Avatar of Rae Zer
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 229 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Rae Zer 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Some events have happened in my life which has driven me to decide between leaving or staying here. I've decided to leave. I will no longer be on this site to roleplay. I may come back as Rae Zerg .
9 yrs ago
Well, my Father was in the ER after throwing up blood today. Apparently an ulcer burst and now he can't eat anything more than soup. I'll be home for the next two days off of work though.
9 yrs ago
I...don't know why corporate can be closed on July 4th but the stores themselves can't.
9 yrs ago
Just spent the last four hours bringing sheetrock into my house and helping my father place it on the ceiling and walls of one of our rooms. Everything hurts.
9 yrs ago
This Job is literally trying to kill me. First time on food like and I am put on during dinner rush.


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Indeed we are Yojimbo.

Here you guys go.
Character Sheet

[b]Items of Note:[/b]

Note: Do not post characters here unless they have been approved before hand.

Character List

"Two years ago we faced an extermination level event. Our lives were destroyed by an infectious fungus which killed and took over the body of the host. When the host died, its body would explode releasing spores to infect those nearby. The Churches declared it a curse from God and that only prayer to devotion to him coulld save your soul. This isn't the story of how the Governments fell. Nay, it is the story of how the Governments stood by us while we died. They bled as we bled. In America, the President spoke that if this fungus was God's will then he would fight against that God no matter what. When he took ill from the fungus, he declared his body to be incenerated so that the fungus would not spread.

When the Pope died, the Church blamed us for not praying for his health. They said that, because of our lack of prayer, we could no longer contact our almighty lord to save us. The Church fell apart while our governments stood against the pandemic even while their key members died. And yet, the Church wished for us to believe in them and nobody else for they had all the 'answers' that we asked for. They were frauds asking the blind to allow them to lead them. And like a blind man, we followed them down the pathway they guided us. Many people died on that pathway but we eventually found our way when we were lost. So, I ask you here today, which would you have trusted? Would you have followed the Church like a blind man or would you have followed the Governments who died while attempting to save us? Look into yourself and determine the answer." - Pastor Johannes Mighalm of the New Order

In a massive terrorist attack two years ago, bombs released the spores of a genetically engineered fungus which latched on to whatever living animal it landed on. The fungus would then proceed to infect all parts of the body and eventually mature. After about three days, those infected with the fungus would no longer function and would just collapse or be found in their homes sitting still. A day later, they would 'die' and fungal spores would be released to latch on to those nearby. The fungus would then proceed to trick the brain stem into believing the body was alive. The network of fungus which had infested the entire body by this point would then act as a sort of nervous system. The possibility of recovery from the fungus had a one percent chance and the chance of immunity was one thousandth of a percent. The only way to kill those infected who have been brought back is by using fire to burn the body otherwise it would still be able to function.

Despite the many attempts to supress the spread of the fungus, the governments of the world failed to do more than slow its spread. The fungus quickly infected the soldiers deployed to make sure quarantines stayed in place. It became lass obvious on the outside in the first few days of its infection. More and more government officals died as the fungus worked its way into the depth of their organizations. But, before the governments fell apart, safe zones were constructed. Buildings were quarantined off from the outside world and made into safe zones for anybody who could get here. Enough food to last nearly a century were kept inside the safe zones for those living there. But, many safe zones were quickly overun by a flood of civilians and could not provide enough food to last that long. A bustling set of buildings in a Safe Zone just inside of Manhattan in New York City has begun to run short on their food. A team is put together of volunteers who are willing to go out and find food, bottled water, and any weapons they can carry with them. Their mission will determine whether or not the Safe Zone will survive much longer or fall into chaos.

Safe Zones

Throughout this roleplay you may encounter safe zones other than 88. I will keep this section filled with any info found on safe zones here.

Safe Zone 88 is located at St. Patrick's Cathedral and has secured all of its grounds excluding the very front entrance to the cathedral. The main hall doors are blocked using pews and left behind construction materials. The same is done for street entrances leading up to stairs. Many of the blockades are built to take the force of three infected pounding on it though putting sand bags against them can make them strong enough to withstand six infected. A thousand civilians reside inside Safe Zone 88 and are protected by a hundred soldiers. Safe Zone 88 is possibly the largest safe zone in New York City though it is unkown the status of other safe zones in the city. The safe zone had enough food from supply drops to feed five hundred people comfortablely but has always had to ration the food use due to the large number of people living there. Until a month ago, Safe Zone 88 had power and plumbing due to government ran facilities.

