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Lydia's hand went up to the bruise on her chest, feeling uncomfortable as Adrian seemed to be asking her, almost frantically, for the truth about what happened. The lie formed in her mouth but she paused. What has he heard... She looked away from him. I can't lie to him. "I really didn't want you to know... Dillon saved me today. If she hadn't come when she did, I would have been..." she paused, her hand resting on her throat. Speaking still hurt but she wouldn't let him know of it. "... If Dillon lied to you and that's what you're upset about, I asked her to. I think you've heard already. An old friend of mine paid me a visit. I'm still weak from yesterday, so he seized the opportunity to try to do something he always wanted to. And Dillon saved me. Isn't karma wonderful?" she asked, sarcastically. "Is that it? Or do you want to embarrass me further by asking me what types of things he said or-" her voice wavered here, but stayed strong. "How close he came to- ... I didn't think it was really that important for you to know about it. I'd rather you just thought I was a bitchzilla who came home and destroyed the place. I don't know how he knew I was here. He seemed really surprised to see me, or at least see me alone, but he adjusted to the idea pretty quickly."
Josh couldn’t believe the disaster that he walked into. The kitchen and living room was pretty well trashed. Apparently someone had broken in, and Josh felt queasy thinking about Void again. He found the servant girl he always talked to, and he questioned her about what had happened.

“One of the supers broke in,” she said, quietly, her eyes looking down at the floor. “Sir. He, um, tied a few of us up, and when the blonde woman returned, he attacked her.”

“... What did he look like?” Josh asked.

“Kind of… snakelike. He was very strong. I got a terrible vibe from him, sir. Just… generally uncomfortable in his presence. I came through the living room while he was here and he instructed I fetch him a whiskey on the rocks. I was fortunate that was all he wanted from me.” She paused.

“Well, I know who that sounds like exactly.” Josh said, disgusted. “How was Lydia, was she okay?”

“She got kicked a few times but luckily the other super stepped in.”

“I’ll go check on her.” Josh went towards her room, stopping short. He leaned against the wall out of sight when he heard Adrian pounding on her door and yelling for her.

Lydia was sitting on the floor, stretching her legs and arms, hoping to be back to full strength again by tomorrow. Thomas’ attack had shaken her down to her core. She wouldn’t say scared her. She didn’t get scared. But she wanted to be at her best for if he came back. She couldn’t let that happen. The best way to do it was to do some stretching and let her muscles rest… She winced when she heard Adrian pounding at the door. He sounds angry. She got to her feet, trying to figure out how best to hide the bruise on her throat. She slipped on her exercise jacket, assuming that would work. It covered her neck, and it didn’t look too weird because she was exercising.

She opened the door, one hand resting on the frame, leaning against it. She rested her head against her hand on the doorframe, an odd look in her eyes as she stared him down. “What?” she questioned. Defiance was written across her face, because she assumed he was still A) pissed about the parking lot, and B) pissed about her destroying the kitchen. “Should I come out or are you going to yell at me through the doorway?”
“Uh, there wouldn’t have been a mess if they hadn’t cut them.” Josh spoke up. “They would have come back to me if they hadn’t been cut… so it’s the fault of whoever started cutting.” he glanced pointedly at Adrian. “They were being surprisingly well behaved, actually, they didn’t break anything or tie anyone up… That really hasn’t happened to me in years,” Josh said, embarrassed. “Like years before I came to the academy…”

He hesitated a moment. “Era… she’s… yeah? I guess so. When I first came here, she was my sidekick until I transferred to the sidekick side. After she ended up in the middle of my last relationship disaster, she’s started acting more… bitchy?... than usual. Granted, I probably would have never talked to me again after the, uh, organ tinsel and death threats, but Era said it wasn’t my fault. Luckily, Aella graduated so none of us ever have to see her again. Era’s kind of like my best friend and worst enemy. If I need her for anything ever, she’s right there, but if she sees anyone picking on me or anything, even if she imagines it, she explodes. She imagined you guys were picking on me, and that, combined with the fact that you're villains, I'm surprised she walked away.”
I hope you end up enjoying Missouri while you're there. :) We're not all bad here. XD
Era whipped around so fast, her friends who were leading her out, stumbled as she ripped her arms away from them, her brown hair swinging violently. She glared at Adrian but her friends immediately grabbed her, pulling her around the corner and she was gone. Josh let out a relieved sigh, slumping down in his seat. "I'm so sorry about that... like... so sorry." he let out a long breath. "She's the level four sidekick of the senior class. If we didn't all know what her powers and limitations were, she'd probably have beat us... I'm pretty much definitely cursed with women. If you ever see me hanging out with a woman, stay far, far away from her... You know what, forget it. I'm... never mind..." Josh realized he was rambling and went silent, staring awkwardly out the window.

Thomas sat back in his car, glancing down at his phone, thinking a moment. He picked it up, typing out a text message, addressing it to Benjamin. "Is this your answer, Benjamin? You believe the senior number ones will protect you?... You need not fear us if you would work with us. We're all still SO hoping you will change your mind... That was quite the treat you blessed me with, but I can't go easy in spite of it. This is your last chance."
Oh it does. Sorry. I'm really vague... a lot. ^_^;; I meant, I went from 308 to 309. :) Which is more like it instead of 308 to 310.
Mahz said
Yeah, it's a high priority.But to fix it, it's kinda like when your bedroom is so messy that you have to clean it before you can find your cellphone that's buried somewhere beneath. And since you lack willpower in your life, you decide "welp, guess I won't be making phonecalls for a while".Yet in a week from now, you decide enough is enough and you're gonna scrape the barrel for resolve because this is your life and you just get one shot. You're gonna clean your bedroom and get to the bottom of this and you feel sheepish for going this long without a cellphone.But it turns out your phone is actually in your car, so you kick the big cleaning day into the next month until a more serious bout of urgency compels you into action.

Mahz. How do you know my life? Seriously, my phone is somewhere in here and I haven't seen it for almost a week now. Are- are you psychic? ... Also yes, the counter is fixed. XD When I logged on I just had one notification.
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this or commented... if they have, I'm so sorry for doing it again. But I've noticed the counter doesn't go up when I get a PM. It'll be 305. I'll get a pm. Still 305. I'll reply to that PM and then I have 307 pms. Is this a thing that's happening for everyone? It's not a problem really in the grand scheme of things, just something curious that I've noticed. XD
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