Avatar of Ramjammer
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  • Posts: 160 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Ramjammer 8 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Got a Job Interview tomorrow! <3
7 yrs ago
These last few days have been VERY busy and stressful for me. So please forgive me for disappearing!
7 yrs ago
There comes a time where you have to stop and say to yourself. "bitch you have too many characters."
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7 yrs ago
Need cigs, but it's cold outside........*cries*
7 yrs ago
Got chinese. New Deliver driver was cute. Please keep sending him to my door.


One day all the forces of the Universe came together and said. "What's the single worst thing we can come up with?"

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Alright. New post! You can read at your leisure.
Bandalur had known the two of them for all of five minutes and he was already irritated and he could not resist letting out a grunt, ears flicking irritably. "This is a business Little Lady, and yer here lookin' for a job, not a good time." The other Daemon had been right of course, help had been hard to find and Bandalur truly did need someone capable of handling whoever and whatever decided to start shit. But her attitude could use work.

Granted, Bandalur wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine himself, but employees that ran off at the mouth didn't tend to last long.

The Daemon huffed lowly, a large paw coming up to run at his face in a tired manner."I'll consider askin' for your names if I decide to hire you. Small talk don't suit me."

Bandalur's gaze slid towards the red haired human. She'd been mostly quiet the whole time, her Daemon doing all of the talking. She didn't seem like much of a conversationalist if her Daemons chattering had been any indication. And with a partner like that, he couldn't exactly blame her. However they both had come in for a job and that meant the both of them were going to have put forth an effort. Bandalur jabbed a claw in the girl's direction, voice gruff. "And what about you? Yer here for a job right? You don't have anything to say?" The Daemon peered at her critically, eyes narrowed. This girl and her Daemon had sort of a wild to them, the Daemon especially. He'd seen it before, the kind of nasty gleam a Daemon got in their eye only when they'd tasted blood. And the complete and utter indifference that only came over a Human when they'd seen it a hundred times before.

They were certainly capable, but not in the way Bandalur liked.

The large Daemon sighed, rubbing at the scars on his snout. "You two....Yer not used to workin' legally. Don't bother lyin' about it. I spent enough time in the Ring boppin' folk like you for a few bills. But 'm too old for that shit now." Bandalur lowered his paw back onto the counter and glared at the pair sitting in front of him. "And that means 'm not gonna be havin' the patience for any shit that you two decide to pull if you wanna be workin' here." Bandalur's eyes slid over to the Daemon sitting at the other side of the bar, a smirk on her face. "Espcially you." The Daemon's eyes narrowed further, boring into the pair seated at the bar. "See the thing about your types is that it's easy to start missin' the ring. You get a good job, it pays better than some street fight in a back alley. Hell, you can clock in knowin' that you won't get your head ripped off at any moment." Bandalur clenched his jaw, teeth grinding audibly as he retreated to his thoughts for a moment. "But you start to get this itch......Suddenly yer feelin' trapped like a rat workin' all day. So maybe you visit the Ring again. Tell yourself that it's the last time. You tell yourself that it's just to blow off some steam." Bandalur sighs heavily, scratching at his beard. "And then yer right back where you started. Like you never left at all. It's like a fuckin' Siren's call, and it draws some of us easier than others." Bandalur let out another sigh, brows unfurrowing only slightly. "So I gotta ask the two of you. Can you really say that you'll be able to resist the call? You two sure you got in in you?" Bandalur did hoped that they were able to, at least for his sake.

He wasn't sure if he could handle another failed interview.

Luis stared at the wall of screens in front of him and gripped his coffee mug tighter. Despite being surrounded by dozens of people attempting to talk over each other, Luis couldn’t hear any of what was being said. Steely gray eyes moved from one screen to the next, a frown tightening on his face. The subjects on the screens were familiar to Luis as he’d been watching them for close to thirty years.

So it stood to reason that he would become nervous when some of them started moving.

