Avatar of QueenSei
  • Last Seen: 7 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: TacoNinja
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 281 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. QueenSei 6 yrs ago
    2. █████████ 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
I am here a lot, but at random times. So yeah, don't be discouraged if you missed me, I will most likely be back in a bit to check again!
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Name: Seihou Wukong

Gender: Ghost. (JK I'm a girl.)

Sexuality: Asexual/Demi-romantic? Hetero-romantic for sure

I'm pretty much a Keyblade wielding Crystal Gem, a ninja turtle fan, superhero, ghost-pretending-to-be-human, who's also a history and science enthusiast. A bookworm and romance nerd who also happens to be the Monkey King that listens to Kpop and is fascinated with Asian cultures and traveling.

I also really like writing, even though I am pretty much a redundant writer who can't think of clever words to use at times. But I love story telling, and that's why I roleplay! To get better at doing things like writing! :D

Please treat my friends kindly! Or else fite me. (ಠ ∩ಠ)

I reeeeally love Isana Yashiro <3

Come talk to me, I like making friends! (´∀`)♡

Stuff I have:

Twitter: @space_queennn

Skype: seihouthekeybladewielder

Discord: @Queen Seihou#6230

Tumblr: I have one, but I forgot what it was. Ask me later.

Most Recent Posts

That took me a lot longer to post, oops ^^; I fell asleep while writing. Hope this is good though! And I also hope that my replies aren't too short D':
Quinn watched in awe as Yulen was finally able to catch the cucco, even if it was only by the leg. She then realized that they were on a ledge and Yulen could be severely hurt if the cucco kept trying to fly out of his grasp with how energetic it was. The girl quickly ran over to where Yulen was, before remembering she still had a cucco in her arms.

"Oh come on!" She cried out, running back to where some people were gathering, going to another farmhand, a young boy who was a few years younger than Quinn. "Hey kid, make yourself useful and help me take care of this cucco!" She exclaimed, handing him the cucco. The boy nodded and held on tightly to the bird, watching the girl run back to where Yulen was. Once she got close enough, she jumped over Yulen and grabbed the cucco, but overestimated her leap, and ended up slipping and falling over the edge with the cucco.

Quinn screamed, but stopped once she heard the cucco freak out as well. Thinking fast, she grabbed onto the cucco's legs and held it over her head. With the cucco freaking out, it was flapping its wings like crazy, which slowed down their fall dramatically. Quinn let out a sigh of relief, looking up at Yulen. "Thanks for the help Yulen!" She called out on the way down. It took a few minutes, but eventually she made it down safely with the cucco.

Once they had touched the ground, Quinn growled and started scolding the cucco. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING?! I'M NEVER LETTING YOU OUT!" She shouted at the cucco, who shrunk back into itself out of fear. "Once we get home, you are DEFINITELY in trouble!"
Okay, I just got better, i’ll Try to reply in an hour or so!
feeling kinda sick, I'll try replying within the next few days >~<
Quinn had been walking around, trying to look through every small space to see if the cucco was anywhere near there. After a while of searching, she was almost about to give up when she heard a commotion coming from the construction sites. Groaning loudly, she sprinted towards the source of the noise, soon finding Yulen running after the cucco that had escaped.

"H-Hey, Yulen, wait!" She cried out, when another cucco had started running away too. Quinn squeaked at the sudden flurry of white, but immediately ran after the cucco. "Get back here! You can't be running around here, it's too dangerous!!" She shouted at the stray cucco, who was still running as fast as its short legs will allow. She ran after it, trying to be mindful of the workers and trying to get the cucco to steer away from them, until eventually, the cucco had gotten distracted and ran straight into a wall, falling flat on its back. Quinn gasped, swiftly running over and scooped it up.

"Okay, now to get the other one.." She sighed, running over to find Yulen and the last cucco. She vaguely knew of Yulen's beef with the cuccos, but it became more prevalent as she saw the boy running after the last cucco at full speed, seeming to not pay any attention to his surroundings. "Yulen!" She tried to get his attention, running after the two in a chase.
Pfffft I love that picture :'D
I hope my reply isn't too short, tell me if it is though and I can add onto it!
With the big population boom happening in Kakariko Village, it was only natural that Quinn and her mentor had moved there as well. It seemed like a good idea, with more resources being put into the village, and there having more opportunity to do more than just sit around in the middle of nowhere.

Quinn had to get used to everything first though. Being in the middle of nowhere was something she was used to, but this new environment consisting of much noise and bustling people? Not something she was able to get over in a day. Despite the uncomfortable settlement, Quinn had eventually gotten used to all the noise and chatter after working on the cucco farm that she and her mentor had been living in for a bit now.

The girl had been out feeding the cuccos, throwing feed on the ground for them until she had decided to count them. "Oh no, not again!" She groaned as she found out that there was a few chickens missing. She made the remaining cuccos go into their coop before hopping over the fence and going around the village to look for the missing cuccos. There was probably only three missing, which wouldn't be such a big deal if there wasn't any construction going around. She needed to get them back fast before they caused trouble for the other villagers.

Walking around the village, she found a stray cucco wandering around an empty corner of the village, carrying it back to her home and placing it into the coop with the others, continuing her search. There was was another cucco somewhere, and she could hear it leaving. Frowning to herself, she went on to keep looking, praying to the Goddess that it wasn't wandering around the construction site.
I think Quinn would've been at least acquainted with Yulen, she probably moved there somewhat recently but had to get used to being there before she was comfortable enough to speak to anyone O:
Alright, that's fine! I finished mine already, so whenever we're ready to start :D
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