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UPDATE: Finally did a thing. Gretchen is up. Doing Greta... soon. :P Then I can move on to actual characters that aren't just front deskmen who give people keys and handle complaints haha. Oh, and probably complain about noise levels too.

@BeeBee2121: Totally not a problem, you could throw in an old con man, heck, you could even throw in a president into a nearby mansion. Tons of possibilities, the trick is finding ones that aren't so out there that they inconvenience other RPers. If you intend to do this retired art thief, make sure his history is extensive and explains thoroughly why and how he got away with it/or is released, how he got into it.... ect. :P No half assed backstory with something like that.

If you write one that seems interesting and wont twist up the plot around him, I think that'd be rather interesting. Perhaps he actually got off free by selling out his partner in crime, and now feels guilty about it? So long as he isn't say, still wanted in several countries and somehow never recognized anywhere I'll be cool with it. :P

@Starwinter: Having pairs is an awesome idea, I have two that I'm considering adding in myself. My only worry is that one is from a rich affluential background and I don't want to be throwing too many characters who are extraordinary into this on my own. Gretchen would also be very tolerant/helpful of anyone with a disability, so it'd be an interesting idea.

@Everyone: 2 may be the minimum, but there's no need to stop there. Feel free to go off the deep end if you like, just be careful not to go past how many you can RP. I also suggest paying attention to the schedule part of the bio for your characters so you don't end up just sitting here waiting for the next day while all of us with night owl characters go at it. :P If anyone asks though, I can PM people when days and nights shift and such so that they don't miss their chance to be active with certain characters. I'll also be regulating time of day slightly, but like any RP time will be a little bit relative.

EDIT(6:22PM): Greta Added.
Ah, well, this is actually slice of life as in modern day slice of life. The mention of a medieval setting was actually a WIP I was mentioning because... well... I'm doing this rp because that RP would take far too long to make, and I dont even know any of you yet.

And yeah. Slice of life on its own is difficult for that reason, you only have the characters and their interactions to entertain you. No overarching plot, no grand purpose, just everyday life with characters interacting. Just so you know, I posted a link to the actual thread on the last page, so go ahead and check it out. You could always RP like, the owner of the Arcade or some local business, or a teacher or... idk. Something like that if you wanted to be less present but still present at all.
I really can't say shit to you guys given I haven't posted one myself yet.... and this is my rp too. Don't worry about it. :)
Anything can be a writing exercise, it all depends on the restraints you put onto yourself. I suppose it is made far easier by being something many people already have personal experience with, but even if its without any surreal elements I believe slice of life can have complex characters with both static and dynamic personalities. Either way, you're practicing writing what you're writing and I believe a lot of RPers struggle more with side/normal characters, always focusing on main character status dramas and arcs. Being able to rp a character in slice of life could build the same skills to allow you to make a realistic background for a side character in another story or rp.

The true challenge for any supernatural/fantasy RP lies not with the characters though, but in setting. I always overthink any fantasy setting to ridiculous levels, even if its just the normal human world with magic attached, I find myself spending hours considering how the world fits together with the existence of whatever fantasy elements I add. Characters then are based on that setting and by comparison are not very difficult.

I can't argue the easy part though. I chose it because I wanted to get started on here and didn't want to have to spend said hours upon hours developing a fantasy world for people first, especially before I knew I'd get bites and some solid RPers in there. I just don't feel there's much difference in difficulty for the RPers. Anyone in any Rp can play a challenging character to write, or an easy one, and that's all based on their personal choices and preferences.
Yeah, heck, you can make a profile for him too if you'd like or you intend him to be a regular part of the RP. Just make sure I'm cool with whatever he runs being near the dorm before you go through all the effort of making your profiles. It'd be cool if someone wanted to RP the management of the nearby arcade or something.
@linflex: Nope. I was even considering having a first floor with cheaper, smaller rooms and a shared bathroom/shower area and another floor with rooms with their own restrooms..... but Idk about that. Thoughts? Either way it'd be a dorm targeting students, so it wouldn't be horrifyingly expensive. It also isnt conveniently located to anything that would increase the costs.

@Stephanie96: I'd say you found the right place if you're looking to make the jump. Personally, as I mentioned in the rules, I think length is irrelevant. Its a good sign of a persons writing ability in general and sometimes it is nice if you're able to monologue effectively between scenes, places, and for certain points of exposition. However.... sometimes, the ridiculous requirements for a set length hurt scenes where it is emotionally charged, as angry people will interrupt each other and end sentences with questions far more often. So long as your characterization skills are up to par and you express your characters realistically, and are able to hit higher post lengths for introductory posts and other interludes where it counts a bit more, I don't mind if your average is perhaps a little lower. I think average post length slips over time in most rps anyways.

@Starwinter: Glad to hear I fit the niche you were looking for here! And no, of course not. In fact, I'd rather people didn't use their characters constantly. Real humans will never find something to interact with or do every second of every day. In fact, you just reminded me of a REALLY important thing I intended to add to the character sheet that I will do now! Thanks.

Just so everyone knows, that thing I forgot to add is 'schedule'. I think its a pretty interesting thing to consider for a character, and I'll be trying to write a few character bios of my own for tonight to give you a good idea of how to fill them out. Glad to have people keeping this bumped. :3
Just bumping and saying that I'm busy myself tonight, and possibly tomorrow. I'll finish the dorm managers profiles asap though, so that you guys at least have that to imagine haha. I'm still considering what characters I want to throw in to this though.
Well, I'm creating my RP and modeling it after some RP's I've seen in the past where an entire forum on proboards was dedicated to a single rp. I will admit though that with the exception of maybe two of them, it was mostly just nice to have that feeling of having such a vast world to rp in and there usually weren't enough dedicated members for the site to truly flourish.

That said, even when there were only around 5 people RPing characters in multiple sections of the forum divided between areas in the world, the feeling it created for the setting and expressing the vastness of the world truly gave it a feeling like no other. I don't think a single thread could imitate even with dividing like IC and OOC are here, but I do think this would be the closest I could get nowadays. I don't have enough dedicated RP friends to make a website now, nor the connections here or elsewhere to pull members from other forums to participate.
Good to know. I was thinking before I may have to make a proboards to do a RP I had in mind simply because of its scale, but if that is incorporated it would be amazingly helpful.
Just wondering, if I requested it, could I make a thread with sections that were more in depth than IC and OOC?

Like even dividing continents, or even cities of a nation into different posting sections within a large scale RP?

It would be a pretty awesome feature, especially if we ourselves could have some control over it.
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