Safe Zones 91, 87, 89, 90, 84, and 82 were in contact with Safe Zone 88. While Safe Zone 88 knows where all six of these safe zones are, nobody has been sent out to confirm or deny that they are still running. Safe Zone 91 was last established at The New Yorker A Wyndham hotel, it is unkown if they have moved from that position or not. Last contact with Safe Zone 91 stated that they may have had a breach in their defenses and would need to move. Safe Zone 90 was located at the Museum of Arts and Designand their status had stated that ammo was running low for their weapons but food and water was high enough to last them several months. Safe Zones 89 and 87 had established themselves at the Park Avenue Christian church and St. Ignatius Loyola Church and had been in contact with each other before hand and was well stocked so long as they were together. Safe Zone 84 was established inside Grand Central Terminal and was running low and food and water as well. Safe Zone 82 went dark before Safe Zone 88 could ask their status but knows that Mt. Sinai Medical Center was their last place of residence.


Yes, you read that right. Missions will be a thing in this roleplay. While they will not be required to be completed, completing certain missions may improve the Safe Zone or aquire more civilians for the Safe Zone. The completion of missions to improve the Safe Zone will become imperative as the threat of infected grows. Some missions may be mundane in nature such as checking the population for signs of infection or they be rather adventurous such as searching for survivors or searching for information on the Safe Zones. Occasionally people may ask you to find something for them or their loved one or even look for a specific person when you go outside. Finishing certain missions may be a bad idea but it is up to you and your character to determine what to do with a mission. A list of currently accepted missions will be kept below this
I'll have to drop out of this. So sorry but I've got to focus on the roleplay I'm working on starting up now.
<Snipped quote by Rae Zer>

Thanks man, glad to see the community is still as friendly as I remember it being.

I can throw in a personality section no problem, some RPs use them, some don't. I was just getting a head start, when you release a character sheet template, I'll adapt what I have to your version and add anything I'm missing.

Keep me posted, if you get the OOC up then let me know. I'm 99.99% committed.

Considering we have three people interested...hmmm. I guess I'll get to work on the OOC. While I'm generally not comfortable with starting with three people, since I generally start with more in case of people who leave, I'm sure that we could attract a few more people. Plus, we don't want an army of people going out into the city.

@Luminosity @Zaresto

[b]Items of Note:[/b]

And there is the CS. Format it in whatever way you wish so long as any colors used are not neon in color. If you wish to use a picture for your CS, place it at the top and centered. I'll allow one person with military training considering the size of the group.

Welcome then dear sir. I also had an account here a year ago and before GuildFall but I decided to start anew. Character is already looking good. While I would normally say that a personality section is needed, I don't really think we need it as we can just show them throughout the roleplay. It could be that, after several missions, some of the soldiers would feel that the group is getting too famous for their own good and may try something.
I didn't get a great sense of what the social situation is, though? Like, there are these zombies for lack of a better word, and we presumably keep them out of the safe zone, or the military does. What about people outside of the safe zone? Do they try to attack it? Or what happened to them all?

The soldiers do indeed kill any zombies who get inside the grounds but, as the building was under reconstruction when the first spores were released, there are safety walls and roofs around all sides of the church except main entrance. Those walls had several points in them where stairs were for entrances but those were blocked off by military built sand bags and blockades. So, while the zombies do assault the walls, the soldiers mostly keep them back and limit gunfire to a minimum as it attracts more of the infected. While looters had attempted to take the safe zone before it was fully established, they didn't quite stand against the soldiers and, as such, their bodies sort of stand as a warning to any other looters. After more infected started to gather around the safe zone, looters and refugees alike started to stop coming to Safe Zone 88.

Inside the Safe Zone itself, tensions are high as food and water are running low and the civilians aren't quite happy with the soldiers being unwilling to leave. The soldiers believe that they are the one and only line of defense in case of infected or looters. While quite a few civilians believe that the soldiers are right, there is nearly a greater amount who believe they should risk their lives for them. Up until four months before the beginning of this, Safe Zone 88 had connection to six other Safe Zones which were still up an running. It is still their belief that those six safe zones are still running now but nobody has been able to confirm. The occasional gun shot can be heard echoing through the mostly quiet streets so the people of Safe Zone 88 have assumed that there are survivors out there. So, while Safe Zone 88 hasn't confirmed positions of any groups of survivors nor the safety of the other safe zones, they still believe that there are a sizeable amount of people who are still alive in NYC.