Luis turned to face the room and let out a sharp, ear piercing whistle and every head snapped towards him almost in unison. Once he was sure had everyone’s attention, Luis pointed to one of the screens, doing nothing to hide the irritation in his voice. “Can someone tell me, why Tin-Man isn’t at the Library?” Several people muttered to themselves and each other before a voice popped up. “He was last seen in the University Parks. He takes walks there often, Sir.” Luis cocked his head, and shot the voice’s owner a glare. “Oh really? He likes taking walks does he? Tell me how often does he walk to Africa?” Luis pointed at another screen, this one displaying a massive blue cube floating over a lake. Near the surface of the lake a large Metallic figure could be seen, it’s head canted back to stare up at the cube. A sudden commotion broke out in the room, and Luis let out another sharp whistle to draw everyone’s focus towards him again. “It has been Twelve God damn years since that thing has moved from its spot at Oxford University and from what I’m seeing here, NOBODY noticed?” Many of the people in the room looked nervous, none willing to speak up. This only infuriated Luis more.

“Come on! Not a single person in this room can give me a reason why this thing was able to travel thousands of miles from its previous spot and wound up in front of another Kaiju without notice? Nobody at all?” The room remained silent, any eyes that weren’t on Luis diverted away from him. Luis sighed and raked his fingers through his gray hair but his head shot up when a tentative voice spoke up. “Uh...If I may Sir. As you’ve said that particular Kaiju hasn’t moved from its location in over a decade and seemed content to sit there. It’s only monitored lightly because of that.” The display showing the Oxford Library suddenly disappeared, instead showing a series of photos of the Kaiju in question, all of them time stamped. Some of them were simply of the Daemon in question wandering around the Campus. Though many of them were from various social media sites, those containing photos of Students interacting with them. “It was last seen on Park grounds as was stated previously. Several of the Students stopped to get a photo as you can see here. That was six hours ago.”

Luis frowned at the photo of the Students clustered around a rather imposing looking Daemon. “Six hours. It was off the grid for six hours?” The voice piped back up. “It’s not uncommon for it to disappear for long stretches. It will often stop to talk to various members of the Faculty, and occasionally helps Students with their studies.” Luis grumbled, waving a hand at the person to silence them. “Alright fine. I can’t believe that we have Students doing our job for us, but I guess I’m glad. They seem to be better at it than you do.” Luis turned back to face the screens, speaking loudly. “So from what we can gather. The Kaiju Rasteva has left the Bodleian Library located at the University of Oxford. Within, that time it has somehow made its way to Lake Natron in Tanzania, Africa. Since it’s arrival Kaiju Rasteva has been interacting with the Kaiju Echeron, seen here on the screen.” Luis pointed to the massive cube floating over the deadly salt lake.

Luis turned back to the crowded room, face drawn. “I cannot even begin to tell you how unprecedented this is. These things do not talk to each other, they don’t travel, and they certainly don’t go out and start making friends. Something’s up and I want to know what, and I want to know yesterday.”The room erupted into a flurry of activity and shouting and Luis resumed staring critically at the screens. “This had better end up to be nothing. Lord knows I hate surprises.”
Sure! We're still looking for people so jump right in!
Bandalur is never happy if we're being honest lmao.
Rasteva huffed, looking over at Sara to see if she was well enough to push deeper into the building. "Come along now. And do not worry about Bandalur. He acts as a Guard to this place and is critical of newcomers. Frankly I find him to be very irritating, he talks too much." The Daemon used a wing to gesture towards the back of the room, a Bar situated at the farthest wall. "Back there, we will find who we're looking for." Navigating the throngs of people proved to be a test in patience. Daemons and Humans packed the building wall to wall. Talking, laughing, dancing and sometimes arguing. Many of them weren't too inclined to make way for Rasteva and Sara as they tried to get to the bar, but fortunately everyone seemed too distracted to concern themselves with having their toes stepped on.

