to pull him in closer. Viltez flushes deeply, both the actions of his tail and his guest's words bringing the heat to his flesh. The touch is soft, comforting, but still rather foreign feeling. He likes the idea that, maybe, one day, it will become a familiar feeling, but the easily depressed part of his mind reminds him that Aryx won't be here forever.

“I was a little worried to.” he whispers. “I thought of you all day. I hoped you were well. . .” He flushes deeper, eyes going to the floor as he feels embarrassed admitting such a thing. Swallowing hard he tries to get his mind back to normal, tries to smile and brush his own words off, but as he looks back up at Aryx he instead lets out a shuddering breath and leans in to place a soft kiss on the other man's cheek. “I am glad you've returned. . .” The soft words tickle the dragon's cheek and he pulls his face back a moment later, worried that he's invading Aryx's space.
The jerk of fluttering wings at his side catches the demon's attention, but rather than looking over, he simply continues rinsing off. He knows much more attention on the angel will lead him into something he will regret, so for now, he forces a distance between them. His eyes remain locked off on some distant point, his every effort going into keeping himself from ravaging the lovely beast sharing the bath with him. 'The exposed skin and flushed appearance from the hot water really doesn't help' He grumbles silently to himself, shifting uncomfortably and carefully redirecting his gaze even further away from the epitome of temptation settled against the side of the tub. He shifts a little bit further away, stretching and yawning, more than ready to try out the new sleeping arrangements.

However, relief apparently is not in his immediate future. Aoba comes drifting over, half hidden behind one wing as he looks up at him with the most adorable and tantalizing bashful expression on his face. Keeping his desire hidden – at least out of his eyes, his body not quite so cooperative – Kuro raises an eyebrow in question, wondering what the angel is up to being so cute. He visibly twitches at the sound of his name being called so softly, that little sing-song nature of it making his everything tighten. “Yes?” he murmurs, his voice deep, and soft.

Aoba's usual string of uncertainty and shyness brings a small smile to his lips, the familiarity giving him a little bit more control over himself. Sure, he knows he shouldn't have expected anything else, but can he really help thinking that, maybe, Aoba was actually responding the same way? A demon can dream, can't he? Images found only in yaoi novels had indeed passed through his head – the needy uke, devoured by passion and desire, calling out. . . . - but as Aoba remains the ever innocent youth he's always been, Kuro finds that well of control he'd built over time being around the angel keeping him properly contained.

“I'm glad too my Little Mouse.” he murmurs smoothly, his voice picking up a bit of it's old vigor. He chuckles, agreeing silently that being “so mushy” would repel the smaller demon, pulling many a disgusted face from him. 'He really can't help the innocent adorable thing ca-' His thoughts are cut off, his heart taking it's leave for an instant. Soft, warm lips are on his own, the pale, slender body attached to them far closer than is particularly safe for it to be. His body goes rigid, eyes widening even as his hands clench impulsively into fists. He can feel his nails cutting into his palms as it finally hits him that Aoba is kissing him, and if he moves a muscle, Aoba won't be able to get away unraveged.

And then, without warning, Aoba is gone. He's only a pace or two away, heading for the edge of the tub, but Kuro feels the absence as if he's a million miles away. He watches, eyes still wide, as the angel climbs out of the tub and mumbles his way out of sight.

It takes a long minute for Kuro to move, his rigid body falling back against the side of the tub in a tight, boneless heap. He has no room for thought at the moment, a rough keening noise leaving him as one of his hands slides forward to bring him some relief. He'd wanted to wait. Wait until Aoba was ready to just be with him. His head falls back over the edge of the tub, his body shaking with desire. He thought he could hold off doing something like this. He's never really had to do such a thing, the people he's had desire for being all too willing to couple with him before he drew their souls from them. But with Aoba, with this infuriatingly innocent and tempting angel, it's all he can do to keep from calling him an insufferable flirt and teaching him just how much an unintentional flirt riles him up.

