Avatar of Pyromaniacwolf
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  • Posts: 680 (0.22 / day)
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    1. Pyromaniacwolf 9 yrs ago


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Saitou Izo

Saitou looked at the girl who spoke to him first with a look of brief confusion on his before quickly returning to a neutral expression, she must know where they are. "I seem to have slept well enough. Tell me,do you have any idea where we are exactly? he said before turning to the others as they woke and spoke.

Izo disregarded the initial complaining of the women as he looked around the area,still trying to get some semblance of where exactly they were. He wasn't much of a drinker and found it unlikely any of the other narcotics he took on occasion would give him any type of memory loss this bad. He sighed to himself as he turned back to the group "I for one, have no idea where we are." as the third women woke up and complained about hangover he added "I'm not much of a drinker,but can any of you recall how we ended up here?"
Saitou Izo

Saitou Izo awoke in silence. He blinked and wiped the sleep from his eyes with the fabric of his robes before sitting up to look around wherever exactly he had woken up. He was outside,a field? No. A camp or village of some kind judging from the buildings dotted around the area, they were some walk away but perhaps he could find out exactly where he was from there. In the meantime however, Saitou turned his attention to the area closer to him; he was not alone. Three people lay around him, the three of them seemed to be slowly rousing from their sleep. How long they were from waking up,he wasn't particularly bothered. He stood there for a moment as he continued to observe the area around him,twisting one of the simple steel rings on his finger as he did, he muttered to himself "Where in the name of the Gods are we?"


Vuldur had moved down the streets quietly, planning on finding a tavern to enjoy a few drinks in before attempting to perform some quiet mediation to Aylama,assuming he was sober enough for such a focused activity of course. Naturally this meant the local street performer would call him out from the crowds, Vuldur turned to snap at the boy calling to him before he paused,closed his eyes,took a deep breath and reigned himself in Aylama expects better of you. Be better for once he thought. The beastkin sighed and turned towards the boy,shifting his heavy fur cloak as he did and said "Alright then,show me what you can do. You better not be all talk, I've got things to do lad." he added the last part with a growl before taking a step closer to stage to be 'bedazzled' by the performance.
Something I probably should have asked before joining but I'm fine with regardless of the answer, is this campaign going to be more a typical adventure with a overall focus or more a sandbox where we'll be pretty much allowed to discover issues to solve or make some ourselves
Wew! Y'all better get ready for the resident religious nut.

Is this RP going to have a discord btw? I'm not sure if this has already been discussed or not but I'm curious.
Verdan probably lived somewhere to the east of Inyrislik or however you spell it >.>
Just saying I decided to replace Toll the Dead with Minor Illusion. Why? Because screwing with people is fun.
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