"Two years ago we faced an extermination level event. Our lives were destroyed by an infectious fungus which killed and took over the body of the host. When the host died, its body would explode releasing spores to infect those nearby. The Churches declared it a curse from God and that only prayer to devotion to him coulld save your soul. This isn't the story of how the Governments fell. Nay, it is the story of how the Governments stood by us while we died. They bled as we bled. In America, the President spoke that if this fungus was God's will then he would fight against that God no matter what. When he took ill from the fungus, he declared his body to be incenerated so that the fungus would not spread.

When the Pope died, the Church blamed us for not praying for his health. They said that, because of our lack of prayer, we could no longer contact our almighty lord to save us. The Church fell apart while our governments stood against the pandemic even while their key members died. And yet, the Church wished for us to believe in them and nobody else for they had all the 'answers' that we asked for. They were frauds asking the blind to allow them to lead them. And like a blind man, we followed them down the pathway they guided us. Many people died on that pathway but we eventually found our way when we were lost. So, I ask you here today, which would you have trusted? Would you have followed the Church like a blind man or would you have followed the Governments who died while attempting to save us? Look into yourself and determine the answer." - Pastor Johannes Mighalm of the New Order

In a massive terrorist attack ten years ago, bombs released the spores of a genetically engineered fungus which latched on to whatever living animal it landed on. The fungus would then proceed to infect all parts of the body and eventually mature. After about three days, those infected with the fungus would no longer function and would just collapse or be found in their homes sitting still. A day later, they would 'die' and fungal spores would be released to latch on to those nearby. The fungus would then proceed to trick the brain stem into believing the body was alive. The network of fungus which had infested the entire body by this point would then act as a sort of nervous system. The possibility of recovery from the fungus had a one percent chance and the chance of immunity was one thousandth of a percent. The only way to kill those infected who have been brought back is by using fire to burn the body otherwise it would still be able to function.

Despite the many attempts to supress the spread of the fungus, the governments of the world failed to do more than slow its spread. The fungus quickly infected the soldiers deployed to make sure quarantines stayed in place. It became lass obvious on the outside in the first few days of its infection. More and more government officals died as the fungus worked its way into the depth of their organizations. But, before the governments fell apart, safe zones were constructed. Buildings were quarantined off from the outside world and made into safe zones for anybody who could get here. Enough food to last nearly a century were kept inside the safe zones for those living there. But, many safe zones were quickly overun by a flood of civilians and could not provide enough food to last that long. A bustling set of buildings in a Safe Zone just inside of Manhattan in New York City has begun to run short on their food. A team is put together of volunteers who are willing to go out and find food, bottled water, and any weapons they can carry with them. Their mission will determine whether or not the Safe Zone will survive much longer or fall into chaos.

Hello and welcome to The Darkest Days, an apocalyptic roleplay of my own design. On September 21st, 2018, a unknown terrorist organization struck major cities all across the world. Paris, London, Rome, New York City, and various others were hit by small bombs carrying not radioactive materials but a genetically manufactured fungus by the terrorists for not just killing the host but spreading the spores rapidly. Upon death, boils on the body of the host will explode releasing the spores and, about an hour later, the fungus will trick the brain into believing the body alive. The system of the fungus then mimics thee nervous system by carrying orders to the limbs of the bodies.

Those of you who are interested will take the roles of characters who have volunteered to go outside Safe Zone 88, located in Manhattan. Safe Zone 88 ecompasses the insides of St. Patrick's Cathedral and the grounds outside of it. Safe Zone 88 holds around a thousand civilians and around a hundred armed soldiers. Around four months before we begin, the government of the United States is what one can offically call disbanded. As such, safe zones have begun to no longer recieve supply drops with food and water. Despite attempts at rationing, Safe Zone 88 begins to run low on essentials including ammo for their weapons. Up to a month before the beginning, electricity and basic plumbing was still working as it was mostly maintained by government officials.

Safe Zone 88 is one of the largest safe zones in Manhattan and one of the best armed. The soldiers who still reside in the safe zone had brought with them extra weapons before they secured the safe zone. As such, they have a supply of about six extra pistols, a set of twelve knives, and about twenty clips for the pistols. These pistols are your average, police issued Glock 17 that may or may not have been taken from a police station if the soldiers had found the need to supply the civilians with a form of self defence. I wouldn't expect your characters to be trained how to use any of these weapons with all that great of an efficency nor do I really expect them to use them. Rather, your characters probably brought some kind of weapon with them when they came to hide in Safe Zone 88. Anyway, I don't intend for the roleplay to end once we find food for the Safe Zone. It is very much possible that we may end up going on several missions to improve the Safe Zone, find more safe zones, or even find survivors. So, tell me what y'all think of this idea if you like it.
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