Slitting eyes look to the room Aoba uses for sleep, falling closed after a moment as images of the younger man pass through his mind, teasing him to completion. The window overlooking the back yard is in full view of the tub and Kuro imagines Aoba seeing him like this. His fire leaps about his body, steaming the water, threatening to break the tub itself if he's not careful. But careful is the last thing he wants to be at the moment. He does however arch his body to lessen the chance of breakage, the shivers and shakes passing harshly through him just before he calls out, head snapping back harshly and he finds the release he'd been seeking.

'It's not enough. Never will be enough. I want Aoba. I want him, more than anything. I want to see him crying out under me, or riding me, his wings fluttering with desire, those eyes bright with passion, those hand clinging needily, that voice. . .' he lets out a whine, his free hand coming up to cover his face as the images setting him in motion again. This time, he takes a little longer, working his entire body and by the end he's feeling more relaxed and is able to get out of the tub.

With a groan, he empties it, letting the water run out on it's own while he snatches up a towel and begins drying off and heads inside. 'I swear, next time, I won't be in shock, and. . . .And. . .Should I warn him? Tell him not to do that again?' He shakes his head hard, the idea of telling Aoba to put distance between them unacceptable. He knows that doing such a thing would make him think he'd done something wrong, and the truth is, it's the exact opposite. He's doing all the right things, it's just the fact that he's doing it with a demon that's making it all dangerous. 'So, I have to be the one to check himself. I gotta be careful, and find a way to make distance when I'm too keyed up, until. . . . .Until he's ready' Leaning against the wall of the stairwell he lets out a whine. 'But how long will that be!?'

At Aoba's door he summons up some silk sleeping pants before knocking, setting the towel just inside the bathroom. Hearing Aoba call out he opens the door slowly, peeking in before entering properly, making sure the angel isn't doing something that will make him jump his bones automatically. Just seeing Aoba is tantalizing, but with a smile Kuro closes the door behind him and crosses his arms over his chest. “So, do you prefer being near the wall, or the edge?” he asks smirking, taking in the little room in a glance and realizing “big bed” is a relative term. 'His bed in heaven must have been tiny!'
Akito had most definitely been alert when the guard had approached his betrothed, but he'd kept it hidden well behind the guise of patting the horse's neck and checking his tack. He knows he should trust everyone in the palace without question, seeing as he's the new guy after all, but he can't exactly stamp out a lifetime's worth of trained instinct in a matter of months.

He is finally able to relax as the palace falls out of view behind them however and he can feel himself breathing more easily. The warm body in front of him, the steady motions of the horse. . .Something about it all is very peaceful. The laugh that tumbles from the other man's lips brings a smile to his own, a few more muscles relaxing. He's still nervous around the man he's meant to marry, but he feels far more in his element atop a horse and away from prying eyes. He shifts the horse gently once they leave the woods, taking them almost immediately off the road. Vendors and sellers have been coming in often enough that Akito wants to avoid having a run-in with someone delivering flowers or foods for the upcoming nuptials.

They skirt along the edge of the wood, making a calm beeline for a nice pond Akito discovered on one of his forays – well escapes – from the palace that is surrounded by high grass to provide a good bit of privacy for their quiet outing. His head tilts as he hears the question from over his shoulder and tries to silently determine what “a lot” entails. Given how little Hiro even leaves the palace grounds he's sure any amount of travel is “a lot”, so he's not quite sure how to respond.

“I traveled when it was required of us.” he replies simply. Knowing that's not exactly what Hiro wants to know however, he goes on. “Because of my specialty, sometimes I would travel without the unit, so I suppose I traveled more than they. For the most part, the unit stayed around the war front, but I would occasionally have a job alone in an enemy city, so I would go along my myself as to not raise suspicion. A couple times a year I'd say, after my qualification was confirmed.” Pulling off to the side a bit Akito carefully dismounts before holding his arms out to help Hiro down as well. Once the prince is on his feet the once soldier moves a little ways off to tie the horse to a branch of a log hidden in the tall grass that he saw peeking up as they came upon it.