Sara and Rasteva finally reached the Bar and the Raven wasted no time in fluttering off of Sara's shoulder and onto the countertop. The Daemon strutted across the wood, head darting to and fro as if searching for someone. "Where is she?" A short purple haired woman suddenly rose form Behind the Bar and glared down at Rasteva. "Hey! Get your tiny bird feet off of my Bar! This is a nice establishment I'm running here!" Rasteva stared up at the woman, looking unamused. "A pleasure to see you too, Lady Dalia." The woman's violet eyes widened in shock and she leaned forward to stare incredulously at the other Daemon. "No way! Rasteva you're so SMALL! And so cute! Look at you!" Dalia squealed excitedly and scooped up a protesting Rasteva in both hands to hold them up for inspection. "You put me down this instant! I do not deserve this kind of treatment and I will have your respect!" Dalia didn't seem to particularly care about what Rasteva was saying and continued to hold them. "Look at you! You got yourself a little vessel, that's so sweet-And you seem different somehow....." Dalia stared at Rasteva intently and the Raven shrunk back from her searching gaze. "Oh Dear.....Rasteva what happened to you?" The Raven struggled in the woman's grasp until they managed to free themselves from her grasp. "My Companion and I must speak with you privately." Rasteva used a wing to gesture at Sara standing nearby and Dalia's gaze narrowed dangerously at the Human. "Oh I see how it is...." Rasteva groaned loudly. "Dalia..."

"You're cheating on me!"

Rastvea sputtered loudly, feathers suddenly puffing out. "WHAT?!"

Dalia held a hand to her chest, looking on the verge of tears. "You're gone for weeks and then you come back to tell me that you've been traipsing around with some Human hussy! I can't believe this!"

"She is not a Hussy, and we haven't be traipsing anywhere....Why am I having this conversation with you? Pull yourself together this instant and help us!"

Dalia frowned down at Rasteva and then shot another glare at Sara. "FINE. I'll listen to what you both have to say, but I don't know how much I want to help either of you." The Woman grumbled and barked orders at another Bartender nearby. "If you need me, I'll be in the back. Keep an eye on things for me." Dalia gestured at both Rasteva and Sara and led them to a door just past the bar. Ushering them inside she led them through what appeared to be a store room and towards another door situated at the far wall. Dalia held this one open for the two of them as they stepped inside, and they paused to look around as Dalia locked the door around them. It was small and cozy, the room lit by a multitude of scented candles. There was no furniture, and instead cushions and pillows of various sizes littered the floor. Overhead a collection of orbs of different sizes and colors floated near the cieling, each one thrumming with power. Rasteva hummed softly, looking back at Dalia. "Your collection has grown since last I was here Lady Dalia." The woman shrugged, grinning at the other Daemon. "Yeah well you know how it is. Somebody falls behind on payments, I take a little bit of power from them. But I don't think you came here to talk about that, did you?" The other Daemon frowns, eyeing Sara carefully. "But before we start, can this one be trusted? I mean, OBVIOUSLY I'm not afraid of her or anything. But you know how Humans love to talk....." Rasteva snapped at the other Daemon, a wing settling over Sara's head in a protective manner. "If I did not trust her, would I have brought her here at all? You know how much I hate having my time wasted, Dalia." The purple haired woman raised a brow, violet eyes staring at Rasteva in a searching manner. "That's true I guess. Alright, I'll hear you out."

Dalia swaggered towards one of the cushions on the floor and flopped onto it, gesturing at a nearby cushion for Sara to sit on. "Okay you two, spill it. What do you want from me?"
Gonna Bump this up. We still have room for lots more players! Don't be shy!
Alright! Got a post up.
Bandalur hunched behind his desk and glowered at the scrawny Human sitting in front of him. The Boy didn't even have hair on his chin, and Bandalur couldn't help the sneer that crossed his face as he fidgeted under the Daemon's glare. The Daemon lifted a massive paw, and the Human trembled visibly as Bandalur used a claw to pick at something caught between two of many fangs. "Now it's my understandin' that yer here lookin' for a job. 'S that right?" The Human gulped noisily, but managed a shaky nod, eyes locked on the Daemon's massive fangs. Bandalur let out a small scoffing noise and settled his paw back onto the desk, his ears flicked in annoyance as the Human continued to fidget and the Daemon let out another scoff. "You seem pretty wound up there. 'm beginnin' to wonder where you even got the stones to be comin' in here if this is how yer gonna act." The Human shook his head, suddenly piping up and speaking for the first time since arriving. "Uh... S-sorry Sir. It's just that you're a lot more...." The Human used a hand to gesture at Bandalur's furry bulk. Bandalur deadpanned at the man, not amused in the slightest. "The damn Ad said that this establishment was run by a Daemon, didn't it? Or can't you read?" The large Daemon placed both paws on his desk and leaned forward suddenly, a fang filled muzzle uncomfortably close to the Man's face. "And if you can't even keep your cool in front of the man you want to hire you, maybe you might be better off workin' somewhere else, yeah?" The Human sunk down in his chair, avoiding Bandalur's gaze. The Daemon let out a huff and sat back in his chair, pointing a claw at the office door. "Get the hell out of my office. You can come back when your balls finally drop." The Human male practically flopped onto the floor before managing to scurry out of the office.

