Avatar of Pyromaniacwolf
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 680 (0.21 / day)
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    1. Pyromaniacwolf 9 yrs ago


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Whatever terror sunk my ship could still be near the coast, it is best I take what I can and head further inland.
Sorry about the slow reply, I've been having a busy week.
What more can I do? It is best I rest for a time and then begin to plan my next move.
Perhaps it is best I am thorough before I retire for the night? I will go over the beach one more time before I rest.
Hopeful for new goods to scavenge from the ocean, I will follow my sense along the beach and hope my intuition is correct.
The book of the priest catches my attention, I was never a man of great piety but perhaps my very survival is the design of the Divine? I will try to begin deciphering the bleached leather journal in the hopes of such answers.
I have every intention to continue posting, even if my posts are fairly inconsistent which I apologise for. I've had a hectic few weeks so this hasn't been at the top of my priorities.
Anybody else planning to post? If not I shall do so in a day or two.
Apologies for briefly disappearing, I was caught up in some stressful life stuff along with a merry helping of college work. It may return but hopefully I'll have time to make some brief posts here on occasion from now on.
Perhaps this chest contains something of use? I will attempt to remove with the aid of any sufficiently large metal fragments from the ship assuming it is still keeping the chest closed, if not I shall proceed to eagerly open the chest.
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