Turning, he offers one of his small, quite smiles to the other man. Turning back around he leads the way forward, carefully brushing the grass aside so as to not accidentally step into the pond he's looking for. Once he finds it he calls out for Hiro to watch his step, circling the water until he comes to a side of it that has clearly been used more than others, leaving the grass flattened and perfect for sitting on. Turning, he ushers the prince forward, taking his seat only after making sure Hiro's comfortable. 'Well, as comfortable as he can be not sitting on one of those plush seats or cushions they have all over the palace' he muses. 'I swear, some of those rooms are nothing but pillows. . .I wonder if his bedroom is like that too' He flushes at the thought, having not even seen the other man's room yet.

True, spending any amount of time in such a place with the prince would lead to rumors, which is partially why he's not asked. The other part of it however is his own fear of something besides rumors. While Hiro's made no inclination towards intimacy himself – well, beyond getting closer than he's used to and occasionally touching him when he doesn't expect it – he's not sure what would happen at that level of “alone” with the beautiful man beside him. Flushing a little deeper he shakes his head, making a slight clicking sound so Hoko knows he can go explore. The sinuous beast slides out, stretching, and is off in the grass in moments. Looking over at Hiro, Akito clears his throat, trying to push back his embarrassing thoughts and smile, this suppose to be a peaceful time.
The little minions are just flitting out of the kitchen when Crios arrives through one of the back entrances. He feels nervous, watching his lover shouting orders like a general, his focus and determination making him look rather appealing. It also keeps the foxy doctor in place for some time, his instinct to let the man he loves work and leave him be to do so winning over his own desire for contact. He's turning around to leave when a wave of fatigue passes through him making him catch himself on the door frame. 'I need. . . .Hugs. . . .' He pouts silently to himself and is once more at war with himself.

The decision is made a lot easier as the sudden jerk of his body caught his lover's attention and without a thought he sets the rest of the kitchen to keep going on his way across the room and stops right behind the limp tail of his beloved silently. Crios can feel him back there and his ears twitch as his head rotates to look at the red head. The pathetic expression he can't keep off his face prompts Cho to lead them out of the kitchen and into a small alcove in the back hall where he can wrap his lover up in his arms, petting his hair gently.

Crios sinks against him, enjoying the embrace and letting his tension seep out. Cho can feel something a little off about his smaller partner but doesn't mention it, instead murmuring, “Well, this is new. . .You don't normally come to see me while I'm at work. . .” 'Especially when you know I'll be busy' He keeps the thought to himself however, not wanting to drive his beloved off by making him feel he's being a bother.

Crios mutters something unintelligible, but Cho doesn't ask him to repeat, knowing that when he's finally able to express himself, the proud minion will speak up and make his words known. Truth be told, now that he's in his lover's arms, he doesn't even know what he wants next. The comfort of having Cho here, with him, holding him, it seems as if all things could fall away and he would be left content, as long as Cho doesn't let go. He does however need to say 'something to the man he loves, leaving him hanging not an option. So, pulling back ever so slightly he murmurs loud enough to hear, “I just felt like coming to see you. . .” Cho's grip tightens and Crios lets out a contented growl, burying his face in the red head's neck and just taking in his scent.


Not knowing what else to do with their time, Inui and the other two head to Seishu's old room and form a cuddle pile in the middle of the bed. Spike takes a pillow all to himself and seems to be watching them as they speak quietly about the state of things between their guardians. Rasha has fun making the other two blush as he teases about the intimacy he's sure has happened while they are away in their own little world, and makes a vague comment about “knowing how good Seishu is in bed” that leads to very bashful but curious inquiries.


[i]~The darkness feels somehow worse than it ever did before. His insides writhe and he feels so alone.