Bandalur let out a deep rumbling sigh, raising a paw to rub at his scarred muzzle. "Where the hell are they gettin' these kids? I run a damn Bar, not a daycare....." Bandalur sighed and pried himself out of his chair and lumbered towards the door and squeezed himself out of it. The search for new Employees had not been going as well as he'd hoped. Wait Staff was easy enough, though Bartenders required a certain charm to work the front, something most of his recent applicants had been lacking. Bandalur grumbled again and rubbed tiredly at his face, he wasn't even going to bother thinking about hiring a Bouncer. Not a single applicant had fit the bill, all of them either too weak or too cowardly for Bandalur's tastes.

The Daemon popped their head out front to quickly survey the Bar. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and he was about to head back when someone speaking caught his ear. Bandalur eyed the girl at the Bar along with the Daemon beside her, and was puzzled. The Girl looked like the type to be seeking a Waitress position and Bandalur would have assumed as such had it not been for the Daemon sitting next to her. Bandalur frowned, not sure what to make of her. She looked dangerous, clearly a fit for the much need Bouncer position. But he didn't like the smirk on her face, and Bandalur wondered if the Human Girl might be her handler. Sighing loudly, Bandalur lumbered to the Bar and waved away the Bartender talking to the Girl. The Daemon stared down their nose at her, bushy brows drawn together as he gave both her and the Daemon with her a once over. "'m Bandalur and I hear yer lookin' for me. We're just gonna go ahead and skip the formalities if that's alright with you two." The Daemon lifted a claw, before continuing on. "I'm assumin' you two are here for the Bouncer position, yeah? Alright. I just need you to answer a question for ol' Bandalur." The Daemon continued to stare at the Girl and the Daemon, both arms folded across his chest. "In one sentence I want you to explain to me why I should hire you. Then, based on that, we'll see how I feel about the whole thing." Bandalur closed both eyes, a large paw flapping in the air. “Don’t go feelin’ like you need to answer right away. Take your time, ‘m not goin’ anywhere.”

Massive clouds of dust and dirt were kicked up as the Helicopter touched down, and Richard was forced to press a handkerchief to his nose in order to avoid breathing it in. Nikhil’s laughter came from behind him as he exited the Chopper, the sound taking on a metallic tone within the helmet that the Lead Researcher always wore. Richard scowled, swiping futilely at the dust in his eyes before standing up straight.

Though he’d never admit it out loud, Richard had always found Nikhil’s helmet unnerving. Not being able to read someone’s face while speaking to them made it harder to judge their moods and motives. Something that Richard relied on in his work. But that wasn’t even the half of it. Even now, Richard could feel the thing scanning him, inspecting him and filing away whatever it found for future reference. He felt exposed under Nikhil’s metallic gaze and it wasn’t a feeling that Richard enjoyed in the slightest.

“Take that ridiculous thing off, and then we’ll see how much you’re laughing Nikhil.” The masked man cocked his head as he stepped forward to stand next to Richard, a gloved hand clapping the Chief of Security’s shoulder. “Come Richard, a cloud of dust is all that’s required to take you down? I suppose I’d best inform Matsuko that she’ll be taking over for you then." Richard growled and slapped the other man’s hand away, drawing another laugh from him. “A bit testy today aren’t we? Come along then, at least when you see the Facility and all the work that awaits you, you’ll have a reason to be angry.” The Researcher strode away, leaving Richard to sulk in the settling dust alone.