[b]So long away from him

So long here in this darkness

Being tormented. . . .

And somehow this is way worse

Getting him back

Then being alone. . .

He tries to look around, find something, anything, but despite getting the vague feeling that Enasi is somewhere nearby, there is nothing he can really hold on to to actually find any comfort in the idea and the upset of it all prompts him to wake despite his drugged state.~[/i]

Opening his eyes Seishu looks around, the comfy bed not much of a comfort as he sees that Enasi is indeed not in sight. What he does spot however is a furball who is looking at him with an eyebrow raised and an ear twitching. Rolling painfully on to his back he lets out a groan. Moving is not the most pleasant activity at the moment. “Hey Hops. How you doing?” he murmurs, knowing he doesn't have to raise his voice he keeps his voice low as to save himself some pain.

His ear twitches at the nickname. “Well enough Night.” he replies, letting out a faint huff. “Been chasing you down for what seems like forever, nearly got exposed to the entire human race, watches my guardian slowly change into something near unrecognizable, and oh yeah, got shot in the chest with a huge needle just to keep my wits about me enough to hunt your pale behind down.” He shrugs, keeping his tone casual. “So, you know, doing well, considering.”

Seishu's eyes narrow at the needle comment and he lets his focus shift slightly, trying to figure out what he's talking about. “A shot? What for?” he asks, trying to fight the haze of drugs and get his bearings. With Enasi gone, he knows he needs to keep himself distracted least he lose himself to the pain.

The big furry ear twitches again. He's not the best to explain this, but he knows Seishu. There's no way a half answer will work here, so he does his best. “It seems that, being around you makes dream denizens like me and the others susceptible to depression and overwhelming sorrow.” He rubs the spot over his heart where he'd been injected, remembering the pain of it all. “So Crios got the brilliant idea that a shot of properly mixed positive energy and perfectly blended positive blood mixed with negative energy injected into us would somehow palace everything out and help us handle the negative feeling overload.”

The guardian looks very confused, but manages to follow it all for the most part. “So, wait, whose blood was used?” He hasn't the faintest idea who would have this magical, perfectly mixed blood, the haze of the drugs making thought a very tedious task indeed.

“Rue's.” Harper responds simply, watching the guardian stare in shock.

Trying to process the idea that Rue is somehow unique enough to be used as some kind of reagent for helping others adjust to having him around Seishu's eyes fall closed. Before he can get through any real thought however the darkness takes him again and he settles there, lonely, but with some food for thought to distract him this time.
Jin's eyes dart downwards as he hears fingers drumming on the plate and he can feel his heart jump into his throat. 'Does he want more? I only made so much, I should have made more! I am a horrible host!' The panic dies a little however as suddenly the Seeras is pointing at him. He can feel the being's magic wash through him and he shivers slightly, the soothing nature of it stilling the chimes around the room. 'I guess I was just being too excitable. . .' He can feel his metaphorical ears and tail drooping, but at the idea of visiting the elder with a Seeras at his side Jin is once more a bright smiling figure.

“That would be good! I'm sure he'd know better about everything and could help with whatever you need and. . .” His voice trails off as he is hit with the sudden sad idea that he's not enough for this creature he reveres so much. His smile stays in place however, not needing to bother the Seeras with his own insecurities. “I think he should be home today as there aren't any major events going on right now besides the offering, but I took care of that, so, yeah!” Jumping up he begins getting ready. Little wisps is wind trail through the house here and there as he rushes about, his excitement getting the better of him.

He pauses as his hand lands on his flight suite and he looks over at the Seeras, clearly nervous. “Um, flying would be the fastest way, but if you'd rather walk, we can do that too. I mean, it's up to you really. I'm sure I could fly us there just fine, but I know a lot of people are uncomfortable in the air, and, um, yeah. . . . .” He flushes brightly, realizing he's rambling and cutting himself off before it gets too far.
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