He managed to catch up to Nikhil easily enough, and the Chief of Security fell into stride beside him. A squat concrete building came into view and Richard frowned to himself. “I thought this was supposed to be an entire Facility Nikhil. I’m not seeing much out here.” The masked man led Richard through a chain link fence surrounding the building, nodding at several armed guards stationed by the door. “No there is indeed not much to see up here…..” Richard didn't have much time to puzzle over the Reasearcher's choice of words as Nikhil flashed an I.D. badge to the guards and they were quickly ushered through. Nikhil held the door open for Richard and allowed him to head inside first where a short hallway greeted the two of them, and at the end a pair of polished Elevator doors sat. Richard lifted a brow, casting a puzzled glance at Nikhil. “An underground Facility? This is a first for us.” Richard kept stride with Nikhil as they walked towards the elevator and waited as the Researcher swiped his I.D. card at a panel just to the left of the Elevator doors. “Well, Lorette wanted something a little more secure for our work with Sato-Yamasaki. And that’s not accounting for the space required for this project.” Nikhil, glanced over at Richard and stared at him from beneath his visor. “I should also take the time to inform you that you’ll need to be preparing to screen the people they’re sending over.” Richard let out a low groan, pressing his back against the far wall of the Elevator. “Of course I do.”

Nikhil continued to ramble on, not paying any mind to the other man’s poor mood. “This facility is located One Kilometer underground and stretches over Five Kilometers wide. At present we have close to One Thousand Employees that will be stationed here, but you can expect more to join on in the future.” Richard hummed, a gloved hand rubbing at the stubble on his face. "Five Kilometers? That's a hell of a lot of space you're asking me to cover." Nikhil nodded at the other man. "Indeed it is. But I don't think it should be a problem for you and Afnet. At least I HOPE it won't be." Nikhil stared pointedly at Richard's coat, and the Chief of Security gripped the edge with a frown. "Afnet is damn good at what they do. Don't you worry about that."

The elevator ground to a halt and the doors opened silently. Nikhil stepped through and Richard followed close behind, craning his neck back to stare up. The Facility stretched many stories above his head, and he could see people running to and fro through windows lining the halls on each level. Nikhil had kept walking, forcing Richard to run after him in order to catch up. “The Facility takes the shape of a hollow inverted cone with each level wrapping around the entire circumference. As you’ve noticed by now, they all face inward towards the center. There is a reason for this, for at the very bottom here….” Nikhill stepped across the walkway to look over the edge of a safety railing. Richard followed him and looked down as well. About a good hundred yards below them Richard could see orange vested workers scurrying across the top of a massive glass surface covering the entire bottom of the facility. The Chief of Security lofted a brow, glancing up at Nikhil. “A Containment Unit, Mr.Solberg. One of many, I assure you. But by far the largest we have.”

Richard looked back down at the Containment Unit. It wasn’t very different from the same boxes used to contain particularly unruly Daemons, but it was far larger than necessary. The Chief of Security could see a pressurized gate at one end, and knew that it led elsewhere, most likely another lab. “This is…..Nikhil. Why is it so damn big?” The man’s eyes roamed over the workers, all of them welding various metal supports to the edge of the Unit. “Reinforced pretty heavily too. And I’m sure that you’ve got all kinds contingencies inside so that whatever gets thrown in there stays put too…..This isn’t regular for us…” Richard pushed away from the railing to face the Researcher fully, his face drawn in a tight frown.. “Nikhil, you know that I have to ask. What in the Hell are you doing down here?”

Nikhil simply stared at Richard, his expression unreadable beneath his ever present Visor.

“We are preparing for the future Mr.Solberg, and for whatever it might bring.”

Nah it's good. I'm typing up my own reply as we speak, so sit tight.
Oh that's fine. There's no such thing as TOO much RP......I think.
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